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Found 738 results

  1. musiclover


    Do I have to stop drinking after the surgery.. I mean forever? I usually like to drink vodka and slimline tonic when I'm gigging, so I have a fair few of those once a week... I do enjoy the occasional drink. I assume that as tonic is carbonated, I will have to find a different mixer, maybe a juice, but I'm keen to know whether I have to give up alcohol altogether?. At gigs I have to admit I do get a little merry every now and then, would be a shame to give it up altogether so I just need to understand what having the sleeve means in terms of alcohol consumption post surgery? Thanks.
  2. I'm curious for those who went from the band to the sleeve - with the smaller stomach - have you noticed a difference when drinking alcohol? I'm not a big drinker - I can't stomach much alcohol as it is but I'm wondering if the sleeve changes the effect that alcohol has on the body.
  3. summer5140


    How long after surgery before you have a drink?
  4. So I'm guilty of being worried if I can drink again after this surgery. I'm pretty much a social drinker but I am super social. I pretty much go out drinking with my friends every weekend being that I'm in my college/party part of life. I hate beer and I don't really like fruity cocktails I'm more of a straight liquor drinker like ciroc, grey goose, absolute, etc. And while on my pre surgery diet I would even chase with crystal light. I'm hoping I can continue drinking what I drink after, just much less lol. If you have any experience let me know!!!
  5. does anyone know how long after surgery you can drink alcohol? i am on a full fluids stage at the moment. i have never been told that i can not drink in this stage, nor when i can resume drinking post-op. anyone have any idea?
  6. My question is why exactly we aren't supposed to have alcohol, or when I can drink again. I really enjoy a drink when I go out and I just want to know when is it ok? 6 months? a year? what did you surgeon say? Any bad experiences?
  7. Hi Iam getting banded on the 26/06/09 and I am paying for it myself. I have been told to go on a low fat diet for 2 weeks which I have done successfully, but I am really worried about my liver. I am not an alcoholic or anything but I do like a glass of wine or two in the evening with my meal and have done this for many years. Now I am worrying if and when the Dr. opens me up and says my liver is too bad. Oh I am worrying about everything at the moment and my husband thinks I am overreacting cause Im so nervous but it is something I haven't thought about until now. Has anyone had any experience of this. Really appreciate any replies. Being banded in Belgium and havent had any blood tests yet as get them the day before the op owing to it being performed in another country. Jx:sad:
  8. I am considering banding, however I enjoy an occassional beer or cocktail. How does banding affect drinking?
  9. My program doesn't allow raw vegetables (no salads) until 5 months post op, no bread products for 6 months (but other carbs are okay), and no alcohol for a year. Curious to learn A)when did you start eating/drinking these things post op and how did you handle it? B)what advice your program gave you about them? C) experience with your first salad? Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Hey guys, can anyone tell me about alcohol and wine with lapband ? before getting banded I would only drink on special occasions just a glass or 2.i have not drank since i got banded,will it be diffrent after being banded? can any one tell me ? i am going on vacation sept,7th to hawaii for our 1st wedding anniversary and would like to have a drink or 2 .and info would be appreciated! thanks tonyann
  11. I’m trying to avoid alcohol and my dietician has told me no carbonated drinks. When friends go to the bar, what can I order? I’m looking for something that is relatively common, which many bars would be able to make.
  12. when are you allowed to drink after being sleeved? I am 4 weeks out now.
  13. Hey everyone I was wondering when is it ok to go out for drinks like beers or liquor I'm 2 months out I know I sound stupid but it's gonna be 4th of July and I want to Celebrate Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. How are you guys counting sugar alcohols in macros? I like Dr. Johns hard candies. 4 pieces count as 18 carbs, 16 of which are sugar alcohols. Would you count 18 carbs. would you count 2 carbs? What’s your thoughts?
  15. Banded 9/4, first fill was on last Thursday, 4cc. I don't feel any different since the fill, but I always take small bites and eat slow:-) Went to a wedding last night, I was nervous about what they were going to serve to eat. I had chicken, green beans and mashed red skin potatoes! No problems with any of the food, thank goodness. I did have my first cocktails since being banded and I can drink just like I did pre-band:-) I only drink on occasion, had water with black cherry mio and whipped vodka, yummy! Low calorie, non carbonated:-) danced the night away (cardio) and had a blast! Now I know I can survive a get together just fine with my new band:-)
  16. I've noticed a lot of low Carb and Atkins friendly items state these things on the labels...what do we think about these concepts?
  17. Why can wecdrink? Is it because Alcohol has empty calories or is there another reason we aren't allowed to drink for at least 6 months??
  18. Just wondering what everyones experience was like. How much & what did you drink? Did you feel more inebriated than you would have before surgery? How long after surgery did you have your first drink? I'm only 13days post op but I'd really like to have some wine at a wedding in september....I haven't asked my doc how long I have to wait before drinking yet.
  19. So I'm enjoying a skinny girl cosmopolitan and I'm already down 20 pounds , so what is the big fuss about alcohol if your body can totally tolerate it ?!?!?!?
  20. Ultraviolet


    Has anyone started drinking after surgery? If so, how long did you wait? Sent from my iPhone using VST
  21. Are you allowed to have these after the lapband? ~Jodie
  22. Hi Brandy , thanks for your response about alcohol and sodas. I haven't had niether since my surgery on 2/9/2009. I like to drink alcohol when I'm out. I can do without sodas since I really didn't such of it anyway only sprite or 7up.

    I love top shelf Margaritias.

    How do you get the tickers on this site?

  23. Being a recovered alcoholic and addict you would think I know not to lick my finger with pancake batter on it , right? Yeah not so much

  24. Thanks for the comments! You're so sweet. Actually I "can" drink alcohol. My doc just doesn't recommend it because of calories. So I haven't since my surgery. But I'm going to New Orleans in 2 wks and I'm sure I'll have a drink or two, lol

  25. lol.. yea i want alcohol.. and fries..

    a well.. have u drop a lot of weight?

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