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  1. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from GabbyEstrada in Tuna Or Red Meat Problems   
    I'm at about 5 weeks, I can eat tuna, but only as tuna salad with a lot of mayo. I haven't even attempted any red meat yet, I haven't gotten to that phase in my diet plan.
  2. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to 2bsmallagain in I Want To Understand!   
    You have to understand that in order to be proud of ourselves we do not need the people around us to approve. We can be proud of ourselves without telling the world about our surgery. It is just much easier to live with a positive attitude when you are surrounded with support and not negativity. My husband, daughter and cousin know what I am about to do. That is all I am going to tell because they are the people that I trust the most in my life and I know they love me. That is all the support I need to make this journey a successful one. I am very proud of my decision. I walk around with a big smile on my face everyday anticipating my surgery day. It is almost better because it is my own private excitement.
  3. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from jeweladdo in Dr. Garcia And Team Are Awesome!   
    I just got back home yesterday from my trip for surgery with Dr. Garcia. They are definitely top-notch. When I woke up the next day after surgery, I told them that it didn't feel like I'd had surgery at all, and the internist and Dr. Garcia both said that I didn't look like someone who had just had surgery. LOL. I was running up and down the hallway with my IV and visiting with other people in their rooms.
  4. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from rahnava in I Have To Brag About My Dr. Garcia   
    You should pull up articles about the crime in your area or in the US as a whole. Of course, the news is going to feature all of the negative things, if all they put on the news was positive things, no one would watch. I just went to Tijuana last week and I saw no crime, it was beautiful there.
  5. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to blondeej in Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.   
    Anyone that said your medical records should be handed to you free of charge obviously have NEVER requested their records, or have requested from one of the few doctors/hospitals that doesn't charge. You absolutely have to pay for records.
    And how can anyone come on here and chastise this woman for being defensive?! My gawd, after the type of words that have been thrown at her in this thread and the simple fact that she went through this traumatic deal and someone hiding behind a computer had the audacity to call her bluff?! Wow
    I guess I wasn't aware that there is a VSG board "police-posse" that are determined to decide when to start riots over people's individual posts.
  6. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to Caradina in Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.   
    I had a terrifyingly similar situation at a hospital here in Detroit this last summer. I reported with intense pelvic pain and they basically put me in a room, doped me every 4 hours and completely ignored me for 4 days. I finally called 911 as well and ended up transferred to another hospital where I had an emergency hysterectomy to remove my reproductive system that had been destroyed by an infection that had been neglected the whole time I lay there. I sued, and lost. My medical records also had no record of the issues,and half of my symptoms were gone. They told the courts I was drug seeking and had nothing wrong with me. I have no recourse, and no lawyer will take my case. I Soooo understand! This is why I'm not afraid to go to Mexico for my VSG! They have better care standards there!
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    ShoeLover reacted to AllForMy4 in Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.   
    Hi Kim,I have read through this whole thread. I hope you get things figured out real soon and that justice is served.
    I post here alot,I always get support. I love this site. What I am struggling to wrap my head around is why some people felt the need to bash your story and point out their opinions of inconsistencies when this is supposed to be a site where you can come and tell your story and seek advise and comfort!
    I think ppl need to stop being so judgmental and have a little faith. If you don't believe her story,then don't comment! Yes,I understand that some of you think it may scare ppl away from having the sleeve. But if anyone has done the research that they should on the sleeve,they will see that the complication rate is low and the success rate high. I don't mean to come off rude,I guess I am a little appalled at the fact that as soon as one person said the story sounded fishy,so many other ppl just jumped on the bandwagon and started bashing this lady like she is a liar. When I tell my version of a story,it is hard to get my facts straight too. I'm not a liar,I pride myself on being honest,brutally honest in fact.
    When I was 19 weeks pregnant with my twin daughters just last year,I had to be rushed by ambulance to the Hospital BC I was in severe,excrutiating pain. I am rolled back to the e.r bed then left there crying and screaming. No one said A WORD to me. A nurse comes about 5 minutes later and doesn't even look at me,she just gets on a computer and starts typing. I am screaming for help,that I am pregnant with twins,and that I am in pain and I am afraid I am losing them,begging her to help me,to get a doctor,to give me something for pain. She looked at me and very rudely said "the doctor is handling something more important and I can't get you something for pain until he orders it,so you'll just have to wait" then she walked away. By this time I feel like I am going to pass out. I had no cell phone with me,noone came with me as it was the middle of the night and my husband had to stay with our other 2 kids bc my mother didn't wake up to her phone ringing. It took an hour,A WHOLE HOUR of me screaming and crying and feeling my babies kicking in distress for ANYONE to come in,and as they are doubting me that I am even pregnant with twins (I was so fat you couldn't tell yet but had been going to the dr since 6 weeks pregnant) I passed out! Woke right back up to them trying to start an iv and then they gave me morphine,then finally an ultrasound tech came in and gave me an ultrasound on my kidneys and saw I had an enormous amount of kidney stones,then went on to check on the babies and lo and behold,once they saw my babies in my belly they started being sooo much nicer,as if I just wasn't worth the time before. Point is,that crazy things can happen in the hospital. Noone should have made me wait that long to even come in and take my vitals or SOMETHING. I could have died in there waiting for help if it would have been something way worse than kidney stones.
    Sorry for the rambling story I am just saying that crazy,bizarre things do happen,and hospitals don't always give their patients the care they need/deserve. I am just surprised to get on here after the day I've had and see ppl being rude to someone that was reaching out for help and advise,and comfort. I've made some great friends here and I hope to keep them even after they read my post,I just had to get how I felt about this thread off of my chest...
    Kim I believe your story and I wish you all the best. I think you should start your diet over. Pretend like you are newly sleeved. Start on Clear liquids,then move up to full liquids and Protein shakes,make sure you are taking your Vitamins also. Then after a couple weeks of full liquids go to pureeds,then on to softs. Combine all this with a good 64 ozs of liquids and day,and consistent exercise,and that weight will come off girl. Also,see another bariatric surgeon,so maybe they can try to help you figure out why you are vomiting still.. Sorry you didn't have the best experience here on this site,but you can message me anytime if you need to talk. I like to help others,it makes me feel good. To always doubt would def make me feel like a bitter person,just sayin. ((HUGS))
  8. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from Kim David in Almost Died Fm Vsg Surgery.   
    What am I, invisible? Chopped liver????? I was the first to step into the fray to say that I believed you, and THEN the other supporters came out of the woodwork.
  9. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to KellyL in Not A Rude Waiter, But A Rude Patron.   
    I don't know why, but my mind has changed a lot since being sleeved. I barely pay attention to people around me at restaurants, because I am there to enjoy a meal out and the company of whoever is with me. But if I notice someone being blatantly rude, I will ask to be moved to a different seat. Remember you are the patron there, and it's their job to make YOU happy and give you a good experience. Also, I have learned to handle the Servers differently when questioned about my small amounts. I ask for a go box then immediately go back to talking or whatever i was doing. I don't continue looking at them for more conversation or make them feel they have the right to question me. If I am questioned, I say "I'm full" then I smile and look away. That is the only thing they need to know, I don't have to make excuses to them. They don't have to know WHY I am full. I am sure naturally thin people don't have to explain why they don't want more food. But what it sounds like happened to me, is this lady was obviously jealous of your self-control with your portions and wanted to act like she had it. So basically she was jealous and insecure. There are a lot of people in this world who we will never make happy. As someone else said, this is the same person that would make snide remarks if we ate a lot of food too. That's because they are unhappy with themselves, and I have learned and accepted that I don't have to make everyone happy, nor do I need others approval. That has been a struggle for me, because I've been a "people pleaser" all of my life due to childhood issues of abandonment and neglect. It's an adjustment, but it gets easier as we get used to our new eating lifestyle.

  10. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from jeweladdo in Dr. Garcia And Team Are Awesome!   
    I just got back home yesterday from my trip for surgery with Dr. Garcia. They are definitely top-notch. When I woke up the next day after surgery, I told them that it didn't feel like I'd had surgery at all, and the internist and Dr. Garcia both said that I didn't look like someone who had just had surgery. LOL. I was running up and down the hallway with my IV and visiting with other people in their rooms.
  11. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to mina in Night Out Dancing   
    I went salsa dancing saturday night and two great things happend to me:
    1. I didn't stand in a corner, self concious about my body.. and I guess guys responded to that self confidence cause I got asked to dance all night long and I said yes to almost every dance requests (after warning them i didn't know the dance steps, lol)
    2. I had the energy to dance for over 3 hours without my legs cramping up and feeling tired, when the club was closing down, I still wanted to keep on dancing
  12. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from jeweladdo in Dr. Garcia And Team Are Awesome!   
    I just got back home yesterday from my trip for surgery with Dr. Garcia. They are definitely top-notch. When I woke up the next day after surgery, I told them that it didn't feel like I'd had surgery at all, and the internist and Dr. Garcia both said that I didn't look like someone who had just had surgery. LOL. I was running up and down the hallway with my IV and visiting with other people in their rooms.
  13. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from jeweladdo in Dr. Garcia And Team Are Awesome!   
    I just got back home yesterday from my trip for surgery with Dr. Garcia. They are definitely top-notch. When I woke up the next day after surgery, I told them that it didn't feel like I'd had surgery at all, and the internist and Dr. Garcia both said that I didn't look like someone who had just had surgery. LOL. I was running up and down the hallway with my IV and visiting with other people in their rooms.
  14. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to andkel30 in Surgery Feb 22 With Garcia   
    Thanks everybody Dr Garcia is the best soft spoken and very caring and really good at what he does
  15. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to BarbieB in Dr. Garcia And Team Are Awesome!   
    I was sleeved last Thursday Feb 16 in Tijuana Mexico by Dr Fernando Garcia and his awesome team..There are not enough adjectives to describe my expirience Dr Garcia his assisstant Dr. Velazco and anethesiologist Dr. Cabrerra are the finest team of doctors I have ever been placed with. I was very reluctant on going to Mexico(as I have a quite extenstive medical history) and now I don't want to go to doctors here in the US. The nurses were very kind, compassionate and competent I never had to wait longer than 5 minutes for anything..They even give you an internist to follow you during your stay whom gives you a thouragh exam I cannot remember her name but she was very sweet. The hospital is so so clean the smell of pinesol was everywhere. Their equipment is older than here in the US but it all works and does the job needed... I cannot believe that I had NO pain my biggest issue was nausea which they aggressivly treated the first few hours post op are the worst and after I did not even feel as if I had surgery . I am posting because I want anyone who is having had a hard time deciding on Mexico or US . I would rather be there than here for any medical treatment..I cannot vouch for any doctors other than the one's involved in my care but Dr. Garcia and his entire team are a doctors that I would Highly recommend to anyone especially my family members..feel free to PM if any questions
  16. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from andkel30 in I'm Here Now!   
    My surgery went off without a hitch yesterday. I actually went in late, so my nerves were a little bad from waiting so long. When I walked into the OR, Dr. Garcia was playing "Work Out" by J Cole, which is my absolute JAM right now, so I knew then that everything would be ok. When I woke up from the anesthesia, I thought for a moment that nothing was done, because I didn't feel anything at all. But then I saw the incisions. So far, so great for my recovery. The staff is wonderful, I just wish that I could have something to drink now, they told me I have to wait for another six hours.
    Thanks guys so much for your kind thoughts and well wishes, I'm so glad I found this community of caring people.
  17. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from andkel30 in Here @ Mariott Tijuana Surgery In The Am Dr Garcia   
    Hey girlie! I hope I see you in the morning!
  18. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from 2BThinAlways in I'm Here Now!   
    I just arrived in Tijuana and checked into the Marriott. I will be going to the hospital tomorrow to have my surgery! It seemed like forever for this day to come, and now it's finally here. The weather is really nice here, not bad at all so far. It's a wonderful, beautiful day and I am excited to be starting a new phase of my life tomorrow.
  19. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to Ms skinniness in Have You Checked Out Rnytalk.com. Nothing Like This Site.   
    Hey, I decided to check theRnYtalk.com and discovered that there is hardly anyone on that site. I am so thankful that we have so many wonderful caring people on this site. Thank you Alex for making this possible. This is a great family to be part of. :wub:
  20. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from 2BThinAlways in I'm Here Now!   
    I just arrived in Tijuana and checked into the Marriott. I will be going to the hospital tomorrow to have my surgery! It seemed like forever for this day to come, and now it's finally here. The weather is really nice here, not bad at all so far. It's a wonderful, beautiful day and I am excited to be starting a new phase of my life tomorrow.
  21. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from 2BThinAlways in I'm Here Now!   
    I just arrived in Tijuana and checked into the Marriott. I will be going to the hospital tomorrow to have my surgery! It seemed like forever for this day to come, and now it's finally here. The weather is really nice here, not bad at all so far. It's a wonderful, beautiful day and I am excited to be starting a new phase of my life tomorrow.
  22. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to Pookeyism in I Have Told Everyone I Know? Am I In The Minority?   
    I don't know if you worded it poorly, Sabrina - but because someone decided to not tell someone, or a group of people, does not make it an excuse. It most definitely does not make it something they are not proud of. I have many things I am proud of that I do not share indiscriminately with whomever. I hope anyone else reading it does not assume there is a lack of pride in discretion.
    I will use the "I" instead of "us" as a group because in this context I speak for myself only.
    Below I have a summation of why I decided to tell or not to tell presented to all as food for thought but also I feel we can begin to "know" each other in these posts.
    I made a selective decision because I knew that not everyone would be supportive, some would be true malwishers, and some would worry too much.
    For those who would not be supportive I did so that we would not immediately have to deal with this, because I can have a short fuse and would be very likely to tell someone to fudge off. I know some people that are in our circles not because we like or dislike them or they us, they are collateral acquaintances. I know some of them would be negative and I know human nature and guarantee there would be people you would not expect that would be negative. I believe in the power of thought and energy, and I also KNOW I have other friends who would either like to have the surgery or want it and (doing what so many do) are making up their minds. Maldoers just spread discontent and I do not want to offer them fuel. I do not want to give them negativity that my friends will have to listen to and ask them to shut up, or be in that awkward state of knowing someone said something and feeling bad they don't relay it (it is better not to relay it, to me anyway). I would dislike others negative comments about my surgery affecting another’s decision to have or not have the surgery. In the end it would affect many more people than just me.
    Thirdly is family and friends who would just worry too much. I made an active decision to keep it away from my Mom and Dad and Granny, etc. But my Sister knew immediately. This decision goes into an unexpected area, and not everyone (please dear God no one else) has to deal with. My Mom worries about my Sister and me all the time. We are successful and mature and independent and she will always worry about us. That was my reasoning for my Mom. It changed. I was sleeved on 1/4/12. My Mom, 58 years old unexpectedly passed away in her sleep 1/11/12. If I had told my Mom, I would spend the rest of my life worrying, thinking, praying about the fact that maybe her worries over my surgery added to whatever caused her to pass.
    More people know now and I may eventually tell even more. But for now, post-op, I give it little thought.
    I also want to be careful around a young family member of mine who already shows signs of an eating disorder - no matter what I say, I am afraid this very young lady will only focus on one of her favorite women (she wrote a paper on me as a successful business woman - geez!) had to cut out her stomach to be skinny. I am very concerned what that might do to her.
    I was just unable to lump this into a very black and white area. Not that it can't work. Everyone is different.
  23. Like
    ShoeLover reacted to sabrina140 in I Have Told Everyone I Know? Am I In The Minority?   
    I have noticed on quite a few threads that many people make up stories/excuses to give to work, family, etc. This makes me sad I have told everyone I know! I am proud of my decision... Am I in the minority?
    I work in a fairly large company, office environment, and while I have great co-workers, of course there are those that are chatty and nosey and probably talking behind my back. But from the start of my journey to WLS (which is on Monday! Yay!) I have not kept it secret. Everyone knows I am a chubby girl, it's obvious, and I guess I feel that the more people that know the more support/accountability I will have.
    I have a few friends that disagree and think I am nuts, but I do respect their opinion. I most common reaction I get is "you are not heavy enough for that!", but I am 5'5" and 264lbs! Once they actually know my numbers they realize it is a health issue... Regardless of their opinion they pray for me and love me just the same. I suppose my point is that this is LIFE changing surgery and I need all the support I can get. Whether it is a prayer, a "good luck", or simply not offering me a cupcake (there is alllllwaaaayyys food around at work), I appreciate the help. I can't imagine going through this without the support of those around me.
  24. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from Dooter in How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?   
    Self explanatory....
  25. Like
    ShoeLover got a reaction from Dooter in How Did You Choose Your Screen Name?   
    Self explanatory....

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