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Alex Brecher

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  1. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from Pammy S Lewis in Happy Cinco de Mayo! Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas   
    Because tomorrow is Cinco de mayo, I thought this "band friendly" recipe would be quite appropriate to share:

    Cheesy chicken Enchiladas
    Difficulty: Easy
    Prep Time: 30 Min
    Cook Time: 30 Min
    Serving size: 1
    Recipe makes: 10
    4 large cooked boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 4 cups)
    1 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
    1 (10 ¾ ounce) can low-fat cream of chicken condensed Soup
    10 ounces (about 2 cups) reduced-fat 2% shredded cheddar cheese
    1 (4 ounce) can mild green chopped chilies, drained
    about 10 low-carb flour tortillas
    Cheesy Topping:
    1 (10 ¾ ounce) can low-fat cream of chicken condensed Soup
    8 ounces light or fat free sour cream
    1 ½ cups 2% reduced fat shredded Mexican shredded cheese blend
    ¼ cup sliced green onions (optional)
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and spray a 9x13 inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray;
    set aside.
    2. Mix together the chicken, yogurt, condensed soup, shredded cheddar cheese, and green
    chilies. Stuff each tortilla with ½ cup of chicken mixture, and roll up. Place each rolled up tortilla
    seam side down in the baking dish. Set aside.
    3. Mix together all ingredients for the topping, except the green onions. Spread the cheesy topping
    evenly over the enchiladas.
    4. Bake uncovered for 30 minutes, until toasty and bubbly.
    5. Sprinkle chopped green onions over enchiladas and serve

  2. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from Tiffykins in 120 lbs and plication?   
    We're happy to announce the launch of www.SleevePlicationTalk.com ! A new community for pre or post Gastric Sleeve Plication surgery support.
  3. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in GPS Update: Important new information   
    This post has been locked by one of our mods.

    I'd like to remind all of our members about the rules they agreed to follow before signing up here on VST:

    Forum Rules
    Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.

    The basic ground rules for discussions on Vertical Sleeve Talk are simple: be polite, use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any message that even hints at advertising.

    We don't intend to censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, but we will enforce the policies outlined both here and on the Forum. We reserve the right to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation. Please contact us if you do not understand any of the rules, guidelines or policies outlined below.

    Although the administrators and moderators of VerticleSleeveTalk will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of VerticleSleeveTalk will be held responsible for the content of any message.

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate any laws. The owners of VerticleSleeveTalk reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

    Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines.
    Posting Guidelines
    1. Everyone has a right to speak regardless of their perspective.
    2. We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously. We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.
    3. While we believe in free speech, keep in mind that this right is not absolute. Dissent is an essential part of any discussion where people are encouraged to express varying opinions; however, it is equally important to maintain both decorum and topicality as related to VerticleSleeveTalk.com’s mission.
    4. Obscenity and pornography will not be tolerated. If that’s what you’re after, there are plenty of places on the Internet to find it, and this forum isn't one of them. Please make sure all opinions are expressed without being obscene or offensive.
    5. Members will treat each other with courtesy and respect, especially when they disagree. We understand that bright, intelligent and educated people may not always agree, but personal attacks in the form of insults, abusive language or other means of obvious harassment will not be tolerated.
    6. Our focus is on Vertical Sleeve Support. While any discussion is subject to going off on a tangent, we will do our best to consistently maintain topicality. Editing, moving or deleting off-topic content will only occur when it’s necessary to redirect focus to the core topic(s) and values of this community.
    7. Don't report other people's experiences as truth. Share your own experiences, thoughts, opinions, theories at will.
    8. Please take the really personal discussions to PM or e-mail.
    9. Direct marketing or selling is forbidden on VST. Members may use their signatures to indicate a commercial affiliation by including a single link to a web site of their choice, with no more than one line of explanation in addition. This signature text is not to exceed the default font size of forum posts (size=2).
    10. Recommendations or reviews of physicians, facilities, products, or services are welcome if based on the reviewer's personal experience. The reviewer must have no financial interest in the subject being reviewed. Violations will result in the posts being removed and a possible permanent ban of membership.
    11. You are permitted a maximum of one account/username, active or inactive. If you choose to ignore this important restriction, all your accounts will be disabled. If you have forgotten your log in details and are unable to retrieve them via the system, do not create a new account, please contact us. Vertical Sleeve Talk allows one account per member and one member per account.
    12. Cross-Posting is not allowed here. Cross-posting refers to posting new duplicate threads or posts, or the linking to threads or posts already started by the member with the intention of gaining exposure.
    13. We reserve the right to respond to violations of these guidelines by blocking and/or banning members from this forum.
    14. When you post to this forum, you offer to us a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide right to use your content as we see fit. We may use, distribute, display and/or create derivative works from this content, in any and all media, in any manner, in whole or in part, without any restriction or responsibilities to you.
    15. Members accept all responsibility for their words. This includes any personal information a user chooses to make public. All members understand that forums may be viewed by non-members. This forum cannot be responsible for the distribution of any information intentionally posted by a user.
    16. When using this forum, you agree that we cannot be and are not responsible for the truth, completeness, objectivity or usefulness of any user-generated content, nor do we endorse any content, including, but not limited to, postings or replies to postings made by members who are moderators.
    17. We do nothing to verify member identities. You assume all risk in your use of information from other members.
    18. While we reserve the right to do so, we do not pre-screen, monitor, edit or review member-generated content. However, we may monitor content and remove it at any time and without notice. We will do this if content violates these guidelines or we believe it will improve our community. We also will suspend or terminate forum access to those individuals who violate these guidelines If you have a concern about any post, alert the moderators by using the Report Bad Post button. It's at the left of every post (the exclamation point in the yellow triangle)

  4. Downvote
    Alex Brecher reacted to dits4golf in Does decaffeinated tea count as water?   
    When they say Water, they mean water. If u r going to cut corners, u may as well give up, 'cause u r not ready to take losing weight seriously.
  5. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to Amanda1982 in Have we forgotten to RESPECT one another?   
    Ok look when I joined this site in October I felt that the individuals on this site would be able to relate to my struggle to lose weight and become a healthy person. I also felt this was a great place to get the truth about the lapband. I never expected the truth to be rosy in fact I wanted a realistic view of how things were going from everyone who has had the band. The band does not work for everyone but it does work for some. And it’s both the good and the bad that helps newvbies decide to do this.
    What I don’t understand is why the need to be rude and disrespectful. Why can’t we agree to disagree about things without having to get indignant?
    We have all come from the same place in regards to our weight and our reasons for being here. Can’t speak for everyone but my weight has caused me to get ridiculed, disrespected, and treated unfairly. As obese and morbidly obese individuals we have been kicked and wounded by the verbal abuse from outsiders who don’t know our struggle. Granted everyone has been though different experiences and until you have walked in some else’s shoes you can’t know what they have been though but people can’t we at least agree to respect each other agree to disagree and keep it moving. We are not in High school and a rude or disrespectful comments because you disagree with some else’s post or feel it has been posted in the wrong thread, truly doesn’t belong here. Are we here to start fights or are we here to encourage others. Lets support each other because at the end of the day we all want to be healthier people and mental health and just as important as psychical health. Good Luck.
  6. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from andrea0121 in Most recent posts page?   
    Yup, should be good to go.
  7. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from purplegirl1818 in Official LAP-BAND TV Commercials   
    I recently read this question on our forum that I wanted to share: I’ve seen a few ads on TV lately about the LAP BAND and I wondered if anyone out there knew where I might get a copy? Many of our members have seen them as well and if we had a place to go see them again that would be great. Thanks!
    Please see attached for the 4 LAP-BAND commercials currently running.
    Straight Talk - Absolution.wmv
    Straight Talk - Band vs Bypass.wmv
    Straight Talk - Cost.wmv
    Straight Talk - Health.wmv
  8. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to Ken S. in Most recent posts page?   
    Hey there,
    I'm the Site Administrator for LapBandTalk.com.
    I've just reviewed the "New Content" - and it's on par with the actual new content. As far as the content being updated every 5 minutes, it appears to be working just as it should. I also verified that the new content appears properly under your specific account.
    With regards to "Your Content " or "My Content", this also appears to be working as it should. It will show a list of Topics that you've posted to, which deems that as your content.
    You showed us the content from the Home Page - but we know that's working fine. It would be helpful if you could show me the content from your My Content page and the New Content page, since that's what you're asking about.
    We look forward to helping you.
  9. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from andrea0121 in I'm so lost with the new forum layout   
    Please see http://www.lapbandtalk.com/index.php?app=core&module=help .
  10. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to Wheetsin in Rep Power   
    Rep doesn't serve a specific purpose other than, well, rep. So if it's meaningless/pointless to you, the good news is that it's just one line and easy enough to ignore. There are some boards that are fanatic about rep. Their reasoning is -- the higher someone's rep, the more likely they know their stuff, and if newbies come and see higher rep, they're more likely to really pay attention to that person (as opposed to someone with lower rep, who may be more likely to lead them astray).
  11. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to libra in Tell me a story...   
    For me, everything has changed...for the better.
    1. I can actually PLAY with my son.
    2. I have more confidence.
    3. I'm physically stronger.
    4. I take more pride in my appearance.
    5. I LOVE shopping for clothes now!
    6. I'm more aggressive with my husband. (wink, wink)
    7. I don't focus my life around my next meal. I enjoy my time.
    There are others....just getting started.
    Good luck on your journey.
  12. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to losingjusme in Tell me a story...   
    confidence has soared
    i had been applying for internal jobs at my company for a good 7-8 months, would get an interview, but no second / offer.. the first job i applied for after i lost about 60 pounds, not only did i get the second interview, i was hired...
    i can play with my DD
    i RUN!!!!
    i can do just about anything without getting winded (sex included)
    sex is amazing now (was ok before - now amazing)
    my life has completely changed for the better.
  13. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from sfeiner in New Formatting Complaint   
    Clearing Cache on Firefox

    Click Tools and select Options.
    Click the Advanced icon and click the Network tab.
    Click Clear Now under the Cache section.
    Click Ok.
    Exit and relaunch the browser.

  14. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to TheGh0st in New Formatting Complaint   
    GREAT Idea! I was wondering why I only had the option for positive feedback. Didn't have anything negative to say but didn't know why the option wasn't there. But now that you explain it I think that has got to be probably one of the best ideas I've ever heard of.
  15. Like
    Alex Brecher reacted to TheGh0st in New Formatting Complaint   
    Question though.
    I see my "Rep Power" and when I clicked on the scales below my last post it stated that comment had not received any "reputation" as well as how many reputations points I currently have.
    OK why is my Rep Power different between my Reputation Points
    AND how do I find which posts received reputation comments without backtracking and hunting down all of my old posts? Is there one place I can go to look for all my reputation responses?
  16. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from travelgirl in New Formatting Complaint   
    Rep Power was enabled by mistake today. I was about to disable it when I came up with a great idea. I want LBT to be a positive place and we really need to stop any negativity that pops up every once in a while. With that spirit in mind, members can now only leave positive reputation:thumbup:
  17. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from travelgirl in New Formatting Complaint   
    Rep Power was enabled by mistake today. I was about to disable it when I came up with a great idea. I want LBT to be a positive place and we really need to stop any negativity that pops up every once in a while. With that spirit in mind, members can now only leave positive reputation:thumbup:
  18. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from LilMissDiva Irene in New Formatting Complaint   
    Try: Internet Explorer 6: How and Why to Clear Your Cache
  19. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from travelgirl in New Formatting Complaint   
    Rep Power was enabled by mistake today. I was about to disable it when I came up with a great idea. I want LBT to be a positive place and we really need to stop any negativity that pops up every once in a while. With that spirit in mind, members can now only leave positive reputation:thumbup:
  20. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from travelgirl in New Formatting Complaint   
    Rep Power was enabled by mistake today. I was about to disable it when I came up with a great idea. I want LBT to be a positive place and we really need to stop any negativity that pops up every once in a while. With that spirit in mind, members can now only leave positive reputation:thumbup:
  21. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from travelgirl in New Formatting Complaint   
    Rep Power was enabled by mistake today. I was about to disable it when I came up with a great idea. I want LBT to be a positive place and we really need to stop any negativity that pops up every once in a while. With that spirit in mind, members can now only leave positive reputation:thumbup:
  22. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from MEW in I am a computer reeeetard!   
    Journals are back! :clap2:
  23. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from WASaBubbleButt in Reporting Inappropriate Posts   
    I've added a few features that will allow us to combat spam:
    1) When users sign up they must enter a "captcha" code that's embedded into an image. This way the spammers can't use bots to sign up for accounts and post to the forums.
    2) After a user signs up they must verify that their email is valid by clicking on a link we send in an email right after they sign up.
    3) I've deleted 150 user accounts that were signed up by spammers
    4) I've added a list of IP addresses from the spammers that signed up with us that will block them from seeing the forum. I'll continue to add their IPs until they give up.
    5) We've added a reporting feature that notifies all moderators as soon as it's reported and creates a post in the moderator only section with all the spam details which can be used to combat these bastards
    I think this should definitely slow down the spam to a trickle and hopefully get rid of it for good.
  24. Like
    Alex Brecher got a reaction from Rebeccalee in About LBT.com?   
    You're very welcome.
    I started this site while I was recovering from my LB surgery. I was searcing the internet for a community of other bandsters but I found most of the sites difficult to use. I'm really really glad that so many people have gotten encouragement, support and ideas from LBT.
    You guys and gals should thank the moderators since they're the ones doing all the hard work!

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