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Misery comes in THREES!

We are sad this evening as we lost my husbands father at 4:40 PM. He was 88 years old and had a long and very interesting life, lots of children and grandchildren and we feel he is in a better place. As we struggle with this tonight, I realized that when I stress, I can NOT swallow food very well so it is harder for me to get any nutrients in. So tomorrow I will go to liquids until I calm down and relax. The LapBand life if one we learn and live on a day to day basis. May not get to be on here for a few days, so please send up a prayer or two for our family! Thanks to my Lapband friends!:biggrin:




Don't Worry ~ Be HAPPY!

:thumbup: I use to love that little tune! And you know it really sticks in your head! And it should. When we are happy, things in our life just go better.   Worry and fear are the bane of human existance. Any number of events or circumstances can trigger them to cripple or incapacitate you.   Worry and fear strike when you feel far from God. They rise up and crash over you when you are not paying attention to what is really important in life. Your relationship to God is so important, more than anything else. When you have that "Right" relationship, you will not worry or fear, but turn everything over to God.   That is what we need to stay focused on and being happy, when we are happy we tend to stick to our diet plan, lose weight and keep to our goals too. Praying makes me happy and the more I pray, the less I worry and the more I can focus. You can cope with whatever comes along in your life every day, have his presence with you and your worries and fears will dissolve.   Stop Worrying and fearing what will happen today or tommorrow. Just pray, stay focused and all the other good things will happen to you! You will become a recipient of his bountiful grace and goodness.   I am reminded of this verse;   I cry out to God Most High, to the God who does everything for me. He sends help from Heaven and saves me. He punishes those who chase me. God gives me his love and truth. Psalm 57:2-3NCV:wink2:




Why is getting to ONEderland SO Important?

Onderland! I can almost see it! I have not been below 200 lbs in over 15 years! I weighed in at 200.8 this morning and I am SO CLOSE! I dreamed last night that I would weigh 199.8 today! Because I want it so bad? I think this is a milestone for most of us and it will certainly get me out of a slump I have been in tossing a lb or 2 around for a few weeks, so I am gonna PUSH like the dickens to get under 200! That will catapult me to get with this program and take off another 10 lbs or so! I just bought a lot of new clothes (had to!) and my husband has no where to hang his now. But I HAVE to keep the ones I am in now and I HAVE to shop for some I can wear in a month or so! LOL I like having these problems, but I never buy anything that fits, and getting lots of cute stuff, so that makes me work harder to get there and get into those new clothes! Got into a 14 jeans yesterday, but I did keep a pair of my 24-26 W to compare too! Wow I was FAT! Just five months ago! I still feel FAT, and I will be glad when my mind changes with my body. I still go to the Plus Sz section in a store and browse, then work my way over to womens, old habits die hard! LOL My daughters in their 20's want to dress me in YOUNGER lookin clothing, I MAY just let them! Have a ONDerful day and if you are not there, Good Luck in getting to ONEderland with me!




Onederland is MINE

ONEderland is MINE! I woke up this morning around 5:30 am and it was COLD in the house. We have been experiencing colder than normal temps last few days, so I go pee, then pass by the scales, and I weigh myself, 201.8!!! OH NO! I was only 200.8 last night, how could that be? Maybe the housecoat and flannel pj's. So I head back to bed. I did not get up and get a shower until 9:30 AM then in the Nude, I weighed on those dreaded scales again. 199.6! I was so happy I was screaming where is my camera? Now I am in the NUDE and my poor husband doe's not have a clue, but gets the camera for me, it is a very small camera. I take the photo and the scale reads 199.8! Just as I had dreamed it the night before and posted the dream on my blog. I took a photo! So don't give up and remember Dreams REALLY Do Come True!:)




What is our Standard to Compare to?

:smile:One time I was comparing myself to the way I used to be, and I thought, I am not doing too badly.   Then God said to me, "But Who is your standard? How are you doing compared to Me?   I said, "Lord, I have a long way to go!"   Refuse to live beneath the standard that Jesus has set for you. Keep your eyes on Him and tell Him, "Many...are the wonderful works which You have done...no one can compare with You".(Psalm 40:5).     His intention was......that (we might arrive) at really mature manhood less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him. Ephesians 4:12-13     I trust that all of you are having a wonderful Sunday today and finding time to be thankful for all that you have accomplished and how far you have come!




Enjoy the Good Life!!!

:smile:A Good Life is a choice!!!! There are guidelines for a good life!!!! There is a world full of peace and joy for all of us. Blessings will chase you and find you wherever you are!!!   If you are a Christian and believe that is true, you believe what the Bible tells us and that there is a God Above watching over us! I DO!   The Bible contains guidelines for that good life! God has PREARRANGED and made ready a good life for you!   Psalm 4:7-8 You have put more joy and rejoicing in my heart than(they know) when their wheat and new wine have yielded abundantly. In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust.:confused:




Listed Under BEST BLOGS!! Thanks to all of YOU!

:smile:Well I was looking under BEST Blogs today and Found MYSELF on page 13! Did you know you could go back a read through older blogs from people who have had surgeries years ago?   That is what I was doing and found myself there too, thanks to all of YOU! And a lot of you guys are there too! This website is so helpful to me, I tell anyone who is interested in the lapband in the least bit, to log on to this site!   So far I have blogged 129 times with 388 comments! Check it out you could be there too!!!! Have a wonderful banded day!:confused::thumbup:




Come on Spring~ I am freezing! Lost my Insulation (FAT!) Yeah????

:rolleyes2:Last post, it was 68 degrees here in Sunny Panhandle of Florida!!! Tonight it is expected to be in the low 20's! What is wrong with this crazy weather? Lord I am ready for Spring and Summer. Although I regret that I can not wear some of the clothes that I just bought past this winter, because next winter I WILL BE much smaller too! Lost another lb this week so far and the week is only half over, so far so good. But I am loosing my insulation! MY FAT! Anyone else FREEZING?????}}}}}}}}Burrr! Does this mean that this Summer I will be MUCH Cooler? Yeah to that cause it gets HOT here! I can not wait to get into shorts and summer clothing! Have a great day all! It is great now because of the LapBand AP!:cursing:




Getting Excited about The Wedding Dress!

:smile:My dress will be here today or tomorrow hopefully!!!   I can't wait to try it on, it is beautiful! I hope that now with the weight loss it will be a wedding I will feel good about how I look! When my son got married I was in too few photos, and that is sad. But I dodged the camera, needless to say that was not fair to my son for his memories later on when I am no longer around. (which will be a long time!!!)   If it fits, I will take photos and post! Hope you all have a blessed day!:thumbup:




I have survived!

:smile:Well I am back, the couple has Wed and I survived it all. It was a fairy tale come true wedding, complete with their own written vows which made us all cry! They are off on a trip to Belgium, and Germany for two weeks Honeymoon.   All that food and I ate so little, I was so proud of myself and the control I have now. So many compliments on how good I looked, I so loved it and just let it soak in! Can't wait to share the photos with all of you in a week or so!   I had one person come up to me and tell me that the band is what his wife is looking into and that seeing me made her mind up. 16 months almost post band and lovin it! Bless you all!:cursing:




Starting your Day Right!

:smile:From a Daily Devotional Book by Joyce Meyer!   Just thought this was an appropriate quote for all us LapBanders!   "When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, held me up." Psalm 94:18   Some people seem to start their day on the "wrong foot." They feel all right when they wake up, but as soon as something goes wrong, they lose their footing and walk with a "losers limp" the rest of the day. Once they are off to a bad start, it seems they never catch up.   If someone offends us early in the morning, our anger can keep us defensive all day. If we start the day rushing, it seems we never slow down. But today our feet can be firmly planted in God's Word. There will be no "bad day" when God's Word supports, strengthens, and directs us.   **********************************   I know that my cause was self destructive, the reason I became a "fat lady". I always had bad days, because I brought them on myself. I DO believe that obesity is a disease, and a mental state that is hard to overcome. The LapBand AP is my salvation from obesity, but without the strength from God and God's Word, I could not have done one thing!!!! This is my journey with the band, but my partner God is my true savior! I am soon approaching my one year bandiversary, and when I first started to blog, I read about all the "others" who had been one year or more out, and could only imagine how I would feel, it was like a dream to me as I am sure all of you who have just signed on feel.   It will come, slow down, enjoy life around you, help others, feel and be blessed by all of this, yet remain humble, and always appreciate the blessings in your life and always give back to others and you will recieve so much more.   God Bless you all on this wonderful journey to health and happiness!:smile2:

Restriction is RESTRICTING!

Well, I have certainly gotten to the SWEET SPOT and STAYING THERE! Takes awhile in the mornings to get OPENED up enough to allow the solid food intake!   I did have a peice of Lemon Pie (well 1/2 pc) today for Mothers Day. My family took me out to eat, and I felt like I wasted their money. Could not eat but about two bites of each thing or so! I was full, waited for awhile and was able to eat 1/2 pc of pie. It was all very delicious but I have become a SLOW eater and feel like I am PUSHED to eat when I look around the table and some are already on the third plate, mine is getting cold, and I can NOT swallow until I have chewed really good and I think they are looking at me. Anyone else have this problem? I eat really good at home, get everything written down or know what I can eat and keep only those things so I do better at home.   Hope all Had a Wonderful Mothers Day! God Bless all Mothers!:smile:

Bandster Bashers

:rolleyes2:I do not understand for the life of me how others can bash us for being banded! I hear you all saying that you have not told others that you are having this surgery. Is it because you are afraid they will bash you about it? Or is it because you want to let them see you lose weight and be surprised? I think it is so wrong to not tell others what we have done, I will never lie or keep it from my loved ones. Most of the people I know are very happy for me and that I have lost this weight. I do have heavier relatives and they are in serious health problems because of the added pounds they are carrying! Instead of not telling them what I have done, I am showing them how what I have done could also help them, to solve some of the health problems they are having that are directly associated with being overweight! We must stand up to any Bandster Basher, but in a kind way. They are bashing us because it hurts for them NOT to have what we have. They really are hurting with their problems of obesity. I KNOW I have been right where they are. I still feel fat to a certain degree, maybe because I am not right where I want to be with my weight loss at this time, but I am getting there! God Says, "Be ye Kind, one to another!" In all things represent the one who is in control of your life and strive to be more like him, then others will see the real you and the efforts you have asserted to change your life for the better, praise goes so much farther than bashing others for what they did or did not do, so have a great day and remember to love those who hurt you as well as those who don't! God Bless~!:thumbup:




Finding Happy Trails!

Everyone persues happiness, but FEW can define it!   Is happiness the bright red apple dangling from the highest branch of the tree or the immense treasure buried somewhere underground? Is happiness the perfect person with whom to spend your life with?   Many times you lose hope of finding happiness simply because you may be looking for it in the wrong places.   True happiness has less to do with outward circumstances that with inward, and more to do with the inward harmony than with outward. True happiness is being anchored to your Creator, who knows you better that you know yourself. True happiness isn't dependant on another person. It isn't dangling out of your reach or hiding deep underground. True happiness can be found in the ordinary activities of your life. You need only look inward and upward.   Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things. Psalm 128:1-2 NCV   God, as I lay my search at your feet, restore my hope of finding true and lasting happiness.   Amen   Hope your Saturday is a Happy One, I am deep cleaning my house and trying to deep clean my inner self at the same time. So much revelation!




Anyone ever done this?






:tt2: well today is my REALLY Birthday! I will tell you my age, I turned 58 years young this morning! I feel so blessed and happy! I did eat a bite of cake last night, it was Chocolate and too sweet!! Yes I said it TOO SWEET! But to be polite to the ones who bought it for me and planned the party, I ate CAKE! Being away from a lot of sweets, you never realize HOW sweet they are and just how much sugar is in them until you do eat some and then you know! This birthday is special to me for one reason, I am smaller than last year because of the BAND! Photos were taken, and I could hardly believe that was ME in them compared to last year! 91 lbs smaller! Thank you Jesus for the will power and good sense to have this surgical procedure called the LapBand! My Re-Birth day is the 29th of this month! So I will celebrate again, not with cake tho! LOL To all of those who looked at me with pity and concern for my health, they now see a different me, but I did not do this for them, I did this for ME! You will do this for YOU, or you won't care or try and won't be a success at this journey! Get the mindset that YOU are IMPORTANT and deserve to be healthy! Life will be good, will get better every year! Like I said "I only wish I had gotten the surgery sooner". My only regret. Have a Blessed day with me!




Half Way-Today! Six Months Post op!

Well it is six months today. When I blogged earlier I did not think about it! I guess I should be very happy that I have lost 65 lbs now.   But I keep looking forward, and yesterday is gone, I have today and if God is willing tomorrow. So I will plan on doing better every day from now on, that is really all I can do, cause I can not control the events, happenings of my LIFE, but I Can control how I react to those events and happenings when it comes to food consumption! (Thanks to the LB Surgery)  




My dress didn't fit, but that's OK!

:eek:Not because I did not lose the weight, but because they made it WRONG! I feel so much better, it was only 5 inches off!   I don't think staying in the gym for two weeks would make any difference in the fit. 5 inches is a lot to reduce in a week, then it still would just fit!   So off shopping I go tomorrow! Looking for that perfect dress for the wedding.   It will be an experience! I plan to have a good day with my daughter. I love her so much! She has a lot to learn in life, but I hope she goes about life with an open mind, there is so much to soak in!   Still trying to get that protein in! Going to cook a steak and have dinner with my hubby!:thumbup:




What a difference the Lap Band makes!

It is so hard for me to believe that this was me about three years ago. I actually did not know the extent of the danger I was in with the added weight on my body and my heart and other organs.   How could I have let myself go like this? What is it that made me overeat? I quess I ate to replace something I was not getting from my life.   I am so thankful to God for the LAP-BAND® experience, when I find an old photo like this one, I just cringe with an almost disbelief! :wink:




The REAL LapBand Connection

:thumbup: Hi Everyone! Ever really wonder why we are so addicted to this site? It is because we are all Connected. Connected by the journey, connected by the cause, connected by a small piece of rubber like material that keeps us in control of our eating habits. It is there, but more than that, it is our everyday mental reminder, that we are banded persons sharing the same walks of life daily! What we must all learn to do is rely on this band and keep it doing what it is suppose to do with our help! Ignore Distractions!!!! Our own flaws can distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus. If we think too much about what is wrong with us, we will forget what God can do through us. If we look too much at what we lack, we will forget to be thankful for what we HAVE! Have a wonderful Day today!:rolleyes2:




Bandiversary Today ~ NOT Dissapointed, NOT Through Yet!

Yes I am smilin today! One year and I am so happy and definately not dissapointed! A year ago today, I was unsure, unhealthy, unhappy and unattractive! The lapband AP surgery has changed all that to me! I am full of confidence, if I can do this, I can do anything! I was unhealthy, on the verge of diabetis, taking Metphormin for it, High Blood pressure and High Cholesterol too were just around the corner. Now I take no meds unless I have a headache, like Normal people do. I was so unhappy with myself, I smiled on the outside, but was dying on the inside. I tried to dress to appear smaller and it worked some until I undressed and really saw myself! I felt unattractive, unwanted and just plain miserable. I felt like I HAD to do everything! Had to go to work, Had to have friends over, Had to talk to them and entertain, Had to get up and face the world. NOW I WANT to do all these things and more, so my life has turned around and with the help and grace of God it is all for the better! I am not through with this Band thingy! OH NOT quite the contrare!! I am ready to start things over just like the first year! Today I start writing down my foods, I start taking time for some exercise in my life! I start with a weight loss goal, written down to work from! I see my doctor in a week, I hope he will be as pleased with my one year results as I am. God Bless you all today with your goals and efforts. If he takes care of the Sparrow, he is watching over us too!




I made the Local Newspaper!

:blushing:Well it finally happened, the Hospital put the article about me in the Local Newspaper! I did not know it was going Local but that the Medical Journal was to have an article about me in it! WELLL~~~a lot of folks started coming to my work to see me, and said that had to be you but the name was wrong under your Photo! They had my name and story correct in the written article, but put the name of a nurse (that I had actually gradutated with) instead of my name, how funny. Hey she needs to lose weight too! It was kinda nice being noticed so much, but I wanted to be smaller when the article came out, oh well! I did give my written permission~and I am so different than that person 7 1/2 months ago was! I will count my blessings. Went to the Gym tonight had quite a workout, felt good to be alive! God Bless and keep you all. My dear friend who passed will be cremated in the morning and we shall give her our last respects. Love and true friendship never die!:sad:




"I can't find anything to wear"~~~I can't believe I DON'T say this anymore!!!!!!!

:smile:Well it use to be a fiasco in the mornings as I prepared to go to work, just to find something in my closet that would fit!!!:sad:     Well those days are over, down 91 lbs this morning, and facing my one year bandiversary on the 29th of this month! I feel great and I have not been frustrated at all in finding something that fits me to wear to work!!! I just realized how awesome that is!!!!   Now I just have to decide WHAT it is that I want to wear to work! I actually like wearing makeup again, because I don't sweat it off! I am learning new makeup techniques and I have a new Hairdo too! I actually straightened my hair which is naturally curly the other day with a curling iron and I LIKED it. Before I lost weight I don't think I CARED very much. Now I DO!!!! A lot of people have told me I look younger and I think I do too!   Being smaller makes me happy!   I have to tell you ladies, nothing makes me madder though than to hear a remark like I did yesterday! There was a big girl, at a convention center who was wearing clothing not flattering to her larger figure, she did look Fat and not at all attractive. Now, as a big girl, I KNEW my limitations and always dressed appropriately. One man said, "Now there is at least 350 lbs on hoof" Comparing a woman to a cow is not respectful at all, and a tiny girl was laughing with him at this woman. To tell you the truth, it broke my heart! I feel so much compassion for all of us big people, we are NOT treated fairly in the workplace or any other place for that matter, and most big people I know have more class, more heart, more of everything than some of the skinny people I know. I pray that God gives me a compassion and a role to play to others to witness the results of the LAP-BAND® to others who will listen, I believe with all my heart that the timing of the funds I recieved to have my LAP-BAND®, were in Gods hands, and I will continue to do my best to make this work in my life and help all others I come into contact with do the same. We have to learn as a society to love all people the same, no matter the situations we have in life. Have a great day all!

Down 74.4 lbs! Yes I count the .4 lb~~~62% of Excess Weight Gone Forever!!

:thumbup:I feel so blessed that I heard about the band and went forward with the surgery. Down 74.2 lbs with only 26 lbs to go to get to my goal weight and not quite 7 mos into the program. I have lost over 62% of my excess body weight! And I have managed to keep fairly toned by going to the Gym and Walking! The Hospital Administrator called me for permission to share my photos and story in a Medical Journal that they publish in and I told her YES! I just hope that my story will inspire and help others who are struggling with weight issues in their lives! God Bless you as you continue on this journey is my prayer!




Lacking the Courage to Start?

:biggrin: If you lack the courage to start, you are already finished! I love this saying and it is so true. We must get started, and if we have started and get off track, the courage to start over again. I have been up and down two lbs since Oct. 28th, It is down again, but I think that the exercise program I have started is building muscle and that could weigh more. I want Onderland by Christmas and that is my goal now. A little present to myself. start weight 256 todays weight 210 Surgery Date July 29, 2009:thumbup:



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