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1 Week Post-Op Update With Picture



blogs/blog-0141287001353976775.jpgAttached is a picture from yesterday 11/25/12 after an 8 pound loss (33 total).


Today I am 1 week post op and feeling blah. I want to eat things today... I'm not sure if this is because I'm starting my "time of the month" or if I'm just getting sick of stage 2 food. I'm still trying to figure out the hungry/full feeling. I'm having a hard time getting all my liquids down. I think I'm not being strict enough on myself... which is not like me. I don't know what is going on with me. I kind of forgot that I was supposed to be drinking protein shakes and stuff because I didn't feel "safe" enough to drink anything with any substance to it.


I weighed myself on my weekly weigh in on the WiiFit. It said I've lost 9.8 pounds since last week (before surgery obviously) I'm happy with this, but I guess discouraged that only 5 people have said anything about my weightloss or even that I am looking good.


I am gassy too. Burping feels weird because it's not like a burp; it's like air just kind of bubbles its way up and it hurts. When I yawn I can tell that I suck down a lot of air because it hurts like crazy in my chest area. Sneezing hurts my incisions still even though I continue to hold my stomach/incisions when I do sneeze.


I was prescribed a laxative, but I have not had any trouble with constipation at all. I'm sure this is because of the liquid diet though. When I use the bathroom, it is watery and embarrassingly enough a lot of gas is released at that time. I HATE it. I'm hoping that doesn't last forever. I suppose it is something I will have to get used to if it is though... :(


I am unable to pick up my children (ages 20 months and 3.5) so my parents have been helping me while my husband is at work. It is a lot to ask them, and I know that they are happy to help, but it is really hard for me to be so reliant on someone else taking care of my kids. I feel like such a burden to everyone. I'm slowly starting to be able to do more though.


As of right now, I am mostly wishing I didn't have the procedure done. I had a rough day with a lot of negatives in it so I'm feeling pretty negative... I had to try on 5 different shirts this morning because I haven't changed sizes at all and wanted to wear something a little different today. I thought some of my "tight-ish" shirts would fit nicely after 33 pounds lost, but nope. Discouraging... My "fat," loose shirts are definitely too big now, but that's about the only change I've seen.


My 2 week post-op appointment has been changed from December 5th to December 10th. I had it changed so I woudn't have to make a special trip (2 hours) just for the appointment. I needed to go on the 10th for a mandatory work meeting anyways so that works better for me. More time to shed the pounds... and be on Stage 2 foods... :( I will survive!


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Hi there, I just wanted to say hello because I am going thru what you are in a lot of ways. My sleeve was Nov. 6th. I am 3 weeks exactly post. I had a 2nd surgery the day after for internal bleeding/hematoma. My first week home was a blur I did ok. 2nd and 3rd week have been disastrous, I can't get down vitamins or proteins down, gagging it down when I do. I went to the dr, today and they sent me to the hospital for another endoscopy and IVs and labs . I am dehydrated and run down, my bf broke up with me, and I am taking care of my 2 kids alone and feeling at the END OF MY ROPE. I too am regretting my procedure. Since starting the process last year Nov 30th I have lost 54lbs. 3o in the last month. My friends have been very absent in my recovery, and I am spending close to 15 hours a day sleeping. I almost want to be at work so I could just be around people again but doc isn't clearing me until next Monday. Idk if I could work a whole shift anyway.... Your story touched a chord with me, thanks for reading mine . I hope things get better soon, they told me this 3rd week is the worst and I should feel better soon. I hope so...My pants are loose too, no shirt difference, mainly pants. I think people don't compliment us because maybe they are envious ...33 pounds is alot! pick up three 10lb bags of potatoes in the market! That's alot! good luck keep in touch!

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Im getting really scared reading about your struggles and Biancahanke also Im sure everyone feels this way after the surgery i just hope that it will pass quickly for the both of you! i think you are a very beautiful girl its really good putting to a face on you lol I think you are doing great i would love to lose even 30 lbs I cant wait to hear about how much better you are feeling in the weeks to come! good luck and i will keep ya in my prayers! "both of you!"

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Hi tomorrow will be three weeks since surgery and I can't believe the difference from week one. The first week seemed to last forever and I hated every minute of it; felt awful all the time and wondered how big a mistake i had made - reading your posts i guess that is just normal. but i can tell you it will get better and it's almost like overnight -- one day you still feel lousy and the next you feel so much better. i'm still tired and take long naps, have really tried to be good and am now on pureed foods - not bad. i still find it difficult to get in all the protein and esp the liquids, so now i worry that i will get dehydrated but i do feel better and even i can now see a difference in my body (37 lbs total loss) and esp in pants. have stayed at the same weight now for 4 days though, so i guess i need to walk more (ugh).

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Wow, Bianahanke! I did not have ANY problems. I have nothing to complain about... During surgery they did fix a hiatal hernial though... which I keep forgetting they even did for me. Also, thank you for your kind words. You are right. I shouldn't belittle what I have lost. It IS a lot. Especially if you think about the bags of potatoes... Carrying that around EVERYDAY! Unbelievable... Please keep me updated on how you are doing. We can do this!!! It is nice to know that I'm sort of normal. I was feeling like maybe I was crazy... Everyone posts about how they absolutely LOVE their sleeve and here I am saying... no, not so much. Today is a new day though! I'm not minding the sleeve so much today...

Hi there, I just wanted to say hello because I am going thru what you are in a lot of ways. My sleeve was Nov. 6th. I am 3 weeks exactly post. I had a 2nd surgery the day after for internal bleeding/hematoma. My first week home was a blur I did ok. 2nd and 3rd week have been disastrous, I can't get down vitamins or proteins down, gagging it down when I do. I went to the dr, today and they sent me to the hospital for another endoscopy and IVs and labs . I am dehydrated and run down, my bf broke up with me, and I am taking care of my 2 kids alone and feeling at the END OF MY ROPE. I too am regretting my procedure. Since starting the process last year Nov 30th I have lost 54lbs. 3o in the last month. My friends have been very absent in my recovery, and I am spending close to 15 hours a day sleeping. I almost want to be at work so I could just be around people again but doc isn't clearing me until next Monday. Idk if I could work a whole shift anyway.... Your story touched a chord with me, thanks for reading mine . I hope things get better soon, they told me this 3rd week is the worst and I should feel better soon. I hope so...My pants are loose too, no shirt difference, mainly pants. I think people don't compliment us because maybe they are envious ...33 pounds is alot! pick up three 10lb bags of potatoes in the market! That's alot! good luck keep in touch!

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Tenille, I by no means want you to be scared!! I didn't realize what all I was going to be going through emotionally. I thought I was prepared, but I wasn't as well as I thought. I'm doing this for my children, as you know, so they whole not being able to lift them thing has been horribly hard on me. They are doing okay with it, but I'm not...

To be honest, I just had a rough day yesterday. It was one thing after another after another. Little things piled into big things. I think we are all going to have off days and we just need to brave through it, move on and wake up to a brand new day.

You will do absolutely wonderful with your surgery. On those hard days, just know that we are all here for you. Been there, done that. We get it, we understand like no one else around you will.

Im getting really scared reading about your struggles and Biancahanke also Im sure everyone feels this way after the surgery i just hope that it will pass quickly for the both of you! i think you are a very beautiful girl its really good putting to a face on you lol I think you are doing great i would love to lose even 30 lbs I cant wait to hear about how much better you are feeling in the weeks to come! good luck and i will keep ya in my prayers! "both of you!"

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15 hours a day sleeping! sounds like depression and not the sleeve. Is it possible you can get an eval for depression and possible treatment? I am 6 weeks out and flip flop about the sleeve, I wish I could eat like I used to on the other hand the weight is coming off and I feel better. I had the sleeve done right before my 66th birthday. I have no kids, no husband and no siblings. My friends were terrific. I think you may need to start getting new friends, because I know from what I have heard in programs like AA that when you get sober your drinking buddies all run away. Your former friends may have liked the old fat you. When you feel able to get out of bed try and make some new friends. Does your hospital have a WLS support group?

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One week post op. I can't imagine that you were expecting some big changes after one week. Cut yourself some slack. You just had major surgery. Your insides are all swollen. Your body is not too happy at this moment. Give your body and your head a few weeks of adjusting. You will be so happy with the choice you made. Repost in a week to tell us all how great you feel. And you will feel great. Promise.

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Thanks for your reassurance, Fun Size. I just had a horrible day when I wrote this and everything was just getting to me. I wasn't expecting some big changes in 1 week of post op, but I did A LOT of work pre-op too and that is what bothered me. I have lost what I think is a lot of weight since I started dieting. Like I said, I was just being a drama queen the day I wrote this...

Things are already looking up. I will definitely keep updating though, :)

One week post op. I can't imagine that you were expecting some big changes after one week. Cut yourself some slack. You just had major surgery. Your insides are all swollen. Your body is not too happy at this moment. Give your body and your head a few weeks of adjusting. You will be so happy with the choice you made. Repost in a week to tell us all how great you feel. And you will feel great. Promise.

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