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Found 1,100 results

  1. Ok so I just had a gastric bypass I am I believe 5 days out and I have been doing so good until I got my kids these Reese’s animal crackers I freaking ate one like no thought just ate it… I feel fine but the internal guilt I feel and ugh I don’t know how I can do this with a sweet tooth of a demon.
  2. I got my surgery date today... November 29th... Gastric Bypass... Now to start planning, getting together everything I need and trying to not stress myself out until then....
  3. Already started my first steps. My doc and i decided on the gastric bypass because of my health history. I’ve done the first meet with a doc and got my Surgical Weightloss Management Journal. My first dietitian appointment on Monday. The I’ve got a few appointments next month. If everything goes according to plan my surgery can be somewhere from October to November. I’m excited and very nervous at the same time. Any advice?
  4. Lld850

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I had the bypass on November 10
  5. SomeBigGuy

    Did anyone go home same day?

    I had the Gastric Sleeve performed in November and I was back at the hotel by 7pm that night. I was able to walk several laps up and down the hallway that night without much trouble, just some gas pain. That trend seems to be more popular now since it is a lot less invasive of a procedure compared to the bypass or DS/SIPS/SADI procedures.
  6. heaven1881

    November 2023 buddies

    My surgeon had a last minute cancellation so I had the gastric bypass on November 27th (my birthday). Day 2 was ROUGH but I’m home now and feeling pretty good.
  7. I had the sleeve done in August 2023 and have lost 75% of the excess weight. Approximately 2 weeks after surgery, I developed reflux. I did not have reflux prior to the surgery. I do not feel burning in the chest, but I do have a sore throat and saliva in the back of my throat most of the time. I have been on various combinations and dosages (taking them once a day and twice a day) of Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, and Pepcid, but nothing seems to help. I have had two endoscopies: November 2023 - which was performed by a GI doctor that found gastritis and a small hiatal hernia. February 2024 - which was performed by my sleeve surgeon that found gastritis and esophagitis. I was told that the hiatal hernia was fixed during the sleeve surgery in August 2023, so I am not sure why it came back or why it was seen in November 2023, but not in February 2024. I was also told by my sleeve surgeon following the February 2024 endoscopy that I have a non-obstruction rotation. My sleeve surgeon advised that I could have another endoscopy where they blow air in the sleeve and that it "may" help with the reflux or I will need to do the gastric bypass revision. I have been living with this sore throat for 8 months now and I feel I have tried everything. I don't want to have a sore throat for the rest of my life, but I am reluctant to do the revision. Questions: Has anyone heard of this "blow air in the sleeve"? If so, does it help? Is the revision a guaranteed cure? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  8. Texas Cruiser

    November 2023 buddies

    Just had my Gastric Bypass on November 10. I'm doing ok except for terrible heartburn! It kept me up for most of the night. Anybody else have that issue?
  9. Short update: I had my gastric sleeve procedure done in November 2019. I lost around 85 lbs and then stalled eventually regaining around 50 lbs back and a horrible case of GERD. I had never had symptoms of GERD before my surgery and about 3 months later, I had to begin taking omeprezole daily to deal with it. If I forget a dose I can tell by the afternoon. During the first year post surgery, I lost my husband (not unexpectedly but it DID happen 10 days post-op for me), moved across country from Florida to New Mexico, bought a new house and started a new job. My daughter is 1 year post-op and lost approx. 150 ibs on the DS. l just started the process to obtain a revisional surgery. Will be discussing the benefits of either the DS or ByPass. I had the upper GI completed which showed a small hiatal hernia with evidence of GERD. It also showed mild cricopharyngeal hypertrophy. Any suggestions regarding which of the 2 procedures would help with the GERD and to help lose the 130 lbs. that I still need to drop to get to my goal weight?
  10. Hello all. I'm 11 years out from my bypass and lost 150 lbs. I maintained 135 pounds surgeon wanted 125) up until COVID where I gained 10 pounds. I was able to get an overstitch last November and dropped back down. In the past 2 months I've gained 6 pounds and I am unable to figure out what's different now. I'm holding steady, but the body contouring is on hold until I get back down. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Thank you.
  11. Hello All! I had Surgery on 10/18/23 😊 I am usually in Facebook support groups, but lately they are too busy being negative and quick to tear others down. So, I am here for new scenery. I also noted most the talk and experiences are VSG, and less RNY Gastric Bypass. They are always talking bad about Bypasses until they need a revision to Bypass from VSG. So far I am doing really great! there's some hard moments, such as post op pain, gas, and one episode of dumping. (I think i ate too fast. Eating and talking). I am down -22 lbs. I will be one month post op on November 18th!
  12. BlahAndMore

    November 2023 buddies

    I have my Gastric Bypass scheduled for November 27th. I'm just hoping everything goes through with insurance. Did anyone notify their employer as soon as they received their surgery date, or did you wait until insurance approved the surgery? I don't want my office to know what surgery I'm having.
  13. Good Morning Everyone! So I have to tell my Father that I'm having the surgery on November 10th and I'm telling him tonight. I'm really nervous about it. He is the sweetest thing on Earth so I'm probably causing my own anxiety. The thing is my Aunt Susie (whom I'm named after) had a gastric bypass 46 years ago<<<yes you heard that right 46 years ago! In those days they reversed the operation after the patient lost their weight. My Aunt had the first operation with flying colours. The reversal was another story. After surgery while still in the hospital she got sepsis and eventually went into a coma and passed away. She was only 31 years old with two young children. It is a tragic, tragic story and I'm sorry for telling it however I don't want my Dad to be completely freaked out. I'm not at all freaked out. I have been on this journey since August 2019 and I have gone through all the medical and psychological testing required. I've done my research and the team that is taking care of me is from a "Bariatric Centre of Excellence". I'm not afraid. I'm excited. Besides that I'm pretty healthy. So any advice? What would you say? Would you even tell him? Suzanne
  14. Shock6266

    November 2023 buddies

    I had my Bypass surgery on November 2nd, one week ago today. I’ve struggled some, been emotional, but mainly can’t stand protein drinks anymore. It’s all I can consume that is liquid/pureed. I was always a very picky eater, mostly because of the texture of food, so liquid/pureed foods are not going well for me. I have 7 more days of this and need some suggestions on what others are consuming post-surgery. Thanks!
  15. FifiLux

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi everyone, Just checking in to see how you are all doing now that we are 8 months on from the start of July surgeries? As I posted before I had a terrible time with complications; leak, pancreatitis, allergic reactions, abscesses and infections, I even had to be transferred to a hospital in another country for a procedure to stop the leak! But most importantly I made it through and got home from hospital the start of November. I am only starting to get my energy back now and find an interest in doing more than just coping /trying to get through the day, can see small improvements each week. My weight loss has slowed down over the last few weeks but my body, and mind, have been through a crap fest the last few months so not surprised, it will happen when it happens. I still can't always hold food down and get bad pains in my stomach at times, have refulx but it is all an improvement from a few months ago. So far I am down 38kg / 83lbs which is good going considering when in hospital I was on a feeding tube for quite a while and my weight went up due to the nutrition I was being pumped with. I may have to get a revision to bypass if the leak doesn't heal (won't know for another month or so if the treatment worked) but I'll cross that bridge if and when it comes. I hope everyone is doing well.
  16. Healthy69

    Mexico Bariatric Center Tijuana

    Hello, I had my gastric bypass in TJ November 2022. I went to the obesity Control Center with Dr. Ortiz, who is amazing. You can follow OCC on Facebook and Instagram. The facility is awesome and his staff were incredible. The price was around $6500.00 for everything including the hotel stay. The only issue I am having is the following up. You do get calls and email and they have a patient portal but nothing in person like in your hometown. Definitely weigh out all your options prior to going out of the country, if you need one on one.
  17. PamLuvsPink


    I'm scheduled for bypass on September 7th!!!! Getting excited and prepared. Started this process in November, through Kaiser.
  18. Healthy69

    Mexico Bariatric Center Tijuana

    Hello, I had my gastric bypass in TJ November 2022. I went to the obesity Control Center with Dr. Ortiz, who is amazing. You can follow OCC on Facebook and Instagram. The facility is awesome and his staff were incredible. The price was around $6500.00 for everything including the hotel stay. The only issue I am having is the following up. You do get calls and email and they have a patient portal but nothing in person like in your hometown. Definitely weigh out all your options prior to going out of the country, if you need one on one.
  19. Hi there! I just signed up on this forum and have a surgery date of January 30 for gastric bypass. My sister had it done about a year and a half ago and has had great success so I decided I was ready to make some big changes in my life. im currently trying to keep my required 10-lb weight loss on the books. I officially achieved it in October and I meet with my doc each month. In November I had lost an additional half pound but ended up in the ER after my appt because I was so dehydrated from fasting to make my weight goal. So embarrassing ugh. Now, thanks to the holidays my next appt is January 2, but I’m up eight lbs and they will cancel my surgery if they see that. I have 18 days to lose that weight again and I’m scared I won’t make it. I’m mad at myself for being lax after my last weigh-in. I know that part of losing weight pre-op is to start making changes gradually but I’m struggling. I guess that’s normal for many of us. I’m really excited about getting the surgery but also a little depressed because it will force me (and is now forcing me) to completely change my relationship with food. That’s scary. But I see how happy and energetic and positive my sister is and I want that in my life too. Anyway, I didn’t mean to get depressing lol but I’m trying to be honest about my feelings which are all coming at me at the same time! Its crazy.
  20. I am currently almost 6 months post op for my original procedure and am writing this from my hospital bed. I am unable to tolerate oral intake of food or fluids of any kind and am being fed via a nasojejunal tube (NJT) and TPN via a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) My surgeon along with many others that have consulted on my case are at a complete loss for what is going on and why I can't tolerate anything. I'm reaching out to fellow people who have undergone bariatric surgery in the hopes of finding someone else with a similar experience to maybe get some opinions/answers. In order to do this I will start from the beginning and tell you all my entire story. I know it's long but I am desperate so please bear with me and read to the end. I will try to explain everything but also be as brief as possible to keep it as short as possible. I had surgery at the end of November 2023. It was a One Anastamosis Gastric Bypass or "mini" bypass. The surgery was routine and there were no issues whatsoever. I couldn't tolerate fluids and my intake was too poor to be released from hospital and progressed to vomiting every time I drank anything. Was diagnosed with a stricture and it was dilated and I finally started progressing. I was discharged from hospital finally almost 2 weeks post op (booked in for further dilatations at regular intervals to slowly stretch the stricture) and was home for less than 24hrs before it began again and my surgeon readmitted me and I underwent another dilatation. Upon getting back to my room I started violently vomiting and no amount of antiemetics would settle it. Emergency CT scan confirmed the stricture was perforated and my stomach contents were leaking into my abdominal cavity. I developed sepsis and had a nasogastric tube inserted for drainage. I underwent IV antibiotics and was later rushed to surgery to repair it, however due to the damage from the infection, it required a conversion to a Roux EN Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) and I needed my abdomen washed out and other infected tissue removed. It took about 5 hrs. I spent a further month in hospital recovering, initially on TPN to supplement my oral intake but was wraned off as my tolerance improved and was finally discharged. At this point in time I had progressed to a pureed diet. I was by no means meeting my requirements but the benefits of being home vs hospital given everything outweighed the negatives and my surgeon planned on seeing me weekly as well as my dietician. Now here is where is starts to get weird and my real troubles began. Just over a week later I woke up one morning and had a sip of water (with a few drops of cordial to break the surface tension) however as soon as it went down I experienced a wave of nausea. It was different from before, I can't really explain the difference but I just ignored it believing it would go away (Denial as I just wanted to get on with my life and get back to work and due to the conversion surgery, my surgeon had created an extra large opening to account for my body closing the join so that it would end up a normal size.) I started experimenting with foods and fluids, different textures, consistencies, temperatures, etc. I tried absolutely everything I could think of. About a week or so later and my intake was getting progressively worse and I was once again admitted and went straight for an endoscopy (My 3rd since 1st surgery) to dilate the suspected stricture but there wasn't one. I then underwent a barrage of tests and every general and GI surgeon/specialist in my town came and consulted on my case, as well as my surgeon consulting doctors from all over. A NGT was eventually inserted and enteral nutrition (EN) started but was not tolerated and the tube was advanced into my intestines to be a NJT, which was then tolerated but the focus was on trying to get my oral intake to be adequate. I spent weeks in hospital trying different medications, getting tests and ruling out different conditions. I was discharged on EN with the NJT on 16 hour feeds at a rate of 50ml/hr which was not enough to meet my nutrition requirements but was the Max rate I could tolerate and the belief at this stage was that the nausea would go away and I'd be able to eat again. On the 8th of May I was admitted for a gastronomy tube insertion into my remnant stomach via laparoscopy as it was finally decided that this problem was not going away and by this stage I had lost 38kg (84lbs) and was severely malnourished, despite increasing my feed rate to 60ml/hr (still not enough to meet nutritional requirements) The purpose of the gastronomy tube was not only to have a more discreet way of feeding and for comfort and whatnot but because the tube is in my remnant stomach, I should be able to tolerate a much higher rate to actually meet my nutritional requirements and spend less time attached to the feeding pump. Feeds were commenced at 20ml/hr the next day but I developed severe pain and discovered feed had soaked the dressing around the tube. I was yet again rushed into surgery as the tube was leaking. Another NJT was inserted along with a PICC line and both EN and TPN were started to maximise my nutritional status while we wait for my body to heal around the tube in order for that leak to stop happening again. I've been on IV antibiotics and whatnot since as well. I developed a fluid collection in my abdomen and needed a percutaneous drainage which failed as the fluid was too thick to aspirate and a minor infection at the insertion site and it was believed that there was a fistula however luckily that was not the case. However yesterday I had a fluroscopy in which contrasted was put into the tube to see what happens and whether it's now working correctly and that caused me to violently retch as my body tried to expel the fluid from my stomach but as its not connected to my oesophagus anymore, it was unable to do so. This has now lead me to start worrying about whether whatever issue is preventing me from tolerating anything going into my pouch is affecting my remnant stomach too. I'm now facing the prospect of permanent EN and TPN for the rest of my life and I'm not even 30. So if you or anyone you know has any ideas or similar experiences or literally anything, please let me know. Even if it's just a chat because I feel so incredibly alone in this. To anyone that made it this far, I appreciate you taking the time to read this and thank you in advance for any responses. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have as well.
  21. FifiLux

    Weightloss Stall

    I went through similar, op in July and only finally home from hospital start of November. While in hospital I found it difficult to hold anything down and was put on a feeding tube for a couple of months and then the second time I was put on a tube it was because I had a leak and they wanted to bypass the area so it could try to heal. I am also on daily medication for my stomach, have to take before I eat anything, and I have strong meds for nausea if needed. Over the last few weeks I have slowly started to increase the calories I take and exercise I do, gone from about 500 cal a day to approx 900 cal but for me the more important aspect is ensuring I get enough protein. I am able to now hold food down but it is hit and miss, like Sunday my dinner did not stay down but it was something I had eaten before without issue, it just depends. I have to push myself to eat three meals a day as I just don't feel the hunger (or interest at times). I don't sleep well and am exhausted all of the time which is why I have tried to push myself the bit more on food intake and exercise. I do see small improvements but I am not where I thought I would be this far out from the op and it can upset me at times but I try to focus on the good things. My weight loss as slowed down over the last 6 weeks or so but I am hoping it is just my body is still in recovery mode after going through so much stress since July. I would think your body is probably going through the same, a lot of trauma has occurred and it is trying to cope. Don't compare yourself to others, everyone has a different experience with the op and we all recover in different ways, just try to focus on the progress you can see in yourself. If your doctor is ok with how you are doing that is important and it will get better for you, just need time to recover and destress. Hopefully you will be slowly able to up the food intake or find a source of high protein that you can keep down. I don't know how you are on fluids but for me I can now take coffee again (even the smell of it turned my stomach for the first six months or so) so I take it with protein powder which means I am getting protein through fluids as well as the food I can eat. Same for collagen, I put it in my coffee also and it is another dose of protein so in two coffees a day I get 20g of my protein requirements. Happy to chat if you want. We can do this. 💪
  22. I read this article in the New York Times this week and thought it brought up a lot of interesting issues. With the alarming growth of obesity in young people, including children, there are a lot of questions about when should a patient become a candidate for WLS. With my upcoming surgery, I've had a few conversations with my teen/tween daughters about nutrition/healthy eating, as well as some of the possible genetic components of weight gain. Both of my girls are active and not currently at risk, but I know that my younger daughter is physically a lot like I was at her age, and I would do anything for her not to ever have to deal with weight gain the way I have as she gets older. I hope I can teach them both good habits now that they can carry with them. But what happens when a kid is already so large at age 16 that their quality of life is impacted? What's the responsible/ethical thing to do with regards to a surgery that can't be reversed? This is a very interesting read. In case you didn't read it, here's a link (it should bypass the paywall for non-subscribers until the end of November): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/31/magazine/teen-bariatric-surgery.html?unlocked_article_code=1.7Ew.M7l-.QaJi8BjntPW_&amp;smid=url-share
  23. Wildflower Bohême

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Ooh yours is just a day after mine! I'm scheduled on the 16th for gastric bypass for which I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 am 😴 FINALLY. I first met with my surgeon in November 2021, and after a lot of ups and downs, I have finally made it! I started Ozempic in March this year and have lost 53 lbs, and a total of 68 lbs from my high weight of 276. Today is my last dose, as my surgery is in just over 2 weeks. Feels so weird to say that. Today I had my endoscopy and the doctor told me that I'm cleared. Plus, I found out the other day that my insurance gave their approval, so I'm all set to go! As far as pre-op diet, starting one month before surgery, I've been limited to 45g carbs/day. One week before surgery, I have to do a full liquid diet with a max of 35 carbs/day. Good luck everyone!!!
  24. Hi KyahRose! I just had the DS surgery on November 1st. I considered SADI-S, Bypass, and DS when deciding on which surgery to go with. In the end I picked DS even though it is the scariest of the surgeries, because I wanted the benefit of my co-morbidities going into remission which the other two surgeries can do, but the DS does best. Plus I wanted a surgery that has a lot of studies behind it going out years, and while the bypass does have that, the SADI does not. I didn't want to have an experimental surgery, enough of my medical care is experimental. LOL The DS has a proven track record and is safe for the vast majority of people who have it. That being said, it IS a serious surgery. You can make yourself very ill if you don't follow the protein and vitamin recommendations, and even the vitamin recommendations from the docs are often not enough. I highly recommend going over to bariatricfacts.com and joining the forum there to talk to the DS vets. I'm over there as Shrinkingmytiara. These are people who have had the surgery 10+ years. They will tell you the good, bad, and ugly and make sure you understand the ugly and what you are getting yourself into. There is a wealth of info on that site about DS and some about the SADI. On FB there is a Duodenal Switch SUPPORT Group (there are a number of them, but I'm in that one) which also has a lot of vets in it. It has people with DS and with SADI. You'll read a lot of complaint posts from people who are having issues (common for any support group) but it'll give you an idea of what some of the challenges are post surgery. Again, your odds of having complications are quite low (though a little higher than the other surgeries), but it is still worth seeing what others are experiencing. I'm sure you could find the same for Bypass. I have had no major complications with my surgery so far. I had a lot of nausea and ended up in the hospital an extra night while we stabilized that and my pain levels. Once I came home I've only needed my nausea meds a handful of times and I didn't need pain meds. I wasn't able to ingest whey protein drinks for the first two weeks but my surgeon told me the body has stores for 3 weeks, so to focus on water and the rest would come. He was right! I can drink them now and am getting protein in what I eat now that I'm on soft foods. I've met my fluid goals every day, some days are harder than others. I've had some diarrhea on and off but my system tends that way even pre-surgery. I could drink lactose free milk and bone broth the first week so those are what kept me going. I actually feel more energy now most days than I did before surgery which is strange to me! I do tire out a little easy though because I'm still healing. My stomach did these spasms while feeling like it was turning in cartwheels inside me for about 2 weeks. They finally faded like the surgeon said they would. I'm diabetic. My fasting blood sugar now sits at 87 which is stellar. They told me to stop the diabetes meds. I had high blood pressure but they took me off those in the hospital and my blood pressure is normal! 105/76 when checked at my 2 week follow up!! I've lost 21 lbs in 3 weeks post surgery, for a total of 35 lbs from my highest weight. I can't wrap my head around that, it happened so quickly! I had a moment post surgery when I panicked over permanently altering my body in such a drastic way, but then I reminded myself that the way my body was pre-surgery was killing me, this was the only path forward to health that I could see. I don't regret it at all. I'm happy to talk with you more about it if you want, and you can feel free to message me if you want to keep in touch! There aren't very many DSers around here active anymore!
  25. they tell me about 4 months - insurance requirement. I do not have a surgery date as of yet but sometime in November. Have health issues is the main reason for the gastric sleeve. so far I have had a psych evaluation, 2 dietitians visits - useless in my mind. a endoscopy because of a hernia surgery 18 years ago, had to see the cardiologist because of the heart bypass I had 7 years ago, EKG and stress test just for his clearance. have 1 more appointment with my nephrologist because he will not clear me until there is a surgery date due to the fact, he doesn't like the fact I am cutting carbs and eating too much protein. I understand that because of the fact that I have stage 3 kidney Dease with only 1 kidney working. So, more labs a chat before he clears me. have to visit my endocrinologist because of my diabetes, have to make a plan to resolve the insulin resistance before surgery and then right after to check how my medications will need to be adjusted. Have to point out that all these doctors insist that surgery is no longer a choice but more of what is needed. my family also insist that I have surgery. Am hesitant about it to be totally honest. I feel that I do not overeat and have been on sugar free diet for 15 years now. But have tried and failed too many times on various diets never losing more that 15 lbs before hitting some kind of plateau and stall for weeks. So frustrating. I am going forward to have the sleeve. will post my progress as I know more.

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