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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    imtoxic reacted to bzbrown in Sex???   
    My hubs married me at my highest weight, and we've never had issues in that departmento The idea of things getting even better after weightloss.... woohoo!
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    imtoxic reacted to 1970MaleJaxFL in April 2011 surgery dates   
    My surgery date is set for April 28th. Anybody want to race me to the 100 lbs. down mark?
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    imtoxic reacted to kkf1979 in April 2011 surgery dates   
    My surgery was yesterday and I honestly had a really good experience the surgeon and staff at the slimband clinic were great. I was done at about 2pm and was back at my hotel room @ 5pm. I have no gas pain at all (touch wood). The pain from the surgery itself is very minimal and I only get them when I try to sit or stand. I slept really well only woke up once to take painkillers. So far so good, I pray that the rest of my journey is as easy as this. I have only had Water and a glass of apple juice since the surgery and I am noy hungry. In the airport right now on my way home to start a brand new life.
    Wishing all of you yet to be banded all the best.
  4. Like
    imtoxic reacted to JAM2YOU in Am I supposed to be in this much pain?   
    Definately keep up with your pain meds by taking them a little before the last dose is due to wear off and definately try to sit somewhere where it is less stressful to get up and down. I slept the first week in a recliner because it was much easier to deal with then our platform bed. Remember the longer you sit in one position the harder it is to get up. Try to be as mobile as possible with the pain and if your unsure of your incisions try keeping them clean with some peroxide and if they don't improve do not let them put you off, insist on getting into either your surgeon or your PCP to have them looked at. Welcome to the banded world and take it one day at a time.....you can do this and will feel much differently after about a week.
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    imtoxic reacted to Sistersue in Am I supposed to be in this much pain?   
    I know it's hard and the first day after surgery, or really 3 days all I could do is shuffle around the neighborhood but it really heklpsk with the gas. The pain meds I took only took the edge off. The first few days I just slept, drank, and walked all day. It gets better pretty quickly. Take your temp each day to look for fever. Welcome to our band!
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    imtoxic reacted to Mrs Firth in Am I supposed to be in this much pain?   
    This sounds exactly what it was like for me the day after surgery. Painkillers may have been given intravenously with your fluids and after that is stopped basically the pain kicks in. It is because you have had operative work on your body and it is reacting to being cut, I suspect. The pain went in a day or two. The other pain I have found bad is indigestion but that starts going soon as well. If the pain gets worse, make sure you let the medics know. It is to be expected at first but should lessen rather than worsen. Keep smiling, you took the brave step and it is a great new journey of your life and health from here on in
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    imtoxic reacted to vickyd in Am I supposed to be in this much pain?   
    It is very normal to be sore for a while after surgery. You need to call your surgeon and request liquid pain meds. If they won't call in a prescription for you (although I would be shocked if they wont) you can also try OTC liquid pain meds - Liquid Tylenol was recalled but CVS has a store brand that works well. Also, try using a heating pad on your stomach off and on throughout the day. That really helped me with the muscular pain. A little seepage from your incisions is normal...I wouldn't worry about that unless it gets a lot worse.
    Rest as much as you can, don't forget to sip on fluids throughout the day and walk around as much as you feel up to (it will help with the post-surgery gas)...I hope you feel better soon!
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    imtoxic reacted to reverie in Am I supposed to be in this much pain?   
    Normal. Any reason you're crushing your pills? As long as they aren't huge they will go down fine. If worse comes to worse call your doctor and ask for liquid form pain meds. Getting in and out of bed, sitting down, and moving in general will hurt, especially the first day post-op. It gets better about a week out. For now try to take your pain meds BEFORE you're in pain. If you have plans to get up and move around, take your pain meds a little bit before you do. This way you'll have the meds in you and ready to kick in.
    Bleeding is normal and as long as it isn't continuous I think you'll be okay. Rest and try to relax as much as possible. If you can have someone help you get in and out of bed and to move around.
    Good luck and hope you feel better soon.
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    imtoxic reacted to erink58 in Am I supposed to be in this much pain?   
    Hi there, sorry to hear about all your pain. I have not had my surgery yet, but from reading these posts, I am planing to ask my surgeon to prescribe liquid pain meds (I think they do this anyway). Could you call your doctor and ask for him to phone in liquid pain meds to your local pharmacy? Also, some liiquid tylenol should also be on hand if you need it later. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.
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    imtoxic reacted to Dave_NW in Surgery Day is tomorrow 4/5   
    Gax-X helped me by helping dispel gas trapped inside my stomach. But they inflate air into your midsection during surgery, and no telling where it ends up. it seemed after taking it I had less shoulder pain. (May have been all in my head.) The pain in your shoulder, or even your headache, may go away if you move around some, and drink more fluids. If you feel the urge to cough, do it. You may have residual Fluid in your lungs from the anesthetic, and not being able to breathe deeply can cause you additional pain or stress.
    Hang tough. You can do this, and it does get better, one day at a time. Good luck!
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    imtoxic reacted to Pammy S Lewis in Surgery Day is tomorrow 4/5   
    wow, lots of surgeries tomorrow! good luck everyone, hope everything goes well and is comfortable for you
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    imtoxic reacted to Dave_NW in Surgery Day is tomorrow 4/5   
    Let me wish all of you great success with your surgeries! You're ready, you've worked hard to get to this point, and now it's time!! Good luck!
    The best advice I can offer is to remember what you've been told about getting up and moving as much as you can. Walking helps a great deal to reduce or eliminate the gas pain after surgery. Gas-X strips are excellent helpers. Sip liquids till you think your eyeballs will float. If you feel the urge to cough, do it - there may be Fluid buildup in your lungs from the surgery anesthetic. The sooner you get rid of the excess Fluid, the better you'll feel. The postop pain goes away fairly quickly, and you'll be moving ahead to the next phases in no time. Remember that the first weeks after surgery are about healing, not weight loss. So don't panic if your scale doesn't move like you want it to. That'll come later.
    Everyone on this Forum is here for you, and many of us have been where you are. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance.
    See you on the other side of the recovery room, where we'll make room on the Bandster's Bench for you to sit beside us. Good luck!
  13. Like
    imtoxic reacted to momof3armybrats in Surgery Day is tomorrow 4/5   
    My surgery is tomorrow also, at 10am. A few days ago I was having some anxiety issues about it, but as it gets closer I have become more excited about my new life. Now I am just impatient and want to get the show on the road. Good luck to everyone!!
  14. Like
    imtoxic reacted to Woodslass in Surgery Day is tomorrow 4/5   
    I'm with you all - surgery is tomorrow at 9am. I'm not scared, although I'm not looking forward to the healing aspect. I wish I could just skip right through it all and already be on solid food and losing steadily
    Good luck to us all!
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    imtoxic reacted to SueAZ in Lap Band Surgery Day Stories   
    I had my surgery on May 23. It went fairly smooth. I had the heprin shot to the tummy I really didn't feel it. Rolled into the surgery at 9:30 and was rolling out at 10:30am. Was in the recovery for 1 hour then off to a room. I was lucky didn't get the sore throat I was expecting. Once in the room I was basically left alone. Slept off and on till about 3pm. Then had to ask for help to get up. Waited awhile before some one showed up. At 4pm finally got up and walked the halls. Felt sore and some discomfort but not terrible. Walked the halls three more times. Had very little Water because wasn't thristy but I knew I had to drink. Left the hospital at 7pm and was in my own bed by 8:30pm. I had the option of staying but was not really impressed with the nursing staff. Better treatment from my hubby.
    Today, still some discomfort walking around the house and out to the mail box. Took half a gas-X table because of some gas. Stopped it right away. Been drinking fluilds and trying to get the Protein in. Found a chocolate milk 1% with 17 grams of Protein only 210 calories.
    Hopefully everyone has a sucessful surgery and recovery
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    imtoxic reacted to 2babutterfly in Lap Band Surgery Day Stories   
    I had my surgery on May 13th and I don't think things could have went any smoother....I got to the hospital at 5am and was prepped and taken to the OR at 7:30. The doc came out and told my hubby that everything went great at about 8:30. I rested in the room and went for my xray at about 1:00. I went home at about 6:00 that evening. Unfortunately I didn't get to rest much after I got home. My mother had a brain tumor and really took a turn for the worst on the 14th. We stayed at her bedside until she passed away on the 19th.
    Thankfully, I had some gas pains that were pretty tolerable. Most of my soreness was gone in about 10 days...I haven't had any problems at all and as a matter of fact, I ate my first "meal" today. I had a small piece of salmon, some cottage cheese and blended broccoli, cheese and potatoes. It was wonderful!!
    I hope you all had as good of a surgery as I did..God, I'm sure, made sure I would be able to be there and tell my sweet momma goodbye
    love to all,
  17. Like
    imtoxic reacted to pennyt in Lap Band Surgery Day Stories   
    May 21st was a long day, but I think it went well.
    We were supposed to get there at 7 a.m. for a 10 a.m. surgery slot. DH was worried about being late, so we got there at 6:30 a.m. We checked in, and were taken to a small walled-in room where the nurse went over my vitals with me. I changed into the ultra-fashionable gown, opening to the back, as well as the socks with the tread design. Once I laid down on the gurney, they put the massaging things on my legs, and connected the air.
    A scopolamine patch was placed behind my ear for possible nausea. It's supposed to last three days.
    The IV of saline was started, and we waited. Julie, Dr. Clark's Physician's Asst, came in to check on not long before 9, and said that they were getting ready to do a bypass, and that I was next after that. She also gave me a goody bag.
    The goody bag had several items from On-Q, a pain moderating apparatus. I had it when I had my last intestinal surgery, and wondered if I would have it for this, since this was going to be laproscopic. She said no, it was just some goodies she wanted to give me. On-Q is an IV type set-up where thin lines are run on each side of an incision to deliver morphine right to the incision, instead of having the morphine affect the whole body. I really liked it how it worked, but I'm glad I didn't get it for this surgery, and I don't think I needed it at all.
    The items in the goody bag were a pedometer/FM radio combination and a set of pens, and a Water bottle, all embossed with "On-Q".
    The nurse gave me a shot of Heparin in the leg. That stuff burns going in! It's not unbearable, but it does sting.
    The IV was turned up pretty high to really pump in the saline, and I got up at about 9:30 to pee. The nurse said that they do this so that the patients will void their bladders, since they want empty bladders for surgery. After I got up, they turned the drip rate down.
    Dr. Wong, the anesthesiologist came in, introduced himself to me, and he told me what would happen once we got to the ER. I've been operated on before, so I wasn't worried about that part.
    I ended up getting wheeled into surgery at 10:52 a.m. Dr. Wong put a strap over my forehead that held monitors for my sleep rate, and my arm was stretched out to the side. An injection was made in the IV, and I could smell the taste (if that makes sense). He said that most people just comment that they can taste something in their mouths once they get that injection, but I felt that I could actually smell what it tasted like since the taste seemed to be right up at the top front of my mouth.
    The oxygen mask went on, I was instructed to take deep breaths, and the next thing I knew I was back in my little walled cubicle. I think I recall being in a recovery room, and getting my mouth swabbed, but I couldn't swear to anything that happened there.
    After I was more awake, but still groggy, I was taken down to radiology for the barium swallow so they could check the placement of the band. Once we got there, I sat up on the edge of the gurney, and sat there for a while because I was light-headed and felt nauseated. The nurse waved an alcohol swab under my nose to help with the nausea. I finally felt ready to go in for the swallow, and they handed me a large glass full of thin barium. I almost dropped the cup, but was able to warn them before hand, so they took it from me, and gave me another minute to stand there. I finally managed to get a few drinks down, and they decided that it would be better to by-pass the standing x-rays.
    They put the x-ray bed down, and I laid down on it. Then the meanie doctor made me roll over a couple times. I told him that I was going to moon him for revenge for making me roll, and he just laughed. The rolling was uncomfortable, but I managed. Everything looked good, and I even got to see the screen to see what the band looked like on an x-ray.
    I was then taken back to the cubicle, and could definitely feel every bump when we crossed the elevator threshold or any doorway thresholds. I didn't feel them on the way down.
    My throat was really dry, so I was able to have ice chips and a popsicle, and that really helped. I was also given a dose of the liquid lortab, and was really happy to have that popsicle as a chaser to get rid of the taste.
    I was given my choice of what I wanted to try to eat. Out of the cream-of-wheat, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, cream of chicken Soup, mashed potatoes, and pudding, I chose the eggs and potatoes. No problem getting that down. I was allowed 2 medicine cups full of food.
    I was finally let go at about 4:30. As I was getting into the wheelchair, I told DH that I thought he should drive home. The nurse looked startled for a minute, and then she realized I was joking!
    We're looking for a car for our daughter, and since we were in Indy where there are several car dealerships within a few miles of the hospital, we decided (I insisted) that we not waste the opportunity. DH stopped and got me a bottle of Fiji Water to sip on for the drive. He drove through several lots so we could see what was available. If we saw anything that looked like a possibility, he got the details from the salesman, but no test drives. We just wanted to see what kind of prices are being asked. I had no problems being in the car for that extra hour that we spent driving through the lots.
    Anyway, I slept most of the way home. We stopped to fill my prescriptions on the way home. I was given liquid lortab, Ursodiol (to prevent gall stones), and Protonix (for acid reflux). The pharmacy had to make the liquid lortab, so that took a little while. Not that I really noticed, because I was asleep in the car.
    Once I got home, I took another dose of lortab, and then rested a while. I went to bed at 11, and had to make a wedge to recline on using my pillows, since lying flat was not comfortable. I woke up at about 9:30 this morning.
    I'm still sore, coughing hurts even with a pillow against my abdomen, and it's a bit painful to take deep breaths. It's definitely bearable though. I am planning on wearing my binder for at least one week, since it feels good to have that support.
    Good luck to everyone else!
  18. Like
    imtoxic reacted to SDTeaGirl in Any April bandsters out their???   
    Just found out today! Oh my gosh I am on a high! I'm getting banded.....April 29th! So excited I want to just start running around and scream Thank you GOD! One month from today....I will be banded. So I am officially an April Bandster!
  19. Like
    imtoxic reacted to dylansmom in LapBand Food Stages Lists Suggestions   
    Here are the lists that my nutritionist gave to me for the different stages of eating after having surgery. The moderator may want to make this thread a sticky for those who don't get defined lists, as I've noticed a lot of questions about this topic in the past.
    *STAGE 1 - liquids
    START: When you return home from your surgery
    DURATION: For 2 weeks post surgery, or until your next dietitian appointment.
    DIET: Clear and full liquids
    GOAL: Aim for at least 64 ounces of Fluid for the day by continuous sipping.
    100% fruit juice (No sugar added)
    Strained Soups or broths
    Skim or 1% milk
    Soy milk
    Milk shakes - thinned
    Gatorade or equivalent sports drink
    Yogurt smoothie drinks - not including homemade
    Crystal Light
    sugar free beverages
    Herbal or decaffeinated tea or coffee
    Popsicles (Pedialyte)
    Citrus juices (orange, grapefruit, pineapple)
    Acidic liquids (tomato juice, Tomato Soup, buttermilk)
    Caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea)
    Carbonated beverages (any soda pop, seltzer, or tonic water)
    Homemade fruit or yogurt smoothies
    Anything that seems liquid but is not (Jello, yogurt, pudding, ice cream) *Do pour test*
    START: 2 weeks post surgery
    DURATION: Up to 2 weeks post liquid stage
    DIET: Soft food
    GOAL: Aim for a meal capacity of about 1 cup (8 ounces) for 3 meals per day. Aim for fluid intake of 48-64 ounces per day.
    Milk (skim or 1% only)
    Cottage cheese
    eggs (poached, scrambled or soft boiled)
    Blended cream soups
    Low Fat Cheese - unmelted
    Peanut Butter
    Tofu (silken only)
    Applesauce or other fruit sauces
    Canned fruits
    Mashed potatoes
    Cream of Wheat or oatmeal (diluted with milk)
    START: 4 weeks post surgery
    DURATION: 2 weeks post mushies stage
    DIET: Semi-solid food
    GOAL: Aim for a meal capacity of about 1 cup (8 ounces) for 3 meals per day. Aim for fluid intake of 48-64 ounces per day.
    Deli cuts of meat
    Canned flake meats such as tuna or chicken
    Ground meats like ground beef or ground turkey
    Baked fish or crab meat
    Pasta, rice, and corn
    Fresh fruit - eliminate skins
    Cooked vegetables - avoid celery, asparagus or broccoli stalks
    Low Fat melted cheese
    Caloric beverages - sweetened tea, soda, lemonade, juices
    Ice cream, frozen yogurt, milkshakes, & smoothies
    Regular Jello
    Dry solids like breads, cereals, crackers, high Fiber foods
    Protein GROUP:
    1 ounce lean meat, poultry or fish
    1/4 cup yogurt
    1/4 cup pudding
    1/4 cup cottage cheese
    1 egg, 2 egg whites
    1/4 cup egg substitute
    1 tbsp. peanut butter
    1 ounce tofu
    1 ounce cheese
    1/4 cup canned flake meat
    1 slice deli meat
    2 tbsp. grated cheese
    1/4 cup shredded cheese
    1/2 cup beans
    1/4 cup hommus
    1/2 slice toast
    1/4 bagel or english muffin
    1/2 cup Cereal (cooked or dry)
    1/2 cup broth-type Soup
    1 oblong graham cracker
    1/4 cup rice, pasta, or potato
    1/2 small baked potato
    1/4 cup corn
    4 crackers
    1/4 cup canned fruit (in its own juices)
    1/4 cup grapes
    1/2 piece fresh fruit
    1 tsp. jelly or jam
    1/4 cup dry fruit
    1/2 cup cooked vegetables
    1 cup raw vegetables
    1/2 cup Tomato juice
    1/4 cup tomato sauce or salsa
    1 tsp. oil, butter, or margarine
    1 tsp. Mayonnaise
    1 tbsp. Miracle Whip
    1 tbsp. sour cream or cream cheese
    1 tbsp. Salad Dressing
    2 tbsp. guacamole
    4-6 almonds, cashews, or pecans
    1 ounce cheese
    2 tsp. peanut butter
    1 tbsp. tahini
    1/4 cup Cool-Whip
    1 tsp. sugar, honey, or Syrup
    1 or 1 1/2 cup per meal
    1/2 cup per snack
    1-2 Proteins
    1 fruit
    2 grains
    1 other
    2-3 proteins
    1 vegetable
    2 grains
    1 other
    1 fruit
    1 protein
    2-3 proteins
    1-2 vegetables
    2 grains
    1 other
    1 vegetable
    1 grain
    I hope that this helps those who are researching getting the band, with knowing what your eating habbits will be like after surgery. I also hope that this will help those who are never given a clear eating plan after surgery too.
    Please know that this is just the plan that was given to me, and I do not expect all bandsters to follow this plan. It is simply a guidline for those who need one/are not given one.
    Please remember to follow exactly what your surgeon/nutritionist says, even if it is different than this list.
  20. Like
    imtoxic reacted to Woodslass in Any April bandsters out their???   
    Merriemish, I went through that same thing about two weeks ago. I nearly called off my April 5th surgery, I kept thinking all sorts of negative things.
    You know what? If you weren't scared and second guessing, then you wouldn't have thought the process through completely. It's natural when you are making a very big decision. But the fact that you have looked at all the angles says that you know what you are getting into, unlike some people who think this may be a miracle fix!
    All of us have had these thoughts. At this point, I'm committed to it, and my negative thoughts are gone. It's time to do something, and at least we are doing it! Keep telling yourself that this is something just for you, not anyone else in your life. Imagine how much better you are going to feel afterwards, you can do it!
  21. Like
    imtoxic reacted to Woodslass in Any April bandsters out their???   
    I made the decision early on to share my upcoming lapband surgery with everyone I know, including people at work, employees, bosses, friends and family. I want them to know that I am doing something for ME, not for anyone else, and if they don't like it they can kiss my patootie. A part of me also wants to be held accountable for this. I'm self-pay, spending 10k+ of my own money, and I don't want to throw that away. I want people to notice when I look thinner, and I need to know inside that everyone knows about this, so I better stick to the plan!
    Everyone except one of my sisters (I think she's jealous) has been very happy for me, curious about the procedure, and what I will go through. I have lots of support from my co-workers and employees and my husband is being wonderful. I finally told my jealous sister last weekend that if she couldn't support me that she should stop calling me. She was shocked, claiming she was being supportive, but actually she was doing everything she could to scare me into not doing the surgery. I haven't heard from her in a week (shrug).
    This is only one of several major life changes for me - I stopped smoking after 35 years in December and haven't touched a cigarette since. In February I gave up all caffeine and soda (I was a 6-pack a day Pepsi drinker). Now it's time to tackle that last addiction, food.
  22. Like
    imtoxic reacted to MountainMama in Any April bandsters out their???   
    Hello there and congrats to all of you future April Bandsters. I had my band placed April 29, 2010. It has been a wonderful, occasionally challenging, frustrating, joyful, self discovering and celebratory year for me. I found that the lapband was the best possible decision I could have made to regain my health and my life. I hope that all of you have as wonderful and successful year as I and others have had.

    Your new life is about to begin. Do not be afraid; stay true to yourself; follow your instincts but ask for help when you aren't sure about things; give yourself time to learn how to utilize your new tool; allow yourself the chance to make mistakes without coming down too hard on yourself; don't forget that the band isn't a miracle cure because you are going to have to work at it, but most I think you need to remember to be proud of yourself, proud that this month you are doing something for you and you are going to take your life back.

    Welcome, and best of luck to all of you!
  23. Like
    imtoxic reacted to brbm6 in Any April bandsters out their???   
    I am excited too! I don't even mind the Protein shakes and liquid diet. My surgery is April 5th and I can not wait. My goal is to be fit and healthy by 40! (1 1/2 yrs. to go!) I do not care if I end up a size 8 or 16 as long as I feel good. I think that is what has made this such an easy decision for me (I backed out 2 yrs. ago) this time. I am mentally ready...I can not wait to start my life again. I want to be the strong mom that my girls will admire.
  24. Like
    imtoxic reacted to kristie in Before and After Lap Band Surgery - PICTURES ONLY   
    I cant tell you how much the lap band has changed my life!

  25. Like
    imtoxic reacted to Nicole143211 in April 2011 Bandsters   
    I'm the 5th too!! I'm excited and nervous at the same time!!

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