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Admissions of Guilt



Here are some things that I need to admit:


1- I can not do this journey alone. My husband is awesome and so very supportive, but he isn't on the same path as me and it's makes it difficult to see him eating certain things and I have to tell myself no. I don't have anyone to call and vent to or talk me down. I thought I could do it with his support, but I need support from those on the same wagon train.


2- I am addicted to food. When all else fails eat. When you are sad, happy, mad, glad, worried, sleepy eat.


3- The only thing to blame for me not having lost more weight is me, myself and I. I choose to eat things I shouldn't have and more than I should have.


4- I am a master of excuses. If you have something you don't want to do, let me know I can give you 100 different excuses for not.


5- I have good intetions, but have trouble following through. I often "plan" to do XYZ, but then when the time comes, the excuses come.


I am starting to work on these. The journey is an ever evolving learning process. I have hidden and ignored a lot of things above, but I must face them now in order to move forward.


The last week bad decisions have now shown up on the scale. This morning as I stared down at the scale shining 191, I wanted to kick my butt. I made bad choices and I am now 3 lbs up. To many that may not seem bad, but for me it is a wake up call.


I have got to turn this thing around, I have got to reset. This started with me making a menu plan again last night. This way I will know what I will be eating and have less chance of making unhealhty things. I also made my lunches for the remainder of the week and packaged my breakfast, so all I have to do is pick and go. When I did this a few weeks ago it really worked, then life hit me and fell down.


Recommended Comments

i read your blog and felt like i had written it myself. You are so honest which is the first step. Keep on going. you can do this.

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