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I believe I had a stuck incident last night! It felt like there was something sharp stabbing me in the chest and lower left side after I ate some nacho chips. It lasted a while. painful. Can someone tell me there experience with getting stuck.

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I had my worst ever stuck episode yesterday when I ate a late lunch. This meant I was hungrier than usual and didn't pay attention to eating slowly and chewing properly. I was eating satay chicken and fried rice. Two bites in and I was in trouble for the rest of the day. The food came back but I managed to inflame my esophagus to the point where I couldn't eat or drink for the rest of the day without bringing it all back up. In the end I just sucked on iceblocks to ease the inflammation. Today I have had to be very careful and stick to liquids. I felt as though someone was sitting on my chest and that I couldn't breathe. It was very painful and if I hadn't read about being stuck on here, I would have thought I was having a heart attack! Lesson learnt.

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I believe I may have had a stuck incident last week. I ate some trail mix, lots of nuts, and about an hour later, I felt like someone was stabbing me in my breastbone. Scared the bejeebers out of me, since i was thousands of miles away from home in Las Vegas. It did finally go away, but boy it was scary! I didn't think I had any restriction, but that proved to me that I must.

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Thanks! It was scary and a wake up call to be mindful when i am eating. I think it has happened a couple time in the past week and yesterday it hit me like a ton of bricks. I am grateful that it happened actually it was a reality check.

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I was eating a piece of chicken breast when I felt like something was stuck in my throat and it took awhile before it went down and for 2 days I hurt in my back between my shoulders. This happens to me often no matter how well I chew my food . i have the most problem with meats,one time I even had to have some fluid removed because I had an inflamed esophagus. That sure taught me, I eat slower and if it is hard to go down ,I sip on liquid till it goes down before I finish eating.

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when your stuck the best thing to do is walk sometimes this happens to me and i start walking laps around my house

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