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Found 3,097 results

  1. Myhorseisfattoo

    Keto after VSG

    I do high protein, limited fat keto. So I aim for 60 or more grams of protein a day and limit to 30 or fewer carbs per day. I don;t really worry about the fat because I'm not eating foods that are particularly rich in fat. I have lost 84 pounds and have kept it off, so I know it's working. I started this modified keto plan at about 3.5 months out. It's easy for me to stick to and I'm always full.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve with high BMI

    So I'm hoping to hear from anyone with a high BMI that got the sleeve and had a lot of success. My current BMI is 63. My goal weight is 200 pounds, which means I need to lose 190 pounds. For various reasons I chose the sleeve over the bypass, and I know bypass patients lose more than sleeve patients do. BUT...I have no issues following the diet, and once I lose some weight I will start working out again (I did keto and lost almost 100 pounds over 7 months, but then it just started creeping back up and no matter how much I restricted my carbs and worked out, I couldn't keep the weight down and I got frustrated and quit), but I worry that I won't be able to hit my goal even if I stick to the diet and work out. I have MS, so strengthening my muscles and losing the weight is a must to keep my mobility and reduce the pain. I also desperately want to get rid of my diabetes and high blood pressure. And I'm hoping losing the weight will help my asthma a little. BUT... is this possible with the sleeve? I'm so excited about the surgery, but is it really possible to lose that kind of weight with the sleeve? Has ANYONE on here done it, or even come close? This just has to work. I wasn't always overweight. I used to be a size 6, but when I had my son back in 98, my PCOS jump started and I put on close to 100 pounds and only lost maybe 25. No matter what i did, I couldn't lose it. Then I had my daughter and gained close to the same amount, and was never able to lose any of it. Then I did keto, succeeded for a while, then it failed and I gave up. And now here I am. Do I have any hope at all of hitting my goal weight?
  3. I would like to start a thread for all those following this forum that tells others about RE-losing. So if you are a patient who LOST, then GAINED, then LOST it again, please share with us all your method of losing. Did you go back to pre-op/post-op phases? A 2 ,5,8 day pouch reset? A specific low carb type plan? Keto? Paleo? Please feel free to share as this is helpful to each of us in our journey.
  4. Agreed, with the caveat that some clinics' prescribed plan IS low-carb. My surgeon's plan is one of those - not quite low enough to be keto but definitely on the lower end of the spectrum. It stayed that way during weight loss and gradually introduced higher carbs as maintenance approached. OP, IF this early does seem like overkill, given how little most of us can eat when we're just a month out. Maybe save IF for later when your weight loss has slowed down? Just a thought.
  5. blizair09

    Feedback and advice, am I doing ok?

    I wasn't quite as big as you when I started, but I did start my six month pre-op diet program at 397 pounds. I lost 99 pounds during the six months pre-op (I was so ready to make a change, so I took the plunge into keto eating), and lost the rest of my weight down to goal (180 pounds) at one year and 4 days post-op. That would have been a total of 217 pounds total by one year and 4 days post-op. Here are my questions for you: How many calories do you take in per day? Carbs? Protein? What do you do for exercise? Do you track everything you eat and drink? I ask these questions to maybe get a better picture of your journey. Everyone loses weight at different rates, but when you start off at a higher weight, it usually comes off at a quicker pace if you are doing what you need to do. (But there are SO many factors at play...) I won't even get into the relationship thing in this post. But, I will say this -- everyone deserves to be with someone that loves them for who he or she is, not for who he or she could be...
  6. Ms skinniness

    Vets- your diet opinions please

    I noticed when I was eating g like I did my macros was keto. In order for me to loss I have to eat under 1000 calories. It works. Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. NerdySongBird

    Tah-Ketos lol

    I gave these a try tonight and they were actually pretty good. Its sliced mozzarella baked til its golden, then you roll whatever you want in it. I used shredded chicken, and some seasoned black beans and corn. I was only able to finish like 2 if them lol, but that's because it's been really hot and I haven't eaten much. Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. ZinNH

    Trying to get back on Track

    Did your surgeon give you a plan to follow? I had a really hard time losing my pre-op weight at first. Then I went on Pinterest and found a bunch of low carb recipes. Following the keto method helped me drop a lot of weight easily, and I was always satisfied. Its so hard figuring out what is going to work for you and your body. I decided to stop eating simple carbs and focus on carbs from veggies. Using a tracking app like MyFitnessPal really helped me with portion control. And reading the book Never Binge Again helped me deal with my food addiction. It's an ongoing struggle though! I hope you can find a plan that works well for you! You can do it!
  9. GreenTealael

    Stalling for TWO MONTHS.

    What does your nutritionist/surgeon want you to have? Your carbs are higher than most people's teams would suggest (so early on- I can eat around that much almost 3 yrs out to maintain my weight/indulge) so that may not work for you right now. But the bottom line is sometimes the professionals recommendations along with trial & error will work better than anecdotal info from a peer. If you were tracking during the time you were consuming 800 vs 1200 cals check the trends in your weightloss. Then talk to your team. Try lower or Keto level macros for carbs, after consulting with your team of course, and see if there is any difference after about 2 weeks. Good Luck ❤
  10. Erica8

    Long, long time ago...

    12 years out. I had several blood transfusions after my WLS so I had big regrets. The issue was that I replaced food with alcohol (was not a drinker prior to WLS) 3 years ago I got my sh*t together and got serious about supplements and started Keto. I am now at a healthy weight 145 and plan to eventually get back down to my lowest weight (135) which was pre covid. I gained 10 pounds when the lockdown started. I don't regret the surgery as much now as most if not all the issues I had were avoidable and just really my fault for not following the post op way of life.
  11. GeTnBackuP

    Pre-op diet

    I wasn’t required to do the clear diet at the time but my doctor wanted me to lose ten pounds and keto wasn’t working for me so I did the liver reduction diet (shakes, clears and SF jello and popsicles) The first few days were awfully stressful and had to eat so I roasted chicken breasts and broccoli, no oil or butter. It didn’t take much and I felt better quickly. I drank lots of homemade chicken broth. Hang tight hun, you’re almost there [emoji847]
  12. Hi everyone! I'm going thru the process to get GBS so I'm wondering I've been following a lady who has had gastric bypass and after she was released to eat regular foods she is eating a keto diet which is high in fat high in protein low in cards... which I think is another term for Atkins diet?? But won't all the high fats upset your pouch and put you through dumping? Any thoughts?
  13. Jeepgrl18

    Forgot diet plan

    Ok, thank you. Have tried keto. But couldn't keep it off and being a vegan. I always wanted what I couldn't have. How many calories s day? 1500 or 1200? Sent from my SM-G930U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. I did keto for a while and it’s really hard the first few weeks but then after you get in ketosis it’s much easier. You can’t have bread at all on keto. The only carbs you should eat are green, non-starchy vegetables, which are easily under 20g of net carbs a day (net carbs=total carbs minus fiber). Focus on meat, cheese, and green vegetables. I lost a good amount of weight with keto but it gave me gallbladder and stomach problems so I had to stop and ended up 20lbs higher than I was before. So I don’t know if I’d recommend it, but that’s how to do it.
  15. Healthy_life2

    2 months til 2 years VSG

    It's pretty normal to hold more food after a year or two from being sleeved. Makes it a challenge to lose weight and maintain. The weight loss is also painfully slow. Cravings are tough. Once I have carbs/sugar I crave them more. I have to get my discipline back to get the scale to move. Many people go back to basics. Logging, protein and keeping calories down. This may be more information than you want - Feel free to ignore it. The calculator below helped me out. It calculates specifically to you. (sex, age, height, weight, activity level) After you enter your information you will see three tabs (maintaining) (cutting) (bulking) Click cutting to get your macros. enter the numbers into myfitnesspal or food log of your choice - Yes, you can have carbs - It will give you carbohydrate levels low moderate high. Start with moderate and see if you go into weight loss mode...If not go to low carb ratio. This works with any type of diet you are into (palo, keto vegetarian etc) https://tdeecalculator.net/
  16. bitingcat

    Sugar free stuff

    Both my kids are high functioning ASD - I know what you mean! We mostly avoid artificial/processed food, but the pre-op diet was tough. I'd already picked up a few Sucralose products during the insurance mandated diet, but went full chemical sugar free for the last few weeks of super low carb. Man, it was *nasty*. But I've seen the pictures from my surgery and my liver looked FABULOUS, so I'm pretending it helped my liver shrink and am moving on. Like elisa5150, I did use sugar free stuff the first month or so - especially the sugar free popsicles - but also Gelatin, Protein powder, and some protein hot chocolate. Now, I use flavored stevia drops for kefir or yogurt (yay live cultures!) and a little xylitol (a sugar alcohol) in my tea. Some of Protein shakes (Orgain) have stevia and erythritol (another sugar alcohol) or monkfruit and inulin (Jamie Eason Lean Body for Her). Personally, I do really well with xylitol and okay with erythritol (though their "naturalness" is highly debatable). And while current research increasingly makes it look like sucralose and other traditional artificial sweeteners are really messing with gut health, there doesn't seem to be any evidence that stevia, monkfruit, xylitol, or erythritol have much effect one way or the other. There are natural(-ish) protein powders out there - as long as you can keep the carbs and protein where they're supposed to be. (My NUT recommended youbars - they make custom Protein Bars with options for natural sweeteners.) We love grass fed butter and cheese, though I'm sticking with olive oil and coconut oil for now. I do have a tub of natural coconut oil based vegan butter spread I use every once in a while, but I wouldn't give up grass fed dairy for margarine if I had a choice. Mostly, though, my new stomach prefers savory moderate to low fat food, so I try to work with that as much as I can. When I was still eating dairy, I discovered I could mix herbs (Penzey's Fox Point seasoning) into low fat Greek yogurt and use it as a dip. Still got my protein, but didn't have to sweeten it. Which is probably for the best. I don't think living on artificially sweet or fatty things is necessarily better than living on real sweet or fatty things. So, good fats when we eat them - grass fed beef; pastured eggs; olive & coconut oil - and all in reasonable amount. If a dish is too fatty, I can't eat enough to meet my protein goal. Sort of a self limiting problem, so I don't see the need to drag margarine into it. As for sweets... research just keeps making it look like artificial sweeteners wreck your gut and make you crave more sweets. Which kind of makes sense since some "bad" gut bacteria has been tied to increased sugar consumption/desire for sugar. And sweets have gotten me into a lot of trouble in general, so I feel like this is the time to develop better habits. Thank heavens I did full on high fat/low carb Keto before surgery - I rarely had sweet things anyway and it still kicked my butt! But it really did kick the sugar cravings and I am so glad I didn't have to deal with that post surgery! It's made it way easier to explore healthy options that don't involve so many chemicals. Now to try and get back on my gut health protocol and try and get my kids onboard. Wow - sorry this is so meandering - it's the middle of the night and we have a small herd of cousins over for the first Christmas break sleepover. Brain. Fried. Let me know if you need product ideas - I feel like I've researched them all . Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  17. I would not add sugar. It can stimulate cravings for carbs. Have you thought about following a strict keto diet to get the remaining pounds off? I did keto pre op and now post op. Once you are off carbs, the weight melts away and you won't have cravings for sugar. My husband has lost 40 pounds since I started my pre op diet.
  18. Not only is @@Dub a handsome devil, he is well spoken too. He really nailed it on the head. I love cooking so much more that I am less attached to food. It is more art to me than aything. I don't cook for a family, I spend most of my time experimenting with low carb, keto, and paleo recipes. My goal is to replace most things I like with healthy options. It is really fun and taps into my inner scientist. It is hard to really explain how your relationship with food changes. I would have never believed this would be how i feel.
  19. Gluten's a hard one to give up - I have a niece that's celiac and hang with the special needs mom crowd - loads of special diets. Consider digestive enzymes? Post-op I had massive problems with dairy and fat my sister/accupuncturist said it was gall bladder. More like yelled, "Gall bladder!" into the phone. You can also just eliminate wheat - there's really no reason to be eating it as a new post-op. I did recently add some low carb tortillas in occasionally which do have wheat. But most keto recipes don't use grains; neither does paleo. And I've recently started looking at Thin Healthy Mama baking blend as a no wheat way to work a little fiber in. And seriously consider the actual test for celiac. Avoiding gluten contaminated food is a whole other level. Maybe two. We have yet to explain to my MIL that "gravy" does in fact contain flour (and therefore gluten) and doesn't spring fully formed from the tail end of a turkey.. [emoji16] As for me, I'm preparing for a hysterectomy next week - apparently I have a few giant troublemaker fibroids jacking up my uterus. The surgeon referred to it as "ornery". [emoji848][emoji19]After needed a blood transfusion last month, I decided I agreed. So after I heal up from that, I'm hopefully just down to the PTTD and a few other things. Good luck to all you toiling on! [emoji16]
  20. So sorry for my late reply ... I went to doctor , was not keto rash , my potassium was 1.4 and it should be 3.5. White tongue also from potassium issues . Resolve was two IVs with two potassium IV cocktails , and oral potassium they had me drink. Rash clearing up 😊
  21. Sunnyway

    Favorite Sugar free or alternative foods?

    Forget snacks entirely unless they are protein or vegetable. They grease the slippery slope to regaining what you have lost. I speak from experience. I am approaching RNY revision and I will not make the same mistakes again. The pre-op food plan and the (clear/full liquid/puree) stages post op while we are not getting hungry give us the opportunity to establish a new way of eating. If we seek sugar-free or keto snacks we are merely making some substitutes for the OLD way of eating. It's too easy to find ourselves eating sugared and carbohydrate snacks and food when we don't happen to have the "-free" type. Just because substitute snack foods are sold on bariatric sites does not mean they are good for us. If we are wise we will ignore those products. Eat whole foods, fresh or frozen vegetables and fruits, quality poultry and meat products. Avoid sugar, sugar substitutes, wheat/flour products, and processed foods. We can get plenty of tasty food to eat with these choices. I encourage you to obtain and read these two books by Dr. Matthew Weiner: A Pound of Cure and The Bariatric Guide and Cookbook. There are lots of other bariatric cookbooks available, too, including some for Air Fryers, InstaPots, and CrockPots. These will help you learn your new way of eating.
  22. Hello: I am not sure if I am putting this in the right place. I am having a problem with my liquid diet. My Surgical Coordinator put me on a liquid diet consisting of either 3 Premier Protein drinks or 4 100% whey Protein/Skim Milk Drinks and two servings of raw vegetables per day. I am 61 years old, and have Type 2 Diabetes, amongst other health problems. I started the diet right away. In the first four or five days, I lost 11 pounds. It was physically very hard on me. I was not hungry, but my energy was seriously diminished. I wrote to her about the situation, also telling her that while I usually love veggies, I could not stand them as they tasted like metal. She wrote me back, asking a few questions, and never got back to me after that. Meanwhile, I became weaker and weaker until I was totally unable to function. Luckily, I had an appointment with my regular health care person, who suspected immediately that my potassium levels had dropped. She put me on potassium immediately and explained that the keto-acidosis can cause Potassium levels to drop. I'm feeling much better now, and still on the same liquid diet. But I am having a serious confidence problem with the Surgical Coordinator, who will be my main contact after the surgery. Since I've been on the journey for a year, and am very close to the surgery, I just don't know what to think. I have confidence in the surgeon, but the Surgical Coordinator is an important player in my journey. Thanks.
  23. Hi! I’m new to the forums. I am hoping to have WLS this year. Somewhat ironically, I work in Prior Authorizations for a health insurance company, so I’m very familiar with what it means to require auth. However, every company is a bit different. I’m a newlywed and my husband added me to his policy. This was planned as my previous coverage was not as good, and his plan covers bariatric surgery whereas mine did not. So we now have UHC Choice through T-Mobile. I have checked the coverage requirement thoroughly and have a couple concerns: A. They require a 5 year weight history. However my coverage before this has been fairly bare minimum. So I mostly only went to the doctor if absolutely needed. And the eye doctor, who does not weigh. How strict are they on having a five year history? Do I only need a couple weigh ins throughout that time? Or multiple a year etc? Also will they accept photo documentation or a written statement? I mostly gave up on getting help from my PCP’s previously as they’d tell me I “wasn’t trying hard enough” whenever I failed to lose weight. But I just established care with a great PCP in order to get everything checked out/ruled out prior to asking for a referral and recommendation for the surgery. B. I know when I’m ready for a consult etc. I will need to go through UHC Bariatric Resource Services through Optum. What is it like working with them? Do they actually help and guide you as if they’d like for you to get approved? thank you in advance! just to note: My BMI is over 40, and has been at least over 35 my entire adult life. I have attempted weight loss with phentermine multiple times, as well as keto, weight watchers, and CICO. I have hypertension, hyperlipidemia, exertions dyspnea, chronic back problems, and chronic muscle tension. I am active and I do watch what I eat, just fail to lose significant weight. When taking weight loss medications I lose up to 20 lbs, but then regain as soon as I go off the med even when sustaining my same lifestyle.
  24. I’m like what the hell just happen - on the day of my surgery The weight was 330 and now 289 which is not bad - I am 6’2 and my healthy weight is about 200 putting me at 130 pounds of excess weight and I’ve lost 41 pounds post op which is about 31% from that excess weight. But for the past week now matter what I do I think I hit a plateau 😤😤😤😤😤 stuck a 289. Is frustrating at the least but I know is a long love journey. I keep my food diary and basically I am doing keto. Better get back to the drawing board and speak to my nutrition team. Anyone else has experience this post op in the initial stages????

    What’s the skinny on “excessively malodorous flatulence”?

    I aspire for my future poos and pook pooks to be like yours LOLOLOL I've been keto so long that I just about never have gas anyway. Hopefully that way of eating has paved a stink free path for the future

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
