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I'm new to this so I hope that I'm doing this right. I was sleeved just a week ago on June 18, 2013 and I am sure that I have a lot to learn. It is almost 4am & I'm up drinking cream soup!! I'm currently on summer vacay from work so my entire schedule is messed up. I can't believe I'm this hungry!! Nights are when I'm most active & awake so I figure I have the entire summer to get this right and I'm sure when i start excercising, my sleep patterns will get better.


I gained about 10lbs while in the hospital and it has me so worried. I feels like i'll never get this weight off! I'm struggling with gettting enough fluids in during the day....I haven't experienced any nausea or vomitting just major stomach cramps or hunger pangs...I can't even tell the difference. My dietician says this is normal so we'll se how this all pans out on my next Dr. visit.


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welcome!! Don't worry about the gain. You are packed with all the IV fluids that you received while in the hospital. I remember being hungry at first as well. All I could was think about food. I cried during TV commercials and when I smelled food in my house. But I am here to assure you, it will get better. I

learned about head hunger on this site, and it is stronger and more painful than physical hunger. Dehydration makes it worst. One member suggested that I sip on my water/ chrystal light to stay hydrated. That helped curb the edge of the hunger that I was feeling.

Stack up on Sugar free Jello, SF Popsicles and Chrystal light. Sip, slow and often and walk as much as you possibly can. Hang in there:)

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I know what you mean I just got sleeved a week ago and it is tough but its not that your hungry at all its that in your mind your use to eating what you want and this is not the case anymore. I have to cook dinner for my husband and son and mom everyday and its tough to not include myself but I always think back that this is the choice I made to be healthy and to live a longer life than I would have. After I prepare their meal I sit down and eat a jello or popsicle with them just so feel like I am having dinner with them as well. I also want to share with you something that I found very nutritional, juicing. I was feeling so weak from just fluids so I went to Macys and purchased a juicing machine and let me tell you it would amaze you the things you can juice as well as the nutritional value you can get and also share with your family and friends and a feeling of satisfaction. Give it a try just make sure you get one that has at least 800 watts.

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Thank you both for your uplifting words. I am still hungry and I'm close to 4 weeks out!!! Drinking fluids is still very difficult and has always been, even before my sleeve. I knew it would be difficult. my weight is slowly trickling off & I can't wait to see how the next few weeks turn out. I already have a juicer but haven't used it, yet. I'm going to try it and see if it helps. My eating is very poor.

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