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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    beba238 reacted to divagirl78 in Only 7 wks post op & pregnant.   
    I spoke with my sleeve dr and he reassured me that the baby will be fine, I see my ob this week and she says everything will be fine as well. I am feeling much better about the situation, not ideal but if this is meant to be, it's meant to be. I believe things happen for a reason...
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    beba238 reacted to Liz'sReady4change in Only 7 wks post op & pregnant.   
    May God be with you through this situation. My prayers go out to you. :-)
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    beba238 reacted to No game in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    Girl it ain't that serious, why you tryin to bring guns into it??
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    beba238 reacted to ljmasterdebater in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    i did say made but because they know the data of the band thats why and by they i mean doctors. im glad he did something just wish it was a sleeve or bypass. And the 2nd Amendment is the right to bear arms the 1st Amendment is freedom of speech, press, media, religion and expression. its okay just the doctors know more then the patient thats why i said that.
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    beba238 reacted to No game in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    I'm glad he got the band!
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    beba238 reacted to ljmasterdebater in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    in case you didnt know IMO means in my opinion so im happy he did something im saying it wasnt the right choice read the other posts on here and you will see the same pattern so i have a right to an opinion udner the 1st amendment and i can freely state it if i want to. Have a nice day!
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    beba238 reacted to ATMladyLAW in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    I thought the same thing - why didn't he get the sleeve? I thought about writing him to say good luck, but when you get sick of it look into the sleeve!
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    beba238 reacted to ljmasterdebater in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    IMO they should have made him get the sleeve or bypass because of his weight the band wont be affective for him long term.
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    beba238 reacted to vegasneon in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    He said he did it for his wife and kids not for political reasons but....I'm sure it had to influence him that people kept saying nobody would vote for such an overweight man for President. I just hope it works well for him, I see so many on here that had lapband and now are getting VSG.
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    beba238 reacted to Sleeve Goddess in So Governor Christy had lapband surgery.   
    He seemed so confident with his weight and I never thought it was an issue for him. In a recent interview he talked about a meeting with a Dr who liken WLS to surgery to remove a disease. Most don't look at obesity as a disease. They just see us as fat overeaters.
    Good for him.
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    beba238 reacted to ylopez in Tmi... Birth Control... After surgery   
    Glad I found this thread. I have PCOS n had the Mirena put in about 8 weeks ago n have been bleeding every since. Smh! I see my gyn next week n seriously considering having it taken out. Looking into the Nuvaring now.
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    beba238 reacted to lizv123 in Showing Excess skin on video & denial by insurance   
    Ok I have a lot of things to say.
    First, I LOVE your heartagram tattoo on your left wrist!!!!
    Your video had me in tears. I can't related to being denied but I have had major depressive disorder since I was 10. I know how scary and awful it feels to get into a funk and sit in the dark. My heart breaks for you having to deal with that.
    But holy cow, you are such a freaking inspiration! Not just the weight loss (which is amazing) but in your determination to get the vsg done in the first place. And like you've learned, the squeaky wheel gets the oil so to say. Dont stop pushing your insurance company!
    Also, you have very nice eyes
    A note to everyone I can't stress enough: see your PCP for EVERY little skin problem post op. even if we know what it is having lived with chub rub for years before surgery and know how to treat it, there HAS to be documentation! It can be hard enough, as Alex has kindly informed us, to get approved with documentation...without, you'll be self pay. Document document document!
    Thank you, darlin', for sharing your story I'm happy to be part of the group you opened up to! And keep us posted!
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    beba238 reacted to VivaDiva01 in NuvaRing?   
    Haha, yea that one was embarrassing!!! *pouts*
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    beba238 reacted to christina0613 in does anyone have Healthfirst insurance   
    I had health first with Medicaid n had to do six months n all the other stuff I did all of that but while I was doing the six months I became pregnant n miscarried n was told I had to start over cause my doctor didnt want to see me while pregnant.. But I recently switched insurance to metro plus no six month wait just have to do psych , GI ,endoscopy ,2 Nug appointments ultrasound ,n support group thinking everything should be done this month and I have to do sleep study.. Ughhhh
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    beba238 reacted to VivaDiva01 in NuvaRing?   
    I meant "YAZ"!!!! Darn spell-check!!!
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    beba238 reacted to heavensray in NuvaRing?   
    Im interested in more info on the nuvaring and sleeve patients. I've done terrible with pills in the past because I don't remember to take them... The patch was my favorite but being overweight took that luxury away and now my Gyn doesn't like Patches. I've gone through 2 Mirenas but my body has rejected them. Now im running out of options and really considering the nuvaring before returning to pills but with the cycle I've had post op, I have to get something soon!
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    beba238 reacted to brol1k in Showing Excess skin on video & denial by insurance   
    Hey all, during the last few months, I have gotten a few dozen emails and messages of people asking me about my loose skin, and if I can make a video showing them. Well after much debate and over night thinking, I went ahead and made the video. Didnt upload it right away as I needed to sleep on it. please know, that I have never taken my shirt off in public due to me being ashamed of my previous weight (565), and now due to my excess skin, i feel even more subconscious. I However got denied once for reconstructive surgery....in the video ill explain in detail, please watch, rate, comment and subscribe.
    I thank you all for your support.

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    beba238 reacted to brol1k in Showing Excess skin on video & denial by insurance   
    Insurance companies do suck. But I am going through the appeal as we speak, im getting those letters put together, having this video put into a DVD disc, weigh in charts pre and post op, and print outs of all the comments from my supporters including the article columbia presbyterian did on me last year.
  19. Like
    beba238 got a reaction from PatriotsFan28 in The best advice you can give a fellow sleever   
    Hey everyone. I wrote this to help a sleever with some advice and felt that we can all benefit from each others advice ( which is mostly what the site is about) however let's make it happen here right now. For stalls, for gains, for recipes, for exercise, for Protein, for love, etc Etc... Tmi advices are also welcomed lol]
    Step one. Most Important part is protein and Water.< /p>
    60-80 grams of protein per day
    64 oz of water per day ( most docs say its okay to count coffee, tea, Protein shakes, etc win the 64 oz)
    Protein you can get from food, Protein Bars, or shakes.
    Some shakes have too much sugar so keep and eye in that.
    Step two. Calories up up up carbs low low low
    We need the calories to burn fat and lose the weight depending on what your nut/ doc say and how much you want to lose. I aim for 900-1200 per day. If you don't eat calories your body will go into starvation mode and you will not lose weight.
    Carbs like Pasta, rice and bread are not good. They will fill you up and make you bloated because it makes you retain water and not give you nutrition. Some carbs can be good like yams and plantains. Google it.
    Step three. Sugar
    It's hard to avoid sugar when watching everything else a good way to avoid it is to buy sugar free everything and using Splenda when you want to add sugar to something.
    fruit has a lot of sugar so try to limit yourself to at least the fruits with least sugar. Don't know what they are? Thank God for Google!!! Lol
    Step four. Measurements
    Buy measuring cups. (Tsp-1 cup)
    Buy a bottle that holds a large amount of water like: 32 oz---- if you buy a Poland spring water it will say 32 Fl Oz
    Step five. Plan ahead
    Plan what your going to eat in advance especially if you have to work or are going out.
    Grab a calendar or and itinerary and write down what you plan to eat for the whole week for Breakfast lunch and dinner and include Snacks in between each.
    This way you you've already calculated the Proteins and calories for each day and you don't have to worry about it.
    Step six. Exercise
    Choose what makes you happy. I LOVE to dance. Dancing is a workout so I'm starting dance classes in may.
    Incorporate walking into your life. Park the car far from stores, go window shopping at the mall, walk the dog or catch up with a friend or loved one while walking.
    Step seven. Change it up
    Routines are boring. Planning ahead will help change up the recipe everyday.
    This includes exercise. Ex: Monday salsa class, Tuesday 30-45 minute walk, Wednesday break, Thursday pop in a workout DVD or look for videos on YouTube , Friday swimming, Saturday break, Sunday boxing.
    Step eight. Enjoy
    Don't go crazy. (Which you will the first few days) but then it will be natural. Don't deprive yourself but at the same time makes smart decisions.
    My bf ordered take out. It smelled so good. Went straight for a peace of broccoli chewed it and divorced it well and swallowed didn't look at the rice at all.
    Step nine. Keep track
    Track your food intake. there are apps like myfitmesspal.com not to mention FREE where you can login in everything you eat and drink. again, Google Is your best friend. Use it as a tool.
    Step ten. The scale is still not your friend
    Step away from your scale. Hide it if possible. Weigh yourself only once every 2 weeks or once a month. You have not lost a pound in a few week but have you taken your measurements. Because you are losing inches. Notice your bra strap slipping down your arm and your fave pants .... You need a belt now.
    The most essential part of weight loss are the non scale victories. I crossed my legs, went up five flights without getting tired, bumped into my ex. Wore a dress I haven't worn in 3 years, did have a heart track while tying my shoes laces.
    Overall have fun and don't think about it too much. I'm not a doctor or a nut. I'm not here to judge you I am here like everyone ewe to get help and answer others. This all came from a sleeved just like you. Good luck and I wish you the best.
    Sleepers best food.... What you should have on your grocery list
    Cottage cheese
    Skim milk
    Soy milk
    Greek yogurt
    Shredded cheese
    Cheese (American, Munster, Swiss, etc)
    Cheese sticks
    Sugar free Popsicles
    Peanut Butter
    Keep this post going with ideas and advice. Thanks guys.
  20. Like
    beba238 got a reaction from biggie_smalls in Help Me Name My New Sleeve?   
    Sleevie beauty... Sleevarella
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    beba238 got a reaction from mylifeinpink in The best advice you can give a fellow sleever   
    Hey to each its own. I'm a slow loser and its difficult for me to weigh in everyday.... However... I won't bite my tongue... I am guilty of weighing in for the last 3 days. Found a gain and then a 2 lb loss in my 3 weigh in each morning. So I'm like hmmmmm maybe it isn't that bad. Lol
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    beba238 reacted to crosseyedtango in Consultation with my surgeon in a couple days- Are there specific questions I should ask him?   
    Thanks guys! I'm going to write out a list of questions for when I go in.
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    beba238 reacted to journeyRN in anyone out there who got the surgery BEFORE ever having kids?   
    Now that time is passing so fast I'm getting nervous. I'm 24 and I haven't had children. Part of the reason I want this sleeve is because when I do get pregnant I want and hope for a healthy pregnancy.. is there anyone who has gotten pregnant after getting sleeved successfully. That didn't gain all their weight back afterwards?
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    beba238 got a reaction from monkee94 in Returning to work   
    It was difficult for the first 3 days but then everything just got normal. The month off really helped me alot.
    Work cannot tell you when to return. Your surgeon can. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen if your job tells you when to return to work after a major surgery. Especially if your doctor gave you a specific time to return. Follow up surgeons advice. He/she is the expert not hr. they are thinking about the company and not your health. Good luck.
  25. Like
    beba238 got a reaction from biggie_smalls in Help Me Name My New Sleeve?   
    Sleevie beauty... Sleevarella

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
