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  1. I just wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself and tell my story. I am located just North of Toronto, Canada. I do not currently have a surgery date. I've been researching 'Slimband' for approximatly a year and have debated it the entire time. If it wasn't for the cost, I would have done it already. My best friend is scheduled for her surgery May 11th and I'm very excited to see how she does. I'm also the one accompaning her to the procedure so they are going to give me a tour and an opportunity to ask the surgeon questions. I have been overweight since I was a child. At 12 years old my doctor had my Mom take me to Weight Watchers. I lost 80lbs and then gained it all back again. I have done Weight Watchers atleast 5 times since then in between Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, diet pills, and god knows what else. I've never reached my goal weight but I generally have some loss and then put it all back on plus some. I'm tired of this yo yo game. I want to feel good about myself and to stop feeling like a failure. I want to be healthy and to be able to shop in a 'normal' store. My husband and I want to have kids in the next couple of years and I want to be able to play with my kids and have the energy to chase them around. I also want a healthy pregnancy and to raise my kids in a healthy way and not pass on my bad habits to them. My parents have a lot of health concerns and I want to do everything I can to prevent that for myself. My husband is nervous about the surgery. I keep trying to explain that it is not an invasive procedure and the benefits could far outweigh the negatives. I'm hoping my friend's surgery goes well so he can see that everything is okay. His other major concern is cost. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to tell a spouse or loved one that the lapband can be an excellent tool that is worth the cost? Thanks!!!!
  2. I have already contacted the reporter Tom Blackwell from the National Post. and informed me what was going on and he may be interested in doing a story. You should contact him also. My warranty will be over in 2 years on my band however I am thinking of having it removed. Slimband told me that OHIP would cover the costs of the removal. I have gone to my doctor and we have asked for a referral to see Dr. Yau and I haven't heard anything yet. Look above at Tamara's email and send your information to her. We are collecting emails and contact names.
  3. bandedcee

    Almost there!

    I would love to connect with you. I am getting my surgery on August 28th, at the Slimband Centre in Toronto
  4. I recently had some dealings with SB and was very unimpressed with the result. In fact I have been going back and forth since last July (2013), and my complaints of pain in my abdomen have been mostly ignored. I got the same story about how a fill was now $200, and assorted reasons why TLBC no longer existed. I also cannot find my contract, I can find every other piece of paper associated with the procedure, including the receipt that I was issued. I am a very detail oriented person and misplacing my contract would not be something I would do, and I cannot recall ever signing one. During my recent dealings with SB I asked for a copy of my contract which they said they did not have, because SB is not TLBC and as such had no obligation to assume the contracts entered into by TLBC, nor were they obliged to treat any patients from TLBC. In fact the person I spoke with said that SB had "graciously taken on Dr. Yau and his patients." They also said that they kept NO files from TLBC. I called my lawyer, he researched it, said that neither SB or TLBC was registered by industry Canada. If you go to: https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/scr/cc/CorporationsCanada/fdrlCrpSrch.html?crpNm=Slimband&crpNmbr=&bsNmbr= You can search Slimband, Slimband Inc. etc and nothing comes up. This may mean that Slimband Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company. Keep in mind that originally, TLBC was The Prince Arthur Medical Clinic Inc, that also owned the financing company that you could use to fund the surgery. "Slimband" is a registered trade mark. So if you search the trademark database: http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-cipo/trdmrks/srch/vwTrdmrk.do?lang=eng&status=OK&fileNumber=1395712&extension=0&startingDocumentIndexOnPage=1 The current registrant is Slimband Inc. and the old owner is The Prince Arthur Medical Clinic Inc. Slimband is not registered with the Better Business Bureau, but if you search them there, you will find: http://www.bbb.org/kitchener/business-reviews/physicians-and-surgeons-weight-reduction/slimband-in-toronto-on-1188653 And that the business was started in 2006. As well, the BBB rated Slimband as a D-. There is no obligation to register with the BBB. In a further call to SB I was told that if I wanted to see Dr. Yau, I would have to have a referral from my regular family physician, so I asked for a copy of my file to give to my GP. Earlier they said they had no files, on this call I was told it would cost for copying etc. Ultimately I paid about $40 for my file. In my file was the 9 page document that I did sign called "Laparoscopic Banding Surgery" which had me acknowledge and sign off on all the risks and that Dr. Yau had explained same to me, etc etc. The contractual part of this document discusses the issue of self pay because the procedure was not covered by OHIP. There is no discussion of after care in any of the documents I was given. However, while I was waiting for my file I spoke to a Slimband representative and I asked her specifically for a copy of the SLA (service level agreement) that was in place. She told me that there was no SLA in place in 2007. I was not given a copy of the current SLA, even though I asked for one. I have repeatedly asked for a copy of the current SLA and have been ignored each time. Your results may vary, but in my discussion with my lawyer, because there is no service contract in place, and neither I, nor the clinic have any type of contract/ document discussing after care, it would be a case of he said, she said. Further he advised me that usually, in Canada to sue (not just doctors), one must be able to prove economic/financial loss. At this point, I have no loss, and I may be out $200 if I need a fill. That would be a matter for small claims court. I would need to have a whole lot of fills before hiring a lawyer would be worth the cost. If I had to pay for a revision, it might be worthwhile to pursue. When I was banded I was told that if I need to convert to bypass (the sleeve was not an option back then), I would be responsible for paying for the anesthesiologist but not the surgery. Currently gastric bypass is covered by OHIP, so I would assume that if I needed a revision, it might be covered. If I ever do need a revision, I will research all of my options before deciding to go forward. Having said all of that, I am disappointed with this current news, and I hope that the new doctors will take over where Dr. Yau left off, time will tell. As an aside, I did have an ultrasound, and a barium xray that indicate that I had a very slight dilation of the esophagus. I had a 0.5 cc defill and will have a follow up xray in a few weeks.
  5. I had a horrible experience going to see Dr Yau about a fill. Without going into details, he was shockingly cruel and rude. Other bandsters who are out in the cold since Slimband cut us off - where are you getting fills in the GTA, and what are they costing? Thanks
  6. Anyone banded by TLBC or Slimband that isn't currently being adequately cared for or entirely dropped. Please contact me directly at Tlbchelp@gmail.com I have been working on a solution for the past several months and looks like I am getting close. I was banded back in 2007 by Tlbc and then totally dropped early 2014 by Slimband. As if they are a different entity? Still don't buy it. Contact me.
  7. This is an interesting thread, I have had three bands, 1 by Dr Joffe and Yau, 1 by TLBC and 1 by slimband. I would be interested in know more about the lawsuit since there is no longer support for patients and I am one of them. A group of patients was told by the finance team at Scarborough Grace we would always be covered and then again by Dr Joffe and Yau. When my last band was put in I was given nothing so I have no clue anymore. But when I was banded over 12 years ago it was a lifetime support for everything. I now live in the US and haven't tried to get a fill, but I imagine if I try I will be told the same story. If the person is managing the class action wants to contact me my name is Heather and my email is susieq321@Hotmail.com.
  8. Hi Marymo, I just found out myself that Slimband will no longer see me and I really need a fill. Were you able to get a contact number for Sabrina?
  9. AsH26

    Anyone From Toronto?

    I went to slimband and have had no problems at all. They were great when I had an issue and dealt with it promptly. I have had a great experience with them
  10. I know! I was shocked to learn it had that much already. I guess that is why I am able to eat the smaller portions without being ravenous, but I do get hungry around 2hrs later..I hope this was just the top up I need. I am very afraid to be too tight, but I feel fine so far. When they do the surgery at Slimband, they now use what they call "Slim Spot technology". They fill the band completely and then defill until they determine where the sweet spot level is - by watching the nerve I am told - so my sweet spot was determined to be at 7cc. They then take out enough, about 1.5 - 2 cc to allow for swelling and healing following surgery.
  11. Buggie1369

    Love this forum!

    I'm going to Slimband in Toronto, so far the whole process with them has been good! All my follow up will be done in Alberta, that where I am
  12. Hi All, Does anyone know the date of when Slimband was established? day/month/year? Myself and several others have called Slimband and have yet to get an answer from them. Not sure what the big secret is about. If you know, could you please email me at 2014takeaction@gmail.com or respond to this post? Thanks, Kat
  13. Losing for me

    Lap Band Surgery Day Stories

    I had my surgery yesterday. It was with Dr Yau with Slimband in Toronto. I arrived at 8:20 a little early for 9 am. At 9 the nurse came and got me to go get weighted, BP and change into the most flattering gown and robe From there DH and I just waited. Dr Yau came to speak with us and the the drug pusher came for a chat. The OR nurse came to get me around 10 am. We walked to the OR and I sat on the bed. She strapped these bootie type things on my calves to aid with circulation. Then I was given my IV and oxygen. A little while after that I was out. I vaguely remember going from the recovery room to my bed. So very sleepy. I remember them coming in to remove my IV then a whil elater the nurse dropped off my clothes and said that I could get dressed. I was amazed that I was able to do that on my own. I was so out of it. By 1:30 pm I was released and on my way home. Last night wasn't too bad by the gas is really coming in now. Not really hungry. So here we go.
  14. susieq321

    Swlc Or Slimband......

    i have been banded since there wasn't clinics. I love Dr Yau, and Slimband which is the name of a band and the clinic has been good to me. Dr Yau developed his own band based on his 10+ years of experience. As one of his original banding patients I know him well and I know how concerned he is with providing the best banding experience he can which is why he developet he slimband. With that said, I have seen the slimband clinic evolve from a vision in Dr Yau's mind to what it is today. They have staff on board to support their patients and when I have needed support I have received it. This iincludes accomodating my schedule when I have had complications. I have phoned and emailed Dr Yau xrays from the US and had him work with my Dr, on what to do with me! I think about the staff the clinic has chosen to hire tend to be bandsters so they can relate to what you go through. They have dieticians, a chef, fitness specialists and they offer follow up that is great through travel and their online board. Do people complain yes of course people complain that is the nature of people... we all complain and most complainers are vocal about their complaints. I can say Dr Yau and his staff have always been kind, caring and they have worked with me on my challenges, like replacing my band when it slipped and I wasn't in Canada. I have been through a lot and based on my personal experience I trust Dr Yau more than I can say for any type of surgery. I have had some complicaitons and what stands out more than anything else is how they have dealt with my challenges and how good they were to work with! If you want to contact me my email is susieq321@hotmail.com.
  15. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could offer me some assistance. I had an emergency slimband removal last year as it eroded through my stomach, encased itself in scar tissue, and nearly killed me. Even with it removed, I'm still dealing with ongoing health issues, though we have checked my entire GI and it is seemingly fine so no one knows why I'm still losing weight, have no appetite, struggling to eat and experiencing pain while eating and digesting. I'm looking for lawyers - I've contacted 3 and only one is willing to take it for a $10000 retainer. I'm back in college (this ordeal forced me to drop out last year), so that's not a great option. I was hoping to find someone who works for a contingency fee. If anyone thinks they can help, please reach out! Thanks! alle_cat_2001@hotmail.com
  16. I got my Slimband in November 2010 and have had issues with vomiting since day one. Almost 10 years later I'm starting to have almost unbearable symptoms (haven't been able to keep anything down since Friday, pain in my chest, difficulty breathing). I would love to hear from anyone that has had their Slimband removed and anyone that has sued them.
  17. Hi everyone! I will have my band removed in Women's College Hospital in Toronto on June 25th. We should really work harder on trying to file a lawsuit against the clinic and/or the slimband company!
  18. Hello - I had my lapband done in 2015 by Slimband in Toronto. And like many others - issues from day one with no support or assistance. I've had many years of vomitting. Finally got referred to Wharton Medical Clinic and Dr. Wharton suggested I go on a class action lawsuit for this. He immediately said - it has to come out and is referring me to Surgery Clinic in Hamilton. I'm really hoping it won't take long to get done. Will be so glad to have this nightmare over with. Any assistance on how to register for class action somewhere - I'm sure I won't see any money but really feel it needs to be counted/reported. Thank you.
  19. I have no idea! I had/have problems with my slimband and I wanted to contact my slimband clinic here in Toronto and learned they closed down because their malpractice! I started to do research about it and that's when I saw an article about butchered slimbands and this Women's College Hospital's doctor who removes slimbands! I will send you this website to read the article: https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2018/01/12/gastric-band-bleeding-pain-cbc-marketplace/. It doesn't say anything about charging money, but I am just wondering if somebody would be in a life threatening situation and would have no money for the surgery than they would let that person to die?! I see so many people here with slimband problems and will be more and more in the future and somehow I do not see how we would get any help from anywhere!
  20. Wishing you a safe surgery! Best of luck! I am going to contact directly Ontario College Lawyer Member to find out exact lawyer who is specialized for healthcare that able take file a lawsuit against slimband and maker of the lapband.
  21. I have not personally sued but I want to. Unfortunately I am not sure how to go about it either. I did read this article which might be of interest. At some point I think almost all Slimband patients will have to have their bands removed. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/gastric-band-surgery-marketplace-1.4479735 If you want to chat in person, add me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennifercoulter
  22. Uomograsso

    Slimband - Class Action Lawsuit 2020

    Lots of topics already out there on Slimband. I think consensus is they went bankrupt and no one is going to get much. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=Slimband
  23. Taniajoao2013

    Slimband - Class Action Lawsuit 2020

    Hey Holly I had SLIMBAND done in Toronto 6 years ago and I’m now having it removed urgently at the end of January, I will sign whatever girl! Anything you need, those docs ruined my life
  24. karewpah

    Swlc Or Slimband......

    And a member since only yesterday...sounds like someone joining to promote slimband...hmmm
  25. susieq321

    TLBC Clinic- Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    I haven't read the over a dozen pages but I hope they are not all the same I know the last 3 or 4 I read were nasty and not helpful. TLBC and promises, I would encourage anyone who has a special deal ie fill Drs, anything out of the norm with any surgeon or staff member to get it in writing then there is no confusion as to what and who promised anything. Until you have it in writing there isn't a whole lot you can do about it because it becomes a he said she said situation. As for the rest of it Slimband is a great progressive clinic and they are willing to do things to help their patients. I was looking at the event calendar and things like lectures by Dr Barry Simon who I have heard speak and is amazing he actually gets that our heads are different than people who have never had a weight issue. Today marks my seventh year of banding and I can't tell you how far things have come. When I was banded there were no clinics and lots of promises, I could go on but as I posted somewhere else it is kind of like listening to your parents who walked 40 miles to school in ten feet of snow up hill both ways.... remember it is all about you and you are the one who can do this and you are the only one who is responsible if you succeed or fail! There is absolutely a need to get all the details out good and bad and where you succeed and where you fail but focusing on the negative will only breed more negative. Focusing on things like the compliments you got, how you feel in your body as you lose weight... how you move better how your back hurts less and your knees don't creak... those need to come out too. Maybe this is the time to start posting what works for you... what in the clinic worked for you what you would like to see more of? Maybe with the new year it is time for new goals and new attitudes. It might even be time for a new thread.. to start the new year right and focus on where things are going and good they are. Heather

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