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Pre-op time

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I'm Hungry, or something like it.

So surgery was Dec. 14th. I was losing some serious weight before surgery and in the days after while I was still feeling bad. But, I have started feeling alot better and things have changed. I gined two pounds back AND I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!   I decided to be really structured so I got my book out last night and I was a good girl this morning. I made two eggs with some cilantro on top with some grapes and half of an orange. I waited 30 minutes after eating and enjoyed a cup of coffee. I then had 20 oz. of hot tea. Then I got hungry. Its not like stomache growling hunger but deffinatly a very not satisfied feeling.   I took a long shower, exfoliated and washed my hair. I thought maybe it was just habit. But no, I was not satisfied. I tried to call my advocate but the office is closed. I'm assuming that they are closed for the holidays. I'm not scheduled for a fill until the 11th. I'm scared, is this just because I haven't had a fill or do I need a shrink? I can't fail at this.




Three days after surgery

HOLY MACARONI! All and all things came off without a hitch. There are a few things that I wish they would have explained more or done differently.   1. If you have a hiatal hernia repair there is a chance you will be in a significant amount of discomfort.   2. There is more than one way to relieve gas than walking. A. Sit upright in bed and rock back and forth or in a cirular motion. B. Go to the bathroom, the natural posture will help your body relieve itself of gas. C. Sit in a rocking chair and GENTLY rock. D. Sit in a swivel chair and GENTLY swivel back and forth.   3. Its o.k. to tell you spouse how much you appreciate their support, ask them to hand you your meds and remote control and then ask them to sleep in a different room.   4. **It would be best to give me post-operative instructions before anesthia. I can't remember hardly a thing you said while I was waking up. I just paid 10k for that nap.   Also, no one told me that I would wake up weighing alot more than when I went to sleep. That was disconcerting since I had just been on the diet from hell for two weeks. Its just air and fluid, it comes back off in a couple of days. I went into surgery at 204lbs. The next morning I was 210lbs. The day after I was 206lbs. And today I weight in at 202lbs. So thats the way it went for me. The first couple of days was rough, but walk - walk - walk. Do something to get rid of the gas and you will feel so much better.   Watch out world, 'cause here I come!




How to add some zing to that clumpy chocolate thing

I was all excited when I found out that one of my shake options for the horrendous 2 shake a day one small meal pre-diet from hell. Well, it clumps in cold water, even if you use the blender. It clumps a little less in warm water (for a hot chocolate option), and it turns into chocolate marshmellow evil if you put it into the microwave. This morning I had an epiphany. I had just brewed up some coffee for the hubby and I was about to make my shake. Yep, you guessed it, eight ounces of coffe with two scoops of chocolate delight. It was really very good. I think the caffeine helped with the sensation of being full a bit more too. I'm allowed a cup of fruit with my meal every evening. I have already been adding that to my vanilla shake and putting it through the blender. It really thickens it up and makes it more of a frozen consistency. Three more days to go, I can do this!




Random musings before surgery

When I was a younger woman I had a pretty banging hot body. Of course, I seldom appreciated it. Today I look at some people's goal weights and its what I used to weigh when I thought I needed to lose weight. This morning I had lost another pound and I was so excited. Then I got tickled at myself. I was excited because I weigh 208 lbs. Ten years ago I would have been horrified to weigh 208 lbs. I guess its all relative and it depends on your perspective.   My other concern is dressing appropriatly. When I was younger there were times when I could dress a little too provocative. Since I've gained so much weight it really hasn't been an issue. Except for the occasional low cut sweater at a party. So, now that I have aged some and I'm looking forward to fitting back into cute clothes but where should I buy these clothes? I don't want to look like a party girl, but I don't want to be in mom jeans for the rest of my life either. You know that girl who was the cheerleader, prom queen and you run into her thirty years later and shes not aware that time has moved? Yea, I don't want to be her (not that I was ever a cheerleader, prom queen). I have a fear that one day I'm going to look up and Stacy London and Clinton Kelley are going to be standing in front of me with a film crew because someone has staged a "What Not To Wear" intervention.   And for this entry this is my final concern (that I will post, today). Pre-surgery - to wax or not to wax? That is the question. After my egd I realize that no one sees my feet so I'm not concerned about a pedicure. But, I assume I'm going to be pretty close to naked and should I wax my lady parts? I'm thinking that maybe just a bikini wax instead of the full brazilian may be the best choice. I don't know how I made that decision, but for some reason since I'm not going to brazil and just to the surgical suite, maybe thats the best.




Are you kidding me with this diet?

So, I'm on day eight of the pre-op diet. Overall I guess I'm ok. I'm just GRUMPY! Not being able to eat without restriction really sucks. Basically, I'm hungry. I mean, if I was able to do this I wouldn't be in this situation, but I know I have to stick to it. Then theres that little voice that says "see, you really could lose weight all along - you really are taking the easy way out". Of course, if I could drink a few champagne spritzers I could think up something really witty to say back. It doesn't help that I have only told a handful of people and one of them actually gave me that all knowing penetrative look over my salad the other day. I could tell she was biting the inside of her cheek to keep from saying something when she asked me how much weight I had lost. She lives on WW and is very satisfied there. I'm happy for her and she does well. She doesn't understand that just because thats a wonderful fit for her it didn't work as well for me. I don't know why I feel like I have to justify myself to a skinny person. What was I expecting? Just six more days. Hopefully I don't wake up from surgery hungry.



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