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Day 2

I had the band put in on Tuesday and OMG I feel so awful!!!! Pain meds only help for a very short time. I feel like I cant breathe. I have so much air in my body that I cant drink but an once every few hours!!! I know it is only up hill from here but right now I feel like I have been ran over!!!! Praying for a super fast recovery.

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy



Ok So I just read thorugh some blogs and it seems as though everybody was put on a special diet at least a week before, I wasnt!   Is this going to effect anything??? My doctor did tell me to loose some weight but he only told me to loose 4 lbs! My surgery is tomorrow at 1:00p.m.and of course nothing to eat or drink after midnight but is there anything I should do between now and then.

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


4 Days

It has been four days since I got banded.   Im still having alot of problems with breathing... Not that I cant breathe it just seems harder. My doctor said it was because the band was pushing on my lungs and that over time it would be back to normal. I hope his normal and my normal are the same cause this is driving me crazy.   People warned me about the gas after and boy o boy the were right. I have been in sooo much pain. Like the kind of pain that makes you want to go to the hospital. My hubby did get me some gas x and it usually helps but not 100%.   My doctor told me to stay on a liquid diet until Tuesday, yesterday I was so hungrey I was in pain. I was feeling like I was going to get sick ugh it was bad. Ive been drinking slim fast and smoothies to try and keep full but there is only so much fullness you can get from liquid. So last night I decided to make a grill cheese... BAD IDEA!!!!! Yea I will not be doing that again. It ended with tons of gas x and then finally i ended up throwing up. Talk about hurt. The last thing you want when you have four cuts on your stomach is to throw up. And I only took five bites like baby bites. Anyways this morning I am doing alot better. I havent had to take any pain meds today so hopefully the pain is coming to an end.

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy



I was banded in March of this year. I have lost 56 lbs but I have had a lot of trouble ever since.   Problems I have are pain where my port is. Not to bad more irritating then anything but it does hurt. This is the more minor problem.   The major problems I have are with eating. It started out with carbonated drinks. KILLED ME 100 times over with only one drink. Ok so I learned not to even try those. Problem solved!   Pasta's and bread's are another thing I learned early on not to eat. Eating these or and trying to drink carbonated drinks would make my chest hurt soooooo kinda like right after be banded and having all that gas inside. Or what I call it is "like having what I would think a heart attack feels like". It is the worst pain!   But now as in the last three to four months I have been having trouble eating just about anything. I used to be able to eat bananas after being banded and now I can't eat those along with tons of other things some you wouldnt even think would bother you like yogurt!   Day to day is different but I never know what is going to kill me and the only thing I can do when it starts hurting that bad is to make myself throw up. For the last four months I have been throwing up alot so therefore I am hungry alot and will eat whatever wont hurt me and it isnt always healthy. My husband says I have "medically induced bulimia".   Anyways I have mentioned this to my Doctor but not to the full extent only because I want so bad to loose this weight and the one time I semi told him, he said that I didnt need to be injected for awhile. I want my injections. I have only had four and I am no where near full. I go see my Doctor this Wedensday and intend to tell him EVERYTHING as I can not stand this anymore but was wondering in the mean time if anybody knows whats going on or something I can do.   Thank you!

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


12 Days

Well it has been 12 days since I was banded. Yesterday was a bit hard. I was hurting really bad yesterday, where the port is. Is it supposed to still be hurting this bad??? Also My doc told me to keep the port cover at all times (i still have staples in) but the bandages are killing my skin. Maybe thats why it hurts so bad???   Yesterday was my family bbq and it went great. That morning honestly being "the fat girl" I am I was sad that I would not be eating EVERYTHING that was there. I was sad because I was making homemade cupcakes and mac n cheese to take but that I would not be able to eat them. But once I got there and had everyone asking me about my surgery and how I was feeling, they couldnt believe how much weight I had already lost it made me feel so much better. So instead of eating all the bad crap that was there I ate grilled chicken and it was yummy. And this morning I felt even better when I got on the scale and im down13 lbs!!!!

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


Hours Away

So tomorrow is the day!!!! The day i get the band put on.   I have mixed emotions right now. I am sooooooooo freaking happy and excited but at the same time I have been thinking about no going through with it. I am so scared that something is going to go wrong and that I wont wake back up. This however is normal for me I HATE having surgery like Im sure most people do but Im also one of those people who always thinks the worst thing is going to happen no matter what!   I have an eight month old daughter who is my life and a wonderdful husband and all I keep thinking is that im not going to come back to them.   I must get this band. I have been overweight my whole life and MUST change NOW!   I am going to do this tomorrow afternoon at one, but it would be great to hear some good things. Are you happy with the band? Would you do it again? Anything that do like about it. And honestly I would love to hear how much weight you lost on a weekly basis!   Anything you could tell me... The good and the bad would be great! Thanks

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


Hurting Please Help

So tonight I ate dinner with the family and thought that I just maybe ate to much, even though I didnt eat much at all but here I am four almost five hours later and Im in pain. It feels like something is pinching right around the area of my port. The pain goes up and down but has stayed for these last few hours. I also just noticed that I can feel the tubing????? I guess thats what it is??? But at the end its like a big rough bump???? Im kinda freaking out here. Its 11:30 pm here and the only choice I have is to either deal with it till Monday or go to the ER which I do not want to do. Also just in this last hour started feeling a little sick to my stomach. Anybody know whats going on or what could be happening?????

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


6 Days

Six day out and Im kinda feeling worst. I feel as I did the day I got out of surgery with not being able or at least feeling as I cant or am having trouble breathing. Is this normal? Ive thought about calling my dr but....   Today is the first day to be taking care of my daughter all alone since I was banded so maybe thats why I feel so bad????   On a happier note I did get on the scale this morning and im down 8lbs. Goodness if only I had the will power to be on a iquid diet maybe I wouldnt have had to get this done??? LOL JK I know I needed to get this. I needed to get this done so that I could have a long happy healthy life with my family. So that I could chase my daughter around the play ground when she starts walking. So that I could fianlly for once in my life be happy with myself. But this is no piece of cake. It is hard and I am just so thankful for all my family and friends who have helped out and I so happy that I have the site. It has really helped me.   Tomorrow I go in to have the staples removed so praying that will help with a little bit of the pain. And on to a soft food diet. Kinda scared about that though. This gas is killing me. LOL no really it is.

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


9 Days

It has been 9 days since I was banded and I am finally starting to feel like my self again!!!!   I have lost a total of 10lbs! SOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!!!!!   Its amazing how good you feel just looseing 10lbs. Its amazing how your clothes fit after looseing 10lbs. Execited to see how 20lbs will feel.   I was moved to a soft food diet on Tuesday but I am still dealing with the gas problem so Im still on liquids about 95% of my day. When I do eat I have to eat sooooooo slow it is insane.   Im a little sad, Saturday my family is having a bbq, the first of the year and I will not be able to eat that wonderful food but im not sad enough! HA I am so happy I was banded.   My staples are freaking killing me. They are pulling my skin so much. They are drying out and driving my insane. I really almost pulled them out myself last night!!!! If it wasnt for my husband freaking out I would have.   Ive been wanting to try coffee again. Would it hurt????   Also Ive been wondering Will I ever be able to drink soda again??? Im not a big soda drinker but every once in a while it would be nice to have something besides water.   Anyways so thankful that I am feeling better today.

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


5 Weeks

I am 5 weeks out from getting banded and three weeks out from my first fill. I am really down because I have only lost 10 lbs. Well ok I had lost like 15 lbs and then gainned 5 back.   When I got my first fill it hurt??? Im not talking about the needle Im talking about when the fuild went in. Is that normal????   Also I dont feel any changes as far as the amount of food I can eat. I am trying really hard to control the amounts of food I am eating and what I am eating but old habits are really hard to break. I had 5mls put in. And go back next week for the next fill.   I am trying to start exercising. I did Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and hurt so bad the next day that I couldnt hardly move so what do you know here I am four days later and I havent tried to exercise since. I know I have to change. I want to change.

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy


Today Was The Day

well I am 23 days out. I had my first fill yesterday. I wasnt sure what to expect. Some say it hurts and others not so much. Anyways I went in kinda nervous but I made it. It did hurt a little. It took him a min to find it AFTER the needle was already in! OUCH!!!!   This last week I have totally felt like my old self. I have energy again, sleeping on my stomach, able to hold my daughter for awhile after she had already fallen asleep, before I felt like I couldnt breathe with her on me but not anymore.   I can tell that my body has pretty much gone back to the way it was pre-band. Meaning I dont seem to have a problem drinking or eating, ok well eating it still a little hard. I have some foods that just make me hurt with the first bite swolled.(bread,meat,) but thats fine I dont need bread at all and Ive never been a big meat eater so..... Also I could tell a few days ago that I was eating almost as much as I did pre-band. So needless to say I was happy to have gotten my fill today.   Ive noticed that alot of people seemed to have a problem changing what they ate. Lucky for me I ive been eating pretty healthy for a long time now just WAY WAY too much of it. And I wasnt perfect not ever close. We did eat out at least twice a week. I told my dr that I am hoping that this takes all the way with healthy eating. I have found that I really am trying even harder now that that I have the band. I can honestly say that I have only eaten maybe two meals that were not so good for me since I was banded.   He also told me that I can start exerciseing. I am happy and yet.... Sadly I have never been one for excerise DUHHHHHHHH but I am hopeing that something inside me changes and I learn to LOVE IT!!!!!   One thing though... He put in 5 ml and he did tell me that I wouldnt be able to see or feel a big difference but I dont feel anything. I feel as if I could eat ALL DAY LONG!!! Is this normal????

Eviees  mommy

Eviees mommy

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