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I've been thinking...

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin :biggrin1: I have been thinking about lots of different things these last few days. My moods have been up and down and kind of non existant which makes for many different thoughts. I was let down by a friend yesterday. In the whole scheme of life it was no big deal but I was disappointed and a little upset ('cos she didnt even call to say I couldn't visit after all) and suddenly the old demons took this as an opportunity to pay an unexpected visit. How can moods and often consequently eating change so damned suddenly? One minute I'm happy with my piece of chicken and my veg and am contemplating and afternoon at my friends. The next I'm thinking of nibbling anything and everything in the house and going out to find somethings that I don't have in the cupboards...a nice big ice-cream being top of the list. It's ridiculous :eek: to change so quickly. I guess it ultimately shows that maybe the demons will never go away and they live behind a very thin veil in our heads and are willing and happy to visit any chance we give them . What did I do? Aaah well, you'll be dead proud of me :clap2: I sat for over an hour thinking about food and about why I was thinking about food! I hadn't planned to do any exercise that afternoon because I was going out. So, I pulled on my trainers but couldn't for the life of me muster anything like enthusiasm for walking, aerobics ..nutting! I called another friend and while we were talking it got into my head to walk down to hubby's pharmacy. So I did! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: (thought I deserved them). Now you have to understand that the pharmacy is no easy task...it's not too far and it's all flat or downhill...ahh but it is in Athens! The pavements are narrow and often have cars squished onto them...they are uneven and have these silly trees planted in the middle so I have to duck every ten seconds or walk in the road(I'm way too tall to live here)...which makes my knees hurt 'cos the curb sides are so high to step back onto...Anyway I did it. Used to take me 40mins the last couple of times I tried it. This time it took me 25 which wasn't bad (but maybe am still not as fit as I think I am now). And that was that. Didn't touch a single thing I shouldn't have and had a good walk instead. I have been thinking about some other things too but I know there's only so much you can take in one sitting so I wont bore you silly (and I'll have none of those.."too late"comments thank you very much!)




I know...I know...

Yo! OK I know I should keep writing to keep you guys entertained with my exploits...OI....wake up:notagree ! I'm bored...weight is the same and nothing else to report so I'll write when I'm more inclined... Tomorrow maybe???????????




Don't read today's it's boring....

Ok, not so many icons today LOL...maybe one or two though cos they are soo cute! I had another late start today:notagree ...what it is with me this week? I got in my two walks and am happy to say that I had a little more energy today...was trying to dance on the treadmill at one point (thank God I'm alone in there). Apart from that it was a very quiet day and I didn't see anyone. hubby was at work til late tonight and so it was TV and PC most of the day. I need to get out more! Food was Ok today. I had one of my not very hungry days and didn't eat a thing til 2pm. I finally had a baked potato with one teaspoon butter...then threw the butter away cos hubby bought it and it shouldnt be in house anyway and later I ate a salad with a slice of ham. drank lots and that's about it for today! Oh yeah...one good thing that happened-After a year of not being able to, I finally can wear my wedding and engagement rings again without worrying they'll get stuck. :biggrin1: Means a lot!




Wednesday is weigh day.......

Weigh day :gluck: ...well the official one cos I've been peeking almost every day recently! I am determined to not look for the next week I this week which puts me over 60lbs down...:wow2: :wow2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Can you tell I'm impressed with myself. Somehow being in the 60's makes that elusive 100lb seem oh so much more attainable. AND...I've only 14lbs left to get out of the 300's forever. :hungry: I made myself a sandwich today...which was planned! I decided today was the best day to indulge cos if my weight was up or stable I could commiserate with myself and if it was down I could reward myself and still have most of the week left to be extra good! What d'you mean:faint: ? I got up early this morning :bored so that I could get my walk in...and boy did it feel like work! I think because it was done after so little other movement. Usually I walk a little later in the morning. I have to do both my walks before 2pm on work days cos when I get home in the evening I'm tired and basically not in the mood. Still, only next week to get through and then I am free for the rest of the summer. I don't start again until the middle of September. Had my first ever web-cam conversation last night with my friend Maurine...was fun and we had a laugh!:biggrin1: I have a good time and smile and laugh a lot with all my new friends on LBT and thought while I was here I'd just say "Thank you":biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1:




It's Tuesday you know!

Well hello there :wave: What day is it today?...oh yeah Tuesdsay! I don't have any lessons to give today and so the day is my own. I got up late...don't lie-in often :notagree these days but today I treated myself to a 10am start to the day. I had a protein shake for brekkie and then did a few housey-wifey jobs and watched a DVD. I did my 1st walk of the day and it's having a real effect upping the speed regularly as I'm doing. I still don't walk as far as some (most of you other guys) but my heart rate is good for health and I end up with a nice healthy sweat and so I'm content. I made tuna, little mayo light and one cheese slice for lunch and was surprised when 3/4 way through I was absolutely stuffed...couldn't face the last few bits and usually I eat this just fine. So I listened to my band and gave up. If I get peckish later I can just eat it. For dinner tonight (after my 2nd walk) I'm planning on only eating yoghurt. A good protein day! OK has anyone seen my phone case ummm? We had a huge storm here the other day and I got my mobile to take some snaps...now I can't fine the case anywhere and it's driving me NUTS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Am going to go get a water refill and then read for a while I think, then I'll be here to chat with friends for a while before the treadmill calls. Nice easy going day. Toodle-pip.




waffle, waffle..blah, blah, blah

It's a waffle day today because I dont have anyone to chat to :phanvan :cry and nothing much newsworthy to say. I was walking on Arthur today and my back was killing me...bloody periods...and so after 20mins I gave up and said it was enough but am proud of the fact that at least I did something. In bygone days - like not so long ago - I would have been on the couch all day moaning. I made a nice pork dinner for hubby and I and then helped him get through some extra pharmacy work he'd been given by the hospital. Took about 4hrs so Im glad I could have helped or he would have been in a right pickle. Tonight I ate a couple of pieces of the cold leftover meat and am more than satisfied with that. I didn't walk again this afternoon but fully intend to do my hour at my new speed tomorrow. I'm also considering giving my aerobics video another go and see if my knees are any better. If I do it once and then wait for a day or two I will be able to judge what's going on. I finally got the guts to post some progress pics on the before and after page and apart from my expression LOL I'm happy with how they turned out. Until I saw them side by side I confess I was wondering where the weight I've lost had gone from cos there's still so much of it hanging around :biggrin1: That's about it for now. I'll be back...now where have I heard that before????????????????




Still in good mood..WOW!

Me again...well who'd you expect in my journal ummm? I got all headachy last night and though oh, oh, here we go...but no it went away like all good headaches should and this morning I was right as a bobbin. I wasn't sure what I was gonna do today but as soon as I got up I decided it was Swimming Time :clap2: So got a taxi and toddled off to the hotel. I got there around 11:30am and it was nice and quiet. I sat for a while and then went for my swim. I stayed in for about an hour and did lots of arm work and swam quite a few lengths. During this time it got busier and busier...by the time I got out the pool area was full. Still, it was a blooming hot day so don't blame them one bit. Just glad I got there early so I got a table to myself:) I ordered a chicken salad and read my book until it came.:hungry: I love the food there...simple but fresh and tasty! I confess here and now that I succumbed to a bread roll and it was bloody lovely :heh: I ate for about 25mins and then stopped. There was still most of the food on the plate and when the waiter came he thought I didn't like it! I told him it was delicious and I'd just had enough. Greeks don't do take out! Still (I know repeating myself...again!) blows my mind how little food I generally want these days! :phanvan Am still deciding whether to treadmill or not...my arms and legs ache but the spirit is willing...think I'll tell it to bog off for today and chill out with the tv instead!




Hi diddle-di-di...

Yo! I'm in a pretty good mood today...anyone who says "makes a change..." will be...erm...I have no idea:confused: Generally, I dont have a BP problem but for some (hormonal) reason it tends to go up at period time...I know I've said this before. Anyway, I've been keeping a close eye on it this month and as soon as I see it rise the doc has given me a tablet to break into quarters and take one piece a day for four days. Hopefully this will ride out the storm and keep the levels from getting on the high side...we shall see. My sugar levels are so low at the moment I'm taking only a tiny amount of insulin in the mornings to work alongside my food throughout the day. If this trend continues I would like to think that in just a short while I won't need insulin (and hopefully nothing in its place) for my diabetes...:clap2: Me and Arthur (my treadmill...see earlier post for meaning) are still getting along really well and I keep moving the goal posts by either increasing my time or my speed...I will be doing a decent walk at a decent pace by the end of the summer and when I next go to England and my mum wants to go for a walk around the fields and farmlands, I'll be in a condition to go with her.:biggrin1: I had to go to my first Greek funeral yesterday. Jordan's grandmum had passed away. There was a sadness at her not being here but a recognition of her having lived a great life ..96 and not suffering in anyway either in life or at the end. The funeral wasn't too bad but it was over 100 degrees in the church and that was horrible! There was one thing that really struck me as funny...outside the church, near the car park, there was a man with a bike and trailer selling ice-creams :omg: Can you imagine putting someone who you loved enough to be at their funeral, in their grave and then nipping outside for a nice cool vanilla cone?????????????? Wonder how much business he does LOL?




Weigh Day

I got weighed this morning and was -6lbs which is good but only -2lbs from where I was a couple of weeks ago:phanvan Anyway, at least it's gone! :clap2: I'm hoping (she says not really believing it) that July will bring a more steady weightloss and that this yo-yo stuff can be put to bed once and for all. I upped my time on the treadmill again yesterday and am now up to 2x 30min walks. Not bad for less than a month to double both the time and the speed. I want to continue to increase the speed little by little so that in my hour walks I am walking further and pushing my body more but I'm not going to overdo it because my back and my knees are coping with this level...if I feel any pain I'll back off a little. We have reached the end of the GFG monthly challenge and I've posted my results...have been up since 6am and already walked 30mins and drunk 2 litres water and I know what I'm eating today! Will I do next months challenge? Right now I don't think so. I don't like being accountable for weight I can do nothing about and I know I am motivated to do this for myself (and a few friends who keep me on the right path). I'll think it over for today but I think the next few weeks I want to do it alone! If I make a mess of it I'll be the first to sign up again for August! Not much else to report really. It's hot and sunny and I'm thankful for air-conditioners! I'm in the week leading up to my time of the month and it's always the hardest for me 'cos my hormones are all over the show. Right now I'm fighting off those doubts that keep cropping up..."you can't do this...the weightloss will stop...you wont lose what you want...you Will fail"...countered with my "oh yes I will...look what I did already...why shouldn't 'it' work if I do?" kind of thoughts! By this time next week everything will seem all nicely balanced again!




soup, soup, and more soup...

Well, I stuck finally at 4lbs up from where I was. I dont know why exactly but there it is. So I gave the soup diet a go for this week. It was a delicious soup but after a few days I confess I got bored of eating the same thing each day. hey ho hum. I dunno how many lbs I'll lose but if I can get back to where I was I'll be happy I've been walking each day and upped my speed and my time so thats going well. I went swimming at the weekend too which always cheers me up very much. I have also been a really good girl and stayed off the scale so far this week...now if I can only hold off til Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!:phanvan I'll let you know how thigns are going by then.




utterly miserable

I haven't felt so sad for the longest time. It's like a huge weight in my heart and now it's gotten hold it doesn't want to let go. I went away for the weekend and had a lovely time. I ate out but didn't go mad and I swam and walked to make sure I kept up my exercise. Came home and this morning got weighed...both my analogue scale and my mother-in-laws digital say I gained 8lbs. Don't want to talk, don't want to eat dont want to exercise...what's the damned point? Just leave me to cry it out :think





Haven't lost any weight this week...wasn't surprised after 9lbs last week figured my body might still be in shock. I have been walking and eating well but STILL I felt disappointed and in a moment of weakness I succumbed to some chips....felt bad as soon as I'd eaten them and they cost me my bonus on an almost perfect week with the Gone for Good club :phanvan Am really mad at myself now:mad: Oh well..lets start another week of trying! Going away for the weekend and so lots of swimming. I won't eat badly either cos if nothing else...Im determined! The one good from this "bad" moment is my attitude. Before my band I would have immediately thought...oh well diet blown now might as well eat...and now all I want to do is get back to feeling good! :clap2: So not a -complete- disaster then!?!?!??!




one of those days...

They come around from no-where...I think I'm feeling blue 'cos I know DH is disappointed with life in general and weekends in particular. He never seems to find time to do the things he'd like and every so often it gets to him...and then to me as a consequence. I did all I should today but just don't feel so happy about it all...the what if syndrome hit home big time and for the very first time realising I lost 55lbs and no one single person noticed a thing :cry made me realise what a job I have to do...my year anniversary for my 40th birthday...what if it's not enough time to see a huge difference after all? Oh hey it's just a blue day and you've all had them. It'll be better tomorrow.




And so the days roll by...

Well my weight stayed off until the magical Wednesday weigh in and so now I'm 55lbs down and 9 of them accredited to last week:clap2: :clap2: (very useful little icon that!). Today the weather was cloudy and cooler and so I actually went outside to take my exercise. I walked down to the shops, strolled around, bought some socks and some bright pink holiday flip floppy things and then began to walk back. Then the rain began so I ducked into a cafe and had a frappe. I'll still do a walk on my treadmill later too! I have not peeked at the scale since Wednesday but after such a big loss, I'll be happy as long as I don't gain anything (don't see why should but you never do know with these things). I'll peek on Sunday and then wait 'til the next weigh in. Food is going pretty good too. I am eating loads of fish which I love and my fav. veg peas....many more and I'll turn into one:rolleyes: I'm also eating more salads than I have in my life but am enjoying them too, so that's good. I went to the periptero (little kiosks we have in abundance here) to get a couple of beers for a friend who was coming. On the way there I was thinking....should I get myself a treat? Haven't had one for weeks and weeks...a small packet of chips or a no sugar, fat free ice cream? Then I just thought...nah, don't really want, so I got the beers and left. When I REALLY want something I will have it so that I don't deny myself anything but it was good to know how easy it was to refuse myself something I knew I didn't really want too :nervous .




More of my waffle...

Yesterday and today I feel generally tired but am doing my best to keep up with the GFG challenge...what have they done to me?:cool: Usually when I feel like this I would curl up on the sofa all day and sleep :notagree Now I'm planning how to walk and what I'm eating and sleep doesn't figure in my day at all?!!?!?!?! "If" tomorrow morning (weigh in day) my weight says what it did the other day I'll be more than pleased...I'll be in shock!:omg: But then we all know what fickle creatures scales can be now don't we? Apart from that not much to report...my PC connection that's DSL and should be steady, keeps dropping for a couple of mins and is driving me insane! :angry There I am, chatting happily with friends and next thing you know I'm gone...pooooof! Hubby is the technical one around here and so he'll decide what we're gonna do about it all. That's all...happy reading :biggrin1: Later!




Upbeat and Positive

I joined the Gone for Good club...was "persuaded" LOL! They post their weightloss on a Wednesday but I'm used to Sundays. Anyway it works out Ok cos I always have a peek day and that can now be Sundays. Plus, this week I really got going again on Wednesday after my fill so weighing in next Wednesday will make it a good week. The scale is moving in a downwards direction again :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: but then with what I've eaten this week and the work I've put in, I'd be real disappointed if it didn't. I'm gonna wait until Wednesday to see if I lose anymore...watch this space (or the GFG!) I'm doing well with my walking and building up my time. I'm at a good heart rate when walking and build up a sweat by the time I finish. Once I get to a happy walking time, I'll work on increasing the speed a little. Some days this week I haven't taken any insulin and when I have had to it's been minimal...10units most (from 90 before band). I'll chat with my doc next week to see what general revisions he wants to do. My BP has been great except for now..it's my TOM and each month it goes up? It can be 110/68 in the morning and get to 146/80by night. I dunno why other than my gyni said it happens because of hormones. So for now I still need help with this periodically (no pun intended! :cool: ) I'm doing well and feel really upbeat and positive about just about everything I can think of :clap2: Not much more to ask for really!




Hello world...

My 2nd fill has left me with a feeling of a 'something' but it's very hard to put into words. I want to say I can feel it but that's silly! I guess there is a general tightness that wasn't there before. I did two days of soups and they went down fine. Today I opted for soft foods..so I had a yoghurt for brekkie and that was Ok. I blended a tin of tuna with teaspoon mayo light and some dill and onion salad mix I have. I ate about 3 teaspoons and was full. Ate the rest a few hours later. For dinner I chopped an egg and a slice of low fat cheese and blended them again with one teaspoon mayo light. Everything went down fine, so tomorrow I'll try so meat and veg and see how I go. I love my new treadmill. I did half an hour yesterday at a steady pace and today did 40mins. I built up a sweat but know over the next week I will be able to do more...the handles make such a difference for my back and neck not aching. Me, my mp3 with summer songs (upbeat and catchy) and my treadmill are gonna have a great summer Tomorrow I might go back to 'my' hotel and swim some more but not sure yet. I was bought 3 new bathing suits as a gift and have only tried one of them out so far :cool: so need to swim more! I must be getting enough protein right now because my nails are long and strong and this doesn't happen so often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gave myself a french manicure today and am well pleased...love long nails on women! My period is due and usually at this point in the week I'm tearful and tetchy but hormones are in reverse and I feel so upbeat and positive I can't quite believe it! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:




Whoo Hoo

My treadmill was delivered this morning! It's huge and fills my spare room but it was only one designed for my weight that we found and liked :biggrin1: So I did my first 15 mins to see what my back, knees, ankle etc thought of it and they were all absolutely fine :clap2: So that's me sorted then! Got new music on my mp3 and I'm soooo ready LOL




Fill Me Up Doc!!!!!!!

Well what a palarva! I went yesterday for my 2nd fill. Since my first fill was almost a disaster, I will now only let my surgeon do them and not members of his team! Since so many people ask me on here and I honestly didn't know, I decided to ask about my band...how big, how many cc's etc? His reply...ahh you don't need to know that...I'll take care of everything!:omg: :faint: What could I do? If the doc don't want to tell me I can't exactly make him LOL and so I'll do what he said and trust him. Apart from that, everything went fine. He did the fill in a few seconds it seemed and said hopefully now I would start to feel some restriction:clap2: I drank water fine while I was there and again when I got home. Today and tomorrow I'm on soups and everything seems OK. I'll let you know what happens when I get back onto foods and if there is actually any difference. What else? Went for a walk this morning into town and bought myself some body butter from the Body Shop...smells so good you could eat it...well it would be a soft food LOL They gave me a nice sarong as a gift and it's the same colour as my new swimming cossie so that was good I treated myself to some new mascara and nail polish while I was out. I need a hat too but couldn't find one that I liked. I'm not used to wearing hats so I guess I just felt self conscious in all of them. I called in the supermarket to get some cuppa soups and thats about it. Later!




Monday, Monday looks good to me.....

Monday- yep again. Come round every week it seems! I had a busy day doing all kinds of bits and bobs. When I went to do my lessons this afternoon hubby bought me a treadmill :clap2: to be delivered Friday all being well. Now down to some serious walking! That's all really...2nd fill day tomorrow. Will report back on that on Wednesday.




Happy Bunny today...

Doesn't take much you know...to make me happy:) Although I live in Greece, finding a pool to swim in is hard work LOL. Maybe I should say- because I live in Greece. Most Greeks (except DH) love water but they tend to wait until nowish and spend all their summers in the sea (there's a lot of it about you know!). I'm not good in the sea. I don't balance well and although I'm quite a strong swimmer I feel safer when I have a side to grab onto if I need it (last time I looked the sea didn't have sides:phanvan ). So I want a pool. There are public pools but you virtually need a prescription to get in them as they tend to be used mainly for sports training. So today I rang some of the hotels in Glyfada (touristy town) and asked if they had pool and if so was it open to non residents? Then I picked one! :nervous I got hubby to drive me down and he went for a coffee and then to see his kids (from 1st marriage cos they live there). It cost $12 to get in but this is offset against bar and restaurant orders so not bad at all. I was a little nervous...would people look at me, would anyone laugh etc etc? Trust me to arrive just as a kids party was getting underway:faint: I found a table near the ladder into pool and sat for a few mins to survey the scene. Then thought ah stuff em..I paid to come here and if they stare, they stare. So off came the dress (cossie underneath already!) and up I got and into water! No-one batted an eye :biggrin1: The kids and their watching parents were too busy having fun and chatting to care and everyone else there was doing their own thing. So I swam...It's a big pool and so I had about 10m to myself and I did laps...30 of them :clap2: My arms were killing me but ooooh it was nice. I then stayed and just enjoyed the water. I was in for a good hour. Then was the only moment I dreaded! Getting out! Body weight is great in the water but pulling it out is another matter LOL. I took it slow and finally heaved myself out. There were 5 chaps sat directly opposite but I didn't look at them and they didn't look at me. Cool. I ordered a cappucino freddo (iced) and put on some sun cream and dried off. About 45mins later when I was ready, I called hubby and he came and got me. All in all a lovely morning that more than made up for not being able to go to seaside yesterday!:biggrin1: Ate part of a chef salad (not much sauce) for lunch and will eat the rest for dinner tonight. Like I said..doesn't take much!




Can't think of one!?!?!?!?

Another weekend...they come around so fast! I went for a walk yesterday and combined it with a little shopping...every little helps I bought some gorgeous cooling footspray at the Body Shop and some other bits and pieces. The place is full of teenagers! They have finished school apart from days when they have to sit end of year exams and so they were walking, chatting and coffee drinking everywhere I looked:) I have eaten well all through the week but can't get the scale to move. I'm not eating bad foods as such but guess that "one more bite" syndrome puts paid to many things! I'm eagerly waiting to see what my 2nd fill does for me. Not sure what the plan is for the weekend...maybe we'll go to the seaside and stay until tomorrow - in a hotel with a nice big pool..ahh bliss- or maybe we wont! I have to wait til hubby gets home from his errands and we discuss it. If we don't go then I'll walk down the hill to a little shop I know and get my 2nd wooden cat. I bought the big one a couple of weeks ago but just couldn't carry two and so I want to go back and get his friend Apart from that I don't have any other fixed idea...the cinema maybe? I want to see the Da Vinci Code. If we go out I plan on taking my little fork and my tuppaware box. The Greeks don't do take home boxes or anything like that and so I've decided to invent my own. I might get some strange looks but what the hey. That way I can save a little to eat in the evening...salad and stuff. :clap2: There is a new taverna opening next door tonight and so I think it's gonna be a noisy weekend round here...better go to the seaside -don't you agree :eek: ;) ?




another day in the life of...

My friend Mo wrote that the mood around here has changed and wondered if it was her...no, it's the mood. Shame but it'll change back- I hope. I love it here. I have never been able in my life to be so open about my weight, the struggles and the triumphs. So many people here know my weight and it was my most guarded secret EVER!!!!! :nervous I made new friends and had such a laugh that it became addictive. Now I am just being careful what I read and trying to keep things upbeat. I've had another good day food wise...brekkie yoghurt,lunch two crackers with eggplant salad and dinner mincedbeef with peas and mushrooms in tomato sauce. I put the rest of the meat into plastic bags and into the freezer. I tried doing a low impact aerobics video today but got worried about my ankle and knees part way through and so stopped. Guess I'll stick to walking and keep my ankle strapped up...somethings you just cant seem to win but I aint gonna give up. I want to be fitter and I so want my scale to do down Sunday morning...having scales with kilos isnt fair...we have to wait 2.2lbs for it to go down one notch:confused: Oh pooh bear!!!!!!!!!!!




No...I didn't want a snack LOL

I told a new LBT friend of mine that I always write my journal when I feel like snacking so it distracts me :phanvan Anyway today that's not the case. I just felt like waffling! It's a lovely day outside in downtown Athens and I have drunk almost all my 1st litre of water for the day. In a little while I'm gonna go cook lunch for me and hubby...I'm having fish and peas and he's having whatever I give him;) Back in a while..must get cooking it's later than I thought! Actually I'm not cooking..I'm Bofrosting!!!!!!!! We have a company here who deliver frozen foods and good stuff too. One day my mother in law asked if I was cooking for hubby..yeah I said. She asked what and I said Bofrost things and she said oh...I thought you meant real cooking:confused: So now hubby asks me if I'm cooking or Bofrosting! OK I'm back..did you miss me? LOL I made hubby some mixed herbs a few oven fries and spinach and cheese fritters. He ate it all so must have been OK! I have lessons today (giving not getting) so I'm going to go chill out for an hour and then get ready to go. Feel much better cos I went for a walk...it would have been great if a stupid teenager hadnt accidently whacked me on the back of the head with his football...I need a treadmill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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