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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jennifer1

  1. jennifer1

    Testing my Limits!

    Hey Kym girl i'm in the same boat. i'm on soft foods and i have gained 3 of the 15 pounds back that i lost pre-surgery. I was so upset and discouraged till i contacted my dietician. I am soooo ready to get a fill and start seeing this weight fall off i dont know what to do. i know that the first month is supposed to be for healing and i'm not expected to loose much weight, but that still doesnt mean i dont get upset that it's not happening. I just want the restriction now so i can get this ball rolling. i feel you hunny! trust me i feel you.
  2. Hi my name is Jennifer and I am in the process of getting banded at Day One Health in downtown Chicago. My doctor is Dr. Elli. Just wanted to get others feedback about their experience with this facility and doc. Thanks in advance. Jennifer
  3. jennifer1

    lapband seminar

    yep...totaly depends on your method of pay. most insurance companies require a 6 month doc. supervised diet..self pay can be as little as a few weeks after meeting with the surgeon.
  4. jennifer1

    Should I or shouldn't I

    in addition to getting opinions here...this is something you should discuss with your doctor. i do agree that this is a last resort
  5. jennifer1

    24 year old female...3 days post-op

    i lived off propel water, crystal light, broth and SF popcicles. hang in there it gets better!
  6. jennifer1


    i totally understand where you are comiung from. i just told my friend today that the weekends are the hardest. i'm so used to getting my comfort foods and a movie on friday(cuz i deserved it after working so hard with my patients all week)...well that's what i would tell myself anyway! i havent had a fill yet and i cant wait. i'm using these board to keep my honest as well.!!! LOL
  7. jennifer1

    Any Chicago Bandsters?

    my one complaint was with the financial people. i was self pay and wasnt told until the day before surgery that i couldnt pay with a credit card, which left my scrambling the day before surgery. they finally said only the surgeons portion couldnt be in a credit card and the rest could. so i scrambled to get a cashier's check for the surgeons portion and was left to think i was going to put the remainer on my card that day. when i go to pay they have added a 3% charge for using my credit card!!!WTH!!!! i could have gotten all casheirs checks and avoided this!!! so $250 out the window. i had no choice but to pay it cuz i wasnt rescheduling my surgery. so if you're self pay beware of no credit cards!!!!! other than this i have been very pleased with that office.
  8. jennifer1


    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! ugh it suck to be on the liquid diet on your bday!!!!! i strategically planned when i would get my band so i would be able to eat "normal food" by my bday! the only thoughts i can offer are to focus on the end product, getting banded and changing your life! Congrats on your decision to get banded. How is the liquid diet so far? How long do you have to do it? Mines was two weeks and the first 2 days were the hardest. Feel free to PM if you have questions. Enjoy your bday and try to find something fun to do to get your mind off the steak and cake! LOL!
  9. jennifer1

    My Lap Band, My Friend

    for those of you who have not been banded here's my 2 cents: * for every negative comment about the band you can find 2 positives.... * everyday you wake up something good or terrible could happen to you, yet we still get up and go on with our lives anyway, right! my point is there is always gonna be someone wiht a negative experience, but that hasnt stopped us form doing other things that people had a negative comment about. i've been banded only 2 weeks but i have no regrets! I choose to take charge of my health and life and i hope you decide to do the same!!!
  10. feeling good today..hair done..check..eyelashes done....check..toes done...check...cute outfit...check...ready for my movie date!!!

  11. jennifer1

    Day 2.

    stay strong the first 3 days were the worse for me. just have to give it time, and time is the only thing that will help. kinda wish i could hit a fast forward button! LOL!
  12. jennifer1

    port pain never stops

    i'm 2 weeks out and my port is still tender. this morning i was running from a bee and literally feel backwards out the back door on to the concrete flat on my butt! im praying i didnt knock anything loose!!!! wonder if i should call my doc to be safe.
  13. jennifer1

    Flat butts and other stuff..

    yeah today for the first time (i'm on soft foods now) i ate too much ground hamburger meat(made like a sloppy joe..no bun of course) and I was soooo miserable. before that would have been nuthn for me to eat plus more. i will NEVER do that again..if i had a fill i definelty would have thrown up. so no more of that for me. i hear you about the inches and i'm tryn to rid myself of my scale addiction! LOL
  14. hey twin!!!! just checking on ya!

  15. made it back up to 1 hour of cardio (3miles total)!!!! it felt good!

  16. jennifer1


    awwww woo woo wooo....it's perfectly normal to be scared before surgery..i mean it is surgery!!!! pray before you go in and you'll be just fine. believe me it's gonna be sooooo worth it!
  17. jennifer1


    OK i know some of you are waiting to see how I'm doing. The surgery was yesterday and I was a little nervous, but i prayed a lot and that helped calm my nerves. I'm gonna write my full story in the surgery day stories so I wont write it twice. I've gotten a lot of support from my friends and absoltuly none from my sister. I was in tears cuz she has not once called to check on my or shown any interest in if i'm alive or dead! I asked my mom why she's treating me like this and the only thing we can come up with is jealousy! Anyhow. I'm in some discomfort more than pain. I have 3 incisions, one so small i thought it was a scratch till i touched it and felt the dermabond. Getting out of bed and back in is the worse!!!!!Can anyone offer any suggestions that will make it easier. I've been sleeping on/off since I got home. Still taking pain meds, just cuz i'm afraid if i stop i'll be in a lot of pain. I'm so glad I did it. I gainded 4 pounds back after the surgery! Did this happen to anyone else? I'm guessing it's the gas. All in all I would do this again and I'm so excited to start my new life. My friend who took me to the surgery gave me a visa gift card to buy my first "skinny" shirt and I cant wait to so that!!!! Does anyone know if we can video blog on here? I started that yesteday before I went to the surgery, not sure what i'm gonna do with it though. Hope all is well with everyone. Feel free to PM me if you have further questions. I could not have made it without you guys, thanks for your support and concern!!!
  18. jennifer1

    Any Chicago Bandsters?

    everything went well with dr. elli. i never feel rushed and he always answers all my questions. the dietician is also very helpful when i email her with questions
  19. hi tomorrow i will be 2 weeks post op. i was banded the day after you. i start soft foods tomorrow. do you find that your appetite varies from day to day. somedays i feel i could get a cow and others i'm forcing myself.
  20. jennifer1

    Flat butts and other stuff..

    nice blog! you made me smile.. today several people at work are starting to notice my weight loss. i dont really see it, but knowing others do is a great motivator. i wont get my first fill until june17th and i cant wait to know what restriction feels like cuz i have none right now. i started back in the gym yesterday(just cardio for another month) and already i'm back up to an hour...so i'm hoping that and increasing my water intake with combat the fact that i dont have a fill till i get one. keep up the good work!
  21. best wishes on your surgery tomorrow!
  22. jennifer1

    counseling appointment?

    i was self pay and i didnt do the psych part. and i'm perfectly sane!!LOL! i think that's only a requirement for insurance. $$$$$ in my pocket!!!!
  23. jennifer1

    Sugar Free Gum

    i chewed gum before and after surgery. my surgeon never told me not to. i find it hard that a piece of gum that's been chewed could get stuck, the hole isnt' that small..i mean food passes through it. i also used sugar free mints. i know the day of surgery i couldnt chew gum cuz i causes the stomach to produce gastric juices in preparation for digesting whatever it thinks you about to eat.
  24. jennifer1

    Sugar Free Gum

    i chewed gum before and after surgery. my surgeon never told me not to. i find it had that a piece of gum that's been chewed could get stuck, the hole isnt' that small..i mean food passes through it. i also used sugar free mints. i know the day of surgery i couldnt chew gum cuz i causes the stomach to produce gastric juices in preparation for digesting whatever it thinks you about to eat.

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