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Found 17,501 results

  1. Adipocyte Apoptosis

    Wegovy vs bariatric surgery

    Hi all, I had been on Wegovy for weight loss, and it almost completely silenced my food obsession. I stll got hungry and enjoyed my food, but I wasn't thinking about it all the time. My insurance no longer covers wegovy, so I've started on the bariatric surgery pathway. My question is, will surgery work in the same way? Will that voice be silenced? TIA!
  2. I’ve been going back and forth and have decided to go with the sleeve because it’s covered by insurance and the procedure I had wanted, the sadi-s would cost me $20,000 because of my BMI. I hope this is the right choice.
  3. I was searching the Bariatri Pal Store and found my favorite Quest Protein Bars. They have various. sugar alcohol amounts. Is it ok to eat one of them with 5 sugar alcohol?
  4. Does anyone have any favorite products or suggestions of stuff I should try from the bariatric pal store? I have quite a few points saved up from posting on here and I was gonna order their vitamins to show my dr next month but I need to order more to get free shipping.
  5. Hi All! Alex has graciously allowed me to post once about my dating site for weight loss surgery patients. I designed this site after input from several friends who have had weight loss surgery, myself included. Many of us are new to dating and just discovering ourselves and dating in general is hard enough, let alone after weight loss surgery. I thought it would be a great idea to bring men and women together who have both had some type of weight loss surgery. We all want to stay on track and we all fear regaining the weight we've worked so hard to lose. Finding someone with similar goals and interests would be great for long term success. www.loveafterwls.com was born! loveafterwls.com is NOW totally FREE! If you were a previous paying member, please unsubscribe and rejoin as a FREE member. Our site offers personal profiles with up to ten pictures, blogging, instant messaging, forums and more. Like all new dating sites, it will take awhile to grow our membership but come on in, fill out your profile, start a blog if you wish and help build this dating site into something great! Please tell your friends, especially men. We currently have a lot more women on the site than men. Visit www.loveafterwls.com for more information! Thanks
  6. Hey everyone. I am new to here and my gastric bypass surgery is on December, 13th, 2023. I have been very nervous but thankful to have found this page with such wonderful people. I recently subscribed to this gentleman on youtube as he went through gastric bypass. I just wanted to share my frustrations over this as I feel it is important not to fantasize WLS surgery. This guy recently posted about surgery risks, death, complications, etc. He also asked people to share their concerns and stories to which I shared my concerns. Sharing his response to my concerns. I just feel it worth sharing how insensitive he was and that just because his surgery went well, does not mean others are so lucky. Bariatric surgery is not all butterflies and rainbows, so there is no harm in trying to prepare for the unexpected as a way to help you get through this big life altering surgery. I personally felt it worth writing letters to my kids who are 11 and 8 and my husband. They will not see them unless something bad happens of course. My hope is they will never see them, but I rather have them for them just incase than not. Never let anyone tell you something you did to prepare was "not needed".
  7. Good evening my fellow Bariatric friends.

  8. After surgery did you get the “bariatric burr” did you feel colder than usual?! If so when did it happen, right after surgery or a few days/weeks after?
  9. HI All! I'm on day 3 of liquid diet and surgery is set for 11/30/23. I'll be taking off all of December from work as that is what doctor suggested for recovery time. My job is physically and mentally demanding. So, where did you/everyone get their bariatric Vitamins and calcium chews? My doctor recommended chewables for first 3 months, and honestly, I'm not a pill person anyway, if I can avoid it. Trying to watch my pennies, aren't we all, so thought I'd ask and hope for some good recommendations. The Kaiser Program I am going through recommends a couple different Vitamin brands to choose from: Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. Still, would like to hear the vitamins you are using even if not the brands I mentioned. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
  10. Hi All! I'm on day 3 of liquid diet and surgery is set for 11/30/23. I'll be taking off all of December from work as that is what doctor suggested for recovery time. My job is physically and mentally demanding. So, where did you/everyone get their bariatric vitamins and calcium chews? My doctor recommended chewables for first 3 months, and honestly, I'm not a pill person anyway, if I can avoid it. Trying to watch my pennies, aren't we all, so thought I'd ask and hope for some good recommendations. The Kaiser Program I am going through recommends a couple different vitamin brands to choose from: Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. Still, would like to hear the vitamins you are using even if not the brands I mentioned. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
  11. Hi All! I'm on day 3 of liquid diet and surgery is set for 11/30/23. I'll be taking off all of December from work as that is what doctor suggested for recovery time. My job is physically and mentally demanding. So, where did you/everyone get their bariatric Vitamins and calcium chews? My doctor recommended chewables for first 3 months, and honestly, I'm not a pill person anyway, if I can avoid it. Trying to watch my pennies, aren't we all, so thought I'd ask and hope for some good recommendations. The Kaiser Program I am going through recommends a couple different Vitamin brands to choose from: Bariatric Advantage and Celebrate. Still, would like to hear the vitamins you are using even if not the brands I mentioned. Thanks for your feedback in advance.
  12. The MBSAQIP Bariatric Surgical Risk/Benefit Calculator (A tool clinicians are using to estimate progress) Hope it helps someone! https://riskcalculator.facs.org/bariatric/?_ga=2.112690692.1282950073.1698781773-393992475.1698781773
  13. I read this article in the New York Times this week and thought it brought up a lot of interesting issues. With the alarming growth of obesity in young people, including children, there are a lot of questions about when should a patient become a candidate for WLS. With my upcoming surgery, I've had a few conversations with my teen/tween daughters about nutrition/healthy eating, as well as some of the possible genetic components of weight gain. Both of my girls are active and not currently at risk, but I know that my younger daughter is physically a lot like I was at her age, and I would do anything for her not to ever have to deal with weight gain the way I have as she gets older. I hope I can teach them both good habits now that they can carry with them. But what happens when a kid is already so large at age 16 that their quality of life is impacted? What's the responsible/ethical thing to do with regards to a surgery that can't be reversed? This is a very interesting read. In case you didn't read it, here's a link (it should bypass the paywall for non-subscribers until the end of November): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/31/magazine/teen-bariatric-surgery.html?unlocked_article_code=1.7Ew.M7l-.QaJi8BjntPW_&smid=url-share
  14. After wading through insurance crud, I looked into self-paying and doing it thru Blossom Bariatric's Fast Track program in Las Vegas. My cost would be $6300 all-inclusive, including hotel and transport between hotel and facility for the five days. The selling points include convenience as opposed to the options available with my insurance (closest hospital covered by insurance is a 6-hr drive vs. a 90-min flight to LV), no worries about losing weight before the procedure and getting declined (I'm borderline 40BMI), and no 3- or 6-month waiting period. I have three concerns: 1) Post-surgery followup and care. 2) The "safe sleeve" procedure they do... I can find very little information about it. 3) Not being able to meet the surgeon prior to committing to surgery at the facility. So... has anybody out there had the "safe sleeve" procedure through Blossom Bariatrics in Las Vegas?
  15. Has anybody had surgery in Mexico bariatric Center in Tijuana Mexico? Could you share your experience? Thinking abt getting a revision DS there.
  16. Dr. John Morton, Division Chief of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at Yale School of Medicine, discusses if the new injectable weight-loss drugs are having an impact on people choosing bariatric surgery. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/yale-doctor-discusses-differences-between-bariatric-surgery-and-weight-loss-drugs/3145715/?amp=1
  17. Does anyone know if Kaiser will cover plastic surgery after Bariatric surgery?
  18. This topic is merely being presented as an educational topic with hopes that there has been experiences in the use of Marijuana after bariatric surgery. I smoke marijuana maybe once a week like having a glass of red sangria to relax after a long hard week. Although I'm not a frequent user, I am wondering if I will be able to use it after surgery. Fact for me is that it does induce hunger and I am sure this would not be condusive to being successful after the sleeve, but let's be real, there may be users out there who give it try. Unfortunately, there are not any concrete studies on this either like there is for tobacco and alcohol users. So feel free to enlighten and share your thoughts. Thanks!
  19. Does your holiday or business traveling include involve an airport? Healthy food choices for choices for bariatric patients are not abundant in airports. As a bariatric patient you have to plan ahead to have appropriate nutrition available. If your holiday or business traveling involves an airplane, keep in mind what diet stage you are in. After reviewing the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) policy about bringing food through the security check points, it states that you can bring food through the security checkpoint as long as is wrapped or in a container. Always check with TSA to make sure the current policy accepts the food item you want to bring through the security checkpoint, as the policy can change. Does your holiday or business traveling include involve an airport? Healthy food choices for choices for bariatric patients are not abundant in airports. As a bariatric patient you have to plan ahead to have appropriate nutrition available. If your holiday or business traveling involves an airplane, keep in mind what diet stage you are in. After reviewing the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) policy about bringing food through the security check points, it states that you can bring food through the security checkpoint as long as is wrapped or in a container. Always check with TSA to make sure the current policy accepts the food item you want to bring through the security checkpoint, as the policy can change. Consider pre-packaged, single servings of protein powder, light yogurt, cheese sticks or low fat cottage cheese. Pack plastic spoons for the yogurt and cottage cheese or to stir the protein powders into a liquid. Eat the yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese sticks within a couple of hours after you take them out of the refrigerator. Several sources of single servings of protein powders are available online. Brands include Bariatric Advantage meal replacements, Nectar Grab N Go and Unjury. These are whey protein isolate powders and come in flavors from the standard chocolate, vanilla and strawberry to other flavors like fruit, cookie, chicken and de-caf cappuccino. Protein powders can be mixed with water or low fat milk. The chicken and de-caf cappuccino can be mixed with very warm water. Vanilla or chocolate protein can be mixed with decaf coffee for a mocha or latte. Unflavored protein powder can be added to a broth based soup or hot cereal to boost protein. Remember that whey protein must be kept under 140 degrees Fahrenheit, or it will curdle. For every 6-8 ounces of liquid, add up to 10 grams of protein powder. Protein bars are also options. Look for Quest, Nature Valley Protein bars, Pure Protein or Premier Protein. If the protein content in the protein bar is the same or higher than the carbohydrate, then it’s an acceptable choice. Search for a food service that offers scrambled eggs, grilled chicken or fish. If you’ve had success bringing bariatric friendly foods through the TSA checkpoints or found healthy food options in an airport, please let us know what has worked for you.
  20. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any shows on Hulu or Netflix on Bariatric Patient's, Weight Loss Surgery, etc? The ones I've heard of are: Hungry for Change Fat Sick & Nearly Dead The Big Ward (watched) Pre-Op patients undergoing process of surgery. Obesity: The Post Mortem (watched) Dissection of obese person and how it affects the body. Does anybody have any other suggestions?
  21. tl;dr at the bottom I could use some advice. I went to see my dietician today (not a bariatric surgery dietician, I can explain why I am seeing her if you want to know). She knows I am going to have weight loss surgery as long as I hit the goal weight my insurance told me I need to be at. I have to be at the goal weight by June 24, 2023, in order for my insurance to pay for my surgery. I had a weigh in the doctor's office a couple of days ago and weighed 301, my scale at home said 302. However, on the same day, the scale at a friend's house said 313. I knew I had this Dietician appointment two days later and I knew she would weigh me. I continued to weigh myself at home (after getting new batteries) and I was at 302 then 299 and today at home I weighed 303, right before my appointment, when I got to her office I was weighed and it said 313. I am concerned about what to believe since the doctor's office and my scale show similar numbers. I also bought a new scale today and it said 313. The Dietician told me I needed to eat more protein, which honestly I struggle with. she said I needed 150 grams!! I said are you kidding? that seems like a lot. She used my weight to come up with this number. Should I really be trying to eat enough protein for a 300-lb person or should I be eating protein for a goal-weight person (mine is 170)? also, my clothing is loose like I lost the 20 lbs mine and the doctor's scale shows, and not 10 lbs like everyone else's scale shows. Also, I have always naturally been more muscular even when I was 120 lbs and did not eat any protein aside from what is in plants. tl:dr- should I be eating enough protein to support a 300lb person or should I be eating protein for a "normal" sized person? AND should I trust the Doctors scale more so than the Dietician's scale?
  22. Mama20ne

    Upcoming surgery in April

    I have my surgery on 4/2 & when anyone asks me, that is exactly how I describe my feelings!! I am nervous for the gas pains afterward, I know!! So excited to renew myself and start this journey Good Luck!!
  23. RonHall908

    Help !

    I would definitely go to a Bariatric doctor to get any confirmation. My surgeon gave me a run down on issues where a regular doctor doesn't know the things a bariatric doctor does. Maybe you have a twisted bowel and by knowing you've had bariatric surgery they are assuming rather than confirming. I know someone that had a twisted bowel and it gave them a lot of problems. One of them was diarrhea. This doesn't mean that is what you have. But simply a suggestion from someone that isn't a doctor. See a Bariatric doctor ASAP.
  24. HealthyLifeStyle

    Hot Cocoa

    Just tried the Bariatric Pal Hot Cocoa. It is so good! It tastes just like regular hot cocoa. I was very surprised.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
