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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2012 in Blog Entries

  1. 4 points
    Downtown Pony

    One Month Out

    Its official I'm one month out. I stepped on the scale. I am under 300 pounds for the first time in 8 years!!! i was 299. I lost 51 pounds in one month. Of course I live in the gym. Feels good! I have been having a hard time keeping down solids. I still have to revert to my liquid diet a lot. Much love to all my fellow sleevers. Also the Place where I got my sleeve done has asked me to be in some commercials for them. They have just recently started doing the sleeve a year ago they had in the past really pushed the lap band. So I don't know I haven't told but a couple of people about the my sleeve so I don't know. Anyways I can't believe I am under 300 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F@%# Yeah
  2. 1 point


    i have been going back and forth on rather i was gonna blog this today, but i must own up to my failures as well as my successes. well i am going in for a fill today. i got on the scale and it has been slowly creeping up. today it said 210!!! i had gotten to 202..that was from february till now. to some that may seem like not a lot, but mentallu to see that second number as a 1 and not a zero just sent me into a mental place i dont need to be. i just cant believe i let it go this far. i take full responsibility for my weight gain. yes i still was in the gym but my eating habits have become less than desirable..ok let me not sugar coat it..i was down right wrong. now i know i need a fill, but i found myself in the past few weeks thinking..it didnt matter what i ate cuz i was gettn a fill and i would just get back on track then. this is the same thinking that held me captive at a size20!! now my 12's still fit, but i know it's only a matter of time before that changes. i think i blogged this to show myself that even though i am one year post op i still have some mental changing to do when it comes to my weight loss journey. i thought that one year out it would be a walk in the park. i long for the day that i dont have to make a conscience effort to always think about what i am eating for the day. i long for the day that my weight is not always on my mind..but i dont think that day will ever come. so i've come to accept that my way of life is to be constantly aware of my weight and food intake. jennifer
  3. 1 point

    Almost There!!!!

    Well, I finally got the call yesterday, that I have been waiting on. The insurance approved my surgery, and I have my consult with the surgeon on July 9. I am very excited, cant wait.I went to my lap band consultation on June 6. Got my ekg and pulmonary test. They told me how to eat and what I can expect. The next day I called my Dr and got him to call me in some chantix. My last cigarette was June 15 at 8:30 pm. I highly recommend chantix. After a week of taking it I barely had any desire to smoke. At the consultation I weighed in at 244. I immediatley started to incorporate the mechanics of eating like they described to me. Most of the time I eat that way and it is fine. There is still that little part of me that knows I can, so I occasionally cheat, telling myself I wont do it after I get my band. I am now down to 236. I really hope my journey continues to be so positive. I am very excited, and just cant wait till the surgery. Wish my luck and keep me in your prayers.
  4. 1 point

    Third Bandiversary

    Hello my lovelies! This week is my 'Celebration Week', so drink up you groupies, and keep the party going all week! - My Birthday (I'll be 53). - Our 30th Wedding Anniversary (we'll be leaving for London in less than two weeks…Cheers!). - and…drum roll please…My Third Bandiversary!!! I can hardly believe it's been three years! It seems like just yesterday that I was getting banded, and yet it also seems like I'm now the same person I always felt like inside...only happier. I'm swamped getting packed, so I won't repeat myself, but here are some thoughts I had on the past year HERE I just wanted to stop in for the big party (get your hugs here) and to tell you thank you all for your continued support and friendship! Pics- a pair of pants I found in the back of my closet (too small on me when I got banded)...excuse the pre-shower scary face. See you all in a few weeks! -BG (lap Band Groupie)
  5. 1 point
    Hello Three Year Bandversary. I was banded June 29, 2009 it was three weeks earlier then my original set date. I was ready, you know how ready we get, right! Someone who did not follow all the pre-op diet and all those rules before surgery allowed me to be moved up. Lucky Me!!! Keep in mind, just remember to follow all those rules no matter how lame you think they are. I honestly felt bad for this person because all I knew was they were scheduled, had the date and did not meet the guidelines. Made my day that’s for sure. My first suggestion Follow all the rules, no matter what! As I reflect over my last three years, I can honestly say I have never been HAPPIER with my life. I would choose this procedure again. It has not made dealing with the everyday life and it’s many traumas really any easier. Yet, it has helped me make better food choices and the issues for me related to the food a whole lot easier. On my second Bandversary - June 21, 2011 I was able to have the full body nip and tuck and as I remember that was way harder and a much longer recovery than the Lap Band. I thought two weeks and I’d be up and around. It took almost the entire summer to feel better. Two months, so if you are thinking in terms of nip and tuck prepare yourself. It is a much longer recovery and way more painful. I do not regret one minute that I had it done. I love my flat stomach and small breasts now and my arms and legs with exercise don’t look bad. I like swimming and water activities. I can say I am normal, looking and feeling all around now. I love how my clothes fit. I love that I can buy anything I want in any store and I am a normal size. I even see myself in the mirror as normal. I love what I see these days. I never liked the mirror, as a matter of fact I hated it! Looking in the mirror and having a good cry can be a catalyst to change. When you see the results before your very eyes it makes a huge impression. I kept wanting more change. I followed the rules and I did make mistakes. I kept getting back on track. The mirror helps you stay focused on your goal. The scale just validated the number loss. It took a year to lose over 100 pounds. I have kept it off now and am excited to write about it. My weight has gone up and down 10 pounds and it is always a struggle to lose again. Keeping a positive attitude and blogging made it so much easier for me. I have had fills and un-fills and more fills do to the surgery, that was my choice. This is what is so wonderful about the Lap Band it all becomes our choices to use the controls inside. Before my nip and tuck I had almost all the fluid taken out. I knew it was risky and yes I did gain weight. Because I gave in to old high calorie habits and choices. I have always said, I want to be small so I should eat small! But if those small choices are HIGH CALORIES there will be problems. I can’t tell you how fast 10 pounds can come back if you make wrong choices. I am getting back to eating real food, not processed, protein first, not too much and mostly plants. They don’t have a lot of calories and are way better for me. My life has never been happier, my journey has been unique to me and I wish everyone out there all the best on your journey. Keep in touch Blogging helps. Best Wishes Love, imaluckydog
  6. 1 point
    Jersey Girl

    I've Been Sleeved!

    Hi. This is my first blog so I want to give all of you out there a shoutout from NJ!!!!! I had my surgery 6/18/12, my 2week anniversary is coming up and I can't believe how fast those 2 weeks flew by!! I lost 7 lbs the first week and I can't wait to see what the scale says on Monday. I am down a total of 19 lbs including the 2 week pre-surgery diet!!! I am feeling really good, I began walking on Tuesday and I am hoping that it will help my body tone as I am losing weight. The only thing that I am afraid of is the excess skin. Has that been a problem for any of you out there?
  7. 1 point

    How The He** Did That Happen!

    Day 151: Too Normal This morning I weighed in at 185.2lbs and then I walked into my closet and stared at the emptiness. My closet is EMPTY. I literally cannot wear anything I was wearing five months ago. Well, at least not unless I'm going for the baggy look. I'm so surprised that I've stuck with it. I'm still doing all my protein, getting in all my fluids, taking my vitamins, and exercise is just a part of my life now. But my name is Miss Fickle, I'm known to grow tired of doing the same thing within a matter of weeks or months. I'm just amazed. I've been able to change my habits. Seriously change them. I still worry about the day I let my guard down, but I can't imagine it right now. I do not crave popcorn when I go to theaters, I feel *sick* after just a few tastes of my friend's ice cream (a splurge for me) -- and I'm not sad about it. Real food has never tasted so good to me. And the *fake* foods just do nothing for me now. I have a few bites of pasta, and I'm not jazzed about it like I used to be. Funny thing, I love the smell of the pasta cooking. Some days, I just don't know how I got here. It seems like just yesterday I was waking up from my surgery. It was just last Christmas I was huffing and puffing on my brother's stairs. I have gotten out of the habit of journaling. Not happy about that, but it's been nice to have a break. I got to the point I had almost every meal memorized, so I just stopped. I'd like to get back into it, I know I will. But so long as I'm still losing, I'm not too worried about it. I keep to what I know, only deviating for a bite here and there of special things on rare occasions. It's nice to feel normal again. To not worry when a friend wants to go out, to not panic when I'm going to be gone all day and need to pack snacks. I look at my scars and wonder if it was just a dream? Now, I just need to sell some of these clothes that are taking up all the space in my guest closet before my mom comes to visit!!

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