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253 today

i am down 85 lbs today....i was banded on 6/27/2008... got to tell you i would do this again in a heartbeat. best decision ever.. i have more energy and feel so much more confident... keep fighting ya'll   pain is the weakness leaving the body....   oh 18" of of the waist   some day i will have abs.....:confused:




down 79lbs

Well im earning every pound....it is taken so much effort but itll be worth it...Has anyone notice the change in your libido...wow i have such a high sex drive now.i dont remember being like this the last time i weighed this much... i guess thats a side effect of starting to feel good about yourself...almost like being a teenager again...lol.. when i come in the house nothing moves...lol the birds stop chirping and the squirells freeze and the wife starts to cry...lmao   anyway it is going good maybe not losing as much as fast could be getting better...but hey the crunches are working im hoping not to have to get a tummy tuck...we'll see.   good luck everybody and remember "PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY"...   till next




down 79lbs

Well im earning every pound....it is taken so much effort but itll be worth it...Has anyone notice the change in your libido...wow i have such a high sex drive now.i dont remember being like this the last time i weighed this much... i guess thats a side effect of starting to feel good about yourself...almost like being a teenager again...lol.. when i come in the house nothing moves...lol the birds stop chirping and the squirells freeze and the wife starts to cry...lmao   anyway it is going good maybe not losing as much as fast could be getting better...but hey the crunches are working im hoping not to have to get a tummy tuck...we'll see.   good luck everybody and remember "PAIN IS WEAKNESS LEAVING THE BODY"...   till




this stinks

man, i hate being fat..so i havent been taking new pictures on purpose until i lost eneought weight....so anyway im down 70lbs week 12 and decided to let my family take my picture. i got to tell you im not happy i am still a very large man, it stinks to me i dont look any thinner. my family and friends can see it....why cant I. grrrrr. well thanks for listening.




Down 68lbs in 10 weeks

It has surely slowed down i am earning every pound. my body is fighting me every step of the way. it seems like the harder i work out the less i lose.   I dont know if i am eating enough, exercisiing to much or what. i went on liquids only last week and cheated a couple times at lunch time eating real food.. and i lost 4 lbs..go figure.   All i gotta say today is keep going...what doesnt kill us makes us stronger right....




Well Im Down 60Lbs 8 weeks

So Im in week 8 and down sixty pounds.. the last 3 or for pounds have been a bear to take off...my body seems content at this weight (278lbs). I have to fight everyday to maintain at least...   Over the labor day weekend i had 2 count them 2 mojitos...and gained 4 lbs in a day, you have got to be kidding me...well anyway that was sunday and today i have taking 3 lbs back off.. i must tell you they are not kidding about the alcohol...it is not worth it..just say no:cool:   Of course it was water weight so i expect it to be gone today and that would put me at 61lbs down.   and my allergies have kicked in..wow im really wining today huh..well i need to restart i think i will do liquids only again next week lets see what that does...maybe i can drop another 10lbs in sept and get to 268... thats sixty eight to goal.




300 lbs today

:shades_smile:For the first time in i dont know how long i am 300lbs.... yea haa.. I got to tell you i dont credit the band.. i credit the woman on this site that keep me motivated.... Kelgirl, lauren,kat,lil miss,zengurl,mi,happy... you are all great people and keep me honest.. thanks so much...   I am now walking everyday and i expect to be 185lbs in no time...My next goal is 285 by 8/25/2008... 15lbs in 27days will be hard for me considering how much ive lost already in a short period of time(38 lbs).   I now and on week 6 of my journey and the hardest thing i encounter is contipation.. i just wish i could get that back into a rythm then i could surely lose a lb a day.



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