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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by camille01

  1. Hi Jodi,the ones that I have found the best is On GNC.com you said it right so when you go there look for (its a lil expensive if you dont have the gold card)Is the Isopure,when you go there on the website look it up and read some of the reviews thats how I found out about it,and there is the unjury.com as well I havnt tried it you but if you can find a good one stick with it because it will be the one that will do you good,I have been trying different ones before the surgery because once you get banded you dont want to experiment because when it hit your gag reflex it might make you sick if you know what I mean..gool luch with your Journey....camille01

  2. My best friend had the sleeve done, and I had the band done. We both love what we chose. I did have a few concerns before my band. However, I was too scared to have anything else done. I say go with what you feel is right for you. There are always chances of band erosion. However, I am not going to worry about that until I have a reason to worry. Good luck on your choice! rolleyes.gif

    Hi Dadkins8, I really want to thank you for the encourragement, after I went to the calceltation with the surgeon I feel so much better she really helped me out and she didn't make up my mind for me ,she did tell me from the results that she has seen she thought that I would do very well with the sleeve, I was happy to get her opinoin and thank you for that pick-me-up.


  3. thank you so much,I went for my 1st appointment with the surgeon and everything went very well,I met the nurse 3 months ago for a seminar I attended and she told me what to expect andgave me a copy of my weight management form and I got started then thank God,or it would have really been 6 months,now the doc. said that all i have to do is to go to the 6 appointments left in the 3 months I got left and everything looks good,Yeah.............now if I can act nornal to the psyc.and get him to beleave it Ill be good and ready to go......thank you all for such encouraging words.....I have a friend that we are going through everything together ,she had to change doctors because the one that she had was a butt head...now I think she will be OK....all she has to get is her refferal...I waiting my friend...lets get the ball rolling...I am eaiting to go to the BEACH this SUMMER (who's with me).....thanks again all.....

  4. it sounds like you need to get involved with the people at your job that has had the lapband done and find out what makes them so succesfull,find one of these people with a GYM membership to a gym that has a pool open in the winter and make your move,,,or you can go on the web and search for gyms with pools or hot tub and go and relax with your male friend.I think you need a vacation..some time to keep from getting so stressed out,the old saying is IF THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY.

    I have considered the lapband and the sleeve,I go to the docroe tomarrow and I am gonna ask plenty of questions....but I an leaning more towards the sleeve.......good luck and keep a smile..and keep your head up....God loves you and he has faith in you so have faith in your self....camille01

  5. hi shayshay,I dont want to discurrage you at any cost but I have signed in to verticalsleeve.com and looked at the friends on there that had the lapband and they had it takes out and was approved to get the sleeve surgery done,I don't have any yet and I hace my canceltation tomarrow Jan 10th so I am gonna ask to see why I am kinda confused but I am leaning more now towards the sleeve,I see where you can eat what you want with in reason,there is a hunger protein that is in the lower part of the stomach and when you get the sleeve that part is cut so when you eat you have to remind your self that it is time to eat...I read a lot of info and it sounds pretty good...go and take a look and see what you think...camille01

  6. if your blender has a puree cycle us that sucker,,,if it sounds nasty just think about what we used to frrd our kids..we would chew our food for our little ones,,YUCK...

    but it worked...you can ground up anything,or make some potatoe patties...or something to use in your blender,,hey .....thats what that thing is for........lol

    or better yet go out and buy some baby food,,,,1st,2nd,3rd stages and season it ...it is just adult food cooked longer and minced down for our little ones to eat...

    GOOD IDEA HA....check it out you may like it...camille01

  7. there is such a thing called headhunger,you may think you are hungry but your body is telling you something else

    just try to stick with your doctors orders,you can have liquids right?...start with your protein drinks.....if thats not enough drink

    a different flavor get you a cup of liquid broth,low fat and sodium....or likejmunks2000 said call your doctor and see if there is anything other than what you are already have been drinking...I am sure that they will tell you .....good luck....

  8. Hi there Rachel..There is a lot of stuff out there for pre-op diets but I think are 2 of the best places to go is 1.BJ's warehouse or costco and Sams is all the same you can get your protein in bulk,and GNC,they have a wonderful protein called Isopure and is it the best it is low fat and sugar plus I was reading reviews and people says that it tast good.and there ia also baritaric websites that you can order the soups and even the vitiamins for bariatric paitents...check it out and keep us posted on your progress...goodluck ....camille01

  9. the only way I found was to call the doctors office where you went to the siminar and have the nurse to put you on the list if some one was to cancel or reschedule.I went to 2 siminars 1 in november and the hospital didn't accept my insurance and they were gonna send me a long way from where I live<which would have been ok but it was 30 minutes drive from were I lived and I chose to go to another siminar and this hospital was 15 minutes away and I choose the one closer to me but I had my 2nd siminar on Dec 2nd and got my 1st appoimtnent on the 10th of Janurary so I'm not gonna complain,you can uae your spare time to research over some more info on www.lapband.com and this will help you alot......I hope ....camille01

  10. Hi there Justplaintired,your name gives it all away,lol........I comprehend what you are talking about,I can't say that I understand because I think I am one of the most healthiest fatest person around,I dont have any thing wrong yet besides fybromyalgia and osteo-arthuritis due to my weight,I have nothing else but it kinda scares me because everytime I go to the doctors I look for then to tell me that something is wrong,my mom has highblood,my dad was pretty healthy until he got prostate cancer ,now my sister is fighting cancer,and I lost a sister 5yrs ago had kidney disease,she was 44,my age now...WOW...so Im wondering what do I have to loose but weight....I have my 1st doctors appt on Jan 10th,I already went to my siminar,what a learning exp,,wonderful info...so I guess I am as ready as you are....hey I hope we can share stories later...good luck..camille01

  11. I'm sorry Rachel,those 2 words dont mirror who you are or what you have become, but they are a part of what we have allowed ourself to be,but when I look the mirror I am ready to change what I have allowed myself to become...I understand how you feel but I cannot mimmic what you see in the morror,My mimmic's are what I feel in my heart,and not what other people think of me or what I may think of myself,because I love me and that is what is causing me to thrive to change my life and become a better ME....I wish you all the happiness in the world and good luck with your progress...but always remember that you are out to make you a better you...not to change what you think people say you have become......camille01

  12. Hi JMunks200,It Is wonderful to hear how well you are doing,when you get a compliment take it like a grain of salt,it is like seasoning to a well prepared meal,it is good how well you are doing,so don't beat your self up over 1 or 2 lbs,I think you will make it up on your next weigh in...good luck ...camille01

  13. Its Not an issue(its a goal),when you were at the weight where you werebefore the band the first thing we think about is hitting a goal,so when you start off small then you go big to see if you can get there,think about it like this(starting out with a 19 inch TV,and once you see what the 32 inch we want that,but after a whine it not big enough then you go for the 47 or the 55 inch,its like a little won't do why waste you time on the small stuff when you can go for the "gusto",the same with weight lost,if you make small goals then you reach them,why stop at just 10lbs when you can go for 20 or 30-once you reach your goal go for the next one,.......I'm sorry No one knows your body like you know your body,you will know when you have gone too far.......I say go for It,,,thats what I'm gonna do because if you feel its enough then its enough....Just take 1 day at a time,....good luck my friends........camille01

  14. Thank you all for the advice,now I really don't feel too bad,I am so glad to have you all to ask,nothing better than to have someone that has already went through the process,Like I said before I've already went through 3 months and I hope that thats all I need to go through,but I know its all worth while,I am bound and determined to do this I have been researching for 2 yrs or better and I would cry like a baby if the doctor tells me that I couldnt get approved,wish me luck and may God be with each and every one of you through this New Year,..........

    Like I said thank you all.....camille01

  15. I done the same thing. My story is almost the same as yours. Started in July and just knew I would have this done by the end of the year. Then

    they came up with the 6 month diet and I have missed one in Oct. So I spoke to the insurance and they said I need Jan and Feb to be complete and I hopefully can have it done in March. I was so hurt and upset. There has been several people in my office that have had the lap band and they did not have to have the 6 month diet....This must be something new. Oh well, I am looking very forward to March. Good luck to you. Just wanted to let you know you where not the only one. ;)

    Hi Tena,I was looking at your Blog and you were talking about the 6 months diet that the doctors have us on,Its the Insurance company,some of them require that we are to go on the 6 month diet program,and some of the ins.co don't require it,thats what gets to me,I am up for my 1st appointment on Janurary 10th

    I havn't seen the neutrisinist or the dietition but after the siminar I was told that I had to do this and I started when I left then and I was glad that I did because I have 3 months down and 3 to go,I am hoping that the Insurance tell me that I don't have to do it,I wont look at it as if I waisted my time but as if this is something I needed all the time but guess what I DIDN'T LOSE ANY WEIGHT EITHER...camille01

  16. Hi Ballajenn34, I hav emy 1st appointment on the day of your surgery,I an sure that the doctor will let you know what to eat and drink but I an starting now getting used to protein drinks because you will need plenty of these, you can go to www.unjury.com and look at the product,there they have nothing but briatric products,Vitimans,calcium and other stuff that you are going to need....check it out...let us know how you are doing...but please check with the neutritionist at the hospital when you go back or even call them and make sure that you are doing what you are suppose to do....camille01

  17. I have had my visit with my Dr. and my therapist and the found that I have sleep apnea-so I have to do sleep study before surgery..I can't wait and am so excited to have it done-probably in Jan...a little nervous about surgery...When is your big day? Hope all goes well..God Bless

    I have my 1st appointment with the doctor and dietition,Neutritionist,I hope there is more of the Dr's team there so I can get more than 1 thing done at a time,I guess I am so excited,,,I Havn't had my birth-day(band-day) scheduled yet, I kinda wish it was,...I want to see how well I would do (can you see your self skinny?) I ask my self that all the time.

    it feels so good to finally come close to something that I have been waiting on for a while....please keep me up on how well you are doing....it feels good to have someone to go through this with...camille01

  18. Hi lab69, I am making that step with you,I cant wait to have my surgery,I have read lots of Blogs and went to youtube and listened to lots of video blogs ,I went to lapband.com,i went to realizeband.com there is so many websites to get educated on what to expect,but with a band breaking it has a lot to do with erosion of the band,and that comes from not following what the doctor tells you to do and staying on your diet program,too much vomiting,lots of things cause the band to break that we need to avoid.....any way you are not alone,...there are plenty of other people who havnt had there surgery done yet.....all you have to do is ask who hasn't had there suegery done you and you will be overwelmed with the responce....Im here and If you want we can do it together......I have my 1st appointment on Jan 10th, Have you attended your siminar yet?....if so you are on your way...oh yeah there are 2 other surgerys that you can choose from if that mans story scared you bt please dont be afraid of 1 persons experiance.......camille01....

  19. Hi there Crystal,I see,I read and I learn from other peoples mistakes,WOW I bet that did hurt,I don't like to throw up only when something feels like the way you described it(pain in the chest),I hope you are alright,with the weight that you lost,you needed to get up and go out and treated yourself to a new shirt or something special for all your hard work that you put in,...don't feel too lonely because the kids will be back home soon,this is a blessing for some moms to be able to have the house to themselves,you can sleep or put some candles out and treet yourself like the Queen you are for all your work you put in ,I just hope you feel better and got the spicy chicken out of the way........next time take that sandwich money and buy your self something special.....camille01

  20. Hi there Svillelady,I am glad to see hat you are doing so well after your surgery,I havn't had my appointment yet with the surgeon its comming on Janurary 10th,now after you ad your first appt. how much after that did you have to wait,I have already went to 2 siminars and at the 2nd one I finally met the surgeon I want to do my surgery,I guess that I'd would rather be safe that sorry,to make sure I get a feel of who will be doing what I need to have done.I already sratred the weight management for 6 months,I have 3 down and 3 to go,I am curious as to how much longer I would have before they will let me know a date,I dont mind waiting but the longer I wait the more I eat and thats what I do not want because I'm ready to loose,loose,loose,,,,I havn't lost yet because the war strted a long time ago and I'm still fighting.....Much luck and we will talk soon.....camille01

  21. Hi Tina

    I am getting a little more excited as the days go by,My appointment with the surgeon is on Janurary 10th,I think thats about 2 weeks,I am hoping that they get a responce real quick from my insurance,I am ready!!!! I see you are as well,,,I wish you were here in the Bronx in NYC so we can go the same time....good luck with your appointment and keep us posted....camille01

  22. :unsure: Hi there,just look at it as a form of rehab.you can not put a drug user in a room with drugs and expect him how to use,and you can not put a alcholic in a liquor store and not expect him to have a snort,so think about it (you can't put a chocoaholic in a room with a box of chocolates and expect to come back and have a full box.....not that im calling you any of these,,but resist the temptations and tell the person that you would prefer a fruit basket ,,,or if they want to get you something chocolate,,the GNC sales chocolate protein shakes,,,:D ...Just have fun with it and don't over do it because its fun taking off clothes expecially the ones that are too big for us...but I cry every time I put on something that I have to have resized and taken out.....;) .....camille01

  23. Hello My Friend As they say "I think you found your sweet spot! " "CONGRADULATION" On the First go round,not being hungery on the liquid diet ,,that is wonderful...

    i am still hanging in there I found some very incurraging friends on this site

    (I guess all I have to do is read and understand everybody's situation is different even though

    the surgery is the same,some peope are faster healers than other,some of us can tolarate the pain

    better than the rest,but one can't be placed above the other but with the power beyond what is normal

    we are able to do a lot of things,

    with your self and lonnie200t and skinnychick,I think you guys are very special friends I am

    really glad to know because with the words of incurragement that you all offer me makes me very

    happy to accept and it makes my road down my journey more pleasent for me to walk it...thanks

    and you continue to heal and do good because I may have to have a shoulder to lean on later....camille01

  24. hello Krytonite70, Congradulationas.....Have you schedule your siminar yet,if you havn't you can go to www.lapband.com that is a very good informational website,from the way you write you already have everything worked out,when do you start your evaluation? I started 2 months ago and just getting my first appointment.....hey keep us up on your progress....camille01

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