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Found 17,501 results

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Slow Loser - Anyone else?

    Don't be in awe of me lol I've had my fair share of ups and downs in this, but I found what works for me personally. Take what you want from my suggestions and toss the rest. But for ME, I noticed that I'm sensitive to carbs. I tend to respond better when I am at lower carbs. I don't eat bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, sugar, little to no salt (and when I do, it's pink Himalayan salt), or fruits high in sugar and carbs (grapes, bananas, and I limit apples). I'm not a fan of chocolate (if I eat it at all, it's in the form of keto brownies and I eat 1 small brownie every 2 days or so). I avoid Starbucks now (didn't used to and noticed my weight would stall a lot more). I avoid cow's milk (almond milk has more calcium and nutrients in it) and if I want ice cream, I get Rebel ice-cream from Walmart (2g or less of carbs for the whole pint of ice-cream, lactose free, 5g of less of sugar for the whole pint of ice-cream depending on the flavor). There's keto bread and keto bagels that I eat when I REALLY want something that requires those (my avocado toast is something I have 1-2x per week, or I have a keto bagel with sausage, egg, and cheese on it maybe once a week). If I want pizza, I get the ones that have cauliflower crust (omg so good), I have cauliflower rice, and mashed cauliflower if I'm wanting mashed potatoes (cauliflower has almost no flavor so it takes on whatever flavors it's mixed with). If I want sweetener, I use monk fruit sweetener (doesn't raise the blood sugar at all and actually tastes sweeter than sugar). If I want a nice flavored coffee, I buy the coffee shop coffee and make it at home, add almond milk, and put in Jordan's Skinny Syrup (no sugar, no calories, no carbs) in any flavor I'm wanting (they basically have every flavor you can think of). If I want fruit juice, I go to Walmart and buy the sugar free mango splash or sugar free fruit punch. Absolutely DELICIOUS. I drink a lot of flavored water with the sugar free powders, Gatorade zero, and Propel waters. For me, the trick has always been to eat within the boundaries of my diet while not feeling like I'm depriving myself. Everything tastes delicious and feels like I'm eating like everyone else, but I'm keeping to what I can eat without having to cheat to feel satisfied. I like sugar free tropical popsicles for a treat while my husband and daughter eat the regular stuff. We can all have popsicles together and I don't feel deprived or left out, yet I'm not breaking any of my personal dietary rules. I also make sure to change up what I do in my work outs. If you do the same things in the same order every time, your body gets used to it and the exercises stop being effective. If you do different exercises in a different order periodically, it will "confuse" your body and everything you do will have a greater impact. For me, not only does exercising help me lose weight, it also makes me feel good physically and mentally. I was 421 pounds and needed a cane to help me get around. Being able to hike 10 miles with my son means more to me than I can even express. So if you're working out, try to confuse your body as much as you can. I hope some of this helps you out. I never want anyone to think that my way is the only way to do things, but maybe something in here will give you some help with getting out of your slump and back to losing weight at the rate you're most comfortable with
  2. BreF

    Dating and weight loss

    I am 13 years out from surgery, lost and kept 125lb off. I have noticed that I do get more attention but over the last 10 years there has been more acceptance on body type. Currently I am 150lb with a lot of excess skin, Mainly the arms, stomach, and thighs. It's easy to hide in clothes but when it gets down to being naked it's a whole other look. What I think is important is confidence. When I was dating usually the comment I would get is how little I eat and that's a great segway for me to bring my story up. With that said, I have been with the same individual now for several months. What's different is that while I am fluffy and have skin that can be flying in the wind, my partner is a professional MMA fighter who hits the gym everyday and keeps his body in prime shape. We are both in our 40s. At first I was worried about my excess skin. That was very shallow of me to think and a hurdle I had to jump over. While on the inside I am very confident I know I am different looking than most physically (as not many are out there around me with such excess skin). I did have a couple of conversations with him about it and what it boils down to is who you are on the inside. I even brought up that I could have the excess skin removed and he commented on and asked why I would go through so much pain for an image when what matters is my personality. I think that's what partners should focus on. Physical is only temporary.
  3. summerseeker

    Bad Knees and excercise

    Aqua fit is the best fun and exercise for old knees but like you, after 10 years of doing it, my pool has closed. I cried. Now I just walk. I keep to the flatter areas. I also find shopping in the city is quite good because I walk miles, in and out of stores and all around the markets. I buy very little but enjoy the browse.
  4. Arabesque

    5 years out not losing weight

    First, there is no one right way to eat to lose or maintain your weight. There’s just the right way for you. I agree to the suggestion to get in contact with your old dietician or find a new one. I’d also teach for a couple of weeks just to check your calorie & nutrient intake. I’d also get in contact with your surgeon as well to see what other options you have - revision surgery or maybe GLP - 1 meds. You’ve likely reset your body’s set point. The surgery lowered it but returning to larger portions, poor food choices & bad old habits have raised your set point again. So you’re actually fighting your body now. You’re trying to lose weight & your body is doing all it can to hold on to it. Have a look at Dr Matthew Weiner’s Pound of Loss metabolic reset diet (not that I’m an advocate for any ‘diets’.) It may give you some ideas you could try to see if works for you. He’s a great source of information around all things weight loss, bariatric surgery, etc. (He has a website & a you tube channel.) If you like being active, I’d add in some weights. Building muscle will help burn more calories & help counteract any muscle loss you experience while losing. Walking will help with general fitness. Remember though, activity only contributes to about 10% of any weight loss. Oh & don’t listen to your family & friends when they offer advice about your eating, nutrition or weight loss. They mean well but unless they’re qualified nutritionalist, dieticians, bariatric surgeons or medical doctors or had bariatric surgery they really don’t know what they’re talking about. And they’re not you. You know yourself best. You know your psychologically, physiologically & emotionally self best & know how you want to live your life. All the best.
  5. kristieshannon

    Hello, any veterens around?

    I’ll be 5 years out in August. Lost 141 lbs, have regained about 10 but feeling pretty ok about, working on dropping 5. Best decision I ever made!
  6. Hi. I'm having some huge issues with my weight and could really do with some help and advice please. In December 2018 I had a gastric bypass and on the day of the surgery I was 24 stone (336 lb). Over the next year I got down to 15 stone ( 210lb). All my friends and family was concerned I wasn't eating enough and said I looked ill due to the rapid weight loss so I started eating a it more. Fro. 2019 to 2023 my portion sized grow and I was no longer eating the correct foods resulting in me being 21 stone (294lb). I'm currently on the path to getting my health back on track but I don't seem to be losing weight. Im one of them people that will eat the same meals every days and this is my current meals all eaten on a bariactric plate. Breakfast = 2 hard boiled eggs. Lunch = hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. Dinner= hath a steamed chicken breast, 2 steamed mushrooms, 4 seafood sticks, 2 slices of onion cooked in the air fryer, hath a Peper cooked in the air fryer and 40grams of mozzarella. I'm also walking on average 6 miles (9.6km). In the past 6 months of eating like this my weight has hardly changed, 1 week might be 1lb loss then next week will be 1.5lb gain then 2lb loss ect. Over 6 moths my weight has only gone down 7lb and I don't know what's going on and I'm starting to get very depressed and I seem to be eating well and being active but the weight scales don't reflect that. Am I missing something that's preventing me from losing weight? Thank you
  7. Arabesque

    Anyone freeze muffins?

    I’m a big freezing person too & I have savoury egg muffins in my freezer now. I let them defrost first, pat them dry & then pop into the microwave to heat. Have also popped them frozen into a lunch bag & ate them when they defrosted & unheated. You can freeze just about everything quite easily. Tip: defrost bread, bread rolls, bagels, etc. in the microwave or on the bench. Pat a little water around the loaf & then pop in a hot oven. In 10-20 minutes depending upon the size of the loaf & you’ll have a warm loaf with a crispy crust just like a freshly baked loaf.
  8. Mercury.Belle

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    Thanks for the protein water suggestions, JoSwan and Emeraude! I hadn’t tried it because I couldn’t find a plant based one and I’m vegan. But your suggestions inspired me to look again and I found one! It’s only 10 grams of protein per scoop but hopefully it will help! I ordered it online, it comes on Thursday. 🤞
  9. Monica Justice

    Pureed foods. Yuck!!

    Hello everyone. I am post-op, had my first doctor's visit one month ago and scheduled for my second on 04/19. I am doing my best to read all of the literature provided to me as well as what I can find online. I am struggling with the thought of pureeing food. I just don't think I could bring myself to consume meat, vegetables or eggs that have been pureed. It sounds disgusting! Is this something that is a MUST or can we supplement with protein drinks? All input is appreciated. :0)
  10. 10 months out I average around 1500 calories a day and am still losing slowly (I weigh in the low 60s) hope this helps!
  11. Melissa89

    Starting to regret wls 11 month post-op

    10 months post op my sleeve has stretched enough for me to enjoy a meal with friends. You have two options - go back to surgeon ask them to scan your sleeve and make sure it’s not too tight (there is an option to balloon dilate it) or train yourself to eat more - it’s possible trust me. I went through this depression and not enjoying food severely at the start but now I can eat an amount to be able to enjoy life and social settings. I would be depressed otherwise.
  12. Melissa89

    The unspoken rule

    Hi! Happy to answer this. I am 10 months post op. Had my first glass of champagne 6 weeks out. Sipped it for hours. You will get hit by the alcohol quickly. Alcohol will get you twice as drunk for the same amount due to starvation / not drinking for ages. i am a social weekend drinker and attend lots of events. I can say since then I will have a drink or two every weekend. Without shame or issue. I simply count my alcohol calories. I have lost 30% of my body weight and weigh in the low 60s now. You have to live your life - I’m not into banning foods and rules. This is the beginning of the rest of your life. You have to have fun and enjoy it. Say you drink a bit and it takes you an extra month to reach your target? Who cares. At least it’s sustainable. Don’t feel ashamed for having a drink or two if that’s what you want to do. Just remember you will barely drink anything and feel the full effects. Lol. Best of luck!
  13. There is a new video from Dr. Weiner on the Pound of Cure YouTube channel just posted today updating his now 10-year-old video on post-op eating. This applies to the first several weeks, up through about 3 months. So if you're at the stage of reintroducing foods and trying to hit water and protein goals and want a little extra guidance or reassurance, (or if you are pre-op and want a great reference for later) give it a watch:
  14. Oh no. Sorry it happened to you too. It's rough isn't it? I fly home tomorrow at last - but I have another conf coming up so will be home for all of 10 days before heading off again!
  15. 40 down, 10 more to go... took about 9 months to get this far, so am projecting i should have the min amount im looking for in about 2.5 more months... but the more the better 🤞🏼 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...)
  16. MandoGetsSleeved

    ~ 4 Years Out - Struggle Bus is REAL

    Thank you all! One thing to edit/add is that I consider the "pouch reset" a myth also from the perspective of shrinking my stomach, but consider it rather a "mind reset" of what I did in the beginning and getting back on track mentally. As @Arabesque says, weighing myself daily - Another mental reset for me. I can easily stick my head in the sand if I'm not on the scale, so no matter how painful it might be (especially after my last cruise where I went overboard with the um... adult beverages like sweet martini's), sometimes it takes that dose of reality to get you back on track. I'm back down to my standard weight (was easier than I thought to lose 10 when I paid attention which is a problem in itself), I still want to hit my goal of 155 - One day.... One day at a time. Glad I stopped by here this morning - Getting ready to head out on the boat. Was initially going to pack the standard stuff, but inspired to change it up: Cut up veggies for snacks, more water and Gatorade Zero, less adult beverages in the coolers. Will make sure to take a picture and compare to a year ago so I remember WHERE I want to be vs. where I am. Thanks ladies and gents!
  17. 10 days post op today and i feel sooooo much better. Those first few days were tough ! I was kind of panicking because i wasn’t keeping things down well but the past 3 days have been a breath of fresh air. I moved to purees, and was able to eat scrambled eggs with a little low fat cream cheese, mashed veggies and white fish puréed together and i have finally found the one protein shake that does not make me throw up haha Every day is getting easier - i think i’ve finally mastered the quantity i can eat after the first 3 days of purees where i systematically threw up after eating too much … I realised that no matter what my eating plan says i need to adapt size of the meal to what i can actually manage. I can finally also manage water comfortably and that is such a relief !!
  18. How has everyone gone for goal setting? They say you have to set SMART goals Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound And they also say not to focus on scale victories. That's a challenge for me! Numbers make such an obvious target. So I've chosen some targets like Do 20 minutes on the stationary bike, twice a week by May 19. Drop 10 kg by June 19. Do 1 pullup by July 19. And do a DXA sscanand reward myself with $100 per bf% dropped. Turn down the CPAP by August 19. By February 19 I want to fit into size 36 jeans. Has anyone got some good targets sorted out?
  19. My Gastric Sleeve Surgery is scheduled for April 19. I have about 30 kg to lose. Wish me luck!
  20. ms.sss

    Having second thoughts.

    i had low grade anxiety the morning of surgery. i remember a nano-second of PURE PANIC literally just before i was knocked out. I remember them telling me to count down from 100 (or was it 10?)...i got to like 97 (or 7..) and felt myself starting to freak out. the last thing i (sorta) remember was 95 (or 5??) next thing i knew i was waking up in the recovery room and my very first thought was "YEESSSSSSSS!!! I'M ALIVE!!!!!". the relief of it all allowed me to ignore whatever pain i may or may not have been in. when i did finally register pain, it was manageable. i took the hard stuff pain meds during my 1 day stay at hospital. i was sent home with an Rx for more, but didn't fill it...i was fine with just Tylenol. best description of it would be it felt like i did a ridiculous number of situps...more of an ache than a pain, if that makes sense. so yeah, alot of us had at least some level of fear/anxiety/trepidation. only way is through it! good luck ❤️
  21. learn2cook

    The unspoken rule

    Like the posts on here I go back and forth on this. I have imbibed. I do dump so hard liquor and wine hit me harder with sugar so then I feel it within 10 minutes then crash. The extra calories to counter the crash kill the buzz. Like 3 sips and I’m done. But beer is friendlier. I do enjoy nursing a good microbrew with a handful of almond or one ounce of cheese. It works for me for camping and baseball games and fun outings. I try to keep it for a once a month thing and have only one or two beers. I have been dallying with pot edibles too. (Can’t smoke due to asthma) One or 1/2 a gummy or taffy keeps a mellow vibe for 4 hours and I save them for special occasions and arthritis and pain relief. There’s less calories and dumping and a longer chill time. P.S. UP was my favorite place camping last summer!!!
  22. Elizabeth21again

    The unspoken rule

    So... I could have written your same entry 10 years ago. I lost 120 lbs with VGS. At six months post-op I resumed my weekend drinking. Mind you I could drink like a master before surgery. I had NO doubt I could handle it fine post-op. Aaaand that "worked" until it didn't. My body processed alcohol so differently post-op but I didn't realize it until too late. I wish I had remained alcohol free. I found this information below helpful. Best wishes.
  23. ms.sss

    The unspoken rule

    ok, gonna throw my story on the table...take from it as you will, as a lesson to live by, a cautionary tale, or a personal justification...you choose. pre surgery i was also a weekend warrior, actually, more like a yearly quarterly warrior, lol. i had like a couple drinks every 2-3 months. probably got stupid drunk once a year or less. during weight loss phase (which lasted 7 months) i had maybe 5 partial drinks. i don't think i finished any of those drinks. my first "drink" was 3 weeks post op. I had maybe 2-3 sips of a glass of red wine. it was really weird, i swear i could feel the burning of the alcohol pass down my esophagus, through my stomach and along my intestines. my second drink was about 1 month later (christmas) and it was a very sugary soju-sake drink. again i had maybe 2-3 sips but this one resulted in my second worst dumping experience ever. *shudder*. the next 3 or so drinks were vodka or gin sodas (learned my lesson! less sugar!) ok. now its 2019, im in maintenance and i'm looking hawt and feeling awesome and me and mr. go on a couple vacations and i drink way more than i normally do. but its vacation, right? so its ok. i also took up smoking again after being smoke free for 10 years (but thats another story). now its 2020 and its effing covid, and i, like many others i know started drinking at home (i never did this before, i was always a go-out drinker) ...and now its 2024 and i drink every day. i don't get stupid drunk every day or anything (not that i'm trying to justify anything - i fondly call myself a high-functioning alcoholic), but i do drink every day. its at a point where others (i.e., my doctors and my hubs) are chastising me with the amount i drink. i know i drink too much and its probably doing a number on my health despite nothing showing up on any of my labs or whatever. i quit drinking for a month last year because my son said i couldn't stop drinking for a week. so i know i can stop (or at least slow down) if i really wanted to. trouble is i don't seem to really want to. last year, my OBGYN said i really should stop smoking AND drastically cut down the amount i drink. i told her i'm not sure i could do both, so i made her a deal and said i would stop smoking. i'm proud to say i have been smoke free for 9 months (after smoking for 4 years after quitting for 10, after smoking for 20...say that ten times fast, lol). its been surprisingly easy, but i think its because i can still drink. ANYWAY. i'm hoping to get into a mindset soon to address my drinking problem. i don't doubt my ability to reduce, but i'm not sure i will actually WANT to anytime soon. le sigh. so there you have it. i am the poster child of transfer addiction. despite all this, my weight has more or less remained unchanged (go figure). i continue to stay below goal weight this entire time. ....and i am literally typing this post out with an espresso martini in hand. dont judge me! lol. i am relatively chill about all this so even if you do judge me, i wont take it personally. p.s. oh, i should also mention that i get "affected" real quick and on very small amounts. and i also sober up real quick. this phenomenon is a purely post surgery thing. i needed lots more to get drunk before surgery....although my smaller size now may also be a factor....
  24. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    April has been the month of stalls for me. I was stuck at 210.6 for 4 days, dropped to 208.8, and then stayed there for 4 days. Finally inched down to 208.4 yesterday and 208.0 today. Only losing 3 pounds in 10 days when I had been on track to lose closer to 5 is frustrating to say the least! The closer I get to being below 200, the more the universe wants to mess with me, apparently. But on an unrelated note, I drove to see the total eclipse in Vermont on Monday and it was amazing! Thank goodness for stopping to get some Vermont cheddar on the drive because healthy food options were scarce. I actually ended up eating McDonald's chicken nuggets for lunch. I managed to eat two of them, and they were okay, but I have no idea how I used to eat a box of 10 plus fries. Next time I venture out, I'm going to need to pack food for myself.
  25. SaraKayaComsin

    50 and over crowd?

    Hi! I’m having revision from VSG to RNY in June. I’m 52, and had the sleeve almost 10 years ago. I did well with the sleeve as far as no complications, but I regained almost all of what I lost, so here I am now. I’m older, hopefully wiser, and my reasons are different this time around. Best wishes to you!

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