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I did it! I crossed the finish line

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I crossed the finish line. What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment.


The day of surgery I was up at four, showered again (my skin hated that soap) and did my skin prep (skin hated that as well) and dressed. I dressed in a sassy, long sleeveless maxi dress and high wedged sandals. I thought I looked cute lol. My friend came and off we went.


The friend and I sat and talked for 30 minutes then I went into the hospital. They didn't start allowing folks into admissions until 5:45 so I had a 15 min wait.


At the given time we go up and the steps of the journey begin. I was fine at first then I started praying that all goes well and I felt like crying. The tears were happy and sad, happy I was having the procedure and sad in thinking that if my mom had taken this chance she would still be here with me.


I dried my eyes, I couldn't have folks think I was a chicken lol. And waited.


All of the doctored, associated staff came by to introduce themselves etc., it was cool. I had the best nurses that setup my IV and checked my vitals. They assured me I would be fine and vouched for my surgeon big time. They said he did not play around and took his work very seriously. I felt all the stress leave me then.


Then they said, it was time. Eight folks were in the room and all introduced themselves. I moved onto the table, they lined me up, strapped me in and put the gas on and I woke up in my room about noon.


I need to be very clear on this point, I HATE MORPHINE! Ok, that's better. That stuff made me so sick. I worked too hard to it vomit. They made me walk in a morphine stupor, that my friends was ugly. I stopped using the morphine pump (PCA) at 10 pm that first night and felt tons better. My pain was minimal compared to the soreness I felt from trying to control muscles that have been operated on so I would not vomit.


Day two was sooooo much better, 2am I buzzed the nurse and asked to walk. I did three laps around the long halls and felt good. Then I was told I could wash, that was like winning the lottery.


At 6am I was up and walking again, two laps this time and once in my room I was allowed some peaceful time in the bathroom to wash and change my gown.


The rest of the day was spent begging to have the foley removed and texting friends and family to let them know I was ok. Then cat napping. I was successful in getting the foley removed and having more quality time in the bathroom.


I had a private room and wonderful nurses and CNAs to help me. My favorite nurse was named Karen. She was nice, friendly, and very helpful.


About 2 pm I started making my arrangements for a ride home. My niece was staying a week with me so she had a friend come with her and they picked me up. I did not realize how scared she was for me, she burst in the room all wild eyed. I started laughing and asked what was wrong, she gave me a good looking over then said nothing, nothing just wanted to be sure you are ok.


Later I found out why she was so worried. She visited some sites that told of horror or of things that went wrong for those having the sleeve. I assured her that I was fine and that if she had asked I would have shared the sites I used in my research.


Today marks a week and one day since surgery and I have NO regrets! I feel good, I'm losing weight slow and easy. I can even administer my shots myself with ease.


I am thankful and very blessed to have this opportunity. I'm glad I waited until this time in my life to have the procedure.


A special thank you to all that read the posts and respond to them. They are life lines of insight into the WLS world, they help with issues, concerns, fears, successes, defeats, joy and pride.


I would like to wish you all continued success on your journeys.



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Karen Congratulations on your easy surgery experience....Not everyone gets to have that for their beginning..I know I was one of those horror stories....10 months out now I am doing better...

The crossed the finished line..Sorry girl you have your work cut out for you...This is where the work begins....The struggles, learning a new way of eating. Dealing with why you had to have this in the first place and why you had a food addiction..

I am glad you have a good support system..

But this is a life long change for you and you will find it hard at times...You did this for the right reasons...We all did...But this is not for the faint at heart...This completely changes the way you view almost everything....

So happy for you girl......onward and upward to the new and improved and healthier you!!!!!!!!!

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I'm ready to use this tool and work really hard to maintain it. Again thank for the support its greatly appreciated.

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