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I Signed up for a 5K Run - What Have I Done?

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Debra G


I decided I needed a challenge in my exercising. I heard about a 5K run on October 30th, so I signed up for the event! On October 28th, I will pick up my runner's tag, number, T-shirt - and the "goodie bag" - whatever that is, LOL.


They asked for my T-shirt size, and I hesitated because I didn't know if I needed a Large or Medium (OMG - no longer need an extra-large!). So I ordered a Large just to be sure, but when I get there to pick up the items, I will see if the Large is too big for me, and I'll get a Medium. What a dilemma - LOL.


The funny thing is, I'm not a runner LOL. I am a walker - I walk three miles every day and I decided I wanted to push myself, so I signed up for the race. My husband and daughter asked me if I expected to come in first, second or third - I told them I just wanted to come in alive! The average time to run 5K is about 1/2 hour - I told my family that if they don't see me at the finish line in 1 1/2 hours - come looking for me - I'll be out there somewhere! GRIN.:thumbup:


So between now and, when I go for my walk every day, I'll step up the pace and run! Pray for me!:lol:

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You can do it!!! Just run at a pace that it comfortable for you and make sure you stretch before and after :thumbup:

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Thank you maria, Am going to give it all I got. And yes you are so right run at my own pace and stretch before and after . I will not try to keep up with the head of the pack. Just be one of the pack. Thank you again and all the best to you.

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I can not wait until I lose enough to feel like I could even sign up for a 5K - so good for you for being brave and knowing that you need to move to the next level! I can not wait to hear how you do!

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Thank you ladybug. Before you know it you will be posting your 5K Run. keep up all the great work that you are doing and I will be looking for you post. I will let everyone know my result in a few weeks.

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That is so great! You will now become addicted to 5Ks and you will be surprised at how well you do. Don't under estimate yourself. I am hoping to do one in the coming months. Let us know how you did - we are all pulling for you.

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I'm running one the same day! I just want to do better than I did on my last one. If I can do it, I have no doubt at all that you can. Good luck!!

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Thank you Bklynike. Yes I think I have been underestimating myself. Thank you for the great words of encouragement. And let us know when you do your 5k Run, am sure you will do just fine. I will keep everyone posted on the result. All the best to you.

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Congrats on your up coming 5K Run LoseIt!. Am sure you will do just great, seeing how you have done one before and know how to pace your self, to what works for you. have a great run and keep us posted on how it turns out. Best wishes.


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You LOOK FANTASTIC!!! I just saw the new profile picture! I'm doing the C25K program and I'm basically running 3 miles 3 days a week so I'm ready! My first run will be the Turkey Trot in Dallas Texas :-). Congratulations on your success, thank you for all your support, Debra, and best wishes for the race and life!

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Thank you sandradee for all your good wishes. You are doing so well and congrats on your up coming run, you will do well am sure. Your run sounds like fun. Keep us posted on it all. LOVE IT!!

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