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Found 1,237 results

  1. RickM

    Ugh! Weight gain!

    Yes, it is the dreaded three week stall (or third week, since it doesn't necessarily last for three weeks!) Here is a good article explaining the physiology of what's happening now - http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html As noted in the article, there is around ten pounds of Water and glycogen in play here, so it is not unusual for there to be some small amount of gain happening while you restore your glycogen reserves and switch into fat burning mode, so don't beat yourself up over any perceived dietary sins - it's just nature at work and can happens to most when they go thru this phase.
  2. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    1) unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life", your weight loss so far is very normal. Most of us lose 15-25 lbs in the first month after surgery. Yes - you will find people who lose more or less than that, but they're the exception. You're in that range, so you're perfectly normal! 2) you're in the infamous "three-week stall". Almost all of us go through that. It's not ALWAYS the third week, but it is for most (hence the name) - but it can really happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you need to. It'll last 1-3 weeks, and then you'll be on your way again. If you want to read more about it, do a search on this site for the three week stall. You will find about 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...). It literally does happen to almost everyone. No changes necessary - just stick to your program and wait it out. It WILL break. oh - just re-read your post. Thirty grams of protein is too low. Most surgeons recommend at least 60. So THAT is a change you should make. Otherwise, you're good. Just hang tight!
  3. I had a bmi of 35 on the day of surgery which was a month ago. I have lost 25lbs so far including pre op and 18lbs since surgery. I am now in the three week stall which is soooo frustrating! I am hoping things will start moving this week! I also didn't feel any restriction when I was on the liquid phase...I have just started softs and I can definitely feel it now! Well done everyone on all the lbs lost!! X
  4. catwoman7


    the dreaded three week stall - happens to almost all of us. Search this site for it - there are literally over 15,000 posts on it just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks, and then you'll be on your way again P.S. it's USUALLY the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. My weight loss started up again during week four, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs in a couple of days.
  5. Azlanie

    August 2019 Check In

    Currently experiencing a three week stall...but, I am staying on top of my fluid and protein. I am walking as much as I can. Hoping to see the scale move a little bit this week. I'm feeling more normal than I have in the past month. Today marks the 1 month mark since I started my preop diet. WOW how time flies! Definitely excited to go home and have my soft meal of some salmon and mashed sweet potato with carrots!
  6. cutiecake

    8 weeks out!

    Lots of people talk about the dreaded three week stall. Sounds like some of you maybe experiencing. I haven't got there yet, only 9 days out. But I've read about it on here, around 3 weeks post op lots of people reach a stall in the weight loss. I don't know why...
  7. We were at the same starting weight too give or take 10lbs (I WAS HEAVIER!) Surgery was 1/21. I had a very rough recovery, had the notorious three week stall which lasted 3 WEEKS, and have been feeling like my progress is NOT where it should be. I hardly ate or drank anything after surgery for at least a month. I had Water nausea & everything. Puree phase was the worst...I just could NOT eat and the sight of Protein shakes made me heave. She, on the other hand, had a super easy recovery and lost almost 20lbs more than me at this stage (her surgery was in Aug & 8 weeks later she was down 50) I just started tracking food- right now I'm having about 800-900 calories most days & I just started back to doing vigorous exercise this last two weeks. Tuesday I did a 63 minute spin class and ate 1500 calories that day. I felt that was WAY too much. I don't even like going over 1000 calories but according to FitnessPal, those 63 minutes burned off 1100 calories... Anyway, I've done over 190 minutes of exercise this week and lost only 2 friggin pounds. She's 10-12 years older than I am too. I''ve been teary all morning since weighing in. I don't know if this was really worth it. I could have struggled like this WITHOUT spending $7000 of my money on this effing surgery.
  8. It's all new

    Huge Stall!

    My "three week stall" started at two weeks and lasted almost 5 weeks even though I was exercising, getting protein, water, etc. And then I lost 15 lbs very quickly and the scale is still moving, just not quite as fast. Just give it time, it WILL happen if you follow the guidelines.
  9. 1gorgeousgodzilla

    Discouraged :(

    I'm 3 weeks and two days out and have lost 16 pounds thus far. I weighed 248 on the date of surgery. I too was concerned about my rate of loss in comparison to others, but I'm grateful that the scale is moving in the RIGHT direction, albeit slower than I'd like. You hear about the dreaded three week stall all over the place, and I figure that it'll all work itself out as long as I keep doing the right things. You got this!
  10. Creekimp13

    Weight loss stall 3 weeks post- OP

    I feel the three week Stall pain....been there the last couple of weeks. Stall broke and I lost four and a half pounds in the last two days. Just suddenly. It happens...the legends are true:) I'm 5 weeks post op and eating 1000-1200 calories a day, tolerating more foods, and have a lot of energy. Feeling really good:) Wishing you all a quick end to the stall:) It'll happen. (someone asked for my stats on another thread...don't know if this is helpful to anyone, but figured it was on topic.) Started at 270 in June. Lost 30 pounds in 6 months of pre-surg diet visits using the Mayo Clinic Diet mostly. (240) Lost 10 pounds in 2 week pre-surg liquid diet. (230) Lost 14 pounds first month after surgery. (216 today) So, I lost 23% of my excess body weight the first month (60 pounds excess weight on day of surgery)....which beats the heck out of the 18% that is the average first month weight loss. Feeling positive!
  11. Isobella

    [2] 3 Week Stall, @#$%!

    I am officially 3 weeks post op, and have not lost any weight for the past week, whereas I was losing a couple of pounds consistently each day for the first week. The first two or three days of this stall I experienced in complete denial. It's water weight, I would think to myself. Day six and seven of my stall brought me to google searches for answers. I've read countless reasons as to why I am possibly stalling, the following being more believable (at least to me) than others: It is a normal bodily response to drastic water loss and decreased caloric intake Your body is storing every bit of calorie you take in to burn for the healing process for your surgery, instead of burning actual fat itself My searches also brought me various methods, or "tricks" people used to break them from the vicious three week stall: Take in 200 more calories a day Increase physical activity Get one more hour of sleep each night Make sure you are drinking 2 liters of water every day, and 70-120 g of protein I have yet to be cleared safe by my surgeon to hit the gym just yet because at this point, I am taking in so little calories each day (300 to 500) that I would be so dangerously exhausted. As for increasing my caloric intake, I will have to do it in the form of protein shakes. I am still on a full liquid diet (thick liquids), so solids are out of the question for me. I also finally brought myself to sign up for a gym membership for the first time in three years. I work three days a week which leaves me 4 days of nothing but free time. Hopefully this will allow me to get back into a steady routine for the next year. At least I'd better get in there regularly! For one year of membership, it cost me $459 total but with no monthly payments. I'd be lying if I said I'm not excited about going to the gym. I vaguely remember the feeling of my body after a seriously intense workout. How I somehow just felt "light", and my limbs ached and felt like jell-o because I pushed myself harder than the last time. I also felt stronger. Anyways, I hope this week three stall breaks soon.
  12. I am 16 days post op and haven't lost anything in about 5 days, today I gained about .5 pound. I know this isn't a true stall but I was wondering if anyone has hit this wall so soon. So far I've done awesome and I am happy with it but I feel like I am failing already. I am busting my butt to get fluids and protein in, but find it almost impossible to hit them daily. I am also cleared for food and can eat about an oz at a meal. Most of the time it's a meat or a cheese stick ( for the protein). But I am really focusing on fluids over real food. I've also had a bad allergic reaction to the adhesive they used, so I am not sure if that is playing a role. I plan to keep up with increasing fluids/ protein as well as increase my walking. ( currently a mile 4-5 days a week) Is this normal? Did I hit the dreaded three week stall early? Thanks in advance
  13. Yes, Yes . . we are all very different in the way we lose weight. However with out sorting through every post ever made on VST I was wondering what are the most common times to stall through out the first year and do they last for different amounts of time. Example, if three weeks and 5 months are common stall points , does the three week stall only last one week where the 5 month stall last a month ? Stalls seem to get everyone in such a feisty mood I thought if i just prepared for one in my head I could psych it out
  14. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    do a search on the "three week stall". Happens to almost everyone. Stick to your plan and the stall will eventually break. I promise.
  15. it's the infamous "three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for it, you will literally find over 15,000 posts on it. Almost everyone has that. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Your weight loss WILL start up again. And just so you know, you're likely to go through several of these on your journey.
  16. Arabesque

    5weeks post op

    Every one loses at their own rate. There is no right or wrong amount of weight to lose each week. Yes, there may be average amounts of loss people who are similar height, weight, age, gender, etc. may have in common. As long as you see the trend of your weight loss going down you’re succeeding. The amount you lose each week will also slow as you progress. It is possible you are experiencing a stall as has been suggested. These are extremely common. We talk about the three week stall but that first one can happen at week 2, 3, 4, 5 …. It’s just your body taking a breath & trying to catch up with the changes (surgery, weight loss, reduced calories, dietary changes,…). You will likely have other stalls as you’re losing. We’ve all been on that gain, lose, gain roller coaster. Personally I know the reason I always regained after losing was because the diets I was on weren’t sustainable or I just went back to the same old way of eating. I’d start regaining a couple of weeks after the diet ended. The difference this time is that I work at sticking to the changes I made to how I eat, what I eat, why I eat every day. I have many years ahead of me but I’m going to work my butt off to try to stay my course cause that desire to go down my old path is always there. I just understand it & manage it better now. Your success starts & ends in your head. It’s not just what you put in your mouth. You have to do the head work. Many do this with the help of a therapist, others do it themselves. There are lots of people here who are happy to share experiences & offer support. Follow your plan, meet your protein goals, get your fluids in, be more active and your weight loss will continue. You’ll get there.
  17. Madam Reverie

    Feeling like a faliure...

    Oh, honey. You've just gone through another major operation! That's big stuff! You don't want to be beating yourself up so soon! Your body is probably saying 'what in the world?!' 'I'm hanging onto my calories, thank you very much!' Sounds like the common three week stall. Just keep doing what you know to be right and all will be well. One thing I will say - is food 'passing through' okay? As long as it is and you 'feel okay'.. Hang on in there. If, by another 4 weeks, things haven't 'levelled out', go back to your quack and have a chat. Hang in there, honey. It's too soon to be down and you'll be rocking your sleeve in no time. It's probably just your body's way of saying 'I'm grumpy, I've been fannied about with again.. Leave me alone!'
  18. MisforMimi

    Plateau already?!

    Three week stall? Search the forum it's all around here. Body is in shock and trying regroup. Did not loose a pound on 3rd week postop. Staying off the scale helps if you can. Easier said than done. I'm exactly where you are. I'm 14 down. You will break through! :-)
  19. susnl

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    Ok - I have failed this challagne - miserably - with a three week stall including a two lb gain. But the stall finally broke last week with an almost 6lb lose. I am not too disappointed. Ready for the next challange. Bring it on!! SW...194 CW...185.4 GW...180
  20. I was sleeved on Jan. 22 so I’m 3.5 weeks post-op. Up until Feb. 9th, I was losing weight at a pretty consistent rate. However, since the 9th, I’ve been bouncing up and down between 3 pounds. I have heard about and understand the science behind the 3 week stall. I also understand that my body is going under major changes but I’m afraid I’m doing something wrong with my food choices. If it is just a stall, how long do they usually last? I am starting to get discouraged. I know I wasn’t getting enough Water and Protein so I’ve been very conscientious about meeting the minimums over the last week or so. I have also been experiencing light-headedness. I have emailed my NUT but I don't think I'll hear from her until Tuesday. I figured I'd ask the experts in this group to see if you had any guidance. Thanks in advance for your help.
  21. I haven't even been sleeved yet, but I am so prepared for the dreaded three week stall. I never want to see another post about that again. Thanks for the blog. It was super refreshing and very funny.
  22. Alex Brecher

    3 weeks out

    @@lilijo, Congratulations on your surgery! Yep, the three-week stall is definitely a thing, especially when your first few weeks after surgery have seen such fast weight loss, like you! Your body is just catching up from the stress of surgery and the quick weight loss. You’ll lose again when you’re ready as long as you follow the program! In the meantime, what should you do? Stay positive, because there is no point in getting down about something you cannot control. Stick to your diet, since that is what will let your body lose more weight when it is time. Bump up your liquids, since that can never hurt. Focus on non-scale victories, since there will be TONS of progress during this time, like feeling better and losing inches if not pounds. Congratulations again, and good luck!
  23. VSGAnn2014

    Please answer one more time

    My (on-time) three-week stall just broke this morning (I dropped 1.4 pounds). After consulting my daily weight chart (yeah, I'm obsessive like that), I see that it lasted 6 days. No biggie. I was ready for it. And knowing it was a common phenomenon, I was so unbothered by it. BTW, I'm very sure Cowgirljane's comment above is the important one to heed.
  24. You won't lose weight every single day. And weight loss stalls happen. The three week stall is very common. I've had several stalls over my journey and the longest one lasted 23 days (that was in month 3), in fact I just got over a two week stall yesterday as I finally lost another pound. Also, since you're exercising you may put on muscle which weighs more than fat so it may not look like you're losing weight when you weigh yourself, but if you take measurements you'll be able to tell the difference with that. Try not to stress yourself out during stalls because the stress can prolong them (almost impossible to do, I know).
  25. I'm eight weeks post-op and have hit my second stall. Totally hit that three week stall like everyone else, it lasted 10 days for me. I'm on day 13 of this current stall. It seems since surgery I have more stall days than loss days. Anyone else hit their second, third, tenth stall? If so can you please share your story so I can feel better? I've lost 22 pounds since surgery so I'm very happy and proud of myself! And just so everyone knows I eat around 800 - 900 calories a day (I'm 5'8"), exercise is here and there and I get about 80 g of Protein a day. I may not exercise everyday but I'm an active person. Thanks everyone for your comments or suggestions!!!

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