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Lucky 13 Things I have done to Improve my life since the LapBand!

1. Stopped eating between meals too much. 2. Stopped eating out everyday-NO BUFFET! 3. Stopped Sitting so much! MORE ACTIVE! 4. Drinking more water! 5 Exercising more! Joined the local Gym. 6. Walking more steps. 7. I am listening to my inner self-more positive! 8. I am making better food choices. 9. I am off any prescription meds! 10. I am helping others to see they can change! 11. I am overcoming obstacles. 12. I am more in tune with my faith and savior. 13. I am eating healthier and increasing my longevity by doing so.   So you see there is more to this than looking pretty, sexy and losing the pounds. Want to FEEL BETTER? Write your reasons down and look at them, tape them to your computer screen, you will be reminded daily WHY you chose to change your life!:confused:




Be Grateful!

:thumbup:BE GRATEFUL! It's easy to forget to be grateful, to let daily worries distract you from the abundance that is yours. Mortgage payments, troublesome children, a looming deadline, a broken waterheater, a headache, even a burned pizza or a fallen cake can interfere with your appreciation for the blessings you have been given. Inconveniences will pass, but God's Blessings and love will keep showering down on you. I don't plan to preach to you each time I blog on here, but I am so grateful for every day I live now with the band. I am thankful for the compliments I recieve from my true friends when they see me and see how I have improved my life. It reassures me that I made the right decision and I will be ever so grateful for the Band and God in my life.:smile2:




Choices for 2010

The Choices that I make today affect my WORLD tomorrow! This is a creed all LapBand patients should carry with them everywhere. 2010 will be the year of changing our lives~~~IF we make the right choices! Good Luck and God Bless! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!:biggrin:




Taste of Home! I am going to be featured in my Dr.s Booth!

:thumbup: I am getting a little freaked out tonight! It is raining cats and dogs here tonight and I have to be at my Dr.s Booth at Taste of Home, Healthy eating and living. I am the featured patient from the LapBand Surgery!!! My first appearance and I am not even at AFTER!!! Now what to wear, how will I do my hair, hope I don't get wet and the mascara runs, OMG I am so darn nervous! I should do fine, cause I will just be myself, that is all I can be. But less of myself. Oh I can and DO tell everyone about my surgery, but not with my Dr. standing there with me, Oh well, guess he will get to know me a little better. The Hospital where I had my surgery is sponsoring the booth! Pray for me please, tomorrow Tuesday at 4:30 PM!!:rolleyes2:




Rainy Days always make me HUNGRY!!!AWWRRRRG

:mad:Why is it Rainy Days always make me HUNGRY?????   I am a very active person and I like being busy. I had my two grandsons ages 1 yr and 3 yrs for the weekend, and they were a blast.   Boy I was hungry! Now I ate on their schedule every two to three hours a little something, which was fine.   But as I was thinking about what to cook for them, what foods they liked, I got HUNGRY. It has rained here in Florida for two days on and off!   Keeping two little boys so full of energy inside, whipped me out! We read books, played with toys, threw a ball inside the house!!!??? That went well until it landed on top of the kitchen table! And just slept the rest of the day away. Watched a little TV tonight after they went home.   Gosh I must be getting old, I felt like I had been to the Gym today. I hope all had a very blessed weekend as I did. God is so good. I am thankful for my time with my grandchildren and being able to give my children some time to be together on "Dates"!   I think I know why I got too big, when my kids were little, all four of them, I must have cooked ALL the time. And my husband ate a lot back then, so did I. As we got older we slowed down some, but I still could not have gotten to where I am now without the help of the band. My husband still wears a 34 waist, and did the day we married. He is a VERY active residential contractor and he eats a lot more than me, always has. He just burns it off!   I hope the sun comes out tomorrow!




Don't get Bored with LAPBAND Foods!

:tt1:Don't let your food get boring as I have done over the past eight months or so. Go to www.400caloriesorless.com and you will find wonderful recipes for high protein and low fat, also on www.lapband.com you will find great recipes to start with and continue with. I have submitted a couple of my own recipes and they have been accepted and published! Crab Tomato Soup and Asparagus Crab Delight try them. I have one good eating day and then a bad day, don't know why but I do!

I like being a LOOSER!

No one wants to be a looser! Well I like it! I never thought that loosing would make me a winner! LapBand AP has made me a looser and I am happy about it.   I have started to visualize myself at 80 lbs thinner, now that I am 40 lbs or so down from my old weight! Next year at this time I will be a totally different woman!   Take a photo of yourself, use a black marker, and trim yourself down! This will give you inspiration to get with the program, stay with the program, and get thin.   Take it with you always, when you are tempted, take it out, look at it and walk away from those foods that will stop you from reaching your goals!   I have been asked to start a support group at the local hospital where I had my surgery! I am very excited about being able to help others in their journey to slim with me.   Have a great day Bandsters!:wink::smile2:




Enjoy Your Life

:rolleyes2:Enjoy your life to the fullest! Whatever may be your task, work at it heartly (from the soul), as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing with all certainty that it is from the Lord and not from man that you will receive the inheritance which is your real reward. Colossians 3:23-24   Reading the scripture is the only way to stay on track with life and truly enjoy life, when we stray from it, we so alienate ourselves and start to feel helpless, that is because we are.   Pray for the strength to stay on track and enjoy your life.   Jesus died so that you can enjoy abundant life, not just the days you are off work or on vacation, or when you get to go shopping or golfing~~~but every day of your life.   He wants you to enjoy going to the grocery store. He wants you to enjoy driving the kids to school. He wants you to enjoy paying the bills, cleaning the house or mowing the yard.   You can enjoy life if you DETERMINE TO DO SO! Say, "I am going to enjoy every aspect of my life, because Jesus died so that I could have joy unspeakable and full of glory!"   Never let anything rob you of your JOY, EnJOY Your LIFE! Embrace the wonderful changes taking place in your body and in your soul! I have and what a true transformation is taking place. God Bless you all Today is my prayer.:thumbup:




Facing the Fiddler

:scared2:Today is the day I see the Dr. for a Fill OR NOT! I dread this day, cause I have not been eating right, cause stuff will not go down, so I need a slight unfill so I don't eat sliders to feel full. (Sliders=Stuff I should not have full of calories, that slide through easy)   So Here I go to face the fiddler and to help myself to eat fish, chicken and salads again!   I will not be as depressed either!   On a good note:smile:My oldest grandson will graduate from Kindergarten this morning and I feel so blessed for having this year almost behind me! Life gets better every year.   This year two more grandchildren will be added to our family and my daughter gets married in October! So we will be growing our little family! God is a Good God!:smile2:

Despite being depressed about Plateau-The Scales Went Down!

:mad3:2 lbs down this morning! I just thought I had hit the end of my weight loss at six months. I was so depressed, I even ate two small brownies after a church dinner the other night! Maybe I was so worried, I was cutting back and not consuming enough calories, whatever it is I am thankful! Also ready to get in the swing of things, with more exercise and good eating. Looking forward to spring, the next 6 months of my journey and a tummy tuck this July! Hope all has a great day of being a loser with the LapBand AP!:bored:




Sweet Spot is here today~so good for me no fill today!!!

:smile:Well, it is finally here, no need for a fill. I am eating correctly, (according to my Dr.) Not eating things that would streach my band out, losing about 5 lbs a month now (after the 6th month, I have slowed down, was losing 10 or more lbs per month) I did not feel that I should have a fill due to the amount of restriction I have with the band right now. I did get measured and have lost another inch and a half in my waist which is wonderful for me! Now that I know that is still a problem area for me, cause I can fit into pants that are smaller sizes if I can zip them up! My stomach was big at least 4 times in my life due to the children I carried there! Not complaining! Glad to be a MOM! And now a Grandmother too. Just would like to get into a good size 12 and not have a problem zipping them up.:cursing: Happy Mothers Day to ALL!

Said Goodbye to My LapBand Doctor today!

:thumbup:He is leaving! Better job offer in Missouri, can't blame him, but sure will miss him. He will always be remembered! He actually helped me save my life! And it has only changed for the better because he cared enough to help me get the LapBand AP. Down another 3 lbs this week, the lbs are coming off again. The fill last time was a little tight, but I am glad I did not rush in and get anything taken out, I just worked with it, liquids, soft foods and smaller amounts more frequently. So it worked and I have adjusted and the weight is leaving. One of my LapBand buddies just had to have all of her fluid removed today due to lots of issues and an ER visit and lots of throwing up from the flu! The Pollen is so bad I am having problems with that! It is awful here in the Panhandle of Florida! The weather is so beautiful tho! It is truly springtime~and I am looking forward to the next pants size down from where I am at! Instead of lbs, I am goaling for the clothing sizes! Then I don't watch the scales so much! I am thinking of going on Adkins Diet for a month and getting back into Ketosis for a spell, that really helped me before! Well tomorrow is the Memorial for the last friend who has passed away, 57 years old! After that, No MORE Lord, my nerves are shot! Good News a friend gets to go home tomorrow after a stay in rehab for a stroke he is 49 yrs old. People hear me stay with this program and take off the weight, not only look and feel better but stay alive and healthy! It is worth it all! God Bless and Keep you.:tongue_smilie:




Some of My Children NEVER will Grow up! Some Days!

Today is one of those days, I feel so disgusted trying to help, I try not to get involved in my married childrens lives, but then when they get in a bind, they call on me, and I am there! I will be so glad when they grow up! Gosh! Praying hard for the patience I need. Well on a brighter note, down 4 1/2 lbs today! Worked hard, had great energy now headed to the house, have a great night all!:eek:




Well the UNFILL has happened to ME!!!Never thought it would!

:eek:Yes ME! But OH HOW MUCH BETTER I FEEL NOW!!!   I was afraid to get the Unfill although I secretly KNEW I NEEDED ONE! I was a little ashamed to even mention that I was having difficulty to my Dr.   I did not want him to think I could not keep going and or that he had put too much in, or that I would eat MORE with some of it out!   But I had been miserable for two months and while on my cruise, I always ate near the Ladies Rooms so I could go and upchuck half of what I ate, I was feeling so bad because I was losing all the nutrients and minerals and vitamins I needed from my foods!!!! Oh yes and I had Gained some weight not but a couple of lbs, but I had so much swelling around the band from throwing up and my body was not functioning properly so I could not LOSE any weight!   Well 48 hours of liquids passed and it was TIME to EAT AGAIN! I was so afraid to eat, when I did, it went down great, I felt full soon after and that was it, NO UPCHUCKING! YEAH! Wow, I am just right now back at my SWEET SPOT! I know I am going to start losing the weight again and meet my goal~so I have a renewed spirit with the band on my side again! Thanks for all your great comments! Hope all is well for you!:thumbup:

Back to the Basics for a Bandster!

:thumbup: Well what can I say? I have to try to focus now as I am getting back to the basics! LOW CARB diets work for a person with the band. I want to lose about 15 lbs more before my daughters wedding in October. So I started on Low Carbs or almost NO Carbs yesterday for three days, that tends to work to get me into Ketosis. I checked my urine this morning after one day, and absolutely NO ketosis there! HA, what a waste of a Keto-strip. But just another day or two or after the weekend, I will try it again! I want to just burn fat really burn it up from now until 10-10-10. My daughter and I have to order our dresses for the wedding soon so they have time to arrive, I am going to get one size larger than I need and PRAY I have to take it in. The hardest part of getting back to the basics is sticking to the plan, but I will do it! My husband is working this weekend so that makes it easier for me cause I don't cook then. I am going to hit the Gym tomorrow too! Gonna be a good productive day! God Bless You all, have a great weekend!:thumbup:



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