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Egg Drop Soup Today

So.....I tried egg drop soup today, homemade even, hubby made it for me. And it actually went really well. Ate about half a cup of it and was full! :thumbup: Now this is not only a feat in and of itself, but chinese food? Half a cup of chinese food and I'm full?!?! (PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!) Never ever happened before in my whole life! I'm also right now spening the days building a cookbook for me and mom from various websites of bariatric friendly recipes and other things we can eat. Everything from snacks, meals, desserts and even holiday dishes. Now, since I'm getting all of this off the internet, some of you are probably wondering why my mom isn't getting them for herself. Well, there are a couple of answers to that question: 1) she's my mama and I love her, so I'm doing it for both of us, and we'll both benefit, and 2) she's not very computer savvy. She can turn it on, play games, check her email, and that's about it. God love her. I hope to have the cookbook finished by the time I go back to work. That's the plan anyway. But we all know how plans turn out sometimes don't we? :thumbup: Well, I guess that's all I have for now. Just mainly wanted to let you all know that I had my first resemblance of "solid" food today and it felt and went down great. Love you all my bandster family. Talk to you soon.




Discovering Food Websites

Today has been an interesting day. I'm now four days post op and the gas pains have finally started to subside a little. Still hurts like the dickens if I get the hiccups though. On the upside.......wait for it......FIREWORKS SEASON IS UPON US, THE STORES OPENED TODAY! :party: Fourth of July and Halloween are huge around my house. My family reunion is next weekend (the 28th) and I can't wait to go there skinnier than I was last year. That's way exciting. And next year I'll actually get to swim, maybe. Haven't been in a swimsuit since high school. You know, back before it looked like I was trying to shove ten pounds of crap in a three pound can. :yikes::thumbup: Gross and embarrassing. The coffee thing has subsided from yesterday. Thank goodness, can't go without that. My stomach was really upset yesterday I'm sure that had a lot to do with why the coffee tasted gross. So today all I've really done is look for food that I can't eat. :tt2: I know, DUH! :out: However, what I'm going to do is make a book of all the recipies that I like and that way it's easier for me and hubby to make them. I might even try my hand at cooking a few of them on my own. We'll see how that goes. I say that because I'm not a cook by any stretch of the imagination. I have literally burnt water before. And when I do try to make something, hubby looks at me like I'm going to run over a litter of kittens with a tank. :thumbup::bolt: Well I guess that's all I have for today. Discovered all the new smilies, as if you couldn't tell. Oh well, smilies are cool and liven up the posts. Hope this finds you all well and enjoying bandster life. Talk to you all soon.




Three Days Post Op

So here I am three days post op and still going strong. My stomach is a little upset today, but other than that I'm doing fine. Discovered something today........I don't like the taste of coffee much anymore. :eek: This is such an oddity because I've lived on it for the last few years while trying to get through school. Don't know if it's the meds or just the fact that it tastes different. A lot of people have said things taste much different after surgery. You can't eat stuff you used to be able to, and eat stuff you never would have dreampt of eating before. :tt1: Kinda confusing if you ask me. Everying else is going great though. Hubby and I got our anniversay present to ourselves today. A new LCD TV (32") from Offide Depot. Which is where hubby works. So we got the sale price of 299.00, pluse our 20% discount on top of that. Might have to breakdown and get cable now. :thumbup: See if I can talk the hubby into that. We'll see. Well, I suppose that's all for today. Talk to you all soon.




To My Bandster Family

Thanx so much for all of your support everyone. Got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon, the three hour drive home was pretty rough. And to make it worse my hubby was driving and traffic makes him really nervous, and then he gets angry. We live in a smaller town so he doesn't deal with traffic much or very well, must be a guy thing. :thumbup: Everyone said I did great and looked great after surgery. The doc said I was a rock star. :tt1: That made me feel nice. The only thing I've come across that I don't like is my pain meds aren't working. So I called the doc and he called something else for me and my hubby is going to be that up when he gets off work. Unfortunately, my mom isn't doing near as well. They wanted to keep her in the hospital one more night cuz her blood pressure dropped really low. Apparently it always happens when she has surgery. And they had to physcially cut her open cuz she has so much scar tissue on her belly. She's had two c sections and a hysterectomy. (sp) So she was doing pretty crappy. Didn't get up and walk till right before we left yesterday. Well, that's all I have for today, just wanted to let you all know how I was doing. Thanx again for all of your support, you all are awesome and I love you all. *hugs* Talk to you all soon.




I'm a bandster!

So, it's official. :confused: Out of surgery and doing well. In a little pain and my shoulders hurt a little, which is all common. Getting ready to "eat" dinner. Sugar free jello, coffee and grape juice. I feel great! The doctor just left and he said I look great too. Not a terrible amount of pain, but a fair amount. My doctor and this hospital are awesome. Talk with you all soon. Just wanted to give you an update that surgery went great and I was out and about. Gotta get up and walk here a few hours. Have a great day everyone.




"Weigting" Again

OK, so here I am at the hospital again. However I have heard the doc made it today and there are patiens of his going on and not coming right back out. :confused: Excellent sign. Today is my day. My Banster Birthday. I'm so excited. :w00t::w00t::w00t: I can't wait to go to sleep and wake up banded. This is truly the first day of the rest of my life. I know I've said this before, but thank you so much for all of the support I've received from my bandster buddies on this site. You guys rock! :thumbup::thumbup: Talk to you all soon, after I'm officially a bandster.




Minor Setback

Well, remember my last post? I guess I'm waiting longer than I thought I was going to be. The doctor got stranded due to the rain because it closed the highway due to flooding. :mad2: So now I just don't know what I'm going to do. They rescheduled my surgery for tomorrow, but it's supposed to rain then too. I'm very distraught about all this. They said when I called the hospital when I got the hotel that he had to turn around and go home and the highway is still closed. They said they guarantee he'd be there tomorrow. We'll see I guess.:thumbup:




Playing the "Weighting" Game

Sitting in the waiting room waiting to go in for surgery. It's supposed to be at 11:00. My mom goes in at 10:00. I'm super excited. My husband and I brought our car and I drove up here and it POURED DOWN RAIN! Driving in the rain makes me terribly nervous. :thumbup: I've been in a few wrecks involving really bad snow and rain. So it doesn't bode well for me to drive in it. Hubby would have if he would have known where we were going. Interesting morning already to say the least. So we get the hospital and check in and now I'm waiting. They said to be here at 8:00, and it's a little after 8:30 now. I am so terribly thirsty. Everything sounds great right now. lol Hubby is next to me drinking coffee. Well, I guess that's all I have for now. The next time I talk to you all I'll be a bandster. Thank you all so much for the support you've given me on this site over the last few weeks. You're really like my little bandster family. Talk to you all later. Hope you all have a great day. :mad2:




Getting Banded Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow is the day. I absolutley can't wait. The suspense is killing me. So today I have to get all of my stuff together. I was trying to clean my house before I had to do leave so I wouldn't come home to a messy house, but that didn't go near as well as planned. :thumbup: Oh well, things happen I guess. However, I can already tell a difference in myself. Physically and psychologically. I've really noticed how my life really revolved around food before. I'm the person my house in charge of most things so I do a lot of the running around town and paying bills and stuff. I never realized how much that meant stopping and getting something to eat. All the time. :mad2: It's actually a little embarrassing. So as I sit here about 24 hours away from surgery I'm ready. To not be fat anymore, to get healthy so I can have a baby, for my back not to hurt so maybe I won't have to have back surgery in the near future, and most of all to be happy with what I see in the mirror every day. Wish me luck all and I'll keep you posted. I'll be taking my laptop to the hospital with me, don't go many places without it and before I can get up and walk I'll let you all know how it went. Talk to you all after I'm a bandster.




2 More Days

Two more days to go. Then the liquids won't be so bad cuz I won't be so hungry. It's getting to the point that I almost can't do these liquids anymore. Went to the area Relay for Life Cancer Walk last night, we go every year. This year was a little rough, for a couple of reasons. We lost our team captain this year to cancer, so that was the hardest part. And on a lighter note the guy at the camp beside us was grilling steak and we were four camps away from the people making funnell cakes. That was rough. I overpowered though. Didn't cheat. I threatened to like the powdered sugar off my hubby's funnell cake though. lol This is almost over. Tomorrow I make my way to Kansas City, the first leg of my trip, then I'm off to Columbia Monday morning for surgery. Then this liquid stuff won't be as bad cuz I won't want food. Usually in our family after we have any type of surgery we don't really want to be around food for about a week anyway, so this works out great for me. Well, as always, hope this finds out all well. Enjoy your day and I'll keep you all posted about Monday.




3 More Days

Three more days till I get banded. I'm so excited, I almost can't stand it! I'm doing the best I can to stay busy but nothing seems to be working. The liquid diet is getting a little old. I'm glad that part is almost over. At least after surgery I won't be as hungry and have to choke down a protein shake all the time if I want to eat something. Any new and creative ways to make them are welcome. I'm always open to suggestions. Well, not much going on here. Just wanted to post that it's 3 days away. I'll let you all know how things are going. Hopefully I'll remember to take the laptop to the hospital. If not I'll get with you all as soon as I get home. Have a great day. :thumbup:




Nutrition Class and Pre Op Today

Went to the doctors office for all of my pre-op and nutrition classes today. That was super fun, and will also save me time on Monday when I have surgery so all I have to do is check in. My last day of work was Wednesday, so I'm officially on vacation till after surgery, supposed to be cleared to return to work on the 26th. Not near as excited for that as I am for the surgery. :mad2: But how many of us really are? The only thing I found out in pre-op today that bothered me (this is going to sound girly, but bear with me) I had to take off my long acrylic nails for surgery. I've had these since I was 13 and I'm 29 now, so you can imagine how this made me feel. :thumbup: Since my fingernails don't grow on their own I've had acrylic overlays on them so they would grow. Explained to the doc they were my nails, but she said I have to take them off because they can't read stuff right with them on there. However, SMALL SMALL PRICE TO PAY! I'm so excited I almost can't stand it. :lol::lol::lol: I bet I don't sleep a wink before Monday. Hope this finds you all well. Enjoy life and I'll talk to you all soon.




6 More Days

I'm six days away from getting banded. I absolutely can't wait. :crying: My surgery date is the 15th. That's going to be my new birthday. The first day of the rest of my life.   I've been on the liquid diet now since the 1st and I've found a lot of new and creative ways to "eat" the shakes. A little tip: If you put ice in them you can trick yourself into thinking you're eating ice cream. :frown:   Good luck to anyone that reads this that's getting ready to get banded. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm on a lot and in the chat rooms. Also you can email me or send me a message. I'd love to hear from you and be friends.   Good luck to all and have a great day.



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