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I hope you are all having a great Sunday.   I am so excited. I weighed in today at the gym and I was 210.2. I lost over 2 lbs this week giving me a total weight loss of 41.2 lbs since my Lap Band surgery on June 21!   Prior to my LP, I was on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutra System, etc, etc, etc. Each time I reached a 25lb loss, I would stall. That was it, all she wrote, the game was over. Then I would gain it all back, plus more.   I am so close to the onederland that I can almost touch it. So, what do you call when you are 210-219? My trainer says you are in the countdown. OK, so I am in the countdown.   I have my 2nd fill scheduled for tomorrow morning. I'll see if the doctor feels that I need it. I got 1cc in my 14cc band at about 9 weeks, so we will see what they do tomorrow, which starts my 18 week.   Well, enjoy the rest of your Sunday. :smile2:




Why not sooner?

Have I mentioned to anyone that I am one happy puppy? I don't think I have been this motivated and excited in years! I am seeing some changes, and it has only been 1 month tomorrow. My starting weight right before the lap-band was 254lbs. As of today, I am 235.8. I was as heavy as 268, but lost some weight before the sugery, as everyone does.   It is funny to say, but I never felt that "fat" until I saw pictures of myself. Then, I wanted to run and hide. Keep in mind, I am only 5'3" tall. Most of my height is in my legs, and most of my weight is in my upper body so I was up there.   Today was my second day lifting weights at the gym. I did a half hour of cardio and then the 5 machines that are part of my rotation. It feels so good to be participating in life again. I am giving myself permission to sit on the couch and watch TV as long as I keep up my exercise program. On days I am not in the gym, I do lift 3lb dumb bells and use a tension band. So far eating has not been a problem for me. I may postpone my fill from Thursday to next week sometime. I don't think I need it yet. I'll decide by Tues.   I posted some photos to my "album" showing the start of my journey through today and I will continue to add pics monthly. Now instead of running from the camera, I am looking forward to a monthly record of my progress.   I am so proud of myself and anyone who is on this journey too. It is a lot of work, sweaty - hard work, but it will be worth it in the end. This is a new lifestyle for us and I for one am so up to the challenge.   I can't wait to see where I am a year from now. Once I have lost all of the weight I have to lose, I am going to have my breast reconstruction (mastectomy Jan 5th of this year), and tummy tuck. GO ME - GO US! Have a great Sunday and keep on trucking. We are all in this together.:rolleyes2:




what do I do with this?

OK, I created a ticker, like all of you have on your page. How do I attach it to my blogs? Do I have to go back to the TickerFactory each day and copy and paste?   I know one of my bandster friends will teach this old dog a new trick. Thanks.





My trip to the gym last night was so much fun. I started off doing my usual cardio workout - I walked a mile in 19 minutes, 3.1 mph at the random mode, meaining the floor of the treadmill goes up and down randomly. It starts at 0 and goes all the way up to 1.5. Then I experimented and put the incline up to 5. That was hard, but I enjoyed it.   After about 30 minutes, I met with my trainer and got my first lesson in weight lifting. I did 5 different machines, 3 sets of 12. I was so excited that I was able to do everything he asked me to do and today I am actually able to lift my arms! I know that by adding new machines and keeping the workout new and exciting, I will not lose the "eye of the tiger".   I have lost about 19 lbs so far and am due to get my first fill on Thurs. I am just not sure I need one yet. As long as I drink my water, I really don't get hungry between meals.I am afraid if I get a fill, I will be too restricted. The doctor said I could postpone another week or two if I needed to, but I'm not sure yet. I'll decide by Tues.   Meeting friends today for an early dinner. they are visiting from Orlando, I'm in North Miami. They have to drive home, which is about 4 hours away hence the early dinner. I am always worried about eating out because you never know how the food is prepared, even though I always ask.   Have a great weekend everyone. :thumbup:




Weekend Challenges

My husband and I just returned from a weekend in Orlando with our good friends. We were invited to come and visit, so we rented a Charger (our van has over 200,000 miles) and took off. The drive was very nice - 3.5 hours.   The challenge I had was the food I was going to eat. My girlfriend layed out a terrific spread of cold-cuts and different breads and fruits for lunch. I had brought some string cheese with me. I remembered someone on this site had said she ate cold-cuts wrapped around the string cheese, so I had 2 sticks - one with a slice of boiled ham around it and one with a slice of roast beef wrapped around it and a couple of cherries. That was enough for me. Everyone else had thick sandwiches and potato chips. Boy, do I love the chips but did not have crumb one!   At dinner, 6 of us went to a great restaurant called Manny's Chop House. They have an unlimited salad that they mix at your table. One of the couples ordered a hamburger with the works, including fries and his wife ordered some kind of fried fish. The other couple ordered the rib/chicken combo and his wife ordered the full rack of ribs. My husband ordered steak and steamed veggies. Now, when we go out to dinner I usually order steak because it doesn't have any kind of sauce on it and I can make 3 meals out of a 12oz steak. But I wanted something special so I ordered a 6 oz lobster tail and corn on the cob. A 6oz lobster tail is all shell, but it was more than enough for me. I love lobster, so it was terrific.   So I am sitting at the table looking at all of the fried foods and sauces they were eating. Oh, did I mention the fresh baked yeast rolls with whipped butter? And I am thinking that the old me would have had an appetizer, full rack of ribs or the fried shrimp platter with french fries and many yeast rolls. But I had none of it. I was so proud of myself.   Then we went out for breakfast this morning. I had some scrambled eggs and 2 strips of bacon. I know the bacon was not my best choice, but I really wanted it, so I had it. My girlfriend, gotta love her, had biscuits and gravy. I LOVE BISCUITS! So when they hit the table, my mouth was watering. I considered, but only for a second, reaching over and stealing one of those beautifully golden brown bundles of happiness and joy, but I held myself in control and did not have to run from the restaurant with her biscuit in my mouth.:biggrin: So the cravings have not gone away, but my will power is very strong.   I can't wait to get to the gym on Tues and work out. I missed going Friday night and today because of our trip, but I was so good and feel that I can do this.




Update update update update update

All last night I kept going over in my head - I'm not hungry between meals, I'm losing weight, I am able to eat and drink comfortably within the portion size my doctor and nutritionist set for me. So why am I having a fill?   I get to the doctor's office this afternoon. I get weighed and I lost another 2 oz since last night. Now I say 2 oz, but that is only if the gym scale and the doctor's scale register the same numbers. I'll know tomorrow night when I get to the gym if I actually lost anymore.   So, I sit in the exam room for almost a half an hour waiting for the doctor's assistant to come in. When she does, after the usualy small talk she asks me: Are you hungry between meals? Are you losing weight? Are you staying with the portion size? It was like a Filini movie. I answered all of her questions and she said I was not ready for the fill. I was still in the green zone.   She made me another appointment for Aug 19th, but said I should call at any time my answers to the questions change and they will fit me right in. She said it could be in a day, 5 days or 2 weeks, so we will see.   Instead of drinking my dinner, we went out to dinner and I had a 1/2 a cheese burger, no bun of course and brought the other half home for lunch tomorrow.   I am having my first post-op meeting with a new nutritionist on Aug 6th to see if there are things I should or shouldn't be eating. I hope I am doing what I should be doing. I think I am, but I am far from an expert. Remember, I had to have the lap-band!   I am happy with my progress. I hope everyone who reads this blog is as happy with theirs.




To Scale or Not To Scale????

I always write down my Sunday weight. I weigh myself each time I go to the gym, 3-4 times a week, but only log in my Sunday weight in my book. I think once a week is a good representation.   Last Sunday I had a week's loss of 4.6 lbs. Today the scale showed me a loss of 8/10's of a lb. My first fill was this past Thurs, so I am very curious to see what I will weigh next Sunday.   I know I am doing everything within my power to reach my goal, and I will make it. I work out like a maniac - call me crazy but I really do enjoy it. A good workout with lots of sweat makes me feel energized and motivated to do more. I eat all the right things. I can't believe that I, the queen of carbs, gave up pasta, potatoes and bread. But my doctor said that by doing so, I would eventually make my goal, so I am doing it.   Do I prefer the 4 lbs loss to the tenths of a lb. you bet your bippy. But my husband reminded me that we learned by watching The Biggest Loser, you cannot and will not have a big loss every week. So, I say next week will be better. My fill is just a few days old, so I have to give myself a chance to catch up to it.   I was 216.6 today. I can't wait until I am out of the 200s, but I am only taking 10 lbs at a time, so I am looking forward to getting below 210.   The scale can be your friend, but it can also make you doubt that you are doing everything and anything you can to get to your goal.   I cannot allow myself to get discouraged when the numbers are not what I am hoping them to be, or if I don't feel they are going down fast enough - But I will not let anything stand in my way.   Have a great Sunday everyone.:smile:




Their here...

I finally got my new pictures uploaded - one in the green shirt and another one that I personally liked.   I can't believe the difference in just a little over 4 months. People keep telling me how great I look, but It is easier for me to see the changes in my body when I look at these pictures. I have to say I feel so good about it. :scared2: I actually weighed in tonight at 206.8. The Onederland is getting closer - I can feel it and I can't wait to join many of you who have already reached it. I am so proud of you all and I am proud of the work I am doing. I am truly loving this journey.   Tomorrow I will see my primary and then I wil find out if I can stop some of my medications: diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and thyroid. I am excited about the possibility. I know if I don't stop them this time, I will the next time. I have already cut everything in half, so it is just a matter of time. And now that I have had the surgery, I will have much more time.   OK, what are you waiting for? Go look at my pics and report back!   Have a great night everyone.




Thank Goodness

I had my mammogram and ultrasound today and luckily I am fine - still cancer free! I am so excited and thankful that the testing is done and I got my test results immediately following the tests. I see my oncologist on Friday, but with these 2 tests behind me, I know everything will be fine.   I had my husband take my green shirt Sept pictures on Sunday, but we just got a new computer and he hasn't up-loaded Photoshop yet, so I am hoping to upload my new pic by the end of the week.   Last week I lost a total of 5lbs. This week I lost 8/10s of a lb. It was my first week without a 3 or 4 lb loss, so I was a little disappointed. But a loss is a loss, so I won't be a baby - I have taken my big-girl pill and I hope this week will be better.   My first fill is scheduled for next week. This is now the 4th time I have been scheduled for my 1st fill - perhaps this time I need it. I only log my Sunday weight, so depending on what happens this Sunday will determine whether or not I am ready for the fill. I am still not hungry between meals, I am not eating anything more than I should and I feel really good. I would love to say I've lost 40 or 50 lbs since my surgery, but I truly believe slow and steady will win this battle.   I started this journey at 268lbs back in January at the time of my cancer/mastectomy. When I had my LB surgery on 6/21/10 I was down to 251lbs. This past Sunday I weighed in at 223lbs. There are many people who have lost a lot more than me at this point of their journey and those who have lost less. There is no comparing to be made. Everyone loses at a different rate. I have never and I mean never been able to lose more than 25lbs on any diet, except one time on Atkins when I lost 40, but had gained every single lb back and more. I truly believe this time I am winning the battle.   I love the gym, I love the cardio and weight training, I love my new way of eating and I especially love the way I look and feel. I know this new lifestyle is my lifestyel, for the rest of my life - being healthier and getting smaller will extend my life and the exercise will help me feel better, move better and I love it.:smile:   Good luck to everyone and please check back to see my new photos in a couple of days.





Howdy, all and Happy Monday.   My dinner with my son and his family went really well last night. We turned them on to our healthy "chicken parmesian" dish and they loved it.:thumbup: We even sent leftovers home with them. Their 3 year old even had a small piece, which is amazing because the child doesn't eat many things. You have to try the chicken - it is yummy. Check out my past blog for the recipe. It is fast and easy.   They were so surprised to see how different I look. After only 6 weeks, the change is certainly noticeable. I actually started wearing my smaller sized shirts this weekend and yes, ladies and gentlemen, I bought a belt to hold up my pants. I got the belt at Kmart. It is really cool because it is narrow with a grommeted hole every few inches, so as I get smaller I just have to pull the belt tighter and not have to make any hole in it. And, it is reversable with some kind of leopard design on the underside.   Those of you who read my blogs know my husband, and biggest supporter, escorts me to the gym and works out while I am working out. He needs to lose weight too, but without insurance we couldn't afford for both of us to have the LB, and since it was my dream... Anyway, we enjoy different machines, so we are not together, but we are in the gym at the same time.   Tonight I srpung the fact on him that I wanted to add another night to our/my regiment. We go 3 times a week now. He isn't overly excited about it because he really doesn't like going, but he doesn't have to be. He can pass on going with me, he can sit in the car with his portable DVD player and watch a movie or I'll just take the car and go alone. I really feel I need to and want to go more often. I am so hooked on it - on the way I feel and the way I am starting to look. I feel energized after a good workout. When I leave the gym, red faced and hair wet from sweat, I feel as if I am really working towards my goal and that is so important to me. I believe he will work out too, but I don't want to pressure him. This is my journey and I am doing this for me. No one else, but me.   Take it from me,. I am going to win this battle against the weight. I am going to lose this ugly, disgusting fat that has been suffocating me for too many years to count.   Come along with me and feel as good as I am feeling righ now - we can and will do it. Together we can lose the weight - an ounce or a pound at a time. We will all do it:thumbup:.




Technology, not always a good thing

Today is the first time I have been able to get back on line. We've had no internet for a week. The cable guy actually came out on Sunday and replaced all kinds of wires and things to get us up and running. Finally, we are able to check emails again. I had well over 200, mostly garbage   Because the system was down, I haven't been able to post my new green shirt picture. But I did have it taken and now the hubs has to upload it for me. I am hoping he can get to it soon.   My 2nd fill was scheduled for this week, but I postponed it until after Thanksgiving. I still don't need it yet. As of today, I am down to 207lbs, which is 62 lbs since I started my journey (47lbs since my surgery).   I have conquered my nemesis, the dreaded elliptical machine. I am up to 35 minutes and I really love it. I can't wait until I can get up to 1 hour on it. When I first started using it, I was only able to go about 2-3 minutes. Then I went to 5 and every time I tried it, I stayed on a minute longer than the last time. I don't get winded on it - the problem is my feet. They start to go numb. I spoke to one of the trainers who said it was not uncommon. I am hoping I will be able to get past it.   I will try to get my pics uploaded and check back in within the next day or two.   Have a great night everyone.




Stressed Out?

I have a horrible job. Yes, there I said it. I am a customer service manager for a national costume and uniform company. It is so stressful. There should not be this much stress working for a costume company. I don't work for the White House, the Pentagon, or Homeland Security. People place orders for merchandise, we make their items and ship them out.   So, you would think it was an easy job. Well, not so much. People are rude and obnoxious. I have been yelled at and cursed at. As bad as our customer's are, the owners are worse!   I have 10 people working under me and I always tell them if they get a waco on the phone, screaming and cursing at them to tell them hold for their supervisor and transfer me the call. That is why I get paid the big bucks (not really big...)   I especially love the people who order late and when they can't get their items when they want them, all hell breaks loose.   Why am I telling you all of my woes? Why am I moaning and groaning? Well, it would be great if someone offered me a new job. Anyone need a great employee, in South Florida? The Hollywood/North Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area. If so, make me an offer. :wub:   The real reason is because the old me would have come home and stuffed my face with pizza or pasta, Enteman's pound cake, POTATO CHIPS (my favorite), and bread.   The new me has been maintaining my new lifestyle. I don't use food as a crutch any longer. I completely understand that over eating all of the wrong foods will not make me feel better, but will make me sick and disappointed in myself. I am working too hard and long to get on this journey. So I guess I have learned something after all :thumbup:.   Have a great night everyone.   Don't forget, all job offers will be considered!




South Florida

Are any of you from South Florida? Has anyone used Dr. Thomas Bass as their surgeon?




So, here we go

Tomorrow I will be at my doctor's office at 9:15am for my blood work and pre-surgery clearance. One week from today I start my full liquid diet and on Sunday the 20th my clear liquids. The 21st is my re-birthday and I am so exicted, nervous, anxious and ready to go.:eek:   Tomorrow night's dinner will consist of different cream soups so I can see which ones I like. I don't like yogurt or custards, so I am hoping to find some good soups to keep me full.   I wish you all good luck and hope we can all share our stories of weight loss and great success.




So wonderful

I am so happy I had my surgery. Not only do I feel better, I am starting to look better and people are already noticing. 16lbs has made a huge difference to far. My life is turning around and I am enjoying things like actually sleeping better, not having as much knee pain and the gym has become a fave. I will be working with my trainer next Friday on weights!   But with all that aside, I have met some wonderful people on this website. I try to be encouraging so other people who may be a little nervous or on the fence about whether or not to have the surgery - NO DOUBT HAVE THE SURGERY, will consider the greatest gift they could have. But you all have been so inspiring to me. I love reading about how you all are doing. We cannot compare ourselve to anyone else because we all don't come from the same place, but I know anything is possible when I read about how great you are doing.   I love to come on and find a friend request or personal message. It truly makes my day. After working hard all day, I cannot get on line quick enough.   I know with hard work and my doctor's help I will lose the weight this time. My first fill will be in 2 weeks. I am motivated and have waited so long to be able to afford this surgery that I will keep going until every last pound I want to lose is gone.   Join me, let's keep eachother motivated and excited about this trek we are on. I am not naive; I know I will not have a weight loss each and every week (although wouldn't that be great?), and it is in those times I will need your support and a shoulder to lean on. Thanks for being there for me.   Have a great night everyone. Let's get thinner and healthier together. Eileen




So many LapBand friends

I am so glad I found this site so I can read and learn about other people's experiences. I know each of us are feeling the same anxiety and excitement about getting banded or being banded. I can't wait for my turn. I just found out I have to take 2 one-hour classes called Journey 1 and Journey 2. Anyone else have these classes?   Since I will be starting the gym next week on the 28th, I had to go out to purchase some gym attire. Thank goodness for WalMart - who wants to spend money on new clothes when, with any luck, I will lose a lot of weight rather quickly and the stuff will be too big. I am so looking forward to my new and improved body and self esteem.   bye for now




Set my alarm

I have set the alarm clock for 4:00 AM and have given my husband my picture ID to put in his wallet. I am ready to boogie.   I did my full 7 days of full-liquids and today's clear liquids. Only 2 more weeks until I can use a fork again. I can't wait. It truly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and the end is in sight.   I hade the hubs take pictures of me today - and thank goodness they will be the last of their kind. I can't wait to change my avatar!   For anyone who is having surgery tomorrow, the 21st, my birthday, my re-birthday, the first day of summer and the first day of the rest of my life, I wish you well. It has been a very long road and it is finally here.   I'll check back when I can with updates after the surgery. Wish me luck and please keep good thoughts.:smile2:





I just received a message from a soon-to-be bandster and she mentioned she was scared of the surgery. I thought it was important to mention that even if you are scared of the surgery, it is scarier to go through life without it.   I never mentioned, but I was not heavy all of my life. 22 years ago, just before marrying the man of my dreams, I had an accident at work. I was a Code Enforcement Officer and was removing an illegal sign that was nailed to a tree. The sign was very high up and I lifted my arms, pulling the sign side-to-side until the nails came out and the sign came down. The sign was extremely heavy and when it came down, it bent me in half. I rolled the sign over, end over end, and put it into my car. When I started to get out of the car, I could barely move. It turns out I hurniated 2 disks - one in my neck and one in my lower back. I also caused some nerve damage in my neck. The pain was and still is remarkable.   I went to several doctors who said I should stop going to the gym and not lift anything heavier than a loaf of bread. That surgery would be my best option, which I opted not to have.   Believe it or not, but I wore a size 3/4 to my wedding, that needed to be taken in.   Sitting around, doing absolutely nothing caused me to start gaining weight. Then I quit smoking, which added about 45 lbs to my already growing mass. I became very depressed and ate myself into oblivion. I was not allowed to exercise, which did me a huge disservice. So even back then I knew exercise would help me, but I listened to the doctors and kept growing and growing to a size 26. And of course all of the co-morbidities jumped on board for the ride and it became difficult to walk.   Well, I am on my way to a healthier, better life. I still have neck and back pain, but I push through them. I work out like an animal at the gym becuase I see how much better I am doing with this small weight loss and I can't wait until I lose all I need to lose. 35 lbs since my surgery, 14 prior to surgery and about 70 lbs to go. So trust me when I tell you I will get there. I am down to a size 18 pant and an XL top. People are really taking notice of my loss and telling me how good I look. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel.   I am already looking forward to my October picture in my green shirt!   Have a great night everyone.





I just received a message from a soon-to-be bandster and she mentioned she was scared of the surgery. I thought it was important to mention that even if you are scared of the surgery, it is scarier to go through life without it.   I never mentioned, but I was not heavy all of my life. 22 years ago, just before marrying the man of my dreams, I had an accident at work. I was a Code Enforcement Officer and was removing an illegal sign that was nailed to a tree. The sign was very high up and I lifted my arms, pulling the sign side-to-side until the nails came out and the sign came down. The sign was extremely heavy and when it came down, it bent me in half. I rolled the sign over, end over end, and put it into my car. When I started to get out of the car, I could barely move. It turns out I hurniated 2 disks - one in my neck and one in my lower back. I also caused some nerve damage in my neck. The pain was and still is remarkable.   I went to several doctors who said I should stop going to the gym and not lift anything heavier than a loaf of bread. That surgery would be my best option, which I opted not to have.   Believe it or not, but I wore a size 3/4 to my wedding, that needed to be taken in.   Sitting around, doing absolutely nothing caused me to start gaining weight. Then I quit smoking, which added about 45 lbs to my already growing mass. I became very depressed and ate myself into oblivion. I was not allowed to exercise, which did me a huge disservice. So even back then I knew exercise would help me, but I listened to the doctors and kept growing and growing to a size 26. And of course all of the co-morbidities jumped on board for the ride and it became difficult to walk.   Well, I am on my way to a healthier, better life. I still have neck and back pain, but I push through them. I work out like an animal at the gym becuase I see how much better I am doing with this small weight loss and I can't wait until I lose all I need to lose. 35 lbs since my surgery, 14 prior to surgery and about 70 lbs to go. So trust me when I tell you I will get there. I am down to a size 18 pant and an XL top. People are really taking notice of my loss and telling me how good I look. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel.   I am already looking forward to my October picture in my green shirt!   Have a great night everyone.




Say Cheese

This Sunday is not only my brother-in-law's birthday, have a happy Dennis, but I am going to take another sent of pictures in the green top I started my journey in. For those of you interested, you will find my photos in my album. I am anxious to see a side-by-side.   I think the only way we can actually view ourselves as we really look is through the eye of a camera. I know they say the camera puts 10lbs on you, but I think that's only a TV camera.   I've always run from the camera when friends want to "remember the time". Or try to find a way to hide part of my body, but I am looking forward to the day that I am the one saying, "Does anyone have a camera to capture this memory?"   I was telling my husband on the way back from the gym tonight that I really believe my stomach is getting a bit flatter. Then I realized it is only 5 or 6 weeks since my surgery and realized I have a heck of a long time to go to reach my goal weight. I know I will eventually get there, but I am only taking 10lbs at a time.   As my friend and fellow bandster I'm a Luckydog said, she has lost 110lbs in a year and it went a lot faster than she thought it would. She is now on maintenance and doing great. How wonderful is that?   Have a wonderful weekend everyone and check out my pics next week.




Protein Question

I do not do protein shakes. I absolutely hate them. I really tried at the begining when I first got banded because I was not allowed to have anything mushy. I know when I get my first fill, perhaps 9/1, my doctor will tell me to go back to liquids and that would include the protein shakes before hitting the pureed stage, but I still hate them.   I am 8 weeks post-surgery and get all of my protein from regular food. How about you? What is everyone else doing? Please let me know - protein shakes or not? Strictly protein from your meats, cheese and eggs?   I am curious to see what comments I get. And I hope I get a lot.




Primary Dr Visit Tomorrow

I am really looking forward to my visit tomorrow with my primary dr. I am excited to see how my blood work turned out. I will find out if I can eliminate or cut back on some of my meds.   Being diabetic, luckily Type 2 and on oral medication, since the surgery I have been able to cut my Metform down from 500mg twice a day to 250mg twice a day. I was also told to cut my high blood pressure from 180 twice a day to 120 twice a day. Nothing was said about cutting out or lowering my cholesterol medication yet. I know my thyroid meds will not be stopped and I will be on the hormone therapy for my breast cancer the next 5-10 years, so I am not really concerned about them.   If I had gastric by-pass I would have stopped the diabetic meds the day of surgery. It doesn't work the same way with lap-band. I just hope my numbers are good enough to cut it out. But I know in my heart, that if this isn't the visit where they say I can stop these medications, it will come one day. I feel good, am losing weight and exercising - hopefully I won't need the meds.   The hubs is now back from his "Horror Convention" in Indi and he had a blast. I am glad he is back - I really missed him. So, I am going to go watch Next Comic Standing and have a good laugh. I hope you all enjoy your evening.   By the way, please keep good thoughts for tomorrow and wish me luck.:rolleyes2:




Pre-Op Education

Had my pre-op education class tonight with RN Arlene. She was great. There were 5 other women in the class. 2 were having gastric bypass, the rest of use lap-band. One of the lap-band people was obviously not really into the whole thing. She didn't even have the common courtesy to shut her phone off, which kept ringing and playing some obnoxious child sing-song. But anyway, we got our binders to keep all of our meeting notes and handouts in one place. We discussed the protein options and what to expect the day of and the days following surgery. I am really excited and so thankful that this surgery is an option to me, even though I am paying for it. I learned how important journaling is and will definately be keeping a food diary. I have now attending 3 separate groups, but have not run into any of the same people. I would love to form some bonds with other people from my area, since we would have so much in common. The journey continues.:rolleyes2:





I was at my first post-surgery support group last night. There were a lot of people there. I must say I was a little suprised by the turn out. My husband came with me, and was the only husband, the only supportive family member, the only man in the meeting. I was so happy he came with me, although he felt a little out of place. But the meeting was very informative and everyone seemed very nice, although some of them were a little nuts. Read on and you'll see what I mean.   Some of us were "newbies" under 6 months, but there was also a woman 4 years out. Many of the women around a year, and 1 woman who is not scheduled until next month to have her surgery.   I learned that I was probably not really ready for my first fill. I am still content between meals and not overeating. Still losing weight and feeling great. I postponed my first fill until next Thurs.   There was actually a woman there who found out her band had twisted so she needs to have it replaced. She was so angry about it that she started eating anything and everything just to see what would make her sick. Throwing up and feeling horrible, she did this for over a week. Crazy? You bet. She is having the band replaced next month.   Others were talking about how they have found ways to cheat. What? R U kidding me? How do you think you became the size of a house????   One woman said she had taken "time off for herself" and gained back over 30lbs.   Maybe it is because I paid for the surgery myself, or maybe it is because I am just so excited and jubliant about how I am feeling, but the thought of cheating or eating something I know will make me sick is not going to happen. I go out to eat with my husband a couple times a week. I always try to make the best choice for me, and have been successful. I have waited 3 long years for this surgery; my health and happiness is more important to me than a bowl of spaghetti or a slice of cake.



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