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Found 554 results

  1. Tom! Did you get your band done in Toronto. I am headed to Toronto for mine next week?! Just looking if there any others who went to the same place I am headed?? Slimband?? Thanks Ashley
  2. so done with it all

    Are they the same

    Lap-band is the trademarked name of the Allergan band. Slimband is the name of a clinic.
  3. Bendy H

    6th fill was my sweet spot and in ONEDERLAND!!!!

    So last month I had my 6th fill and i've finally hit my sweet spot. I won't be going in this month because i'm steadily losing every week which is awesome. I am finally in onederland!!! I weighed in this morning at 198 yipee!! This is soooo exciting. I went shopping on the weekend at Pennington's and I am a size 14. I won't be able to shop there anymore because that's the smallest size they have. Can you believe it - I have to shop at regular stores now. AWESOME!!! I am so looking forward to this summer at the beach. My goal is getting closer and closer. I love love love my band. Thank you slimband.
  4. So last month I had my 6th fill and i've finally hit my sweet spot. I won't be going in this month because i'm steadily losing every week which is awesome. I am finally in onederland!!! I weighed in this morning at 198 yipee!! This is soooo exciting. I went shopping on the weekend at Pennington's and I am a size 14. I won't be able to shop there anymore because that's the smallest size they have. Can you believe it - I have to shop at regular stores now. AWESOME!!! I am so looking forward to this summer at the beach. My goal is getting closer and closer. I love love love my band. Thank you slimband.
  5. tango

    CIBO Clinic (toronto)

    I am so glad that you are considering something other than TLBC (now Slimband). I wish I had not chosen TLBC. Their post operative support is terrible even though on paper it looks like they have a lot of stuff. I have been unable to get personalized support for my circumstances. You are told to just go to classes and that personal nutritional consultations are not possible. I could tell you tons of stories. TLBC has changed a lot in the last year and it feels like I am being herded along rather than people listening to my issues and offering solutions. I have been banded for one year and have only managed to loose 15 pounds even though I run 30 km per week and do 3 hours of personal training sessions per week. I feel like I made the wrong choice for sure. Do your homework very carefully before choosing a clinic.
  6. II want to seek legal action. Is there a class action started? If you go to TLBC.ca it defaults to Slimband and has current information there. I was told that TLBC became Slimband and the contracts were assumed by Slimband. In law when the contract is assumed, all terms and conditions remain the same. I am in contract with the company and not under the condition that Dr. Lau remained. The contract that I signed with TLBC May 2008, was assumed by Slimband in Nov 2008 so I was told and they also continued to provide care as per the contract of May 2008 including repositioning surgery in Jan 2014. So I think that they may be in breach. The only way to take them on is by a class action. I am in and want to know where to sign up!
  7. If you were banded under TLBC (now Slimband) you might have heard that we are no longer getting the life long support system we signed up for. In fact, we now have to pay for any sort of support (fills, defills, access to a nutritionist) we might need, except for defills. Myself and several other (8) are looking for other TLBCer's who are upset by this situation. Please email me ASAP with your story, questions or concerns. Kat
  8. Hello, I was banded in November of 2011 and had complications for years. Slimband kept telling me my band was in the correct spot after they reviewed my upper GI. Turns out my upper GI, showed the band was placed to high and I had NO gastric pouch. So I was living in pain all the time, and they were lying to me the entire time. They are still making me pay for this band, even though it has been removed!! Don't go to SLIMBAND, they don't care about people, they only care about money.
  9. I was banded Mar/07. As you all know we can no longer recive care from Slimband. I have been advised to make a report to The College of Physicians. That they take these complaints very seriously & will take action far quicker then a class action suit against TLBC, Slimband or Dr. Yau'. Anyone wanting to take this route can do so online.
  10. I was banded back in 2004 by Yau & Dr Joffe. I just found out that Slimband no longer provides care, and Yau is no returning my calls. I want in on any class action law suit that may be in the works. I've developed major complications with the band and simply don't want to pay any more for fixing it! Any recommendations? thanks!
  11. I had my procedure done at Slimband in Toronto. One of their success stories on their website is a mother-daughter team. It might give some inspiration and confidence to you and your daughter. The website is www.slimband.com I have only had my band since July 28 so I don't have any experience yet, really. Take care and good luck to both of you!!
  12. susieq321

    Fitness Challenge

    OK this is just my idea nothing to do with Slimband so do not hold them accountable... but I posted on the myslimband site and since it is locked down to slimband/TLBC patients it would be nice to host it on there because it will be our own small group that is manageable. Here were my thoughts so far... and I already posted this on myslimband.com I was thinking more along the lines of a thread that is ours, where we make our commitments for group and additional commitments as we go.. I was thinking something along the lines of choosing a theme for the month or a theme for the week. We could start with a focus on eating, working out anything we want as a group we would choose the theme of the week or month... So we would make the commitment to the group for the duration of the group, then another to the theme of the week or month. In addition there are dozens of free podcasts that we could suggest to each other a webcast or podcast or article to read that ties into our theme as an individual weigh in for the comments on the webcast, article or podcast. In addition we can add a weigh in for those who are in the weight loss phase and want that accountability added. We can also set up a chat room if that would help people there are several free rooms or if we are on msn or yahoo you can do a linked IM chat on there too. Thoughts comments etc?
  13. Scoobie

    Fill Doctor in Edmonton Alberta?

    hi the info I got from Slimband in Toronto is there is a clinic in Edmonton which is located at 10020 101A Avenue NW. I don't have a ph number but maybe the TO office could give it to you. I was told they do fills there for Slimband patients.
  14. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/02/21/chief-surgeon-at-slimband-weight-loss-clinics-resigns-after-probe-reveals-significant-history-of-complaints/
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    slim band and dna testing

    @@2muchfun i was wondering the same thing.... Never heard of the slimband. @@princess77 And why did that do DNA testing? Im just curious...
  16. 2muchfun

    slim band and dna testing

    What's a slimband?
  17. LessLee


    I was banded at Slimband, but I am in Ottawa.
  18. I just received my second adjustment last Friday - Slimband approved me for a 2CC fill, which puts me at 4CC total right now. I have to say, I definitely feel a huge difference and I'm trying to determine if I'm in this "GREEN ZONE" everyone speaks of, or if I'm too tight. I have to eat very slowly and extremely small bites. Even then I'm feeling a lot of restriction and eating scrambled eggs is taking me 30 minutes. I have a feeling my stomach is a bit swollen, which might account for the tightness as well. I'm willing to give it a few weeks to see if I can manage. When I was at 2CC I found I could pretty much eat fine - albeit slower but I didn't get that FULL sensation like I do now. I'm struggling to compete 1100 calories a day right now. Water and coffee go down just fine. Not sure what everyone elses experience is? It's been a little over 3 months and I'm down 13 pounds.
  19. LisaBC

    Fills In Alberta???

    I am from Calgary, AB and had lap band surgery in Tijuana, Mexico with Dr. Ortiz of the OCC 10 days ago. I checked things out before going down and found 2 doctors here in Calgary that will do fills for Mexican patients. Feel free to PM me if you would like any information! my experience was wonderful. I am so glad I went there.. I also spent alot less than what it would cost to have it done in Toronto with Slimband. take care!
  20. I've only ever heard good things about SWLC. It is an excellent clinic. But don't dismiss TLBC/Slimband just yet. Do have a visit. Most people are inclined to post when they have problems and are looking for advice. If all is well, you won't likely hear from them. There are many of us here who have have very positive experiences at TLBC.
  21. I hadn't weighed myself in years. I was scared of any major stomach surgery. When I heard of the slimband, I knew it was for me. The weight loss is slow and steady. My pre op was 297 and I had probably lost some in the previous weeks
  22. Great Thanks - They are 1 of the 3 that I've narrowed it down to. I am also considering Slimband and Credit Valley Clinic.
  23. truthbetold66

    Lap-Band adjustment Doctor in Toronto FOUND!

    I am confused. This is what I received from Slimband a couple of months ago "Slimband is pleased to introduce our new Medical Director, Dr. Ali Hazrati" If he is the New Medical Director at Slimband WHY is he doing fills at his private clinic and charging patients?
  24. Don't be fooled

    Yau is back at Slimband

  25. truthbetold66

    Don't Go To Slimband

    Don't believe the posts above. they are from new members with only one post each. they are obviously staff of slimband trying to deal with all the bad comments of slimband. slimband takes your money and then does not provide the care they say they wll. with no notice they change the rules as they go along one day you can have a fill the next day you can not. the company is in complete disorganization and I would spend my money at one of the other better clinics in Ontario. slimband has so many bad complaints and especially with the college of physicians. save your money and stress and go somewhere else.

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