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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by StewsHunnyBunny

  1. I really do not like this new layout!!!

  2. this place has become SO BORING to me.. Thought I would find people that I cold connect with and enjoy talking to.. maybe even find others in my area to meet up with and support each other in the real.. NOT SO I GUESS.. :( sad sad sad.. casue just chit chatting on a PC screen really does NOTHING for me... So.. I will pop back in here from time to time, but frm what I can see.. no new NADA here.. UGH.. with there was a support group that is local I could acctually GO to.. Laters

  3. blah blah blah... I am at a stand still.. guess I will get a fill next month

  4. hello there! you and I have the same Doctor! So far I am so pleased!! How are things for you going? :)

  5. hope you are doing great



  8. Hubby bought me Golds Gym Dance Workout for the Wii!

  9. headache for the 2nd day now... UGH

  10. Had a job interview today... Boy I hope I get the job!! :)

  11. I am at war with my allergies!

  12. I am sick of seeing crap dancers kept on DWTS just becasue of who or what they are.. I am sorry, but if they can't dance, then vote them off! Who gives a crap if you like them.. it is not personal

  13. I got Zumba Fitness for my Wii today as a Birthday gift from my two boys! I love them!!

  14. OK.. my home scales say one thing and my Wii scales are stating a whole differnat thing! In fact.. the Wii is BETTER than my home scale.. I think I like my Wii! LOL

  15. hello there! Thanks for adding me! :)

  16. nope.. still no thrills here

  17. Pretty bored with this place.. YAWN

  18. I am glad to hear that you are doing better too! I don't know how I would handle having to have my band redone.... scares me. I found out what it feels like to eat too fast the other day.. IT WAS NOT GOOD AT ALL!!! I did not purge, but MAN OH MAN.. did I want to.. I just walked it off and held my ground.. what a scary feeling. Not going to do that again.. too much pain.

  19. Things are going okay for me I guess.. I was told to only loose 1 to 2 pounds a week and that seems to be what is going on.. I am trying REALLY HARD to do as I am supposed to, but it seems the devil likes to mess with my head. I had some cookies that I ended up giving to my one son, cause it was too much of a temptation and I was going to them as a snack instead of good stuff.

  20. Have to make the LONG drive to Cincinnati Ohio tomorrow. UGH!!

  21. WOOT WOOT!! STEELERS ROCKED THE HOUSE!!! 24-0 So Sorry Seahawks

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