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My Trip will begin on January 3rd

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2 mile walk!

Yesterday I did 30 min on my lunch break which is 1.6 miles according to the people at work. TODAY however... I went to the park and walked around the lake which is premeasured to be exactly 2 miles. I started it at 4:36 and finished at 5:17 which is a decent clip for a person of my size I think and it took me 5,014 steps (according to my NEW free Chicken Little pedometer that a co-worker gave me out of a cereal box... whatever works man.. What's cool about all this is NO LOWER BACK PAIN! now as far as the REST of my body goes... hmmph My hubby let me order a Refurbished iPod off of the Apple site for me to walk with (that my ex hubby suggested... I lead an interesting life.. what can I say..) I Can't WAIT to get that puppy in! Of course, the challenge for me will be figuring out how on EARTH to get music on it off of my computer. I'm so excited.. now I can bust a move to ABBA, Jack Johnson, Simon & Garfunkle, Nickel Creek, Dixie Chicks & Blue October.. just to name a few. I'll have to be careful.. I'm liable to dance my way around the lake when Cecelia comes on. My restriction is still more than in the a.m. and by supper, though I'm not NEAR what I used to be and I still have to be careful WHAT it is to avoid the dreaded PB I can def eat more by supper time. I've been eating about 1/8 cup of cut up Spring Greens (hubby bought me a Hinkle scissor and knife set) 1-2 cut up strawberries, one cut up low fat string cheese and vinaigrette. It's VERY good. if that's all I'm having I'll add extra cheese for protein, & do about 1/2 cup of greens, or If I have fixed bacon for my hubby I'll cut up a couple of strips of that. Tonight I am fixing one of those Campbell's supper bakes.. garlic something. It comes with pasta and I'll only be able to eat like 2 or 3 pieces of that and the chicken we'll have to see. The whole thing is an experiment. I don't know WHAT I'd do without sFree popsicles. Good for late night cravings. Ok.. I'm like rambling now. More tomorrow Cheers!




The day after...

ok... it's the day after my 1st PB and I survived. I feel as though I have just gone through a 'rite of passage' When I bust out of the 300's my hubby says for a treat I can get a pair of the new pale pink croc flip flops!! HOORAH! I'm somewhat of a croc freak. Oh who am I kidding, I'm just a shoe ho in general.





My 1st fill is W O R K I N G I have the small band (4) and doc put in 2.2 and OH man does it work. I am 6 weeks post op today & one week one day post 1st fill. I've lost 10 pounds JUST SINCE my fill, yet I am still able to eat and not feel cheated!!!!:clap2: I am right now, on the back side of my 1st pb:sick (productive burp) My hubby travels and is out of town this week. by the time 4 came around I was REALLY hungry:hungry: and so far for the day I had only consumed about 400 c's not including coffee.   I was in the mood for chicken so I stopped at KFC's and got a drumstick and a thigh. about three bites before I stopped, I remember thinking, I'm not hungry so I should stop... but my head hunger was like.. but wait.. you aren't FULL yet.. just a few more bites.   Well, Three bites later the PB started. All this of course while I'm trying to drive a stick shift home on a 25 minute drive of course. Thank goodess I followed a thread on my lap band forum by the name "Flaming Golf Ball From #%@&!" where people tell different PB stories and jokingly/seriously suggested keeping bottles/papertowels and cups in your vehicle for just such an occasion.   I bought some vitamin water and left two of the empty bottles in the truck just in case, even though I was like.. i won't need these because I'll stop before it's to late...   Famous   Last   Words.   All the freaking way home I was having to spit profusely into my bottle and a few times a little chicken would come up with it. This started about 4:20 and though I feel better, my chest is still tight. It was/is such a surreal experience, I wasn't 'throwing up' it was just coming.. gently and my chest was NOT HAPPY.   ANYwho. Lesson learned. I don't have to be STUFFED to quit eating. 1st impressions/instinct..if you think you should stop,,, then by god stop already.   Now, for the weird part. This PB (productive burp) gives me hope. This really is going to work for me and not just to take the weight off, but more importantly KEEP IT OFF. Unless you have a thing for slime covered food you have already chewed and swalloed ending up in your pie hole, you will NOT over eat. 'nough said  




Day three after 1st fill

Walked about 45 minutes during my lunch break. I am on liquids until this evening when I can convert to mushies. When I came back in I drank some protein stuff by bolthouse farms.. probably about 9 ounces or so and now my freaking chest is tight again. This is going to take some getting used to and I have got to learn to start SMALL and work my way up. I'm not bad like yesterday but this is fairly uncomfortable which means... IT"S WORKING after only one fill. Of course he said the fill can cause slight swelling which is why liquids for two days so It may relax up some but.. this is how it works. I was just kind of surprised because I have read a lot of comments about the 1st fill not really working. Maybe it's the size of my band and the fac that it only holds 4 thingies and he put in 2.2. I actually think I will bust out of 300 by the end of the month!!!




1st uncomfy moment

WHOOWEEE WHAT an afternoon. I have been sipping on stuff at work like veggie juice and coffee. I left to go pick up hubby for his nose appointment and grabbed a Naked protein juice drink out of the fridge. It's about a 14 oz bottle and has almost 40 grms of protein in it. I started sip/drinking it and about 20 minutes later probably had about 2 ounces of it left, then OH MY GOD... weirdness. I don't even know if I can begin to describe it, but obviously I drank to much of it. It didn't occur to me that I should go over 8 or 9 ounces because, well, it's liquid.. it will run right through right? Well I guess not. I was V. uncomfy for about an HOUR. slight nausea but not overwhealming, felt like I had gas and trapped air, slightly sweaty, sitting down was not comfy AT ALL so I was standing/pacing and bending. we finally got home and I stripped down went upstairs, go a cold wash rag turned the fan on high and laid down on a slight incline until it passed. wow. Moral of the story... even when drinking... drink/sip SMALL amounts and not in a hurry... it sneaks up on you. I'm supposed to start eating tomorrow and now I'm slightly paranoid about it but I'm sure I'll be fine. Tell you what.. I'd rather over do it and learn on liquid than actual food. I'm still pretty gassy feeling but after the worst was over I went outside and walked for about 10 minutes and that made me feel better as well. I can tell right now, this band/tool will most def be a success. NICE.




I survived & didn't even take my stuffed moose...

Ok. today @ 2:45 was my post op appointment and 1st fill. I walked in, & they weighed me. I was kind of dreading this because 1. It's that 'special' time of the month 2. I've been hungry 3. this weekend, though I still didn't eat volume wise what I normally do, ate things I shouldn't have, like bread and brownies 4. last but not least, I weigh about 4 lbs heavier in the afternoon than I do in the a.m. water retention I guess. Much to my delight I have maintained myself at 318.. I was 331.5 on the day of surgery, which means I weighed even more than that before surgery and lost some before because of the hellacious pre-op 'all food is evil so you must drink your meals' diet. So I lost around 20 lbs and have kept it off without gaining any before my fill. From what I've been reading on the forums, some people gain before their 1st fill so HOOfreakinRAH for me!:clap2: They had a "basket 'o Needles sitting on the desk.. boy that cheered me up and fast.:faint: Todd was like... well look honey.. they aren't THAT big... Dr. Morton thought my incisions sites looked great and where healing V well. They also thought my matching tie dyed undies/sports bra and socks were a hoot, I informed them that of course, I wore them for this ever so special of occasions. At this point, they had me laying down on the table in my colorful skivies and it occurred to me that this bragging on my homemade undies was a clever ploy for them to distract me from the bee sting of a numbing shot they administered to the incision on my sternum. I think Todd's fingers may still be tingling...:rolleyes but I have to admit.. it was like a baby bee sting and not one of those big A$$ scary bees.... So.. after this he sticks in the saline needle and all I feel is pressure, I was like.. wow, that's kind of weird, he then informed me that he was going to help me SIT UP with said needle protruding from my sternum. uh....:guess He gave me his hand and helped me sit up.. I didn't pass out or anything! In fact at this point, I didn't feel a thing but I guess my eyes were still bugged out like a fly in a frog pit cause he commented on my expression.. It was kind of weird to look down and see a needle sticking out of me but, it didn't hurt:) They then gave me a cup holding 9 ounces of water and asked me to sip on it. Apparently the band I have holds 4 thingies of saline (cc's maybe?) and while I sat there drank water and burped profusely he put in 2.2 thingies of fluid. He seemed pretty happy with how it was sounding and he pulled out the needle and slapped on a bandaid. I was like... 'THAT's IT?" As I predicted, I felt silly for being to worked up over this. It all took about 10 minutes from weigh in/strip down to fill up. I was grinning like a cat in the fish market on the way up front because my stomach had been growling like crazy when I got there and all the sudden.. I was FULL. HOLY CRAP>>>> I went from ravenous beast to pleasantly just ate full.... on 9 ounces of water. NICE. I scheduled my next appointment for 3 weeks from now to weigh in and see if I need more fluid in my band. I am on liquids until wednesday afternoon then I can switch to soft stuff like cottage cheese/apple sauce then gradually at my own pace, work up to real food again. I am ever so slightly sore now where my port is and he said I might bruise a little. I got a protein drink and some veggie juice for supper and right now I'm full as a tick.




Today is the BIG day

I am getting ready to leave work. I'm anxious/nervous and feel silly about feeling so but I can't help it. Today is my post op appointment and 1st fill... as in go into the sorest incision scar I have with a needle appointment . It's the unknown part that is getting to me... I mean, I haven't had this part done before and it involves a V. long needle in a sensative spot so I'm being a baby. I am having to talk myself out of bringing my stuffed moose to cling to desperately as they jab a super long needle into my innards.. Instead, I shall cling to my hubby for dear life, then feel like a two year old when it's over and I discover it wasn't that bad to begin with.:rolleyes I really NEED this appointment because I can EAT:hungry: I really misbehaved this weekend and though I'm still not totally at the quantity of food I can normally have, I'm still ate more than I should have and I had BREAD. I had two biscuits yesterday and perchance a slice of brownie....ok.. I had two hunking big pieces of brownie followed by a glass of milk.. ANYwho... As I sit her typing this my stomach is screaming for me to throw it some food and of course.. I can't. I'm not supposed to eat four hours prior so I ate 'brunch' at 10 a.m. to make extra sure my tummy was empty when I got there. Did I remember to ask if I could drink... NNNOOOOO:huytsao . ok.. assuming I survive and don't faint :faint: and break my neck.. I shall report in more detail than you could ever hope for as soon as I get back. tootles, Tracy





Can't wait for April 2nd to get here for my 1st fill. I'm starting to GRAZE




Restaurant Card

Restaurant Card for kids portions Check this out.. this is so cool! You can print this card up and take it to restaurants so you can order off of the kids menu. There is also a list of places that already allows adults to order kids size meals. http://www.obesityhelp.com/magazine/RestaurantCard.html   Basically it explains that you've had surgery that olmits your ability to eat a large amount of food, and it requests that you be premitted to order off the children's menu or to order half portions. Of course, it's up to the retaurant whether it will honor the card. One one side of the card is the name & address of the practice * the surgeon & on the other side is the request information.




Almost three weeks post op

I don't know what it is out Sundays but I am having another fabulous day. I am moving around BETTER than I was pre op. I topped out at 339 in January and am at 319 and holding. I don't expect to lose anymore until after my 1st fill. It's another GORGEOUS day out, got the sage burning, all the windows open and I am.. get this.. CLEANING! I'm also going to do a batch of tie dye this afternoon... feeling creative. It'll will take me about 3-4 days to finish this batch but it's nice to be in the biz again. Doing some shirts and undies for my in-laws that are going to Disney for their spring break. I made a big ole pitcher of Green Tea and I've got my ABBA gold album blasting. It's so nice to feel good and optimistic about my future. YAY! I still have the weird numb/pain on the surface of my tummy but it's tolerable. Todd(DH) is having outpatient surgery for his deviated septum one month to the day of my surgery and I know that by then I'll really be feeling great. I think I may even dye some eggs on Tuesday (Ostara holiday for me) I did this last year using all natural dye stuff. I boiled all kinds of stuff experimenting like spinich, coffee, tea, blackberries, strawberries and then I used cheese cloth and wrapped different plant leaves like carrot tops, rosemary and lavendar and they came out REALLY neat. I think my favs were the blackberry and tea ones. I have found that post op my meat preference to be fish. Well, I'm just rambling now. Later Tracy




Two weeks 4 days post op

:help: Ok. I am two weeks and four days post op. do you remember that weird feeling post op on the surface of your belly skin that was numb and sensative all at one? Well that dissapeard about a week ago only to return IN FORCE today. I have 7 small incisions that have healed VERY well. I have one at the bottom of my belly button then two more to the far left of my belly button side by side then one more up and angled to the left of my belly button, then more.. OK. If you were to draw a slanted to the left triangle with the narrow point starting at my belly button and the other two wide points to the left, the entire area in between is intense sore and numb and on occasion a twinge of #4 pain. it's no where near the port or my tummy. Now, I did stumble yesterday walking in to my buliding but didn't toally wipe out, however it jarred me pretty good. I noticed this sensation mainly today and more intensely the past two hours. Any one else experiences these phantom pains that are not directly under their incisions? I called the doc's office and they think I'm ok and want me to call back on Monday.





Well poke a badger with a spoon :phanvan I was worried about not getting a fill until 3/27 well, now it's not until 4/2. That's one day short of 5 weeks. whew... give me the strength to control myself for that long. I think I'll be ok but I'm afraid overdoing it once is all that it will take... hopefully that knowledge will keep me in line. I forgot my lunch today so i went to a mex place with friend and got grilled chicken and beans. Ate half and boxed up the rest. Since I have been walking on my lunch break and knew I would be able to today, I walked once around the building this a.m. and plan to go again this afternoon.




Two Weeks post op today!

:clap2: :messenger3::clap2: Today was yet another fabu day. it's about 3:08 and the weather has been perfection except now I believe it's going to start raining. I still feel sore in the a.m. when I'm getting out of bed but I haven't had to take ibuprophen or ANYthing.. which is HUGE for me. I walked across & back the road to our other building this a.m. (takes me about 5 min.) to the wellness center to get my measurements. She's going to do them once a month for me. After lunch I walked for about 35 minutes. I can't say this enough.. it is so nice for my lower back to not hurt when I'm walking for more than 2 minutes. I called to book my 1st appointment for my fill and the earliest they can get me in is march 27. One month to the day. I just hope I can behave long enough to maintain the 20 I have lost if not lose more. I don't think that I have any restriction, HOWEVER, I am getting full quicker. I think that because of the pre-op diet and the 3-4 days of swelling, what happened is that my stomach has shrunk so the portions I am eating now are what I would consider a 'normal' portion to be. I know if I pushed it I could eat more, but I'm trying real hard to 'listen' and stop when I start feeling a little tight and not drink when I eat and wait an hour after. I sure am burping a lot though. Would I be burping this much with no restriction what so ever? I can drink like normal too. ANYwho...after walking I get real tender around the port area for some reason. It last about 20 minutes then settles down.




Day two of feeling normal...

Having another great day today... This week starts my working full days.. FINALLY. didn't quite make it last week. Been sipping on vanilla chai protein all a.m. and it's a little after noon and I was hungry so I'm eating my tuna and multigrain crackers. HOLY JEEZ. I'm not restricted really but big bites of tuna are a NO NO:kiss . I took two large/normal bites with a normal size fork (left kiddie spoons at home) and WHAM:faint: ... kind of very uncomfy. so... must stick with little bites. I have got to get myself trained before the 1st restriction, because as you can see from my previous post.. I REALLY don't care for pain. T




Side sleeping again!!!

I feel great today. Finally turned that corner. Yinfec is under control & I can totally sleep on my side now! Thursday I went to bed (the 1st night I was able to sleep on my side) and I woke up 14 hours later! I needed it. We have been blessed with BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS weather today. I'm sitting here at my computer, ate my prune yogurt, drinking my coffee, have the patio door open, birds are chirping, my windchimes are chiming, the smell of burning sage is in the air and all is right with the world. I may even be able to talk DH into walking at the zoo today. Nasvhille has a really beautiful zoo and I have a membership. I hope no one has been discouraged by my whiny post, I just wanted to be as honest as factual as possible because I like to know what's up before hand. Now that I'm on the other side of things, I know I've done the right thing and I'm really excited about my future. I have a normal to small sized husband, he married me at almost my top weight, so I'm excited to see where this takes our relationship as we are able to do more outdoor activites together.





ATTENTION: THE FOLLOWING IS GRAPHIC AND ABOUT YEAST INFECTIONS SO MALE READERS/ EASILY OFFENDED/GROSSED OUT JUST MOVE ON PAST THIS POST PLEASE. The antibiotic they gave me to take every 8 hours has absolutely REAKED HAVOC on my body. I don't normally get yeast infections. I'm 37 and have had about 8 in my life and have NEVER had thrush. I SHOULD have known, that if my mouth was overloaded as bad as it was with the thrush that I needed to go ahead and treat my other end for a yeast infection. I'm telling you what, I have NEVER had one EVER that was this bad. I had to leave early from work today and by the time I got home I was boohooing like a big baby. I'm like raw shredded meat down there and am even a little bloody. I took a prescription oral pill for this on Tuesday and it doesn't seem to be helping. My DH, thank god, came home this afternoon (he travels) and got me some maximum strenth itch/burn stuff then went back later after I boo hoo'd and cussed when I had to tinkle, to buy the 3 day treatment stuff. I have been using ice packs on it as well and that seems to help. It seems the worst around my ureathra and clit. It was murder when he was putting on the topical stuff. I'm calling the doc tomorrow, though, I don't think there is anything else we can do since I'm already using the prescrip stuff. I am going to make note of the name of this antibiotic that I was given so I don't ever take it again. Am I the ONLY one this has happened too? I haven't read about anyone else going through this on my feb & march post. For those of you not yet banded... please speak with your doc about the possibility of getting a yeast infection and see if there are any preventative measures you can take or maybe you can at least get some supplies to prepare for the possibility. After you are banded, if you find that your mouth/tongue starts getting sore and discolored.. PLEASE call your doc and don't wait like I did. I'm really paying for it now. Tracy




incisions & tanning/sun

I tan and found this to be helpful. Sunning, Tanning Booths, & Surgery   While having a golden tan is lovely to look at - it damages the skin. Tanning is a personal choice, but it's important to know the results of doing so in conjunction with your surgery.   No one ever healed skin cancer by getting a tan. If tanning improved our skin there would be no need for sunscreens and all the media messages about skin cancer we hear daily.   Stay out of the sun before your surgery   You want your skin to be in good shape so that you can have the best chances for healing. Suntanned skin does not promote well-healed incisions.   Stay out of the sun after your surgery   Sun on your new incisions will turn them permanently red. This is not our opinion - it's a fact. Incisions need to stay out of the sun for about a year, and longer if they have not turned white. Once you sun them and turn them red, there is no going back. Only excising them and starting over will get rid of the red, sun damaged incision lines.   If you will be in the sun post-operatively (we realize we all have lives and vacations happen), please make sure your suit covers your incisions completely. Depending on how far post-op you are, you should ask your plastic surgeon if you can put sunscreen on your incisions. Sunscreens are chemicals, and it may not be a good idea to put this on your incisions if you are newly post-op, so ask your plastic surgeon. Of course, exposing them to sun would be worse, so do ask your plastic surgeon as he or she might also be able recommend the brand they'd like you to use. Some people have even put surgical adhesive tape over their incisions. This might be a good alternative to the chemical aspects of sunscreen - provided the tape stays on. Again, ask your plastic surgeon.




8 days post op.

3 oz chicken breast 120c 20prtn 6:30 Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00 1/2 cup tuna with mayo no clue what-so- ever. came in big 6 serving pack. one serving was 60c Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00 one can of mini ravioli 500c I started out eating the 1/2 cup or less tuna naked.. but my sore firy mouth couldn't handle it so I added a pack of mayo.




Please ignore this post

I'm going to start this by saying.. *Please* don't bother to read this. It's a bitching/grumpy whiny pity party pants session and I needed to sit down and type out my grumblings so I can grab my britches and trek on... I KNOW I am SO lucky.. for real, to have been given this opportunity, this gift, if you will, of the band and I have been wanting this for FOUR years.. and here I am one week to the day post op, and I'm going to bitch. So, please.. especially for those of you who are not banded yet.. IGNORE MY PITY PARTY. I am freakin miserable. I flippin mouth feels like a firely dragon took a piss in it because of this hateful thrush crap (which is a yeast overload by the way generaly caused by antibiotics and a low imune system) AND.... IT HAS MOVED DOWN FREAKING SOUTH ARGH. WHY WHY WHY?!?!?!? ARGH I STILL can't sleep on my side which means I'm stuck sleeping on my back, which causes me to snore, which irritates my already on fire, dry mouth and I don't sleep as well, and I can't take my pain meds because it sets my mouth on fire even worse so when I wake up in the a.m. I feel like a heard of elephants has been tap dancing on my freaking large ass stomach, which by the way, is so freaking large, that I can't really reach my now on fire itchy nether regions for fear of ripping a port stich or opening up an incision. I am also, starting today.... H U N G R Y. so.. what's going through my mind today? I'm HUNGRY.. #$%* one fricking week post op and I want to EAT EAT EAT EAT. I've had 3 oz chicken breast 120c 20prtn 6:30 1 can atkins 160c 15 prtn 9:36 SF Jello 10c 10:30 1 cup Probiotic Kifir smoothie yogurt thingy 174 c 14Prtn 12:30 Fruit fusion Peach smoothie drink 250 c prtn7 3:30 Sfree pudding 60c 2prtn 4:00 Chicken of the Sea Roasted Garlic Salmon Steak 150c prtn 25 with one slice provolone cheese melted on top 70c 5prtn 5:00 another slice 'o provolone.. well.. I had to read the package so.. I ate a slice 70c 5prtn Let's add this up shall we.. Well.. uh. according to my calculations.. that's only 1064cs with 93 prtn. Ok... I feel as though I pigged out today and now I'm seeing that I've only had 1064 c's. Ok.. so it's not that bad. I felt like I really screwed up when I bought and drank the 250 c smoothie. and I'm really full right now so I reckon I haven't blown it food wise. hmmm ANYwho, I was feeling like, oh my god.. maybe I can't do this, I'm never going to even get below 300 little long lose around 170 lbs... and part of me still feels this way. I've been reading post on here (lap band forum) since jan and I have seen some discouragement.. I just wasn't expecting to be one of the discouraged.. especially one week out. This can work. I just have to make good food choices. I need to bring more stuff to work with me tomorrow. Part of my issues I think are as far as feeling physically like crap, is that I have Fibromyalgia ( can't spell) and that's really dealing me a hand right now. I can't take my liquid kids ibuprophen because my mouth is so $%(*ed up and that really keeps my fibro in check whine whine whine. sorry guys. I really think I would feel a little better if I could just freaking sleep on my side again. It will get better I know. Thanks for not reading my bull$%^( SYNICALchick aka Tracy




7th Day /ONE Week post op

ACK... my mouth is still on fire. I've had four doses of the prescrip stuff so hopefully it will be better by this afternoon. Back at work today and will probably leave this afternoon when I start to get tired. I can tell the swelling is starting to go down now cause I'm hungry more often. I had 3 ounces of chicken breast this a.m. then a 15 g protein shake around 9 and then a sf jello a few minutes ago. I forgot to bring my chicken to work so I'll do another drink I guess for lunch plus I brought some kefir probiotic yogurt smoothie stuff too. My mouth is so friggin' tender that just about anything I eat or drink hurts... i think I'm ssssin' my words too. Tongue feel swollen. Soreness is SLOWLY but surely diminishing each day. I feel like I've been in a wreck every a.m. when I wake up and try to get out of bed. I haven't had any ibuprophen yet today but may break down and take some here in a few minutes. Surgeon and other fellow bansdters say I should start feeling about normal around Friday. Considering I am one week to the day today from the operation I'm doing GREAT. Driving myself to work and everything.




food for the day

between all these I had two puddings sugar free 60c each protein 2 each 6:30 a.m.1/4 cup of kifir probiotic yogurt 43 c protein 3.5 10:00 one serving of watery oatmeal 160c protein 4 2:00 one heat and sip creamy chicken 130c protein 4 4:00 one Delmonte Fruit chiller cup mango 190c protein 1 supper will be 1/2 cup white fish 100c protein 17g slice cheese 70c protein 4 total for day 813 c's with 37.5 g protein. NOT ENOUGH oops. might eat egg before bed.





Alrighty.. It didn't show up at all. Oh well. I posted it on the scar stage thread. I'm at home now and have my prescrip for Thrush. She said that some of the patients get it from the antibiotics. My resistance was low because of the surgery so it didn't take much.   I get to gargle this lovely tasting stuff 4 times a day...



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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
