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Sweet Potatoes From A Sweet Man



As many of you know, I have eaten the same thing for three weeks. Most of the time, it was the same thing two times a day for three weeks. Well, all that changed today. Today I made myself chicken salad. I put the chicken in the magic bullet and added some onions and celery (very finely chopped) and a little mayo. And, in case you were wondering, it tasted amazing!!!! Not as amazing as my husbands mashed sweet potatoes with cinnamon, nutmeg, all spice, and splenda. That was heaven. It was almost as good as carrot cake. Side bar* I love carrot cake. Actually, it's more than that. There is nothing better than a moist carrot cake with really good cream cheese icing. The way it melts in your mouth!!! YUMMY is all I can say. * side bar done. And, as you can tell, being almost as good as carrot cake is like wining the Kentucky Derby if carrot cake is the triple crown. :) So, today I enjoyed two very yummy things that were not bad for me and I felt full after eating them. My husband's mashed sweet potatoes not only took care of my starch craving, it also took care of my sweet craving. He seems to know just what I need and how to give it to me when I need it. Even when I have no idea.


I don't know how he knew what I needed. Maybe I was getting cranky again or maybe he tracks my cycle unbeknownst to me. But all I asked for was sweet potatoes and he somehow took them and made them so much more than I could have even thought about wanting. I know when I read this to him, he's going to be like a kid in a candy store hearing all this positive feedback, because the one thing he loves it to is cook. But what he loves even more than that is me liking what he cooks. So, Scott (my husband) just so you know, you are an amazing cook and you surprise me all the time with your ability to take something so "everyday" and turn it into a "vacation".


Now that all the mushy stuff is out of the way. No pun intended with the mashed potatoes. I did have one strange thing happen to me today while I was enjoying my new food. First, you have to know that after almost a month, I still can't really tell when I am full. I know it takes awhile to figure this out, but I have so many strange sounds and feelings, that I don't know which ones mean what. So, today I was eating my YUMMY chicken salad and I had eaten about 1.5ounces. I figured I could eat the other .5 ounces with out issue. I knew I was close to being full just due to the amount I ate not because of any magical feelings I had. So, I took my last bite and BAM...I felt like everything in my stomach (all 2.5 ounces of it) was going to make a reappearance right there on the table. I ran to the bathroom and experienced the spitting and salty mouth but nothing else. After about three minutes of spitting, I felt fine. Has this happened to anyone else? I was so shocked by it all. It was the first time my body has said, "Hey Trish, you ate WAY too much and I can't handle it." I wanted to scream back to my body, "Hey Body, NO, I really didn't. You just don't know how to handle more than 2.5 ounces of food. Maybe if you didn't allow a surgeon to take 2/3 of your stomach away, we wouldn't be having this issue." But then I remembered that I am the one who asked the doctor to do that...so I would lose that battle with my body within seconds. For the record, I don't like to lose....unless it's weight.



So, I learned two very important things today. Number one: I can only handle about an ounce of chicken salad at a time. Number Two. I will have to make sure I have sweet potatoes on hand at all times. Then again, if I don't maybe my wonderful husband will create another food miracle Humm, that's a tough one to decide. I really like the sweet potatoes, but maybe there is something better....just not as good as carrot cake.


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Oh, they were. I still have left overs that I will eat as much as I can...so more than likely 2xs a day. LOL

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Yeah, The Sheriff went from "We're all good, bring on more food" to "Def Con 1" in about 2 seconds. That was my first experience with sliming. Fun stuff.

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Lyra: Is what I experienced called slimming? I've never heard of this. Do you know where I can get info on this? Thanks for any info you can give.

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Dang it, now I want sweet potato mash :( And no, I haven't yet had that experience, love Lyra's response - def con 1, lol.

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The same thing happened to me yesterday for the first time. I ate one bite to much and had to run to the bathroom gagging. Nothing much came up, but I had the heaves and felt like crap for about 20 minutes until things started moving!!

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I am still on the liquid diet and I have had the slimming experience and it is not that a great feeling at all. I took in too much fluid and when I thought I was going to belch I slimmed yuk!

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My husbands name is Scott also and he is an amazing cook as well and alwasy seems to know what I want and need. We seem to be able to feel that about each other. Always have. Sometimes we can even finish each others sentences. I am so glad and fortunate to have him. He is my rock!!! Got to love them!!! By the way, I love reading your post!

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Well, this is the first I have ever heard of slimming. It wasn't fun and I hope to never have to go through it again. @Welittle1, it must be the name...LOL. It's always great to be with someone who knows you better than you know yourself. I don't know what I would do with out my Scott.

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I have a sweet potato that I've been eyeing since I've read your post LOL. I'm pretty sure i made it nervous by the way I'm staring at it.

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I am having the same problem with full...I can't tell when I'm even close! I'm either empty, or "Oh dear God, what have I done!"

Oddly, I've only had a couple things make me slime - when I was in the hospital last week, their bariatric surgeon put me on Carafate. I would take it and immediately get the salty/tangy mouth and drool for about 5 minutes....terrible! That, and if I have any calories closer than 2 hours to when I want to lay down to sleep...up comes the slimes. I've had to learn to lay off on that, but still can't figure out the capacity thing.

If you learn any tricks, let me know!

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Search for Sliming on the forum. Ha Ha, Slimming is the great thing we are doing to our bodies every day. Basically, from what I can tell, because our stomachs don't hold much, when you put food in, all our gastric juices run to your stomach to digest what little is in there and since there is no room for the gastric juices, they slime right up and out. This is the tricky part. You have to take 1 less bite. It's been 7 months and I'm still trying to figure that one out.

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