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    kgb reacted to Tamz in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    Thanks for the kind thoughts. Im not the only one in a crappy place. Im still adjusting. Not everyone can take it in stride. Your kind words will really help.
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    kgb reacted to Karelia in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    I wouldn't even be able to consider this if I was self-pay. My insurance will cover it, or so they say.
    There are a few things I want to make clear. One is that after four years of Intuitive Eating, I rarely binge or even eat to the point where I feel overly full. I am far from perfect, but if I hadn't had these four years where I've learned to see food as something that is a tool, but also something fun that doesn't have to control me, I'd never even consider this surgery. That said, the idea of a food "addiction" is plain silly to me. I realize that's an unpopular viewpoint, but you cannot be any more addicted to food than you can to oxygen. You NEED both to live. So, if you believe in oxygen addictions, well, that's another story. Nicotine, caffeine, heroin, whatever... these are things we do not NEED to survive, and therefore can be true addictions. Food is a necessary component of life. I definitely used food in the wrong ways, but that doesn't make it an addiction. I guess an argument can be made for a "psychological addiction," but I've been much healthier emotionally since realizing that food is fuel. It can - and should be - fun, pleasant and enjoyable. I love food, and always will. I've just learned to love less of it, to listen to my body. Sometimes, for example, my tastebuds may say "CHOCOLATE" but my body makes it very clear it wants - needs! - Protein. I eat the Protein. These are the things IE has taught me, things that I imagine would be invaluable should I go forward with this procedure.
    However, the reality is, fibromyalgia (like IBS) is a testy disease. I might be one of the unlucky ones who does not respond well to such a drastic change in diet. There's a chance that I have this surgery and feel even worse than I already do. There are no sure things, and that is very frightening to me. Yes, I might be lucky and feel fabulous, at least after an initial period of pretty freaking awful... but I might also never feel better, or may be even worse. Being thinner would be nice, but not if it means more pain.
    The idea of a lot of vomiting is very off putting to me, too. I already deal with chronic nausea, and that's bad enough. I have to be really careful with what I eat, particularly where raw veggies and fruits are concerned. It sucks because I love them, but they're asking for trouble and feeling miserable, so I've learned to avoid most of them. Always made dieting fun, too...
    I am unconvinced that a procedure of this extreme will actually lengthen my life. I've read studies that show that people who do gastric bypass and are diabetic often redevelop diabetes later in life, even when they've kept the weight off. I have concerns on how healthy it is for a heart to be put through such dramatic, rapid weight loss. But even if my life isn't extended, if the quality of it improves, then it's worth it. Problem is, there are just no guarantees, and anyone claiming otherwise is not to be trusted.
    I could be MUCH happier and feel much healthier. I might be miserable and feel much worse. There's no way to know, and if I do this and it's the latter... I'm just screwed, because there's no going back. So it's more than a bit scary...
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    kgb reacted to thinoneday in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    yup sure did for over 3 mos after surgery. . there are days when i really hate this sleeve even now (18 months out) but now it's only a temporary thought, i have really gotten used to the sleeve and how much i'm allowed to eat. . .i no longer miss pigging out and going wild at the buffet. . . actually i stay away from buffets cause it's a waste of money for me to eat there unless it's take out and then it lasts for days on end. . . lol. . . but yes I had really bad hatred for this thing but that was mostly because i was forced to change bad habits and i couldn't "enjoy" massive eating habits. . . people don't like change, but would i do it again? YOU BETCHA! I'm even trying to get my daughter to think about it. . . good luck!
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    kgb reacted to Rootman in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    As Meg states probably a good portion of us wonder "WTF did I do to myself?" after awakening from surgery and a few times over the next days / weeks / months. Then everything heals and we start losing the pounds. For some of us with food issues - and YES nearly all of us DO have food issues of one sort or another, else we wouldn't be in the shape we are in and need the sleeve - once in a great while we would like to vegetate and scarf down a bag of chips, a big juicy hamburger or a full plate of nachos. But the desire wanes and reality sets in and we realize that's what got us into this mess in the first place.

    YES, it would be nice to not have the restrictions once in a while but that's just foolishness talking. Without a doubt we are all generally better off without the capacity. Few, very, very few have problems and it causes health issues and so forth. They are FEW and FAR between. It's the luck of the draw and a FAR, FAR surer bet than anything Vegas or the state lottery has to offer.

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    kgb reacted to MrsPositive in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    Hi!! Just read your post about IBS. I have it too plus ulcerative colitis/Chrons disease. I was super sick...in the hospital in Jan/Feb of this year with it. It is actually what woke me up and helped me decide to be sleeved. My health is too important to ignore my food addiction/weight problem anymore!! I have 3 small kids I want to see grow up!!! It was a risk for me....especially the healing post surgery with the Chrons. My thought was that I may have Chrons/IBS the rest of my life...but I can handle it with or without the extra 135 pounds!!! I was sleeved June 14th and it has helped all my digestive system issues so far!! I've lost 40 pounds and feel great. I would do it again in a heartbeat. hope that helps you! Goodluck!! Joan
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    kgb reacted to MegInNOLA in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    Hi Karelia:
    I started out immediately post-surgery (as in waking up from the anesthesia!) with a serious case of buyer's remorse. I was angry at myself for getting to the point where a surgical procedure was the best option for my long-term health--I was mad!! I also had a problem with throwing up for the first month and a half, until the wonderful people on this board encouraged me to try a PPI and I got enough of it in my system to solve the problem. I'm telling you, my husband dealt with a very tearful, very frustrated, very upset wife for a good 6 weeks after my surgery. I was losing weight, though, even through all of that.
    Since the throwing up problem has been gone now for almost 5 weeks, I can truthfully say I am really glad I had the surgery. Yes, I'm admitting it. :-) I know for a fact I would never have lost the weight "on my own," despite my best intentions--I had tried numerous times in the past and had never managed it. Now, I eat tiny portions of "regular" food, am losing weight despite not exercising much at all, and feel pretty darn good. I'm enjoying having cuter, smaller clothes, and I'm looking forward to getting back to teaching in the fall with more energy and more physical stamina. I'm also looking forward to my blood tests and physician checkup in a couple of weeks, because I know my blood pressure will be lower, my weight is getting better, and things are moving forward health-wise.
    So, no, I don't regret it at all now--if you had asked me this same question a few weeks ago, you might have gotten a very different answer, but even then I knew it wasn't a permanent thing. There are frustrations at first with learning how to eat and what to eat and when to eat and even then, sometimes things beyond your personal control happen that you have to deal with, but time makes most of those things better. I'll be interested to see how others respond.
    Best wishes to you as you research!!
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    kgb reacted to Karelia in Anyone Wish They Had Not Done Their Gastric Sleeve Surgery?   
    When something goes well for us, we tend to become evangelists about it. I am going to a "seminar" about VSG tomorrow, though... and I want to know if anyone here wishes they hadn't had the surgery.
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    kgb reacted to thebionicbroad in Wait...shouldn't Calories Per Day For Weight Loss Still Work The Same As Pre-Op?   
    I am 7 weeks post-op and rarely go over 700 calories a day. 1,100 sounds like a feast. :blush5: Carbs (even "good" carbs) trigger the release of insulin, which causes the body to store fat. When insulin isn't high, the body releases glucagon, which triggers the body to burn fat. This is over-simplified, but you get the general idea.
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    kgb reacted to PdxMan in Can You Eat Salad, Vegetables And Fruits With The Gastric Sleeve?   
    Blittle, all my stats are in my signature.
    6.5 months out. Down 105 lbs, but I work out crazy amounts. Run 15 miles a week, do spinning and lift 3x a week ... my results may not be typical.
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    kgb reacted to 100%Sleeved in Can You Eat Salad, Vegetables And Fruits With The Gastric Sleeve?   
    I'm 2 months out and I eat salads. As a matter of fact I had a salad at the Olive Garden's today and some minestrone Soup, only a small amount but I still had it with no problems.
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    kgb reacted to Amanda 3.0 in Can You Eat Salad, Vegetables And Fruits With The Gastric Sleeve?   
    Good thread. I am four weeks post-op and missing my vegetables. I want to eat them raw. When I read on Facebook that my local produce guru has two kinds of arugula and a special delivery of awesome tomatoes, I want to run and get some, but at this point, what would I do with them? My family isn't into vegetables quite like I am.
    Now I am hopeful!
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    kgb reacted to MegInNOLA in Can You Eat Salad, Vegetables And Fruits With The Gastric Sleeve?   
    Dooter, yes, that's what I did and do still sometimes; I make my own "gazpacho," since my sleeve loves tomatoes but didn't (and doesn't) like carrots--I zap it all in the blender and slurp away slowly.
    My sleeve is particularly picky and didn't tolerate a lot of different kinds of foods until around 6 months or so. Now, at 9 months, I can eat salad, broccoli, cabbage, cucumber (tolerated better now than pre-surgery--go figure!), and the only things that give me pause are raw carrots, raw celery, and raw onion, but I can eat all of these cooked.
    If you find something bothers your sleeve at some point, try it again in a couple of months--I know it really did take what seemed like forever for my sleeve to accept raw veggies, but now I'm LOVING it!
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    kgb reacted to PdxMan in Can You Eat Salad, Vegetables And Fruits With The Gastric Sleeve?   
    Everything you mention are regular parts of my diet. As a matter of fact, for lunch I brought a salad with romain/spinach, diced chicken, blue cheese crumbles and honey mustard dressing. It is about 1.5 cups, and it will stuff me full taking me about 1/2 hour to eat. I started with salads at about 3 months and didn't settle too well at first. You have to remember, the stomach is the mechanical part of digestion and it is difficult to break down, especially the more fiberous it is. So, I introduced slowly. Iceburg at first, then romain, then spinach. Now, I think I am ready to add kale. I bought a package two weeks ago, but chickened out. Oh, well. All we can do is try.
    Other veggies? You bet. They are my primary source of carbohydrates, so I gotta eat 'em. Squash, okra ... name it. I'm eating it.
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    kgb reacted to christin in Dr Oz On Weight Loss Surgery   
    I needed to read that. Surgery is in two weeks and my dad was asking me to reconsider the procedure at Christmas Eve dinner. I told him I wasn't changing my mind, but quotes like that really reinforce just WHY I am doing this. Thanks for posting!
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    kgb reacted to feedyoureye in Dr Oz On Weight Loss Surgery   
    That should shut some neigh sayers mouths right up!
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    kgb reacted to Shanny in Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under   
    I'm 5'1.5" Don't skimp on the 1/2 inch! I'm down almost 100 pounds!
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    kgb reacted to Less of Leslie in Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under   
    WOOT WOOT!! Shorties in the house!!
    I'm 5"2, 4 weeks post op. Total loss of 40 lbs, 20 of that is post-op. Current weight is 210.
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    kgb reacted to mocha in Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under   
    I'm in! I'm 5'2". I'm a little over 11 mos post op and I've lost 39 lbs. that includes 10 pounds pre op starting Oct 4th.
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    kgb reacted to ladymacwhiz in Seeking Buddies 5'2" & Under   
    I wanted to start a forum for members who are pre or post op and are 5'2" and under. I am 4'9" and post-op. In 4 months, I have lost over 50 lbs and would like to connect with others of my body type so we can compare stories and support each other.
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    kgb reacted to circa in I Just Sucked The Cheese Off A Dorito And It Was So Satisfying.   
    I guarantee you're not alone, however, please, deal with the addiction. Seek help with counseling so you don't repeat the behaviour of food addiction. The sleeve doesn't fix your food addiction.
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    kgb reacted to Mommadreams in Tired Of Drinking Broth? Here Is What I Did...   
    Great suggestions! I am so literal that I have been eating canned broths only. Going to the store to get chicken noodle TODAY. I'm not worried about the sodium. I'd rather lose a little slower and prevent dehydration. Am also having watered down fruit juice or gatorade and my energy level is pretty good. Counting the days until full liquid...Thursday, come on, baby!!
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    kgb reacted to SleeveDreamer in Tired Of Drinking Broth? Here Is What I Did...   
    Thanks for the tip! I just tried it with vegetable Soup (low sodium) and it tasted so good!
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    kgb reacted to ATeam in Tired Of Drinking Broth? Here Is What I Did...   
    Be careful with the salt! All broth is full sodium, and most cup a Soups and cubes have lots of MSG as well.
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    kgb got a reaction from Mel34 in I Cheated On My Pre Gastric Sleeve Surgery Gastric Sleeve Surgery Diet... Should I Be Nervous Now?   
    After you have surgery, you won't have the same starving feelings and it'll be so much easier to watch what you put in you mouth! Hang in there!!!!!
    I was on a stringent pre-op diet for two weeks and I cheated (4 times). I was very ashamed of myself because I knew I had done a disservice to my surgeon by making his job harder. In the end, my surgery went fine.
    Forgive yourself about the Cookies and strive to do better in the future. Don't forget they need to shrink your liver so they have room in to work with your tummy. DO THE BEST YOU CAN! In my humble opinion, pre-op dieting this is the hardest part.
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    kgb reacted to Lissa in I Honestly Am Scared...   
    I doubt you've stretched your sleeve. Have you tried doing either the 5 day pouch test or Diva's Boot Camp? Both are good ways to reset your hunger feelings and will help you realize again that you do have a very small tummy.
    Good luck!!

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