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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hey everyone, this is my second day on my two week pre-op optifast diet. Does anyone have any tips on how to survive this time? Yesterday was awful, I have never been so hungry and I had terrible nausea and heartburn. Today is a little better, when does it get easier?

  2. oh you go girl not too long to go it'll all be worth it.. i was on a 4 weeks preop only did 3 lost 22.04 pounds and the surgeon said my liver was perfect! so no cheating will ensure u get the band!!

    I am definitely getting better everyday! but its getting a little problematic, since the op i've become lactose intollerant ALL milk products give me the runs and make me violently ill..

    Each day i get a lil better.. last two days i ahve gone a step back.. i think i did too much!!

    You will be there soon babe i have faith in u...

  3. wow i would be upset to wait every two months for a fill. I get one every 3 to 4 weeks and my doctor insists. I think you should insist every month as well its included with what you have paid. 15 pounds is great its just two months . keep getting the fills and yes get to walking i lose from doing just that.

  4. GOOD LUCK!!! Just remember to FOLLOW THE PLAN!!! I have been off for a week have have gained close to 10 lbs back!! JUST WATCH YOUR EATING AND REST :)

  5. Hi Jasmine, I am having mine on 26th March, will be flying out 2 weeks today! Can't wait, and yes indeedy we can support each other. C x

  6. I am having surgery next week. I am so happy for you and your weight loss! I am inspired by you. Thank you!


  7. Congrats on your surgery date. I just got banded a week ago today and I can't beleive how fast the time went by. This week is going to fly right by for you too. :smile2:

  8. oh wow you only had to do it for a week?? When is your operation??? Clear fluids wow what can you actually count as clear fluid haha?? You have to do clear fluid before your op?

    I'm nearly two weeks down on my preop diet.. and over 11.2 pounds down so far.. it's killing meeeee...

  9. Hi Laurel, How have you been this past week? I uploaded some before pictures finally. Ugh....I can't wait to get some "after" pictures. -Matilda

  10. Way to go with the 4 lbs this week!

  11. Hi, thanks for the compliments. I do workout a lot - about 5-6 times a week. I do cardio 3 times, weights 3 times (1 of those times is with a trainer), and abs every day. It's a lot of work and dedication, but totally worth it. I feel so much better about myself and I used to have serious back issues, which have faded along with the weight. The 65 lbs I've lost is a lot of weight and strain to be carrying around with you every day. Are you banded?

  12. Hi -

    I'm thrilled about taking 2 weeks off too! I'm doing well, not noticing any change on the scale, but my clothes are fitting differently and I have lost the fat roll that I had on my neck! :D I had bowel issues to, but my mom put so much benefiber in a bottle of water that it was cloudy and I almost had to chew it. It took over 24 hours to work, but I have been regular ever since. This morning I woke up and was not at all hungry. I tried to force something down but it didn't go well, after that I suffered with nausea most of the day. By dinner time I was fine. Who knows what's going on there...one more thing for me to discuss with my dr on Tuesday.

  13. Hello luckyinlove, Yes I am eating regular food now, I just started my 6th week and the list of foods they tell you to eat it is very important to follow those guidelines. My first week on liquids were fairly easy, second week on full liquids was pretty cool but weightloss came to a standstill (was only eating around 500 cals a day that wk) and a little head hunger. At my two week post op appt. they moved me to pureed and 900-1000 cals (be sure to count). I have loss 16 pounds in 5 wks. Started at 246 at initial consult, 239 day of surgery and 222.8 :thumbup: to date. I am so so happy at 41 years old, no kids but hope to start trying at my 1 year bandiversay. Feel free to ask me any questions, would love to help. I learned a lot from this forum but do not dwell on the negativity on the forum, stay positive and you will succeed.

  14. Hi Kerry,

    Just wondering how your weightloss is going? Mine stopped about a week ago! I've upped my calories to 8-900 per day and it's still not moving. It's just not logical is it?

    I'm able to eat everything now and have never pb'd.....have you? I am really careful though.

    I'm having my fill on the 24th but I can't see that helping as I'm not overeating!

    Speak soon,


    Baffled of Lancing!!

  15. veg

    Hi Susan, how are you doing? I haven't lost any more weight in the past week and I'm really peed off about it. I'm having about 8-900 calories now so logically I SHOULD be losing it shouldn't I?

    I should just not weigh myself really but I always do!

    What's happening with your weight?

    I lost 12lbs in the first 10 days, then it took 5 more days to lose another pound, then nothing! I don't think anything will change when I have my fill on the 24th as I'm not overeating at all. I can eat anything now, including bread, which is great! I'm really careful though as I'm not all that hungry.

    Speak soon, Sue x

  16. thats okay everything went well. this thursday april 8th will be three weeks and ill be able to eat real food again still on my puree diet. doing very well done 22 pounds since surgery altogether down 44 pounds what a differnece in my legs and so fourth. im so glad i did this never feel sick or anything they say we could have. well keep in touch and good luck with your wait stay strong it will come fast.

  17. lost 14 pounds since surgery its two weeks this thursday i can say doc told me i can go back to gym. i love the band dont even feel like its there. lol well have a good easter.

  18. Hey lady! I'm just counting down the weeks until my surgery. Thankfully I will be spending 2 weeks in Cali two weeks before my surgery so it should fly by fast. How's the insurance approval coming along?

  19. Hey!! It will probably be another week or so before you feel "right". I felt the sensation of fullness quickly for the first couple of weeks. Now, however, I feel absolutely NO restriction. At this point, it's pure self control. I'm away at a conference this week, so things have gotten quite difficult. I'm just trying to stick to eating protein first. I did have an apple martini though. Yummy. That's so wrong! I've been released to a regular diet now. I'm finding that there in nothing on my typical menu that is intolerable. My doc says this may change after my fill which is scheduled for June 16th. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. My understanding is that this is the roughest period because you aren't filled. Keep up the good work and stay motivated. This time next year girl...you'll be lethal. That's my plan, and I'm sticking to it! :-)

  20. Wow you look great... I'm one week post op and I wanted to let you know that you progress is truly inspirational...

  21. Hey Thanks Girly!!! I've gotta do my blog update for this week. I think I will add that pic. But I have got to catch up with YOU!! 71 lbs!!! I'm so jealous!!! You are workin it!!

  22. Yea I had my very 1st PB episode last week. It wasn't pleasant. I've been paranoid about eating all week. It'll teach you to definitely slow down and chew your food better that's for sure. Well enjoy the day it's beautiful out today. Just wish it would get up into the 80s and stay there!!! Later.

  23. So good luck with the pre opt...blah I was on liquids for three weeks...that was that hardest part for me, it's easy after that! So what/where is this party cingulus is talking about?

  24. Hey Akilah, I have the family health plus w/medicaid, it took about a week. But I was under observation for 6 months prior and I have 2 co-morbidities- Sleep Apnea and Severe Hip Arthritis as well as (discovered last minute) Not so healthy cholesterol levels for someone my age, esp. w/ heart disease in my family. My doc sent in 26 pages of notes, and in about 10 days I got my answer. Who is your doc? Also, My surgery was re-scheduled from May 7th to May 21st, b/c of my PCP. I've been banded for 2 weeks already....Anything else just ask, I'm here

  25. Hey again Cherri! I can't believe it, 3 weeks from tomorrow! I am going to loose my mind I think lol. I am nervous bc I have not lost the 10lbs they wanted me to pre-op......I was trying liquids and couldn't make it all day, I have ended up eating dinner.....I am going to have to go to the gym and work it off cuz it's just not happening! What isyour low card diet consist of do you know??

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