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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cangel76

  1. Hugs, the only thing that helped with the pain was walking, A LOT. And the more I moved the more tolerable it became. I am a week out and still getting tinges of pain here and there but over all, most of the gas is gone and I get to drive as soon as I am off pain meds, which I was two to three days out, can't remember exactly. BIG HUGS feel better soon.
  2. So today brought about a new challenge.... The running around like a chicken with my head cut off challenge and being able to slowly introduce mushy foods challenge. So I headed out of the house at 10ish with my son. I stopped at GNC because I wanted to try to find the IsoPure drinks. I showered and grabbed myself my protein drink and a bottle of water. I forced down the shake like I have never forced a shake before. LOL I got the drink and a Jello supplement that was high in Protein, no sugar and low in whatever else had to be low. (Exhaustion is currently my middle name.) So we then went to Game Stop and then Chucky Cheese. We were there three hours. I forgot to buy myself a water so I got a few sips of Alexanderias 100% apple juice box, just a few sips and they kids had Pizza. I had 5 small bites, which I chewed to the point of liquid mush in my mouth. I was fading fast. Left there and stopped and got the kids McDonalds and stopped to visit my mother. At which point I drank the IsoPure 40grams of protein drink. I now officially had 60 grams of protein in my. Good job Celeste, but I was still super hungry. We got in the car and I promised my son we could go to Bertuccis for his Birthday dinner. The bread came out and I took two small pieces of the inside and dunked them in the oil, chewed them until they disolved in my mouth. I had ordered my usual (because I figure I can puree it) Balsmic Chicken with Green Beans (Double order, I LOVE veggies). I took less then pea size pieces of chicken and chewed and chewed and chewed and chewed and well I chewed longer then I have ever chewed before. Again, being sure it was puree consistency before I swallowed. No fluids either, I was good about that. I mean, I don't carry a blencer with me so I had to do something. When I got home I was ultimately proud of myself for making good choices and that were fairly healthy. The Pizza there was no other choice other then salad and that is a no no. So all in all, I made my mouth the blender. I DO NOT think I got enough fluids and I have honestly been feeling fatiqued all day. I keep feeling big blood sugar drops and it sucks. So lessons learned.... 1. Do NOT forget your water 2. Carry protein something on you 3. If going with the kids somewhere and they are getting Pizza be sure NOT to be hungry. he he 4. Don't forget to take time to feed yourself, no matter how small the amount, something to help keep up your energy. You need a constant energy source, not just a quick burst of energy like with Carbs. So protein needs to be spaced through out the day better. Even with the protein spaced out pretty well, I am still feeling pretty tired, no matter how much I sleep. This is a concern I am going to call the doctor about if it continues. Off to take my vitamins. Rest well my friends.
  3. I am okay, a little sore still. I lost 20lbs in the last few weeks. How are you doing with the band? What has been the biggest challange?

  4. It has been tough, in a way I didn't expect. I never really cared much about food, I just didn't. I always ate because I had to. Sometimes I wouldn't have breakfast until noon, and dinner at 6 and a snack at 10pm. Since being told I can't eat, I find I am watching the clock more to be sure I get the proper supplements in. It is crazy, I am such a free spirit, being a clock watcher makes me nuts, and I get hungry fairly quickly but that is what happens when you are on liquids still. So here is how I used to eat, I used to just pick. I would make my daughter a sandwich and wait for her to finish what she was going to eat and then eat the rest. That way I am not wasting food and having a smaller portion. I also tend to pick. So today while making my daughter her lunch I gave her chips and with out thinking popped a small piece in my mouth and chewed. NO NO NO I said, not good for you. I also made her green beans and masticated the crud out of them and swallowed. Then tonight, my MIL, she is so sweet, gave me some home made chicken soup. So I took the chicken and carrots, I purreed them into a liquid form, added them back to the stock and then heated it up. Best liquid protein I have had all week. It is hard to cook for everyone else and not be able to partake in the meal. I have stuff for alfredo so I will make a chicken alfredo for the family on Wednesday. I can't do it tomorrow, tomorrow is my sons 10th Birthday and I am taking him out to Bertuccis. I of course will be drinking water with lemon and lime while he eats Pizza. I told my husband I want to order a meal for when I can eat. I am still feeling gassy and took my daughter out today and was in so much pain I actually got the sweats. I think it was from all the bending in and out of the car. She is slightly over the limit I am supposed to lift. So I do the lift with the legs and there is very littel strain, most of the strain is bending in the car to buckle her and unbuckle her. That being said, I feel pretty good, my hubby is going to get me sugar free ice cream. Is that on the list? I can't find my list. LOL I will have to look it all back up. Let's pretend it is on the list.... Also, off to the gym tomorrow to drop off the application and $20.00 and I can start going, as soon as I get better control of my bowels. Those are still off and sometimes to nearly disasterous results. I looked in the mirror today and said, "I love you enough to realize you want to loose weight to be healthy. I know you well enough to know that part of you thinks it would be cook to be skinny. I have heard you say so many times that you will not back down from a challange and you never have, so put on those boxing gloves and tell those old habits of picking to take a hike." Yah didn't neccessarily work today but there is tomorrow. I need to meditate and concentrate on my Reiki principles and refocus my energy. Speeking of Reiki, I did it on my son today, (it is an energy work for those that don't know. Yes I am a holistic, new age, hippy girl) and he was so happy. He said, "I don't know how when you place your hands on my head I hear humming energy." He is such a sweet boy. Speaking of boy, OH BOY am I rambling. Off to bed, tomorrow, school work, school work, and the day of Brandon.
  5. Cangel76

    Am I being greedy?

    1-2lbs a week. I know we all would like it to come off faster. Are you exercising too? I am aiming for 1-2lbs a week because that means less saggy skin! I saw your post and just read that you are going to the gym. You do realize that muscle weighs more then fat. So as you build that muscle up it will make the appearance that you are not loosing a great deal but you could be loosing 2lbs of fat and gaining a 1lb of muscle.
  6. Cangel76

    10 months post op 84 pounds down

    Looking great there.
  7. Congratulations!!!! That is awesome.
  8. Cangel76

    Go me, it's my son's Birthday

    Every day I step on the scale my son comes to see my results. Well today I am 210.5 and he is soooo excited for me. He is jumping around going woohoo. IT's OUR birthday he said. I laughed. He keeps me inspired I tell you. So today I am going to have to go out again. My son is with me so he is going to help with Alexanderia. He gets his B-day off. Will let you all know how my day goes.
  9. Just so you guys know There is are own board where we can chat and talk about what is going on. Start are own individual threads with questions. I am including the lapbandtalk link for all of you. November 10 Bandsters - LAP-BAND
  10. Cangel76

    Screaching Halt to my journey

    Big hugs hon, I am sooo sorry.
  11. Me too, now I love a brownie like the next girl but as far as protein shakes, ugh, so sick of them.
  12. SENDING YOU BIG HUGS!!!! My weight was mostly caused by medical reasons. However, I am realizing now how much I love and appreciate the variant flavors of food. It isn't so much that I need to eat them, but that I like to eat them. I enjoy the flavors, aromas, etc. I have struggled with the not eating real food thing. I think perhaps that might be one reason none of us get a fill right away. Imagine if we messed up and tried to eat something and it got stuck or worse. One day at a time hon and you will get through it.
  13. Cangel76

    Weight Change Timelines

    Good job you look great!
  14. Cangel76

    Space & pics

    I think you are looking great, and I agree. No matter how thin any of us gets, we will always be space concious. Those sometimes I am the opposite, because I am a skinny person in a big girls body, I bump people with my rear end all the time thinking I had enough space. LOL
  15. Cangel76

    Officially a Bander

    Congratulations. I had it done on the 2nd, looking forward to taking the journey with you.
  16. Glad to hear! Have an safe trip and yes, always bring the powder.

  17. Cangel76

    Dear Blog

    Dear Blog, (and anyone that reads) Today I woke up and took my levothyroxine with 6oz of water per the usual. I waited my hour and took my protein shake. I nearly threw up. I just am starting to have a hard time with the shakes and think it is more psychosamatic then anything wrong with the shakes. So blog, if you could please have a talk with my mind and body, explain the rules, I would be appreciative because they are not listening to me. Dear Mind and Body, It has become evident that there have been some big changes. Stomach lets start with you. You have officially been married to the entire body. You see that ring around you? That is to remind you how important you are. How important it is for you to feel full, stay full and digest food so that the rest of the body and mind can stay healthy. We apologize as the ring will get tighter until you get to a point that you understand this job completely, once reached we will stop squeezing, promise. Enjoy the liquids and not having to work too hard on digesting, you almost get a little mini vacation. Imagine the warm liquids like the warm sun on you, with the waves rushing by. Relax stomach, things will be better. On to you mind. Poor stomach is trying to accept the new roll that was placed on them and you have to go make it difficult. The protein shakes and meals that stomach needs to help body are neccessary and will help stomach be more helpful to you and body. If you do not allow stomach to take in and digest these elements you will become nothing but a pile of mush and body won't have the energy to even pick up that book and read. Celeste won't be able to let you complete your school work, so stop and enjoy the protein, imagine it's a piece of filet mignion. Thanks. Oh and Body, a few more weeks and you will start feeling and seeing the difference. Put faith in stomach and tell the mind to shut up and all should be good. Now I know you have always had a pretty light gag reflex but you need to get that under control for just a few more weeks. You are doing great. Oh and Body, yes it was normal to get so tired after grocery shopping in a wholesale club, those places are huge. So rest easy you are doing well. Much love, The Blog that has to listen to all the complaints about you guys not listening! Dear Blog, Thank you for the letter, I can not be sure that the notes will help this system to work together, but I can hope. Love, C :cursing:
  18. Cangel76

    One thing I realize

    I realize that getting this band, often times people say, "this is the wasy way out." It isn't really. Sure it helps with the weight loss but if you don't learn to gain control of what it is that got you to this point, or your connection to food, you set yourself up for failure. One must truly be committed to understanding if they were an over eater and why, or what it is that makes them want that chocolate shake on the way home from work every day. Getting this procedure only ensures weight loss and only for a short period of time. We can stretch out our pouch, we can eat the wrong foods and become super unhealthy. We need to really focus on the why I eat what I eat portion of this. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS, though food isn't what brought me to banding, as much as my medical issues. As I sit around thinking about what I am going through I question myself, how much of me is going to miss having those brownies when I am PMSing. How am I going to fill the void? Why is it when people tell me I can't have something I want it more? Self evaluation for self control. This journey isn't easy, but neccessary.
  19. Welcome!!!! Banded November 2, 2010, yah I agree. I usually get gassy when I am getting hungry anyway, so I am all confused. I just keep thinking I am hungry, nothing really helps it. Well, good luck and keep up the good work.
  20. Cangel76

    Shopping in the REGULAR sizes today!

    So awsome for you, congrats on
  21. Cangel76

    Feeling FABULOUS!

    Congratulations, that is amazing. I have explained this to people many times. There is a butterfly in this cacoon, she has been trying to immerge and spread her wings. Well once you work at it and use your band right, you start to crack through that cacoon and people begin to see that light you have had inside all along. Congratulations you look great!
  22. I just found this out, onderland means under 200lbs
  23. Cangel76

    3 Months Side

    Looking good, congrats
  24. Cangel76

    Still no further weight loss after 6 months...now what?

    I don't know what happened with where you got your surgery but my doctors were very specific, "this is a tool and you have to use it right. That includes measuring food, taking small amounts, protein first, sugars and high fat foods last. Exercise, exercise, exercise. The band can only do so much, we have to do the rest. I would suggest, seeing as your name is GlassIsHalfFullGirl that perhaps you are a pessimist. As a pessimist you jumped into this hoping it would work but figuring it probably wouldn't. Usually people who are pessimists subconciously sabotage themselves and making sure that their beliefs become truths. So they can say, "see I told you so." I think your eating issues might be routed in something more emotional, if you can get to a therapist and talk to them about these things, perhaps that can help you to gain perspective as to why you are having so much trouble and let you learn new ways to gain a positive control of your life. Good luck hon. BIG HUGS
  25. Cangel76

    Hanging skin

    There are a few factors that cause hanging skin.... 1. Too quick a weight loss. 2. Age 3. Exercise 4. Size we are before we start As we age our skins elasticity decreases. So if we loose weight at a rapid amount 5-10lbs a week for many consecutive weeks, we are more likely some of the saggy skin. Once we all regulate out on our weight loss and get back to a 1-3 pounds a week, the skin then has more time to shrink back up. Does this make sense. In the beginning we are all saggy skinned a little bit, but with exercise, fluids and proper nutrition, most of it should be handled. I know a lot of people who got the bypass and they have a hard time with hte saggy skin. Just because they loose so much weight so quickly, but my friends with the band, aren't having too much trouble at all.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
