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10 Weeks Out

Wow, I'm officially down 50 pounds as of today! I must admit that I am not eating as much protein as I should, but the shakes are yuck! I am forcing one down as I type this blog entry. I know it's important, and I don't want to be losing muscle vs. loosing fat. My primary doctor ran some routine blood work and it came back that my kidney function was off. I googled my blood work numbers and apparently I am not getting enough protein. So anyway, shakes, here I come, yee haw (as we'd say here in Oklahoma) GO POKES! :cursing: I was going to update my pics after losing 25 pounds, but I just couldn't see the difference yet. I have decided to join a women?s walking/running club called RunnHers and train for a 5K. I am up to walking about two miles and I'm excited to take it up a notch. There is a Route 66 Marathon, half marathon & 5K run this November and I hope to run in it. I'll keep you guys posted. My two older sons, my husband and I logged 25 miles over the last two months and then ran the last 1.2 miles in downtown OKC at the OKC Memorial Marathon. It was a program for the kids and then the adults could log the miles with their kids too, so we thought, why not? IT was so awesome! I will post the pics as soon as I get them developed. Yes, I used one of those old fashioned cameras that actually have film in them. :ohmy: Good luck to everyone out there, I love my surgery and I know all of you will too!! Shell Shell




One Month Out!

It's hard to believe that a month has already gone by since my surgery. I am feeling great and have lost 22 pounds so far. I'm not sure if anyone else went through this, but I feel a little "down in the dumps" sometimes when I see others eating yummy food, or if I have to quit eating WAY before I want to. How selfish is that, I want to lose weight but be able to eat like I used to. I am very happy that I had the surgery but making the lifestyle change is a little harder than I expected. I am however eating new foods all the time which makes mealtime interesting. I am still sticking to the low carb plan, but I am not stressing out about it. I just eat when I'm hungry and that seems to be working just fine. :biggrin0: The tender spot on my left side finally quit hurting, yea!! I can actually sneeze without any pain. I can't stand my chewable vitamins but I'm trying my best to at least get one in every day, I'm supposed to be taking two. The calcium chews are yummy and give me that chewing satisfaction. I promised pics after I lost 25 pounds, so only three pounds away! I?ll be in Mexico next week, so I'll post an update as soon as I get back on the 30th. Thanks for reading and support, I really appreciate it. Shell Shell




19 Days Out

Just wanted to give everybody an update. As of today I'm down 18 pounds! I'm sticking to a low carb meal plan and it's working out great. I am officially free to eat any food that I can tolerate, so far no problems. I did try to eat a bite of toast last week and it felt like it was getting stuck, so no more bread for me at least for a while. I am now feeling pretty much back to normal other than a little tenderness on my left side where Dr. Stewart pulled my stomach out. Food is a little intimidating- but I am trying to eat new things and not just drink a protein shake. The nurse got on to me for drinking more than one shake a day. She said that I need to be eating food. Easy for her to say. Ha! I did walk a mile and a half yesterday and I'd like to walk at least three times a week and build that up to every other day. We'll see how that goes. I hope everyone is doing well and once I hit 25 pounds lost, I'll post some pics.   :biggrin0:




8 Days Out

I have to admit that each day I feel better and better. I have managed to stay off caffeine for the last week, and I wonder how much of my pookey feelings are a matter of carb and caffeine withdrawal. I bought some of the Greek nonfat yogurt and YUM! I am enjoying that and a half can of tuna fish today for lunch and I am in HEAVEN! :w00t: I forgot how yummy tuna fish tasted. I am trying to stick to a low carb diet, because from what I have read on several blogs, that seems to aid a lot in the pounds coming off. I'm going to bring my tennis shoes & I-Pod to work tomorrow so that I can start walking on my lunch hour. I used to spend half my morning dreaming of where I was going to stuff my face for lunch, it's kind of cool to have freed up an entire half an hour of my day to spend on myself instead of driving around town "food hunting". I am still having some pain on my lower left side, but at least my spirits are up.




One Week Post Op

Okay, I made it! I have to be really honest and say that the last seven days have been a little rough. Nothing happened that I wasn't fully aware of (only getting to drink 4 oz. of fluid to start off) but the reality of it all kind of came crashing down on me Sunday. I started to run a low grade fever 99.8 and it made me feel like JUNK! Thankfully when I woke up Tuesday morning the fever was gone and I felt human again. I get to start "squishy" foods today, but honestly, I am scared to try them. I have named my new stomach Seymour, because he has a mind of his own. I have spent the last week trying to figure out exactly what "Seymore" wants. Is it hungry, thirsty, full? I haven't had any vomiting and just a little bit of nausea. I have been sticking to my protein supplement shakes, tomato soup, low fat yogurt, instant cream of wheat, sugar free pop cyclices & crystal light. I need to read other people's post op blogs to see what the normal thoughts are on the first week, because I think that I have been kind of hard on myself. I am still a little sore on two of my incisions but I am back at work today hoping for the best. I work a desk job and have a fantastic boss so I have the flexibility to take it easy. I did get on the scale this morning and I am down 10 pounds. I think I will be more excited about it when I fell fully recovered from surgery. I'll keep you guys posted.




Day Before Surgery

Okay, it's the day before my big day. I stopped by Whataburger for a farewell breakfast that included a cinnamon roll and cherry pie. Funny that it wasn't as good as I had expected. I am more excited thinking about making permanent lifestyle changes. I will post "day before surgery" pictures before I leave work today. Thanks to everybody for their wonderful words of encouragement!:w00t:




Surgery Scheduled!

I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Michelle and I have decided to have the sleeve gastrectomy. My surgery is Wednesday Feb 17th. I am really excited and ready to have the surgery. It has been a heck of a process getting all my documentation together so that my insurance would pay. I will check back in after I get home next weekend and let you all know how the surgery went. :w00t:  



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