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3 weeks Pre-Op

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Calorie intake??

I just started on solid foods this week and not too bad. I am tracking my food and liquid intake using myfitnesspal.com which is great! I have only had a total of 571 calories today and 92 grams of protein.. Is that normal? I can't see how I am going to get more calories when I'm eating my 3 meals and a snack. Any suggestions? Does anyone know if its ok to get such a low amount of calories? I'm hearing different thoughts. Thanks for the help!    




Anxiously waiting and down to the wire

Well, surgery is exatcly 7 days from today. I am getting really worried and anxious because my health insurance still hasn't come through with the approval. I called to check and they basically wouldn't say anything other than its under clinical review and it may take up to 15 business days for review!! I mean come on! I'm supposed to have surgery in 7 days and have been doing this liquid diet. I'm so afraid it will get pushed back and I have worked so hard to get here. Not to mention that would be another 10 days of this dreaded liquid diet. I'm praying with every fiber that the approval comes through before my surgery and all goes according to plan. i've done my part and then some and am more than ready for this.




And, its approved!!!

A few moments ago my phone rang, and recognizing the doctors office I answered, holding my breath and then they said " your approval came through this morning". I started shaking like a leaf, partly from relief and partly because at that very moment it really hit me, this is it I'm really doing this. I'm 100% sure of my decision and have no doubts at all. I can do this and I will do it. So, fortunately I have tomorrow scheduled as a vacation day and was planning on a beach day but maybe I'll spend the time cleaning the house, shopping for what I'll need and getting everything in order. Now I can breathe a huge sigh of relief and move forward!    




Almost a week post-op feeling much better!

Well, here I am almost a week post-op and FINALLY starting to feel a little more human lol. I do feel much better actually. The gas is almost gone and my stomach isn't making me look like a pregnant alien. I'm still getting some episodes where I feel like I want to burp but it just won't come but that too will pass I'm sure.   Went to the beach yesterday with the family and it was great to be able to hang out and watch my nephew play at his first beach outing. I didn't have as much energy as I thought I would but I was able to walk around the beach and even went swimming! It was a little uncomfortable between my sister and I when it came to lunch time. She is not on board with this surgery and hasn't been so we don't mention it at all. Basically they ate their sandwiches and chips and I had a protein drink. I refuse to apologize for doing something that will make me healthier and happier. Everyone decided after the beach they wanted to go out to eat so of course I bowed out for that and felt a little bummed out especially when my 2 yr old nephew asked why auntie.. In any case, I know one I'm on solid foods I'll be able to join them and will just eat less and only eat certain things.   I can't wait to get back to the gym, I really miss it. Also trying to resist the urge to hop on the scale since I know my body is still healing and the numbers might not be what I want to see.   Guess thats all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!




Adventure Bootcamp here I come!

Hello my fellow bandsters,   After much debate with myself, back and forth and indecision I have signed up for a 4 week outdoor bootcamp with a girlfriend. I was going to do cardio kickboxing but at this point feel the bootcamp will be better. I'm nervous, excited and ready to go. Not looking forward to a 4:50am wakeup but it'll be worth it.   I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm glad to be seeing the doctor since I am hoping to get my first fill. Not feeling any restriction at this point and I'm almost 2 months post surgery. I have been feeling really nauseaus lately (NOT expecting a baby) and its not when I'm eating its random and frequent so I want to ask the doctor about that too not sure if its the band or just me.   That's about it for now.   Wishing everyone a great week!    




2nd Fill and no restriction

I had my appointment with the doctor on Wed and discovered I have actually gained 1.5 lbs in 2 weeks. This was very disappointing but I'm trying to stay positive. I had my 2nd fill and they put in 2cc's so now I am at 6 cc's in a 14cc band. I really don't feel restriction and am nervous that the band could be too big? I have heard varying opinions regarding the 14cc band and of course everyone is different but is it possible that the band can be too big?   I completed week 2 of my fitness bootcamp which I am thrilled with and I love the feeling I get after a hard workout. I'm considering joining up for another 4 week camp. I would love to start seeing the weight come off soon. I am watching what I eat and trying to stick with lean meats and fish and vegetables. I really don't care for starchy foods so I don't eat those as a general rule.   Well, next checkup is 10/14 I'll keep my fingers crossed that I lose some by then. I really wanted to lose 15-20 by my birthday which is 11/10.




2 Week check -up

Tomorrow will be my 2 week post-op check up with the doctor. Not really nervous since he's probably just taking out my staples (thank goodness!!!!) and I think he's just doing a weigh-in. For some reason, my doctor's instructions have been to weigh myself each morning and keep track so I won't be pleasantly surprised. If my scale is correct and its a good digital one, I'm down 18lbs since the day after my surgery. I had thought to lose a little more pre-op but it seemed I gained that back right after the surgery but I'll take every lb lost I can!   I went to my girlfriend's luau yesterday and did fine. I poured myself a glass of wine when I got there and 4 hours later still had a half glass. I added water to it when no one was looking so they thought I had a new glass I didn't really care much about the not eating since I really don't have an appetite these days. I have to admit though the dessert table looked sooo good including the cheesecake platter I brought. I made my exit before they started serving them though lol.   Last night I went out with friends for a little while and had a pretty good time. My boyfriend was nice and tipsy after a rugby tournament so I got to be designated driver . I got a glass of wine while we were out and it took all night to drink it. So I'm thinking I'll never have another drunk buzz again thats ok though, I've never been a huge drinker anyway.   ok, so that's a lot of rambling on lol I'm off to go take a walk.. with any luck the dr will allow me to go back to the gym!




2 Days to go

I go back on Wednesday for my 4 week post op checkup. I don't even think I'm seeing the doctor I think its with either the nutritionist or the nurse practitioner. I haven't managed the mushies very well so I'm afraid to tell them when I go but know I need to be honest. When I eat or drink lately I feel a sharp pain in my stomach, sort of like a cramp and not sure what would cause it.   I'm back to work on Thursday and that will be an adjustment since I have been out 30 days. Everyone keeps saying I should stay out longer since I'm not even eating mushies let alone solid food but I can't imagine being out any longer. Not sure what to do.   Oh well, positive outcomes only!



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