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Happy Monday, all. Does anyone have a stomach that gurgles everyday? Mine does every morning around 10:30-11:00am. I stay up very late and am still in bed at that time. Is this my stomach telling me get up and have my protein shake? Also, talking about noises, I burp a lot and hiccup. Is this normal? I am seeing my surgeon Thursday for my second fill. I think I have been eating a little too much at each meal, but when I am full I stop and don't push it at all. Enjoy your day, it's getting cold in Boston.




new type of surgery

I am in Boston and right now I am watching the Doctors. They just showed a new WLS for the person who needs to lose 25-60lbs. They put a tube thing down through your mouth and fold part of your stomach. It has been used for about 4 years but not approved by the FDA, yet. They use this surgery for other things. Very interesting. I would say to go their web site and see the video. They explain it better than me. My husband likes the sound of this surgery because his heart doctor wants him to lose about 30 pounds. Another thing they spoke about was the WLS cards to show in restaurants. The doctors said why can't anyone order a smaller meal.




new recipe

Good evening all, ​I had my support meeting tonight and we met our new dietitian. She handed out new recipes and I just tried a great one and needed to share it. Homemade Baked Cheese Crisps (they are great) preheat oven to 350 and put parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Must!! use parchment paper. use shredded cheese and seasonings (I did not use seasoning) and put little lumps of the mixture on the parchment paper, spaced out because the will grow. and spread. (Their words not mine) about a teaspoon of cheese. Now put it on a rack centered in the middle of the oven and bake 5-7 minutes. When they start to turn brown take them out and let them cool. I made mine with a pizza cheese blend and the hub and I loved them Enjoy! You can use cheddar/jack and Ranch dressing to make it a Mexican blend. Add garlic, chili powder.




new purchases

I am finally coming into the technology world. I just upgraded my phone to an iphone. While at the AT&T store I saw they sell Fitbits. I have wanted one for a while but they are $100. They had them for $75. and I have balls and asked for it for less and they sold it to me for $50. Another new item I need to learn besides my computer. The salesman said the iphone has an app for the Fitbit. I am on my second laptop in about 8 years and still don't know how to work one. I don't work so I have no excuse for learning technology. Have a great evening all.




new NSV

A new small NSV for me. I needed a white belt for my summer white jeans and shorts. Being that I had a massive huge waist I bought an xl. Too big and they didn't have a smaller size, so took it and had holes made. Was in Kohl's the other day and bought 2 size large belts and they fit and past the first hole. My weight has not changed in about 1 year but I guess inches are changing which is wonderful for me. Yesterday I wore a size large maxi skirt from Gap and I looked great. I don't know how to down load pictures, that is why you never see any of me. Needed to share. Thanks for listening. Arlene




new month

Happy new month to everyone in WLS land. I haven't been writing much but I try to read about all of you. ​The end of July is my 2 year banding. Best thing I ever did. I am much healthier and I actually enjoy walking. My weight has been around the same for 1 year but my surgeon thinks I am at goal even though I would like to be 40-50 pounds less. I am around 190-195 right now. When I got married 43 1/2 years ago I was 144 and have not seen that number since. Under 200 maybe 2 times in all my married life.   I enjoy eating out and do so almost every day at least one meal. Bread is a problem food for me so only great bread in restaurants and then mostly the crust and dunked in olive oil. A week ago I was out with my grandsons, 6 & 14 and husband and I ordered fried onion rings. I had 1 too many and after very bad slimming and throwing up slim I threw up that f**kn onion ring in front of the boys. How embarrassing is that? The band tells you when to stop and you need to listen.   I enjoy outlet shopping and walking. I go almost once a week even if it is just window shopping. When I go walking I need to be someplace not just in my area, boring! So I went when it was the Memorial Day weekend sales!! OMG, I did good. I wear a size 12 shoe and Easy Spirit had sandals for 1/2 off. I bought 3 pairs for $80.!!!!!! Mighty fine value when you have huge feet and I am only 5'5".   ​Congratulations to all who graduate this spring. Enjoy your summer. Arlene aka Eye Candy




new jeans, again

A few weeks ago I had a coupon from BJ's for jeans so i bought a size 16. They went on but did not zip. Well today they are on the body! I can not believe it. I am happy today. In a short time the hub and I are joining the gym, About time!!!!!!!!!! Now to put on the Ugg boots to go out in the nasty weather we are having all week. Enjoy your day everyone. 'eye candy' aka Arlene




new jeans

I had a coupon for jeans from BJ"s and decided to buy a size 16. I wear an 18. I tried on the 16 and they button but don't zipper yet. WOW, in July I wore a women's size 20. Great feeling. Have a great evening everyone and a nice TGIF.




New Food Item

I was rereading my food list for phase 4 and saw Soy Chips. I bought cheddar cheese ones last night at Whole Foods and they are great! They have protein in them. I had some for lunch with some lump crab and loved it. I am always looking for new foods to try. Tonight I am trying for the first time pork. I hope it's not too tough to chew-chew-chew.




my thoughts on old age and death-sorry but I need to voice my thoughts.

​So today would have been my parents 74th wedding anniversary. My father died at 89, almost 90 April, 2006. My mother is 95, good to decent health but the mind is gone, full blown dementia. I saw her yesterday and she hates to be bathed, needs to wear Depends and won't. She wears a huge gold ring and while lashing out broke her finger and won't let us cut the ring off. I tried to talk to her, forget it. At 4ish am this morning she fell. She wasn't great getting an x-ray. Don't know yet if she broke anything. Ok, now my rant!! Why is it we can put our beloved pets to sleep and not our parents/spouse or whoever, who is suffering?????????? When my father was dying, my mother, age 87, bathed him, cleaned him, spoon fed him and every day she would say, "Today is a good day for a funeral, Melvin, close your eyes". My mother is that way and if she saw the way she is, she would try to kill herself, I know that. Sorry, but I needed to voice my thoughts. My oldest brother feels the same way as I do. It is enough for our wonderful mother. She was great!! When I see her she always says who is watching the boys. I keep telling her they are 35 & 39. She thinks they are still very young. Sad. Thank you for listening to me. I hope you all don't have to deal with all this.   I also have a brother, 69, I am the very youngest of 3, who is mentally challenged . He lives alone but I take care of him. He has type 1 diabetes and takes 4 shots a day and he doesn't get it. I try to explain and help. I have a full plate with family.   Everyone enjoy your day. Stay warm. Arlene




my pool is opened for the season

Happy Memorial Day to everyone and thank you to all who have served us to protect us. So today I went dreaded swim suit shopping. My condo has a pool that just opened, too cold in Boston right now but Thursday- Saturday it will be 90 out. I like the 2 piece type, shorts and a top that hangs over. I tried on about 12 tops at JCPenney and about 4 bottoms. The bottoms were great but the tops looked like sh*t. So then I went to Macy's and tried on just 2 there and bought a suit. The bottom is pants with an over skirt, looks great, never tried one on before. The top is the type I like. MIL was very sweet and bought it for me. I usually don't spend a lot on swim suits especially when losing weight but this should fit the whole summer unless I have massive weight loss. The past 2 years I have been buying on line from Swimsuitsforall. Their prices are great and they have a large assortment of styles and sizes. I have even bought cover ups from them. When I looked in the mirror, OMG!, my thighs are so flabby. I told hub, I need a thigh /body lift. I like to wear shorts in the hot summer, too, so he suggested shorts that come to the knees. I don't do carpi, pants at all. I hope you all have a great swim suit buying day of a smaller size with a smile on your face, men, too. Arlene




my doctor/your doctor

Happy Sunday night. As most of you know last Tuesday was my one year banding. On Friday I saw my PCP and then my surgeon. They are both happy with me. My surgeon told me I am perfect with my under 2cc's in my band and said I don't need any more. When I was banded, my band did not have any saline in it. Very interesting how every doctor does their 'own' thing and we can not compare. I see so many people complain that they need another fill, another fill next month, why? Are you doing the right thing? This past week I ate too fast, 3 times and had to go walking. My fault, no one else's. I do not throw up ever, even with the flu, I don't. The doctor told me I really need to exercise more. I had complained that my muffin top is still big. He is very happy with me and I see him again in 2 months. I would love to be around 180-185 by then. I just need to move my fat ass and muffin top. This week I am going to a cousins reunion on Cape Cod, Wednesday. I live about 1-1 1/2 hours from there. Then Thursday, Newport, RI to visit a cousin from my husband's side. Great places to visit and Newport is the best for walking around. Have a great evening. Arlene





My husband gave up meat 35 years ago for dieting-no he quit the health kick-but still no meat. Many years ago I made meatballs and turkey balls. He eats the turkey ones. My oldest son's friend ate over and I asked do you want meatballs or turkey balls? Eric, answered, I didn't know turkeys had balls. He was a senior in high school at the time. I love dumb kids.




me again

Neil Diamond is at the Red Sox game singing live, Sweet Caroline!!!! This country is great!!! David Ortiz gave a speech and said "this is our f**king city". He was not bleeped.




lunch out with husband

So today we were on our way to an Italian restaurant for lunch and we were passing a golf club that has views of Boston. So we went to the golf course. The menu was great. We both decided on the lobster roll that had mayo on the side. I hate mayo so this was perfect. This would be my second time trying lobster since the banding last July. I got stuck real bad. It was awful. My poor husband was left eating while I was walking around outside in 97 degree weather. People from NE live on lobster since birth and now I can not do it any more. I am very sad about it. The french fries went down fine, of course. Stay cool and wear sun block. 'Eye Candy"/Arlene





I am from New England, home of great lobster. I was told by many banders that after surgery food can be different. I guess tonight I had my last lobster. It was just too chewy for me. I am sad. I do eat a lot of jumbo lump crab and that agrees with me. I have had shrimp and that goes down fine. The only way I would eat clams is fried, so that is out and I don't do scallops. I find salmon does down super. Tomorrow I am making a pot roast. My husband does not eat meat, only poultry and fish. I guess that means about 12 pot roast meals for me. Everyone have a great weekend. Arlene




last night's Night Line! OMG!

I stay up very late at night and sleep very late. So last night's Night Line showed and talked about having a piece of mesh sewed to your tongue for 1 month to control your eating! It was gross. It cost $2000. and was being done by a plastic surgeon in CA. He said you lose 15-20 pounds by having just protein shakes. What happens after he takes the mesh off? You gain it back! of course. They showed 2 women and they were thrilled with their results. Comments from any of you! I just told my husband, he fell asleep and he couldn't believe people would pay for this. There is Slim Fast and other protein shakes and they don't cost $2000. People will do anything to make money from over weight suckers, I mean people. Have a great day everyone. Arlene




Last Night's Dinner

Yesterday was my 42nd anniversary. My husband and I went out for dinner. I did have some bread dunked in oil. For my main course I had the filet with mashed potatoes and butternut squash. I am not and never will be a vegetable eater. Dinner was super. I ate the small filet and some of the others. My husband ordered dessert, wrong thing to do. He is over weight and a diabetic. I did taste the chocolate torte. It was super. Just a small taste. And then this morning I was down 1 pound!!! I try to move my body everyday. I over drink tea, hot and iced with Splenda. I don't leave the house without my iced tea. Today is cut and color day. I have my daughter-in-law's baby shower Saturday. And Sunday my nephew is getting married. Very busy weekend but fun nice things to do. By then the weather will be wonderful. Snow last night. Rain today and this weekend 60-70. Don't you just love NE weather? I live in the Boston area. Tonight at my support group meeting we are having a clothes swap. I have about 10 pairs of Lauren jeans in sizes 18w and 20w. I hope they find a new home. Enjoy your day and evening Lap Bands!




I'm here

Hello everyone. I have been reading everything but just haven't written much. I am busy with my family. My 95 year old mother's mind is getting worse. Last week she didn't recall my name. That sucks. My mentally challenged brother, he is 6 years older than me, is a handful. Tomorrow we are looking into adult day care for him. I hope it works.   Today my oldest son is 39. Can't believe I have a child that old. I baby sat his son, Max the other night. Max is 14 months and priceless. Laughs, yells and loves to eat fruit.   I belong to a gym and Friday was my first time there since November. I went yesterday and today and I feel much better about me. It was like starting over again. I went slow and didn't push myself but loved it. Do you know what you call people like me that pay and don't go to the gym?, profit! My husband won't get off his fat ass and go with me.   A high school friend posted this, funny and dumb: I want to die like my grandfather, in my sleep, no pain not yelling and screaming like the people in his car. I have a weird sense of humor.   Before the band my tops were either a 2 or 3 xl plus size woman's. Yesterday I bought a new sweat shirt, size misses large! Yeah! me! Now to just get rid of the muffin top which is my largest part of the body.   Everyone have a great week. Thursday, Boston is either getting lots of snow or rain. They don't know yet. Arlene




I hate winter etc.

As I write this, the snow has started, again. It is around 10 out and it may get 35 tomorrow or what I call a heat wave. Every year my husband wants to go down south but my children and grandsons live here. Our elderly mothers live here. Also you need $$$ to live in 2 places but tonight is Mega Millions, over $550 million, so that would get him his warm weather.   This past week I have had vertigo and the room has been spinning. Awful. I am seeing my ENT today for my annual and hopefully he can help me. My oldest brother told me he has it too. Not an excuse but I have not been to the gym because I am afraid of what could happen if I do any of the machines. That is why we have wonderful doctors, to help us. They help with our band questions, also.   I love when people bad mouth other's WLS choices. If you did not have a band or sleeve or by pass you can't judge. I do know many people who had by pass and after 7-10 years they are larger than before. One of these women said her surgery failed. WRONG! she failed. I have seen her eat and drink cocktails and wine, daily. The only sleeve people I know are at my monthly support group and they are newly done and they have no complaints, good for them. I decided I didn't want anything other than Band because it can be removed and the others can't. Each to his own and band bashing is just RUDE!   I hope everyone has a warm and safe week.   Arlene




Hungry Lately

Hi from Boston and wonderful Sandy, Lately I have been unable to feel full. Right now I am very full. I had for dinner elbows, tomato sauce and shrimp. Dinner was yummy. I had a fill in September and not scheduled to see the doctor until after Thanksgiving. Yesterday I made an angel food cake and put sugar free chocolate chips into it. My husband is a diabetic. He has eaten over 1/2 the cake. I had one piece last night. I find with the Band that I getting bored with food. I never know what to have. For lunch I had a grilled roast beef and cheese sandwich (1/2). It was great. Have a great and safe night and hopefully with electric.




hot fudge

​I was out today driving with my husband and we were talking about food. He is a diabetic. He said he would love a bowl of hot fudge and said to me, I am sure you do too. I said no, don't want to even have a taste. I am clearing my head of all my old favorites. Like buying fresh made bread and eating a loaf before I even get home from the store. Or having wonderful bread in a restaurant and eating more than one basket full. Bread is my very best friend. I still do have it in restaurants but have totally changed how I eat it. One restaurant I only eat the end crusty parts of the bread not the doughy parts. I know, it is still bread but it takes me longer to eat and I need my friend. Another friend of mine was my pint of ice cream almost every night and I added almonds and sometimes chocolate chips. I only have my SF Popsicles now. I hate fast food places so that was never a problem. I do miss really great french fries but I now have a small amount of mashed potatoes instead. I really really want to be thinner. I don't know why this time is different than the other 100 diets/weight loss programs, but this time I am going to be healthier and thinner. I hope you all agree and let's do it!!!!!!!! together. Have a wonderful evening everyone.




Hodge Podge

I have not written since the new site has been up. There are things I hate and things I like but it is Alex's brain child not mine or yours. So just grin and bear it.   So I am a natural red head. Only color I have ever been in 63 years. Money is very tight so 2 months ago I bought s decent color and it looked good. I couldn't do hi lites but that was fine because I wasn;t born with them. Last week my husband was with me when I went to buy another box of dye. He choose a different color. Sunday I had bright red/orange hair. It glowed!!! I called the company and they said to buy light brown. I left it on for 20 not 30 minutes. My hair is almost black. UGH!!!!!!!!! Today I am puling out the credit card and getting hi lites. Who the f**k knows what I will look like. Anything is better than almost black on a very pale skinned red head. When you get older you have to go lighter not darker because you do get paler I think. I can't do Thanksgiving with this color. My youngest grandson, Max will be having his 1st b. day party with about 40 people next week. Can't embarrass him.   I have been staying in the middle 190's for a long time now. Today I am back down under 192!!!!!!! I have been 188.? after a fill for 1-2 days. I would love to see the 180's again soon.   I do not eat any pies so I am not worried about Thanksgiving desserts. I have never had a pie because I don't like cooked fruit.   This is very long but I needed to rant about my hair color. Have a great day. Boston is cold and rainy today. Stay warm. Arlene aka Eye Candy




Healthy Fats

Good evening, I have a very over weight son, age 34, and he finally wants to be on a diet. Good for him. He mentioned that he is going to use coconut oil, which is spreadable, on his english muffin. Are we allowed coconut oil? It is not on my list. His wife looked into the spread and I guess it has a lot of health benefits.. Today I ate too fast, again. I always say never again and I still do it. It hurts, it's very uncomfortable. Have a great sleep, all.




Happy Hump Day Hellews!

Hello everyone. I haven't been writing much lately but I do read a lot of your thoughts, feelings, goods and bads. I enjoy keep up with everyone.   In one week will be 2 years for me and my life change, The Lap Band!! I love it and it treats me well when I treat it well. Yesterday, I thought I was good and got stuck at lunch. I had cucumber and lump crab meat (both plain). Weird. Over the past year I have been around the same weight but lately up 5-10 pounds. I can not buy me nuts anymore. I eat too many.   I also, don't exercise enough. At a breakfast/lunch restaurant in my town the owner had the band 5 years ago and after working from 5am until 3pm every day he walks 5 miles a day up and down hills. He is great, I am not that great at all. My Fitbit says a do 4-5000 steps a day. I feel that is great but my doctor wants 10,000 a day. I have never down that.   I belong to many FB groups with WLS as the main topic. One woman is doing her own non surgery plastic surgery. She showed a picture of her bat wings and 6 months later(yesterday) she has wonderful muscles from doing weight lifting. Her stomach she said is getting flatter but she still has thigh skin. She should be a poster woman for all of us that have 'skin issues', me included. She made me want to try weight lifting. Start small with baby steps. I read some where about using the 16oz bottles of water and use them to start. They are less money than weights, just in case you don't like doing this.   Everyone have a great day. Enjoy this wonderful summer.   Arlene



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
