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  1. Hey fellow Bariatric babes and dudes!!! I am 1 week post op and still need to sleep in the recliner, as one 2 of my incisions are still unbearable when laying flat. Did any of you experience this? I feel like everyone went right to sleeping in a bed. TIA for any answers!
  2. Okay first, thank you so much for such a comprehensive answer. I've seen some of your tips in the forums before but this really lays things out. I'll start varying my routine more and see if I can trip things up a bit. This iron thing in particular is interesting. In my last series of labwork my iron came back very low, but not quite anemic. (The range was 50-170, I came in at 55.) I have upgraded to the bariatric multivitamin with more iron and started also taking the iron melts with vitamin c, but I struggle to do this consistently due to how often I have dairy, and I haven't felt much of an improvement yet. I get re-tested in ~5 weeks to see if the numbers are better (or rather, to make sure they're not getting worse). Interesting lead either way.
  3. Hi Me again! So I am noticing that I am losing 1.5-2lbs a week last couple of weeks, I had surgery 1/24 for Gastric Sleeve so I am 14 weeks post op. I have lost a lot of weight fast in the beginning so I am assuming that's why its slowing down? I am incorporating a lot of exercise now including weights so maybe that's why too? I am trying to get into the mind set that I am focusing on how I feel and not so much what the scale says. Just want to make sure this is normal? Weight when I entered the bariatric program: 297lbs Surgery Day Weight: 266lbs CW: 205lbs GW: 170lbs
  4. I am 4 months post-op and after spending way too much time researching, I finally got myself an air fryer! It's the combo type that is built into a toaster oven, so I can keep it out year-round without losing more counter space to appliances. I was also gifted an Instant Pot last Christmas and I will be the first to admit I have barely used it despite hearing so many people rave about them. Now that it's summer and too hot for the regular oven and stovetop, could you help me out with your (preferably simple) favorite bariatric-friendly recipes that use the air fryer or Instant Pot? I don't have any food restrictions except the usual "low carb, low fat" post-surgery recommendations, and try to keep things as minimally processed as possible.
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Does anyone have a good hot Chocolate recipe??

    I'd research the Titanium Dioxide that bariatric pal uses as well as other sugar free/bariatric hot chocolate. Its been banned in the UK for a reason. Its a known carcinogen 😔. Its also found in so many things, food and topicals such as make up, powders, sunscreen etc. Its a micromolecule and gets into the blood, lungs etc. Just a heads up.
  6. Alex Brecher

    Best vitamins to take

    Check out BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE capsules! They're flavorless, and you only need one a day, which is super convenient. There's a deal where a year's supply is just $99, which seems like great value. If you're interested, you can check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99. Also, if you're exploring different brands or types of bariatric multivitamins, there's a variety to choose from at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins. It's always good to have options.
  7. Honestly, this seems way off-base, with the exception of 60-80 grams protein, which is completely sufficient for most people (but not all!). Your calorie estimations are much too low for the vast majority of people in maintenance mode. So rest assured, you won't be on 650 calories for life! Also, 25g carb is extremely low carb and not a lifestyle most people are eager to embrace. If a doctor insisted on 25g carb for life as the only way to succeed, I would seek out a second opinion for sure. From what I see people saying around here, 1200 to 1500 is a much more realistic calorie range for the long term, although that is for maintenance, not for weight loss or for early days after surgery. If you eat to maintain your current weight right now, that would seem to go against your goal of losing 20-50lbs more. I have two suggestions. First, check out some bariatric cookbooks because they will tell you appropriate portion sizes for maintenance as well as give you some ideas for what types of foods to be eating. My favorite is Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy: 6 Weeks of Portion Controlled Recipes to Keep the Weight off. She's a registered dietician specializing in bariatrics and every recipe has a gorgeous color illustration. Second, take a look at the Portion Perfection brand bariatric plate. It's kind of expensive, so you may not want to buy it, but the concept is really good. Basically it's an 8 inch plate (with a one inch rim all the way around, so a 6 inch circle of eating space). There are lines and illustrations to divide up the plate and show you where to put your foods and how much. If you're a visual person, this may really help. Other than that, you may want to check out some of the nutrition videos as well as the weekly podcast done by Dr. Matthew Weiner (Pound of Cure). I find them so insightful and he and his dietician, Zoe, are very keen on plant-based nutrition, which may be perfect for you. Edited to add: Here is a link to a dietician article about post-op goals that might help: https://www.mybariatricdietitian.com/mbd-blog/portion-sizes-after-weight-loss-surgery
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    No drinking rule with snacks?

    It's nice to see I'm not the only one Nepenthe44 to break down the science for them and yes that when you do they view it as noncompliance and being difficult. I've even had it suggested that if there's not enough time in my day - wake up and drink a few sips during the night. Science states we as humans require uninterrupted sleep more than those few sips of water. So Nepenthe44 I hate to agree because there will be those that say they really do care, but I do, what people fail to remember is the dieticians are doing a job, one most likely they've never personally experienced for themselves; being a bariatric patient vs. nutritional counseling for bariatric patients having never experienced bariatric struggles. I finally suggested the next time she had the stomach flu and was nauseated and exhausted - wanting to vomit picking up a glass and start drinking water and to make sure to get her 80 grams +- of protein in and getting down 60+ ounces of water, she finally "understood." What is a requirement on paper doesn't always equate to what actually works for people much less a bariatric patient. Its all theory. A body is set up that when you need water lo and behold you feel thirsty! I realize the nutritional requirements for the human body per weight/sex are all fairly similar but the comparisons/suggestions for likes/wants vs needs on food replacements isn't even close E.g. heart of palm noodles vs Thai noodles - in NO way are they taste comparable. So to suggest when I say I miss Thai noodles - heart of palm noodles as a replacement is absurd. That's like suggesting when I say I want a hamburger to replace it with a 3oz of fish - not equal! I didn't say "I miss protein"! They don't understand the struggle and since its their job, not a family member or a true friend they really don't "care." Lastly, I realize they are trying to help and its their job to help me achieve my goals in a healthy way (for those who are thinking this as they read this), but in reality they don't really have a personal investment in my success. I do as they suggest, for the most part, but I also decide what goals are obtainable realistically and which aren't based on consumption quantity vs. time in my day vs. work schedule vs. my employers needs.
  9. AmberFL

    Navigating Eating Out

    I HATE meal prepping yet I do it every weekend..reluctantly 😂 I work full time, finishing my bachelors full time, 3 kids. Seriously cooking at the end of the day is the last thing I wanna do LOL i do have chicken in the freezer that I’ll air fry with some veggies. Make the family something easy that’s usually fattening. My dietician went MIA till the end of the year, I called my bariatric office and have yet to get a call back. So yay me 😮‍💨
  10. My surgery was Feb 27th. I began at 217 and now am 177. Your posts describes my roller coaster ride from the beginning. I am working on real food and what causes issues and what doesn’t. I know anything greasy is a no (I now rinse any grease off, if used). I go back to shakes for a day if I have problems to settle things down. As long as I keep the portions very small at a meal, I can eat most things. I bought a Bariatric cookbook. It has some very tasty recipes. I cook them for my husband and even guests. No complaints!
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I'm sorry to hear you we're denied. Just keep pushing them. It amazes me that insurance companies refuse to pay for bariatric surgeries and weight loss drugs BUT have no problem paying for a lifetime for the health consequences of being obese. I know I'm going out on a ledge here for potential condemnation but..those same insurance companies will pay for gender reassignment surgeries AND reconstructive "cosmetic" surgeries for gender reassignment (that in the long run is cosmetic to align with how patient perceptions are - no different than skin removal mentally) but they won't pay for some just as necessary bariatric surgeries and skin removal surgeries! Both can be mentally debilitating! I always thought perhaps a class action lawsuit forcing insurance companies to pay for these things is what's needed. No one elects to be obese and insurance companies treats obesity as "its your fault" you're obese so they won't pay. I wish you luck, preserver and eventually you'll get it! Lastly, I'm told bariatric surgery is cheaper in some states if you have to pay yourself, so shop around and research research research making sure you have a good bariatric team! Also, make sure that if you do go out of state that they don't have a long travel restriction like mine did (90 days) first! Good luck!
  12. ChunkCat

    Surgery in Turkey

    Stories like this make me so sad... My condolences to her family and friends. She should not have been released to fly so early, the most dangerous post op complications usually show up in the first two weeks after surgery. It is absolutely ridiculous that people from countries like the US and UK are having to risk their lives going to places like Turkey for surgery because they can't get coverage for their surgeries thanks to **** insurance companies, or because they are on a waiting list that will take 5 years and require a crazy amount of hoops and delays. Obesity is a disease, not a moral failing. Bariatric surgery is life saving, life giving surgery that in the long run saves insurance companies and government healthcare a **** ton of money because patients who are successful with it often lose their pre-existing conditions, go off numerous medications, and avoid the complications of obesity in their lifetime... A good friend of mine recently had her company change insurance providers. She was in the process of getting her last appointments done for bariatric surgery. But the new insurance excludes all bariatric surgeries... She can't travel to Mexico even if she could afford it because of her complicated medical history. I'm so angry that ANY company or ANY insurance company can just decide not to provide coverage for these surgeries.
  13. There's also a calculator Dr. Weiner has developed to predict how much weight you will lose (within a range) with each procedure. It does require you to give an email to get the results (which they send to you within a couple minutes by email), but in my experience they don't abuse this or spam you with anything. https://www.poundofcureweightloss.com/bariatric-surgery-weight-loss-calculator/
  14. Perhaps you get a bit more feedback if you were able to find a local/Indian bariatric facebook page or group?
  15. Nan CC

    Pureed foods. Yuck!!

    I could not imagine pureed meat, and I'm not a fan of pureed vegetables. I made it through this stage with refried beans, egg salad and tuna salad, which I mashed up enough to not have chunks of egg or tuna. I added flavor to those with a little tiny bit of dijon mustard or pickle juice. I ate mashed sweet potato with cinnamon and some sugar free (ok, fake) maple pancake syrup. I ate applesauce. I also tried some pureed baby food fruits. I didn't find it difficult at all to have enough things to eat. Most bariatric cookbooks include recipes for this stage, too.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What does "full" feel like to you?

    Same on heart rate! In fact I thought it was hypersensitivity to the few carbs I was having. My bariatric team had me wear a glucose meter for two weeks because of it. I wonder why the heart does this? At second thought I felt maybe it was due to different stomach placement with in the thoracic cavity and I was just noticing it beating "as normal" and perhaps it always beats that fast, but my heart on average beats 68bpm. When I checked when full it raised to 90bpm. I'm glad someone else experiences this as well!
  17. Shanna NYC


    Sometimes you have to ring some bells like HELLO, i need some aftercare and followup. Congrats you finally got your appt. and your A1C going down! I'm not sure about B12. Some labs calculate it differently as the high end of the normal range for mine is 1245. I'm sure if it's an issue it will be or should be addressed by your team. The Vitamin D for sure should be. I know for me it was getting to the higher side of normal and my dietician had me drop down from bariatric vitamin to a regular multi and cut back on my calcium chews which also contain lots of Vitamin D. Woohoo on the weightloss. And the hair loss will eventually slow down. Mine lasted from about month 3-6 at it's worst and has slowed considerably and now I'm only just slightly annoyed at all the short hairs from regrowth.
  18. When you look at calculators for post-surgery weight loss (I used this one -- https://mexicobariatriccenter.com/bariatric-surgery-weight-loss-timeline-calculator/), they are giving you a median view of what you can reasonably expect. Of course there are outliers (I'm one -- I am about 25 pounds lighter than what the calculator says I should be), but it is designed to give you reasonable expectations. I also struggle with what number to use for how much I have lost. From my absolute highest recorded weight: 285 pounds From right before my pre-surgery diet began: 270 pounds From the morning of my surgery: 240 pounds
  19. Arabesque

    9 Month Post Op Fears and Worries

    Great advice from everyone and I would second finding yourself a nutritionalist/dietician sooner rather than later. And maybe a therapist who has experience with bariatric surgery & disordered eating. Do you track your food? I’m not a tracker (didn’t have to) but I do random checks on portions sizes, nutrient content & protein to ensure I’m on the right path or haven’t got complacent. It might be idea to start tracking if you don’t even for a few weeks just to see where you may be missing some key nutrients, to ensure a balanced intake, etc. can’t hurt anyway. Check out some the you tube videos by Drs Matthew Weiner and/or John Pilcher. Dr Weiner has some great books too which may be helpful. These may offer some support while you’re trying to find a new surgeon & doctor.
  20. ChunkCat


    Have they tested you to see if you are having issues with reactive hypoglycemia? This usually kicks in 1-4 hours after a meal, but since you've had a bypass it is possible it could kick in faster for you if your food is transitioning faster. I've seen FB groups for bariatric patients that have this issue. I've noticed it often happens years out from surgery... I used to have issues with this before bariatric surgery, even on a low carb diet. Eating small meals often with fat and protein paired with your carbs is usually what they advise to treat it, along with other dietary adjustments. Personally if I don't eat every 2-3 hours, I aggressively crash energy wise. It is very pronounced. I have to carry snacks with me everywhere to prevent me going past that 3 hour mark or I look like the Energizer Bunny without his battery! LOL
  21. Hello all, I’m one year, two months out from surgery (SADI-S) and had my first case of a stomach flu this past Saturday. Bad diarrhea, and felt bad for two days, aches, cramps, etc… typical noro type virus. My issue is while the icky, sick feelings went away, the diarrhea has stayed. This is my first stomach flu since surgery and I’m wondering if the recovery time is longer because of my different plumbing? I don’t want to be an alarmist and run to the doctor if the recovery time is longer for bariatric patients? Maybe just takes longer to reestablish the Flora in the gut? I have tried modifying my diet as best I can along with Imodium A.D., but I just can’t firm things up, LOL. Any advice or experience would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
  22. catwoman7

    Detox after gastric bypass

    I think all traces of pot pretty much leaves your body within about two weeks - I don't think it's necessary to detox for that to happen. I'd eat the protein - your body needs it - esp after bariatric surgery. EDITED to add this. Just found it on WebMd: If you’re a chronic user, more THC will build up and remain in your body. That’s because your body can only break down THC at a specific rate. Your body stores the excess THC in your fat cells. More frequent marijuana use means a longer time for THC to leave your system. Here are the average detoxification times: One-time use: one to three days Moderate use (three times a week): five to seven days Daily use: seven to 14 days Heavy use: 14 to 90 days
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What they don't tell you...

    "I was never told that" and I bet they disagree and say you were? I think that's why my bariatric team now hands out their own booklets, it answers a lot of questions. They also email a PDF version jic! There are still tons of things they don't tell you like the things I posted, but I assume its covered somewhere in the support group meetings (I went to have one - one was all that was required - I'm NOT a support group type person!) Do you still crush your pills? I thought after six months you no longer needed too, should I be doing that!? Now I wonder if I'm getting the full dosage I should be.. 🤔
  24. So at this point, I am confused to say the least. Started the bariatric Program: 336lbs Day of surgery: 326 CW:279 2 weeks shy of 5 months post Vsg GW 220-230 In the morning I can not eat food without first, drinking, something hot it’s the only time I really feel restricted. I am two weeks away from being five months out. Noticed I’m will only lose about 1-2 pounds a week but I fluctuate the same 1-2 pounds. I can’t get my protein from real food after eating 3oz of chicken at noon. I can’t eat real food for the rest of the day. Water intake is not a problem. But I have been at a stall for a month!! dietitian does not want me to rely on protein shakes, but that’s the only way to meet my protein goal. Any advice???
  25. Well, tomorrow I go in for an impromptu hiatal hernia repair after ending up in the ER over the weekend because I couldn't get food down and water was moving at a trickle... I've been having these symptoms on and off for a few weeks but Sunday was the worst by far and came with chest pain and trouble breathing. The ER PA thinks it is just esophagitis and that the surgeon and radiologist are wrong. But the bariatric surgeon swears it is a hernia, possibly a sliding one based on my symptoms. So he fit me into his schedule this week to repair it! I hope he's right and this sorts it out. He's going to do a scope afterwards to be sure there is nothing wrong with the esophagus. Here's hoping it all goes well!!

    1. gracesmommy2


      Hope you’re doing well!

    2. NickelChip


      I hope it goes well! Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery!

    3. AmberFL


      How are you doing? any update?!

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