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Found 17,501 results

  1. Arabesque

    Less then 30 lbs to go...

    Unfortunately, those heady weeks of large weight loss after surgery don’t last. Sigh! We all eventually slow to what is considered a healthy rate of loss: about 2lbs a week +/-which is about where you are now. And even worse, those last few pounds can be a b**ch to lose. I’m talking grams/ounces a week & seemingly more fluctuations. But as long as your general trend is still downwards you’re doing fine (even if seems to be almost flatlining it 😉).
  2. jacquelynn22

    Getting your hair professionally colored?

    So I've read that to reduce irritation, hair will be fragile. I've read you should avoid heat styling, bleaching and comb gently. So I wanted to see others experiences
  3. Ddanddelion

    Feeling discouraged

    I went through this too. It pushed my journey back many months and I was so disappointed. I am using this time to work more on myself mentally and do my PT excersizes. Also maybe talk to your primary care or bariatric team about starting phentermine or another appetite suppressant to kickstart your weight loss while you wait
  4. Fred in Pa

    When did you stop losing

    First off, congratulations on the weight you’ve lost so far! You should be proud. I am about seven months past surgery and I’ve hit my goal. As others have said, weight loss is very slow. I’ve only drifted down a pound or two in the last 2 to 3 weeks. It’s important to realize that you are still losing weight, so you are still working towards your goal. Some things you can do is take a look at how clean are your calories? Are you eating good, healthy food? Eating right keeps your body in-tune in all areas…keeps all the systems working harmoniously. Makes you feel good and keeps your MIND on track. Another thing you can do is look at your exercise. Keeping muscle is important as it burns the fat and cardio will help you in your daily calorie reduction. It doesn’t take much to energize your body to help burn even more calories. And above all else remember, slow loss is still a loss!!
  5. ShoppGirl


    Please add the option to list a second surgery to our profile if possible. I’m thinking it’s kinda confusing to people that I am asking questions about pre op when I had surgery three years ago. Also please add the SADI surgery to the list of surgeries as well.
  6. Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Operation is on May 1. I'm one week into the liquid diet. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. My doctor's nutritionists made a schedule (I always do better with a plan) and required me to buy Unjury products. I have the chicken soup and cookies and cream shakes. The shakes are actually pretty good. My sense of smell is through the roof. I wasn't expecting that. I can smell people cooking meat a mile away I swear! I get odd tightness and heat where the back of my head meets my neck. Is this the headaches I was warned about? I'm feeling good about the surgery. I'm already down a pants size after one week and am looking forward to sustaining gains through the next 12 months.
  7. Julie.Nudge

    Travel 6 months Post-op

    Personally, I do actually have loads of luggage space since I plan on bringing 1) lots of cute outfits with me and 2) many many MANY souvenirs back home. Plus buying the tickets months in advance has made it easier for me to upgrade the luggage since there’s no way two weeks worth of clothes were all gonna fit in my carry on since we plan on adventuring and going out all across Lima. One sole/sol is about 1/3 USD so definitely cheaper to buy stuff over there the only thing I really thought about brining is protein powder/shakes but then I feel powder might freak TSA out too much. 😂
  8. Welcome all! I agree with @tamra. Feeling all the things. And like @MeNotYou worried about losing my hair is one of those things. I’ve always had great hair, and now I’m messing with that one thing…but still ready for it! Also, as an avid baker, wondering how I’ll do with no sugar, but willing to only bake savory and eat little if it. Goodbye my beloved crème brûlée… It’s dumb, some of the things I worry about, especially since I’m aiming to avoid cancer with this surgery. Vanity and food addiction!
  9. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Ah I see! I have about 8 days until I start mine - all feeling a bit more real as it gets closer! I can imagine - I think I am going to try and stick with the protein water as it won't be as thick thankfully
  10. cutlass6521

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Day 3 post-op from band removal to gastric sleeve. Yikes, this was way worse than what I thought. They took longer to get that band out-appears previous surgeon was making sure that bugger wasn't moving. 2 days of sleeping and sipping water. Can't even think about food. I hope this gets easier as the week goes by.
  11. Erin18


    Hey all, Yes I have a thyroid problem and the doctors already know. I've been on thyroid medication since 2016. The team did blood work and said it was a little high but not enough to change my dosage. She saw my hair and she recommended taking a collagen supplement. I like the taste of the Spring Valley collagen + Biotin sugar free liquid supplement (sorry I didn't mention it was a liquid or that it was together). I'm also 7 months post op. The hair shedding has slowed down a lot at this point. I really do feel a difference in my hair. It feels softer. I've always had fine hair. It's just since I had surgery, it looks super thin on the top of my head on the left side of my part and only really can be seen if I put my hair up in a bun or pony. Makes me feel a little self conscious. But I do know it'll go back to normal eventually or at least I hope lol. I want to start using the vital proteins collagen powder. And get a new protein powder. Have one of each per day. I definitely lack protein and I know that's a huge factor. For the past few months it's been difficult deciding on what to eat with protein that isn't eggs. I have found a pancake mix with 15g of protein in it and it's actually the best protein pancake mix I've found, but I don't want pancakes every day. I get sick of things quick now since I've had the surgery.
  12. Hello, I, 9 month post with VGS,, I am on a super strict calorie diet. 400 or less a day. ( Doc is ok with that) i do moderate exercise 3 days a weeks, and walking everyday. i have only lost 3# in 2 months. Doc said sometimes it happens, it not typical but can still happen, then he said one month i could loss 10# after my body catches up and get out of starvation mode or something along that line.. I just need to talk to someone who has experienced something similar. I had a rough start to this journey and I am just hoping that it starts going better,
  13. sillykitty

    Doubts about plastic surgery

    I believe we should get the the bodies we want, and that doesn't necessarily stop at weight loss surgery. It's wonderful your husband thinks you're perfect, but he's not living in your body. And, yeah, you may want more procedures, but why not? If you can get a body you're comfortable in through plastics, why is that a bad thing? I've had two sets of plastic surgery (but not an arm lift). Recovery sucks in the short term. But what's a few week vs. being happy with your arms forever? Additionally, there is a study that shows that those who get plastics after WLS are more apt to keep the weight off. Anecdotally, the group of women I am in touch with on here who have had plastics, and all 5+ years out, and all have had no significant weight gain, outside the normal bounce.
  14. NickelChip

    No weight loss

    The more I read up on nutrition, the more I'm becoming convinced that calorie restriction is not the way to approach weight loss. It actually sets us up for failure and yo-yo dieting. You need to reset your metabolic set point by choosing the right foods and listening to your body for signs of when to stop eating as opposed to counting numbers. When I reached my highest weight last summer, I found the Pound of Cure book by Dr. Matthew Weiner, and this greatly changed my thinking. I started following his program and lost 13lbs slowly and steadily, and without counting a single calorie or macro. Of course, surgery has helped tremendously, but the months I was just following Pound of Cure guidelines, I never felt hungry or deprived. His YouTube channel has hundreds of videos to help get you started. The book is really cheap on Amazon, and there are no soecial products or supplements you have to buy. Just healthy, real food. Anyway, my advice would be to start there and see if it helps.
  15. Good to know. My nutritionist didn’t say anything about it.
  16. FifiLux

    Slow Loser - Anyone else?

    How do you keep your carbs so low? I am kind of in awe of you right now 😄 The bean stew I made for meals is 30g carbs per serving alone (but only 180 calories and 12g protein). I am hitting between 900 and 1,100 calories, 30g fat and +/-70g protein a day. My guidance was to have +/- 60g protein a day and make good choices for food and eat small portions - no set calories etc. From reading others posts and feedback on the forum I have already decided to give my regular banana as it is too high in carbs (just two more left to eat!) and I have stopped taking a morning drink of honey, lemon, pepper and cinnamon as the honey made the carbs too high also. I am a bit freaked out now as my weight loss has slowed down the last three months and I have only lost a couple of pounds.
  17. Normandagle

    Hummus and what?

    I am about to start the soft food stage and that means i can have hummus. I love hummus, but ehat am i supposed to eat it with? Cant do raw veggies or chips/ crackers. Any ideas?
  18. Wonderwoman14

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    The food guidelines for WLS have acidic foods which isn’t good for a GERD patient. The guidelines for GERD patients the food is bland. I can’t always do GERD eating since I need my protein and consuming yogurt, cottage cheese with other nutrients sometimes triggers my reflux. I don’t think it’s the combination of the two that’s stoping my weight loss. I may have built more muscle especially in my legs and arms but the belly muscle I’m still trying to build up.
  19. As @SleeveToBypass2023 said, it is perfectly normal to be able to eat more as you progress. Your calories increase & your portion size increases. Your tummy is stretching more that it is getting a little looser, plus your more healed & your tummy is less fussy & sensitive to certain or random foods. The trick is not to exceed either of those. And, yes, it’s okay to have the odd days when you eat less on those days you don’t want to eat more or can’t eat more. Almost 5 years out & I still have days I’m not all that hungry (went through a few months of not being hungry earlier this year - it was great). I also have meals where I don’t want to or can’t finish my usual portion of that particular meal. Sometimes certain foods can sit more heavily at odd times than other times. I like to think it’s because I don’t need to eat more that day or simply because my tummy isn’t in the mood for that food/meal. Yes chips like Doritos are slider foods. Crackers, pop corn, pretzels, chocolate, sweets like cake biscuits, etc. all pass through your digestive system more quickly & therefore don’’t fill you up so you are able to eat way more than you should. If you do eat any of these types of foods portion out a small amount to eat & put the rest away in the cupboard. Or don’t keep them in your house to tempt you. There are healthier options to some of these like instead of chips (corn or potato) air fry some thin slices of other vegetables. Try baking/air frying some fava beans or chick peas & sprinkle your own flavours (sea salt, chilli, paprika, garlic, etc.). Or get some edamame (I got mine from the freezer section at the grocery store). Constantly weighing & recording food can mess with you sometimes but if you are someone who may be making less great choices or are worried about portion sizes you may have to keep it up if only for most meals.
  20. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The bariatric center I go to told me the same thing about stalls. But they also added that little things could prolong them. Like I mentioned in another post about the pre workout and post workout fueling (eating). The stalls still happen, but at least I feel a little better from having more energy. That's great you're staying with your brother. That's what brothers are supposed to do! Sounds like you have a good one. You have a very interesting job to be able to travel all over the world. I'm sure there's times the traveling is too much. But, wow. All the places and different people you get to meet and work with. I hope the stalls don't last too much longer for you. From my own experience with them, they are tough to get past, even when you do see other positives going on. I wish you good rest and safe travels!
  21. hayleymarie2703


    I’m usually at about 1000 calories. 80-100g protein. My carbs are around 60-70g but that is from eating strawberries/red grapes. Am I eating too much as I’ve not lost for 4 weeks. Started at 249lbs I’m now 210lbs. Should I maybe eat less fruit and cut calories to 800?
  22. Peggy Anne

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I get your frustration. I gained 5 lbs after Christmas and it just wasn't coming off. Last week I graduated off of Hint water and can now drink any water however I did change my diet. I know this is going to sound weird but it worked for me and I'll be 67 in a few weeks. I eat high protein, no sugar, sweetened with erythritol yogurt then my coffee with a small amount of sweetened flavored creamer and whipping cream. Lunch is usually a protein bar and a cheese stick. Protein bar is sweetened with the erythrirol.. Then the snacking begins - I make jello cubes out of unflavored beef gelatin, monk sugar and allulose, unsweetened kool aid and water. I make it thick and cut into 1/2" cubes. Place a hefty serving into a baggy and I can eat as many as I want. I snack from 3 til 8 on jello cubes, not non stop but maybe 3 baggies worth. I too was hungry all the time until I started eating the jello cubes. IDK why it works but in 5 days I lost 6 lbs. I pee non stop but that's ok with me. My jello cubes are about 35 calories a baggy but it's all protein and if you take a tryptophan with it it becomes a complete protein plus its tons of collagen. I've lost a lot of hair the past 6 weeks so trying to fight that. My surgery was 8/14 and so far I've lost 91 pounds (lost 45 before my surgery). I need new knees something awful so highly motivated. 17 lbs to go. I did join the gym 2 weeks ago in preparation for the new knees. Gotta get these old legs strong again. I hope things break for you soon.
  23. Viviana Mantilla

    Post Op Exercising

    I’m at 5 months post op & down 90lbs. But I’m finding it so hard to exercise or walk everyday or any day. I feel lazy or tired after a long day at work so I’m not doing anything! Any ideas or suggestions that could help boost my weight loss and exercise?
  24. My surgeon had me on liquid diet for two weeks then 2 weeks of Puree and the stages three which I’m on now soft diet until October and then regular diet. And I keep look at these incision like ain’t no way they took my stomach out these little wholes I wish they would of woke me up and showed me! I heard it picks up later I can say I lost some hair which is the wrong thing to be loosing . weight loss surgery not hair loss 🤦‍♀️ I paid money to loose hair lol 😂
  25. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    I had actually ordered an impossible breakfast plate with the multigrain toast. How I got a burger, not a clue but I really wasn’t about to complain.

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