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Found 17,501 results

  1. Aaron2000

    Pre-op Liquid diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?
  2. Aaron2000

    Day 1 pre op diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?
  3. Aaron2000

    Day 1 pre op diet

    Scheduled for surgery 1/10/24. I was told my Dr’s office that I will only need to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours before surgery. I’ve always heard that it’s a week or 10 days. Wondering if anyone has ever heard this?
  4. Hellojaqs

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Greetings. My name is Jacki, 41 years old from Norther California and I am new around these parts. Here is what my weight is looking like. First visit with surgeon after referal sent over, 11/28/23 I was 373 pounds. 4/19/2024 was 353 after my doctor told me to lose 20 pounds before my next appointment. My scale at home lied to me by like 5 pounds so we will go with the office scale. I left that appointment on the 19th with a surgery date of May 9th, 2024. Nervous and excited is an understatement. I start my 2 week pre-op diet tomorrow 4/25 and it is gonna suck because my birthday is 4/27 but I know this is the best birthday gift I can give myself. This is like the last piece of my puzzle of taking over my life and figuring out who I am and who I want to be. Anyways, I look forward to getting to know all of you guys. Have a great day.
  5. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    April has been the month of stalls for me. I was stuck at 210.6 for 4 days, dropped to 208.8, and then stayed there for 4 days. Finally inched down to 208.4 yesterday and 208.0 today. Only losing 3 pounds in 10 days when I had been on track to lose closer to 5 is frustrating to say the least! The closer I get to being below 200, the more the universe wants to mess with me, apparently. But on an unrelated note, I drove to see the total eclipse in Vermont on Monday and it was amazing! Thank goodness for stopping to get some Vermont cheddar on the drive because healthy food options were scarce. I actually ended up eating McDonald's chicken nuggets for lunch. I managed to eat two of them, and they were okay, but I have no idea how I used to eat a box of 10 plus fries. Next time I venture out, I'm going to need to pack food for myself.
  6. Amazing! Thats nob subtle, your tummy looks much smaller, the top of your arm too and your neck looks much longer! Go you. I'm in the south of France for a conf and am absolutely miserable at how cold I am the whole time. I just feel freezing and can't seem to warm up it's 10°C (50°F) with a lot of wind ... but at least I'm not in Paris where it is 2°C (35°F)...
  7. NancyNewYork

    24 years post-op DS with questions and issues

    Just ALT. AST is high end of normal. I had an ultrasound about 10 months ago because of the ALT. "Probably fatty liver" although it also said it was hard to read because of excess gas....I'm think of asking for an MRI-spectroscopy.
  8. ms.sss


    been going to the pilates studio almost everyday now (a few times ive gone twice a day, thats how addicted i am to it). got tired of washing the same 4 pairs of yoga pants every few days, so decided to buy some new ones! got these babies in 5 colours (black, pink, blue, red and these brown ones)...for $10 each! bonus NSV: finding my size in abundance in the clearance section! win! ...now i gotta buy some new tops..
  9. ms.sss


    From the album: ms.sss OOTDs

    been going to the pilates studio almost everyday now (a few times ive gone twice a day, thats how addicted i am to it). Tired of washing the same 4 pairs of yoga pants every few days, decided to buy some new ones! got these babies in 5 colours (black, pink, blue, red and these brown ones)...for $10 each! another NSV: finding my size (xs) in abundance in the clearance section! win! ...now i gotta buy some new tops..
  10. lisssa

    Weight loss stats!

    Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Here's some motivation: In my first six months post-surgery, I lost weight steadily: Month 1 - 15 lbs, Month 2 - 12 lbs, Month 3 - 10 lbs, Month 4 - 8 lbs, Month 5 - 7 lbs, and Month 6 - 6 lbs. Remember, everyone's journey is unique, but staying positive and committed will bring you closer to your goals. You've got this! Keep focusing on your health and well-being.
  11. Joe Brown

    Cold feet b4 Surgery time sensitive.

    Thank you very much Im now only 262 lost 10 pounds lately and i feel maybe this whole thing is not really for me i need to diet … and that these surgeries are for very heavy ppl that have basically no chance with diet
  12. I had surgery May 10 and am down around 134 pounds. I still have about 70 pounds to go.
  13. learn2cook

    Georgia ESG (Where did you go?)

    I don’t have ESG. I’m in Boston and only some places offer it because insurance doesn’t cover it. The average cost is 11k. The average weight loss after a year is 10-20% (Johns Hopkins quote). You might want to do more hard core research before shelling out that kind of money for low results especially after your recent problems with the balloon. P.S. there’s different forums on here based on specific procedures if that helps.
  14. One of my concerns is regain. I have in the past, about 10 years ago, lost 100lbs following a low carb low fat diet along with medication from my Dr. Anyone else concerned about regain?
  15. There is a new video from Dr. Weiner on the Pound of Cure YouTube channel just posted today updating his now 10-year-old video on post-op eating. This applies to the first several weeks, up through about 3 months. So if you're at the stage of reintroducing foods and trying to hit water and protein goals and want a little extra guidance or reassurance, (or if you are pre-op and want a great reference for later) give it a watch:
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    I did it!!! OMG I really did it!!!!

    Thank you I just knew that, no matter how many surgeries I had to have, this is a once in a lifetime shot to fix what was broken and undo the damage I did for decades. Ironically, having 10 surgeries in 2 years actually forced me to slow down, think about everything I eat and drink, don't overdo it but still make sure I move my body. I worked with both my nutritionist and a bariatric therapist for a long time (still working on my body dysmorphia, but that takes a lot longer to work through) to finally get here.
  17. Ideally, maintenance is achieved when you are living the lifestyle (in terms of intake and movement) that you can foreseeably do for the "rest if your life"...even more ideally, is if you can adjust your lifestyle as your circumstances change... when u get to goal weight, you can start upping ur calories until weight loss stops. you may find you go under ur goal weight by a bit, but more likely than not, you will regain a few lbs until you stabilize (at, below, or over goal weight...u won't know until u know, unfortunately). lots of us on here worried about losing too much weight...unless u have medical conditions, this worry doesn't last long lol. i got to about 20 lbs below goal weight at my lowest. regained about 10 of those extra lbs within a year. and while i thought i was too small when i was at actual goal, i don't think that anymore, even weighing 10 lbs less. long story short, if u can leave the worry at the door, do it. Unless u are sick or your med team is worried, just enjoy the ride! you look awesome, you look like u must awesome. bask in your awesomeness!
  18. ms.sss


    lol, ok i get the gist now! ok, so my updated response is: yes, i feel that way. if there is no food (or drink) it didn't happen. unless its like an exercise class or something, there is ALWAYS food involved if im out with more than just myself, celebration or not. and if its a celebration, the food always outnumbers the people like 10 to 1. i mean can u have a party or large gathering of people without food? ive never been to one without it in my 50+ years, now that i think if it...
  19. catwoman7

    Struggling to stop losing

    you can always increase calories to gain weight (or to stop a loss), but keep In mind that a vast majority of us experience a 10-20 lb bounce back regain around year 3. You might want to factor that in. I purposely went below my goal just in case I had a rebound (and I did...actually closer to 30 lbs for me...).
  20. Has anyone had a sleeve who takes Abilify? My metabolism has virtually stopped since taking Abilify. I am going to be sleeved on 10/24 and can't wait. Please write and tell me of your weight loss experience since being sleeved while on Abilify.
  21. Joe Brown

    Cold feet b4 Surgery time sensitive.

    I read online that after surgery even long term it will take 10-15 minutes to eat 2 tablespoons and eat extremely slowly chowing until all food is equivalent to mash potatoes thickness before swallowing is this true signing up my life for this??
  22. gillopez

    Post Op Penis Size

    I was curious what kind of enlargements men on here have seen with weight loss. I am not asking anyone here to reveal penis sizes... I'm just curious as to what kind of gains people have seen with 50lb, 100lb, etc weight loss in terms of inches? Or inch? Is there anything else that someone's encountered that may be fun to look forward to or to look for? I'm 10 days post op and looking for various subtleties to look forward to....
  23. I'm checked into the hotel near the hospital and just had my last protein shake of the day. My mom has kindly gone down to the restaurant alone so as not to make me die from watching her eat dinner. Checking in at the hospital tomorrow at 10:50am. So ready!

    1. BeanitoDiego


      Pulling for ya!

  24. Mjtcollective

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Sleeve my ins wouldn’t cover it so I went to Mexico. Since my consult w my doc 10/18 and surgery 12/7 I’m down 32 pounds from 10/18!!! 12 before 20 post. I’m a tummy sleeper and even back to that as of last night!!
  25. Thanks @NickelChip @RonHall908 I know the stall is normal and expected but it’s not making it easier for me to deal with … ( scales still hadn’t budged this morning making it 10 days …). Im sorry to hear you guys are suffering sleep wize and hope you get things sorted soon, are your bedrooms cool enough ? - I’ve never been one for much sleep and suffer terribly from insomnia but still try to avoid sleeping pills like the devil. My usual Paris setting is up at 6.45 - coffee coffee coffee shower - out the door at 7.45 to get to the office until 19.30 - then out and about ( drinks and food or theatre or whatever) and then home round 10/11pm and then 1.30-2am I head to bed. So I’m usually on under 5 hours a night. I struggled against it for a while and finally just accepted it. If I get 4 hours I can function. If I try to go to bed earlier I just get really annoyed at the fact I’m not sleeping and end up all wound up and exhausted. But… since surgery I’m in bed at 11pm sometimes earlier and asleep by midnight so that’s a good in for me! @NickelChip maybe if your job/life allows it just try and go with the rhythm for a few days - just follow when your body says it’s tired and nap if you can? I’m on the train to London actually under the channel right now as I type! Always so amazed by it!

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