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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PrettyLilButterfly

  1. PrettyLilButterfly

    Scared this might be a mistake

    I think in this case darling, you need to listen to your heart. What is it you are truly afraid of that's causing this second thought? Do you feel you are doing the right thing? or do you feel you want to try this on your own? either way, it's a lifestyle change, NOT a diet... it's going to effect the rest of your life either way. Have you gone to support groups at the clinic you are having this done at? Do you have a good support system at home? You need to talk to your doctor about your concerns. Don't feel pressured to do a WLS because others have or because others want you to.
  2. PrettyLilButterfly

    Well paint me green and call me gumby

    Goodness, I had no idea there were blogs here... My focus needs more focus. SO dear diary is moving here. which makes sense. So yay me, I can be taught
  3. PrettyLilButterfly

    No preop!

    oh wow! Never heard of that, but that's great. Saves you from doing what my bad self did (hides in shame). The week before I started liquids, I ate everything I THOUGHT I would crave post op. Maybe it was for the best, I haven't eaten any of that bad food since! Good luck to you. And don't be nervous! It'll go great and you'll be page 1 into your new book of life!!
  4. My favorite NSV : 1) FINALLY riding all the rides at 6 flags with my children 2) Purchasing a pair of Aeropostale jeans online and THEY FIT!(was one of my goals). 3) Doing laundry last week, folded my 13 year old daughters pants...have her come back 5 minutes later "umm mom, these are yours"! WHAT?? 4) being able to cross my legs 5) wait, I have ribs, collar bone and hip bones? 6) sitting on the couch with my knees drawn up to my chin (HAHA!!) VICTORY IS MINE!!
  5. PrettyLilButterfly

    nsv - packing bags

    you have the best vacation EVER!! Enjoy every second, you deserve it (and your clothes do too! LOL).
  6. PrettyLilButterfly

    100 pounds Ago

    From the album: Just me

    This was me at about 240-250. And don't laugh, was making kissy faces at someone selfies are always the funniest.
  7. PrettyLilButterfly


    From the album: Just me

    one of my 7 tattoos, and of course my favorite! I had her custom made.
  8. PrettyLilButterfly

    sept 2011

    From the album: Just me

    This was day 1 after my lapband in Sept 2011 (I had lost about 25 lbs preop)
  9. PrettyLilButterfly

    I FIT

    From the album: Just me

    Who knew I'd fit myself behind this tiny board cutout for KIDS!! HAHA
  10. PrettyLilButterfly

    Dear Diary ....

    ok now you're just asking me to be brave! LOL. I have yet to take a full body pic. The old phattie in me refuses (dont get mad anyone, its a term of endearment, not derogatory). Anyway, I need to take a full body pic, the clinic i used for my surgery wants to post my testimonial on their website. Also, I work for the insurance company who approved my surgery, so they want to do a poster...possibly a billboard.. SAY WHAT?? but I will do my best to post a pic. (GULP)
  11. PrettyLilButterfly

    I love my sleeve!

    LMAO!!! I love it.. and psst, love mine too! it's the best tool ever !!
  12. Indecision - im sure you do but probably don't realize it! I've noticed it, guys never said much before, now they flat out hit on me. Pisses my partner off.. haha.. And SHE notices women checking me out more. I don't. I really don't pay attention. I'm focused on learning to hold my head up high and smile at everyone because damn it, I AM BEAUTIFUL and will not hide head down anymore.
  13. PrettyLilButterfly

    Happier than a pig in poo :)

    THAT IS AMAZING!! Keep up the good work
  14. PrettyLilButterfly

    Sex after 9th day of surgery!

    Wait, sex after surgery? haha.. I had my sleeve in December..and along with a huge portion of my stomach, went my sex drive. Hmm should I call the OR to find my damn sex drive?
  15. PrettyLilButterfly

    861 days out :-) dropping in with pics

    I'm one month shy of 2 years post surgery. I want to say it "HIT" me just last month. I looked in the mirror and had that "OMG I'm thin" moment. It was beautiful. I will say, most days, I still feel like the fat person in the room. But someone will comment with "hey skinny" as i walk the halls..and i giggle knowing I AM!! I am healthy and happy and loving my life. And Pasquini, I'm with you as far as the food goes. To me, it just doesnt matter. When asked where I want to eat or what I'm craving.. I just give a blank stare. I don't crave, I don't want. Food is what I need to fuel my body, not what I need to make me feel better. Honestly, food is always the furthest thing from my mind. I just nibble now and then because my wittle tummy wants nutrition. I never in my entire life thought I'd feel that way.. NEVER. I'd be eating meal 1 thinking of meal 3. YIKES. Anyway, congrats to both of you! it's truly a proud moment..Life will never be the same...and for that I am grateful.
  16. PrettyLilButterfly

    Who Are You?

    JewelJ, i'm right there with you. I don't understand how weight can come BACK on. If I eat more than 5 bites, I'm suffereing for a good part of an hour. IT HURTS And i don't like feeling that way. It prevents me from attempting to over eat. I think it boils down to being in tune with our bodies and not FORCING (because we KNOW that's what we do) the next bite down.
  17. PrettyLilButterfly

    Dear Diary ....

    Day 247... Excited for the upcoming long weekend. Biggest event this weekend, I'm FINALLY in a wedding! Deep down I'll always blame the weight for me not having been asked before. Yes, our friends love us as we are...but c'mon, they wan't they're wedding pictures to be perfect... There's always going to be subtle discrimation against weight. Some is outright obvoius, but some not so much. I feel so proud to not be afraid to be in 10,000 pictures this weekend. Of course the 'old' me is praying non end up on facebook, but it will happen. I felt so pretty trying on and buying my dress. Of course I'm in complete panick mode because it's a spaghetti strap dress...ummm how the hell do i hide my arms? Which sucks, I'm excited to show off my tattoos (something I DONT do often because of the extra skin, but omg the SKIN! I couldn't find an offordable wrap or shawl. Figure I will go without during the ceremony since there will be minimal movement. But afterwards, SOMETHING is going around these arms. There will be dancing...and wiggling... ok now i've just make myself nervous. Oh lord. After that fun day of wedding/dancing, sunday, not so fun. need to go pick out/purchase flooring for the house (UGH, DYI project). This is where things get fun. I am very much a DYI gal (thank you dad!), however, my partner, not so much. It's funny. By traditional standards, Im 'femme' shes...well not. (shh don't call her butch, she gets pissed, even though you can tell she's a lesbian from 10 miles away). she depends on me for the DYI or to repair things (here is where I grunt like tim the toolman taylor). But we're hoping to bring up the value of the home and get rid of the HIDEOUS carpet. Thank god we're not starting hte project this weekend (don't think i'm mentally prepared yet). so not sure if i've mentioned my new obsession with cleaning. (oh wait, i did). Kids got a kick out of me this AM. I finished getting ready, my daughter was still working on her hair. I looked down and saw hair on the floor. So in typical Dawnie style, I grabbed a clorox wipe and began to push my daughter all over the bathroom while I cleaned up the hair and wiped the floor. She just rolled her eyes and said "seriously mom?". Hey it was a mini 5 minute work out. I love this new energy! Though, this week I've been somewhat sluggish. I know it's the Vitamins (i forget to take them, my bad). All I want to do is sleep. I know I won't. I won't allow myself to. Though I pray I can sleep in Monday without guilt. Well I won't be able to log in this weekend Ms. Diary, but I will be back Tuesday.. until then..Dawnie over and out.
  18. PrettyLilButterfly

    Sluggish, tired, no energy:(

    Once you heal, the energy is unreal. I scare myself sometimes at how clean my house is! I get home and clean all night. I don't sit down until about 8pm. It's great. And my yard is weed free.. haha.. SO just enjoy this healing time, get in tune with your body....
  19. PrettyLilButterfly

    Got the call

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! and welcome to your new life!!
  20. PrettyLilButterfly

    Im not losing. Urghhhh!

    One thing we all need to remember, the scale does NOT rule our lives. We lose inches as well as pounds. We put too much emphasis on the scale, so do our doctors. For one of my appointments they were unhappy I hadn't lost in the 4 weeks since my previous appointment. I looked the RN in the eye and said "perhaps I haven't lost pounds, but I dropped a pant size and I can walk long distances without being winded". She smiled and realized there are non scale victories too. We all want the numbers for our books, for their books.. PFFT !! To hell with that i say! The first time I could tie my shoes withouth being winded, THAT was a victory. Fitting on the rides at 6 flags with my children for the first time EVER, THAT was a victory. Fitting on the seats in the plane, THAT was a victory. Please don't focus on the scale... look at all the small things going on. I bet your panties are rolling down right now because they're too big! Your belt is at it's last eyelet because it's too big! Keep up the good work and don't stress. Stress is an enemy in the fight for weight loss!
  21. PrettyLilButterfly

    three weeks

    Please don't get discouraged. Remember, you went through a major surgery, most of your stomach was removed. Your body needs time to adjust. The first month is a rocky road. But remind yourself WHY you did this. The health benefits. And think outside the box with foods. Some can get boring. Try some malt-o-meal/cream of wheat. My favorite was mashed potatoes! I even made a stew and threw it in the blender (sounds nasty, but was the tastiest meal ever!). Also, low sodium egg drop soup! I stocked up on that. It'll be ok.. One Day At a Time darling...
  22. PrettyLilButterfly

    Dear Diary ....

    Thank you so much for the feedback. It's one of those situations that's a double edged sword. She can be so loving and so good to me. But then she opens her mouth..and it just ruins it. I've expressed 10,000X's about the comments. She says I take it too pesonal. Last night she looked at me as we were cleaning the kitchen and said "you need to gain weight already".. umm ? really? I've tried talking and I do want therapy. However, she is very anti therapy (long history of family abuse from her end). However, I'm a strong believer. At this point the only reason I don't go, the cost. I am in 2 weddings this year (and my kids are in one with me). so money is ridiculously tight until January. Of course it didn't help that I just had to buy back to school clothes/supplies. And I had to go buy new clothes as well. Still getting used to the changes in my body. Though the scale remains between 137-139, my body is still changing. Pants that fit me last month, don't this month. I'm tired of shopping (wait, what did i just say? LOL, I am NOT a girly girl and do NOT like shopping). So I just buy belts now I have sponsored clothing drives at work. Very successful (remainder of clothing donated to the Human Society). But takes so much work. I do need to host another one, I need some shirts! LOL. As for you twins mama, your weight loss is wonderful! You have so much to be proud of! continue your beautiful journey.
  23. PrettyLilButterfly

    Dear Diary ....

    You are very lucky hun! having a supportive partner is truly a blessing. My family was my rock. my mom, dad, kids & co-workers were my cheerleading squad. Good luck to you! you made a wonderful lifestyle change.
  24. PrettyLilButterfly

    Who Are You?

    Who I am? Ha, the question of the day. I can say this, I am a mother of 3, a partner, a daughter, a best friend & a survivor. I can't say much more at this point. I recently turned 40 and life seems to be ever changing. I'm struggling with alot (not my weight for once!!). So it's time to redefine/rediscover who I am.. because I truly do not know.
  25. PrettyLilButterfly


    Hello all ... Brief history of me. Banded in 9/2011. Starting weight 239, current weight 173 (well teeter between 170-174). I'm proud to have almost lost 80 lbs in 14 months. However, the majority of that weight was lost prior to June of this year. I've pretty much been stuck since. I've had alot of issues with my band. Since September, I've thrown up almost daily. I don't bother attempting to eat before 1pm and 3-4 cups of hot liquids. I refuse to be like some banders and resort to pure liquids as a way of life. I am willing to sacrifice, but to me, that's just too much. I went to see my doctor yesterday to have 1/2 CC removed from my band. I was tired of not being able to eat, and gaining weight because I resort to liquids. During my visit she looks through my file and all the issues I've had. My issues are just based around the amount of mucus in my body and that is preventing me from being able to eat. We've tried allergy shots, allergy meds (including claritin); i sleep with a humidifier.. I really don't know what else to try and she felt my pain. Well she looks at me with her cute smile and says "I just don't think the band is for you, we should consider removing it and going with the gastric sleeve" Umm what? We won't even go into how i only have about 2 weeks to decide, as I have to have the surgery by 12.31.2012 (surgeon will no longer be covered by my insurance). Oh and there's the little matter of the $2500 copay... So I've been online nonstop since yesterday morning. My band website praises the band of course, this one focuses on the sleeve.. My whole issue with this (besides most of my stomach being tossed out of my body) is...what if researchers find issues with this in 2-3 years? The band was pushed and pushed rather than gastric. It's safe, it's effective..blah blah.. now it's an about face, get the sleeve it's more successful, better tool... blah blah. This is non reversible.. HUGE detail. I hate to be a skeptic, that's not how I live my life.. but damn it..another surgery? I'm a damn human pin cushion! 3 C-secitons, gall bladder removed, hysterectomy, lap band.. now sleeve? I'm happy with the goals I've accomplished, I"m a few lbs shy of 80. I'm ok with that. I don't need to be smaller..or really desire to. Howeve, I refuse to gain weight. I guess the point of this rant and rave is.. I really don't know what to do. I know I can't keep this damn band because it's causing too many issues (and I miss bananas and avocados !!). But is it wise to go with the sleeve? It's so new, not too many studies.. that caused me to lose sleep last night.. . Yes, the band was worth what I've lost.. I love me..and now, it's hindering more than helping... I've read some posts from here and read the positives of band to sleeve.. but please...are there negatives? HONESTLY do any of you regret it? What's the biggest challenge? Thank you!!

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