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Blog Comments posted by legnarevocrednu

  1. So how drastic was your eating after surgery compared to now? How soon did you exercising and what did you do? Do you find that you get most of your protein through food or shakes and has it always been that way? Tons of questions I know but I really want to be successful and it seems you are I would love to know exactly all you did.

    I would say I eat completely different. Before, I would eat if I wasn't hungr. Before, I probably had at least 1000 calories JUST FOR BREAKFAST! Before, carbs were my best friend. Now, I schedule my eating. Now, I eat about 1000 calories A DAY, and now, I can't remember the last time I had pasta and I rarely ever eat bread. The good thing is that I no longer crave any of that stuff. I still splurge on occasion, but nothing crazy. That's just a small example of how my eating habits have changed. I started exercising seriously about 2 and a half months after surgery. I walked before that though. I get all my protein through food (on a good day, it's around 90 grams, on a so so day, it's around 50). It's always been that way because I think protein shakes are gross. Questions don't bother me, keep them coming! :)

  2. I would say the amount of calories is probably the problem. As the above poster stated, I would aim for 900 calories (gives you some breathing room). Maybe up the amount of cardio you are doing? What kinds of foods are you snacking on? Be firm with yourself. Only keep healthy foods in the house, and only eat something every 2 hours. Drink water in between if you are starting to feel hungry. It's what I do, and it works. I keep my snacks under 100 calories, and my meals 300 or less. Schedule your eating and snacking ahead of time. Just some ideas!

  3. Guilt is a funny thing, we inflict this on our selves because we do not live up to our standards or someone elses. First and formost, forgive your self and learn from what happened. Remember this is not a diet, we can eat and do anything within moderation, just sometimes some choices are better than others. It is hard to change behavior, we have all had bad eating habits for a very long time or none of us would be here pouring out our inmost thoughts and feelings. It takes time and a lot of strength to say no to friends, no to family and still feel like we are part of everything. I am sure all of us could tell you a story about, drinking to much, eating the wrong foods and feeling remorse. Learning new coping behaviors for when we are frustrated or made takes time and patience. We will all get there, look how far you have come and the difference is you recognize where you went wrong and instead of ignoring it you announce it to the world. I think instead of feeling guilt you should feel proud of your self for admitting you made a mistake, you have taken a hugh step in being accountable to yourself. Good luck and remember, never beat yourself up if you’ve slipped on your journey. Pick up where you left off. Life isn’t about perfection, it should be about enjoyment and appreciating what the higher power has given you.

    Thank you for the encouragement! Very much needed! :)

  4. may I ask what your menu consist of? My scale has not moved in a month. Sooo frustrated. I think I may be consuming too much. I do zumba 5 days a week. At a loss for what to eat. I dont eat fast food anymore or drink soda . Just frustrated. I have only lost 28lbs including preop weight...yikesCrystal

    Well, I eat differently during the week days. I try to keep my calories under 800. What I eat probably isn't the best way to model, but I'll post it for information sakes. The reason I say this is because I'm still trying to incorporate more veggies and fruits...and most of the time, I fail. Anyways here is an example of what I eat during the week day:

    Breakfast-SF Carnation Instant Breakfast or Greek Yogurt (150 calories)

    Snack-Light and Fit String Cheese (60 calories)

    Lunch-A Lean Cuisine or Smart One (I'm a single gal and live by myself so I don't like to cook. Most people will tell you to stay away from frozen dinners. I've made the decision not to. That's just me. If you choose to go this route, just make sure whatever it is, is below 300 calories.) Max 300 calories.

    Snack-5 Prunes (70 calories)

    Dinner-Either another Lean Cuisine/Smart One or Grilled chicken. (Max 300 calories)

    Now the weekend is a different story. I usually don't track my calories then. Of course, I still try and make better choices and watch my portion size and I definitely don't over eat. I find this really works for me. I usually won't see the scale move during the week, but after the weekend, I will have lost 2 to 3 pounds. I think my body just likes the mix up. I also work out 4 to 5 times a week.

    What is your calorie intake? It should not be more than 1200 calories per day. I suggest on the days you do Zumba, eat the 1200, but on the other 2 days, try to eat less, like around 800. I'm not a doctor though. Does your doctors office have a Nutritionist? Maybe you can talk to him/her. Sorry I've rambled on so long. If you have any more questions, let me know!

  5. how many fills.. you are doing great,,, i am going but slowwwww been trying to increase gym time.cold weather not my friend and they say i was very low in vita D which kept me tired and low so i hope to have more pep! you are an inspiration!

    Thank you! I have had two fills so far! I hit the gym kinda hard plus am doing the couch to 5k program. I'm at the gym 5 times a week between half an hour and an hour.

  6. Sounds right! I eat 3 small meals and 2 snacks. Go to myfitnesspal.com - you can track your food and excercise for free and it will tell you exactly where you stand! It will probably tell you that you need more calories to lose weight so your body doens't hold onto it.

    I already use myfitnesspal...it's how I knew all the numbers I listed in my post lol

  7. did you feel comfortable enough to tell him about your band??

    No. I do not believe that is something that should be shared on the first date. And at this point, I'm glad I didn't. He hasn't asked me out again and I've already moved on to someone new. LOL. I've decided to only reveal that information if it develops into a relationship. I don't there is anything wrong with that because honestly, it will not impact them at all. I may eat less, but it's not like I don't eat at all. And I've been with a guy the past 2 out of 3 times I've gotten stuck and just dismissed myself to go to the bathroom and did what I had to do. Not a big deal.

  8. what is your main meal consist of because I want to loose that much NOW>

    A typical day for me would be as follows:

    Breakfast: SF Carnation Instant Breakfast (150 Cal)

    Lunch: It depends. Sometimes I'll have leftovers from the night before or I'll have a lean pocket. Whatever I have, it's under 300 calories.

    Dinner: I go out a lot and usually try to stick to chicken items. I usually only eat half and will have the leftovers for lunch the next day. I search the menu for the healthiest, protein heavy food I can find.

    I stay away from pasta at all costs and I only drink zero calorie drinks or my V8 Light which only has 50 calories per serving. If I have bread, it's whole wheat but I try to limit that as well. If I have a snack, it's 100 calories or less but I try not to snack in between meals. I NEVER eat a whole meal when I'm out. Oh and another thing I eat a lot is eggs. I love eggs and for the most part, they sit well with me. I use myfitnesspal all the time too. It helps keep me accountable for everything I eat. I just suggest watching your serving and portion sizes, and stay away from sweets and count your calories. That's been the key for me. I have cut out all sweets and to be honest, I don't even crave them anymore. Good luck! If you need anything, let me know! Feel free to message me! :)

  9. When did you get banded?? Did you reach your green zone on the 11th??I'm so ready to start losing and get out of bandster hell!

    I was banded on November 21st. I started my pre op diet on November 11th and lost 14 pounds before surgery. I've been losing pretty consistently since. I've had one fill because I wasn't feeling restriction. The reason I've been losing pretty consistently is that I've been watching what I eat, counting calories etc. Every person is different though. I would like to say that I am in the green zone because I have felt restriction, although not all the time. It's hard to tell. Good luck on your journey! You will get there!

  10. Good Luck - I've always found it better to tell about my band within the first date because that way if you get stuck or have to explain why you can't eat certain things is easier. Just please be careful with bowling it's an odd movement and I worry that if things aren't completely healed in there that there may be slippage. I'm a worry wort and it may not be a problem but thought I would bring it up anyway. I read a post buy someone who was pulled up into a boat after being banded for years and the pulling up by the arm motion made her slip badly. I'm sorry to be weird but that's just my overactive worry gene.

    No don't apologize. I'm the dumy who didn't even THINK about the possibility of hurting my band. It was 7 weeks out however, and I guess that's why I didn't think of it. I was sore the next day, but everything is fine. I'm still feeling the band and I'm still losing weight. Thanks for your concern though! I will definititely be more cautious and aware next time!

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