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  1. Arabesque


    Stalls tend to last 1-3 weeks and you’ll likely experience a few of them while you’re losing. They’re actually an important part of your weight loss. It’s the time when your body shuts down to reassess your new needs based on your weight loss. Your body works out what it needs now in regards to digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. When it’s done this & it’s ready to move forward again, your stall will break. Stick to your plan. Don’t make any additional changes other than what your plan requires - don’t stress your body more.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    I did it! I had my surgery

    Congrats!!! The first 2-3 weeks seriously suck. After that, it gets easier and you really start to learn your new body. Just prioritize walking, getting in your fluids, and getting in your protein. Don't rush things, stick to your meal plan, and trust the process. Weight loss stalls are NORMAL and to be expected. Watch for NSVs (Non Scale Victories) when the scale isn't moving. You got this!!
  3. It appears I'm also experiencing a 3 week stall. At 2 weeks post op (surgery 1/24/24) I had lost 10 lbs. It's now 3 weeks post op and I'm still the same weight. I sure hope this stall doesn't last a month! I have been discouraged a bit, I think, because any time I've tried to lose weight in the past it has been agonizingly slow and not permanent. I had hoped that I'd lose faster after VSG and I found myself thinking this morning that I did this drastic and permanent thing just to have the same result I have always had - no weight loss for weeks at a time despite my best efforts. Reading about this "infamous" stall gives me a little hope, although I don't understand how I'm not losing weight when I'm consuming 500 calories a day or less, mostly protein and no fats/sugar. I appreciate the topic and the comments, and I'm hoping the stall breaks soon!
  4. Arabesque

    Surgery Failure

    Welcome to your first stall. They usually occur around week three but can start before or after that. They usually last 1-3 weeks. (There are lots of usually, often, averages, common, etc. after surgery.) While this time when the scale doesn’t move, is frustrating & can be depressing, it is an important part of your weight loss. It’s when your body takes stock of the changes that are occurring (weight loss, dietary changes, etc.) & reassess its needs in regards to metabolic rate, digestive hormones, and so on. The stress of your surgery can also impact this first stall. (Yes I said first as you’ll likely experience more of them.) The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. You can’t force a stall to stop. Best advice used stick to your plan & don’t stress your body more by making changes to your diet & activity other than those your plan wants. Take some body measurements. While the scale doesn’t move, you may notice changes in a tape measure or in your clothing.
  5. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @NickelChip I agree! You look great. WTG! And my weight loss graph looks very similar to yours over the last month also except I stalled a little earlier than your recent one and am now back losing again after a little more than 2 weeks. Just keep on keeping on, you’ll get over the hump. 😉
  6. catwoman7

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    you won't always show loss every week. In fact, most people experience occasional stalls when they won't lose anything for 1-3 weeks, even though they're sticking to their plan 100%. If and when you hit those, just make sure you're following your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. The stall WILL break as long as you're following all the rules. I had bypass, not sleeve, but I was post-menopausal. I lost over 200 lbs.
  7. Hi! I had VGS on 8/23/23. 4 weeks from surgery TODAY! I feel great. The past few days have been weird, though. I can't eat or drink as much as I have been able to the past 2 weeks. I used to be able to somewhat easily get down a protein shake in 30 minutes. Now it takes me a few hours. Does that sound right? I don't feel sick or anything. It just feels like I am going backwards. Should I be concerned about this? Anyone had similar experiences? Thanks for your help!! Melanie
  8. I'm still stalled but feeling better. I spoke to my clinic who said it is normal because I've lost more than goal at this point and had a lower BMI to start off with. The clinic has said the stall may last up to a month which means I'm half way through the stall trying to be rational about it. I managed a decent walk ( 15.4k steps) yesterday in my raincoat that helped. I'm still in London for work and it is grey and raining but I bailed on my hotel and came to stay with my little brother (who lives here for his work) and it's a bit like being home. I hadn't seen him in a few years because we're not that close but he made me airfryer spicy tofu and asparagus for supper, offered to look over some work excels with me and to top it off he washed, dried, folded my laundry from my suitcase whilst I was asleep and woke me up with coffee in bed this morning. (I suspect he's been talking to my partner). He's made me feel very cared for and also said that even without weightloss in the mix he gets very very down when he has a bad stretch of travel for work and the weather is ****. He helped me find friends of friends to stay with when I have a week in Budapest in 10 days time so that I'm not all alone at a hotel again. And we realised we'll both be in Boston for work next month and can meet up there and we also sync'd our work travel agendas and found out we'll be in Singapore in October at the same time as our brother in law ( sisters husband) and so all three of us can stay together! For my job the travel is going to be wild until the end of this year (wrap up of a 5 year worldwide project) and so I'm just going to have to "hack" it as much as I can. I get back to Paris very late tonight and might see if I can move enough meetings around to take Friday off work and just spend 3 days for myself in Paris. Hows everyone getting on ?
  9. Hi everyone. I was a cash pay in Vegas for gastric sleeve. They haven’t really followed up and I keep having to ask them for more info. They seem really relaxed about everything (outpatient surgery). I asked when I can exercise and he said I can begin anything I want now and I am only three weeks out. I’m just wondering if anyone else has been told that? I see 6-8 weeks most places.
  10. I only weigh once a week, and it's been slow going the past few weeks. But as long as I'm losing, I think I'm ok with it. I was told to expect stalls around this time. The hard thing for me is waiting a week to step on the scale. We have been away for 5 days at the beach. That's always been a big eating event for me. This has been quite different. We only ate out 2 times... one breakfast and one dinner. It was uneventful... not the wonderful experience it used to be.
  11. Hi, I had my surgery a little over a month ago and just had two small stuffed squash with beef and a tiny bit of rice. I ate the first one thinking I'll feel the restriction and felt nothing, I went in for the second one and had a couple sips of water (I know I need to wait 30 min) but I feel fine. I think I might be full but I can't really tell. I feel satisfied but I know if I want I can more in and that's not something I want to do. Anyone felt this before. Not too much restriction after the surgery.
  12. Please try not to worry. My dietician said this is very common. She said after about 2 weeks, I may stall for a month. She said to watch for clothing fitting looser during this time and not to be concerned about the scale. It will pick up again!
  13. I’ve had a few issues with vomiting when I eat solids. Usually it’s because I made a mistake and swallowed before I chewed or I took too big of a bite. If I concentrate and take it slow I do pretty good. After I vomit though I find I have to do liquids again for a couple meals because I’ve aggravated everything so. If I try solids again soon after I was sick then I’m just sick again. I feel like this will work itself out as I adjust to slowing down and and chewing each small bite 20-25x. A work in progress for sure! I’m definitely getting better at not drinking for 30 min to an hour after eating. I made the mistake of trying to take a drink when I have that stuck feeling and everytime it ends badly. My next post-op appt isn’t until April 11th. I hit the three week stall last week and have only lost a pound all week. I’m hoping before my appt I get past it and start losing again.
  14. MLC3409

    Weight gain

    I’m three weeks out of surgery. I’m feeling kind of the same way technically. For my tracker I weigh twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays. I noticed this week from Wednesday to Sunday I didn’t have the weight loss that I was kind of expecting. I’ve also started the purée stage where I’m actually eating stuff now. One of the Support groups that I’m in there is a woman there and she said that this is normal and I talked to my doctor and he said it was normal so I guess it’s normal. I know I’ve heard of the stalls that happen within the first few months. you’ll have stalls as your body adjusts to the new eating habits. Just make sure that you’re eating your protein, getting your water, taking your vitamins, and eating foods that you should be eating, such as puréed vegetables, or soft foods, or whatever that are healthy. Your body will adjust as time goes on and will all feel these kind of oh my God moments. But we got this we’ll get through this. I’m not gonna start worrying about the stalls until I’m six months out and not losing any weight by then, your body should be on the role of losing. I hope that helps.
  15. Cj975

    November 2023 buddies

    I am right there with you. 7 weeks today and have been stalled close to 2 weeks. Frustrating.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Not losing weight

    My first (of MANY stalls) was at 2 1/2 weeks. Every time I have a stall, I gain 3-4 pounds. Then I gain and lose the same 2-3 pounds throughout the stall. Once it finally breaks, I lose like 5 pounds in 1shot, then go back to losing my normal 2-4 pounds a week until another stall hits. That's why paying close attention to Non Scale Victories (NSVs) is so so important.
  17. catwoman7

    Time off work?

    I took three weeks off (desk job) but could have gone back after two. I was pretty tired the first few weeks after surgery, though...
  18. Happy to read everyones progress! I @LisaCaryl I feel you I'm still in Cairo so haven't weighed yet... I have no idea if I've lost at all this week or stalled or gained. Ramadan is over now so it'll be back to getting lunch normally etc, but I'm not sure it'll be a joy like it used too... even though I love the food from north africa to the middle east. Also Bit freaked that I have another week until I can weigh myself. @kissabeth It's so amazing to fit back into old clothes isn't it! Well done you. And well done for making it through the interrogation. @RonHall908 I know how depressing the stalls are ... but you've already lost over 100 pounds ... thats amazing I mean thats like the average weight of a 13 year old ... you've lost the équivalant of a teenager! @NickelChip How was the eclipse?
  19. It seems like more and more new users forget to use the sidebar with surgery info and progress. While it's obviously anyone's choice to keep the information private, it makes it so much easier to help with questions when you have an idea of where people are in their journey. I'm wondering if it's simply because more users are mobile-only? Maybe they don't see the sidebars (I use BP on desktop only)? Maybe they don't even know it's there? It's especially helpful when someone asks about nutrition, complications, phase-specific worries and stalls to understand right off the bat where they are in their journey. There's a world of difference between stalls happening for a BMI52 duodenal switch patient who had surgery 7 weeks ago and lost 10 lbs total and then a sleever who's a year out at BMI24. It's getting harder and harder to tell as fewer and fewer new users use the sidebar. Maybe we the site could help nudge people to fill in the info?
  20. tantakatie

    Sertraline since gastric sleeve

    Just keep moving, drinking water and eating protein first hand stay off the scale! Your body letting go of the weight is not just physical but mental! Give yourself some grace and be patient with the process! It will move again so stay positive and try to keep the negative thoughts away! I just came off a three week stall where I fluctuated between 3 #s to the point I thought my scale was broken!!
  21. I was prescribed 600 mg a day of ursodiol to prevent gallbladder problems beginning today at 3 weeks. Each capsule is 200 mg. If you had similar RX, did you spread out taking throughout the day or take all at once? Just wondering if my pouch can absorb all three capsules at one time. Thank you for any advice on this. I’ll call my nurse today but it often takes them a long time to respond.
  22. Jonathan Carlson

    Not losing weight

    If all you're eating is protein, the weight will come off. Don't worry about a quick stall! Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk
  23. Arabesque

    Not losing weight

    Perfectly normal. As @Shanna NYC said they usually occur at week three but can occur before or after that. They usually last 1-3 weeks. And it may not be the only stall you experience. They are the time your body takes to assess where you are now & what it needs in regards to digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. When your body is ready to move forward again the stall will break. Can’t force them to break though some people say they did but they don’t know how long their stall would have lasted. Just stick to your plan. I agree stay off the scales for a week if nit seeing it move is messing with you. Try taking body measurements as some times the scale doesn’t move but your measurements do as your body realigns itself & yes including your fat deposits.
  24. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I swear, if this stall doesn't break soon... I did some research and found that indeed, 3 months is a common time for a stall to hit. It's just frustrating to see that nice downward trend come to a halt, especially when the "experts" tell you the first 3 months are the fastest weight loss. It really is a marathon, isn't it? Here's what my weight has been doing the past 30 days:
  25. BigZ

    Not Enough Calories

    At the 6 month mark, I was eating between 6-700 calories a day and I noticed I was slowing to 1 pound per week, which was still good, but then I bumped up to around 1000 calories a day the last three weeks. I have lost 3.2 per week the last two weeks. So not sure if eating more helped, but eating more (which is hard to do without eating junk) seems to have helped.

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