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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ~*~Rachel~*~

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 11/12/1983

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  1. Happy Birthday ~*~Rachel~*~!

  2. Happy 29th Birthday ~*~Rachel~*~!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at SleevePlicationTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary RachelClay!

  4. After a dreaded disaster fill of becoming too tight I am starting to loose again! 6 months post op and down 110lbs!

  5. I am still alive just dealing with sucky personal life... hopefully I can get back to "working" my band but right now I am just dealing with this divorce.. Hope all my friends are doing well in there journey!

  6. In 2006 my sister was hit head on by an 18 wheeler. Her left leg was crushed and spent a year in a wheel chair recovering from a broken shoulder and head injury. Today she is starting a personal goal of walking the Way of St James. its a 230km spiritual walk shes doing this for charity check out her blog. http://thewhole9.com/blogs/walkofhope/

  7. hey girl, i know you're going through a lot but i'd love to catch up and chat whenever you have time. I don't know if you still have my e-mail but if not maybe you can inbox me? I'm all ears if you need to talk about anything. Hope your weight loss journey is continuing on for you well.

  8. “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

  9. I will be MIA for awhile... we totaled out with 3 deaths in my family in the past two weeks and I have decided to fall to statistics and get a divorce.. Hope all my friends continue doing well in their weight loss journey..

  10. So I have been gone out of town for the past 4 days my uncle passed away... I have been at my grandmothers and if anyone knows how southern grandmothers are you know I probably have gained so much weight I am going to freak lol. I wonder if my doctor will except "gone to grannys" as an excuse for no weight loss?

  11. Last night one of my co workers said she was jealous of me for how much weight I had lost... I told her you shouldn't be ... then I thought about it and I said yeah go ahead be jealous... I thought I deserved it for once!


  13. How are you havn't heard from you in awhile... send me an update..

  14. new pic up in gallery...

  15. Need a second fill and trying to get up the courage to call my Doc... I am scared to get another one... I only have a total of about 4 cc in my band on 1 fill but I know it is time for another eating way too much and getting hungry more often. Just chicken I guess..

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