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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hello, I, 9 month post with VGS,, I am on a super strict calorie diet. 400 or less a day. ( Doc is ok with that) i do moderate exercise 3 days a weeks, and walking everyday. i have only lost 3# in 2 months. Doc said sometimes it happens, it not typical but can still happen, then he said one month i could loss 10# after my body catches up and get out of starvation mode or something along that line.. I just need to talk to someone who has experienced something similar. I had a rough start to this journey and I am just hoping that it starts going better,
  2. ShoppGirl


    Please add the option to list a second surgery to our profile if possible. I’m thinking it’s kinda confusing to people that I am asking questions about pre op when I had surgery three years ago. Also please add the SADI surgery to the list of surgeries as well.
  3. Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Operation is on May 1. I'm one week into the liquid diet. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. My doctor's nutritionists made a schedule (I always do better with a plan) and required me to buy Unjury products. I have the chicken soup and cookies and cream shakes. The shakes are actually pretty good. My sense of smell is through the roof. I wasn't expecting that. I can smell people cooking meat a mile away I swear! I get odd tightness and heat where the back of my head meets my neck. Is this the headaches I was warned about? I'm feeling good about the surgery. I'm already down a pants size after one week and am looking forward to sustaining gains through the next 12 months.
  4. Wonderwoman14

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    The food guidelines for WLS have acidic foods which isn’t good for a GERD patient. The guidelines for GERD patients the food is bland. I can’t always do GERD eating since I need my protein and consuming yogurt, cottage cheese with other nutrients sometimes triggers my reflux. I don’t think it’s the combination of the two that’s stoping my weight loss. I may have built more muscle especially in my legs and arms but the belly muscle I’m still trying to build up.
  5. Julie.Nudge

    Travel 6 months Post-op

    Personally, I do actually have loads of luggage space since I plan on bringing 1) lots of cute outfits with me and 2) many many MANY souvenirs back home. Plus buying the tickets months in advance has made it easier for me to upgrade the luggage since there’s no way two weeks worth of clothes were all gonna fit in my carry on since we plan on adventuring and going out all across Lima. One sole/sol is about 1/3 USD so definitely cheaper to buy stuff over there the only thing I really thought about brining is protein powder/shakes but then I feel powder might freak TSA out too much. 😂
  6. Moe514

    Dumping more than eating

    Thank you. I have a great support system but it does feel good to know other people like myself is going through similar situations & can give some good advice on how to handle those familiar situations. As someone said it’s a trial & error thing right now. I’m staying away from fried anything, anything high in fat, definitely sugary contents. I sometimes get a little thoughts here & there about maybe I made a bad decision about getting the surgery but then I think about how much weight I lost so far & how better I feel since the weight loss & it immediately leave my head. I just have to have patience.
  7. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Ah I see! I have about 8 days until I start mine - all feeling a bit more real as it gets closer! I can imagine - I think I am going to try and stick with the protein water as it won't be as thick thankfully
  8. Peggy Anne

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I get your frustration. I gained 5 lbs after Christmas and it just wasn't coming off. Last week I graduated off of Hint water and can now drink any water however I did change my diet. I know this is going to sound weird but it worked for me and I'll be 67 in a few weeks. I eat high protein, no sugar, sweetened with erythritol yogurt then my coffee with a small amount of sweetened flavored creamer and whipping cream. Lunch is usually a protein bar and a cheese stick. Protein bar is sweetened with the erythrirol.. Then the snacking begins - I make jello cubes out of unflavored beef gelatin, monk sugar and allulose, unsweetened kool aid and water. I make it thick and cut into 1/2" cubes. Place a hefty serving into a baggy and I can eat as many as I want. I snack from 3 til 8 on jello cubes, not non stop but maybe 3 baggies worth. I too was hungry all the time until I started eating the jello cubes. IDK why it works but in 5 days I lost 6 lbs. I pee non stop but that's ok with me. My jello cubes are about 35 calories a baggy but it's all protein and if you take a tryptophan with it it becomes a complete protein plus its tons of collagen. I've lost a lot of hair the past 6 weeks so trying to fight that. My surgery was 8/14 and so far I've lost 91 pounds (lost 45 before my surgery). I need new knees something awful so highly motivated. 17 lbs to go. I did join the gym 2 weeks ago in preparation for the new knees. Gotta get these old legs strong again. I hope things break for you soon.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    “Just Exercise More”

    Not jiving in my mind. I was ALWAYS thin and active. Once I got pregnant with my son, my PCOS really kicked in. I gained almost 100 pounds and only lost 35 after I had him. Nothing I did worked, but back then, doctors didn't know much about PCOS (this was April of 1998). I worked out, ate fairly healthy, did a lot of swimming, and still nothing worked. Because of my PCOS, I then had 10 losses (and gained weight with each pregnancy). I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005 as well as insulin resistance. I was put on Metformin, which helped me drop down from 322 pounds to 301 pounds. I got pregnant with my daughter and had her in Sept 2006. At that point, I was 355 pounds. I stayed on Metformin, worked out, improved my eating even more than before, and went down to 340 pounds. And never lost another pound. At all. I also was never able to get pregnant again. Through the years, my weight ballooned up to my highest weight of 421 pounds. I ended up getting type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, painful joints, mobility issues (needed a cane to get around), and I was wearing size 28/30 (4x/5x), size 10 rings, 22"-24" necklaces, no bracelets (none fit me). I exercised so much for so many years, but the PCOS really did a number on me and stopped me from getting healthy. After a while, you start to feel defeated and give up. Why kill myself dieting, working out, doing everything right to, at best not lose weight, or at worst keep gaining?
  10. cutlass6521

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Day 3 post-op from band removal to gastric sleeve. Yikes, this was way worse than what I thought. They took longer to get that band out-appears previous surgeon was making sure that bugger wasn't moving. 2 days of sleeping and sipping water. Can't even think about food. I hope this gets easier as the week goes by.
  11. FifiLux

    Slow Loser - Anyone else?

    How do you keep your carbs so low? I am kind of in awe of you right now 😄 The bean stew I made for meals is 30g carbs per serving alone (but only 180 calories and 12g protein). I am hitting between 900 and 1,100 calories, 30g fat and +/-70g protein a day. My guidance was to have +/- 60g protein a day and make good choices for food and eat small portions - no set calories etc. From reading others posts and feedback on the forum I have already decided to give my regular banana as it is too high in carbs (just two more left to eat!) and I have stopped taking a morning drink of honey, lemon, pepper and cinnamon as the honey made the carbs too high also. I am a bit freaked out now as my weight loss has slowed down the last three months and I have only lost a couple of pounds.
  12. Moe514

    Dumping more than eating

    Thank you. I have a great support system but it does feel good to know other people like myself is going through similar situations & can give some good advice on how to handle those familiar situations. As someone said it’s a trial & error thing right now. I’m staying away from fried anything, anything high in fat, definitely sugary contents. I sometimes get a little thoughts here & there about maybe I made a bad decision about getting the surgery but then I think about how much weight I lost so far & how better I feel since the weight loss & it immediately leave my head. I just have to have patience.
  13. Normandagle

    Hummus and what?

    I am about to start the soft food stage and that means i can have hummus. I love hummus, but ehat am i supposed to eat it with? Cant do raw veggies or chips/ crackers. Any ideas?
  14. NickelChip

    No weight loss

    The more I read up on nutrition, the more I'm becoming convinced that calorie restriction is not the way to approach weight loss. It actually sets us up for failure and yo-yo dieting. You need to reset your metabolic set point by choosing the right foods and listening to your body for signs of when to stop eating as opposed to counting numbers. When I reached my highest weight last summer, I found the Pound of Cure book by Dr. Matthew Weiner, and this greatly changed my thinking. I started following his program and lost 13lbs slowly and steadily, and without counting a single calorie or macro. Of course, surgery has helped tremendously, but the months I was just following Pound of Cure guidelines, I never felt hungry or deprived. His YouTube channel has hundreds of videos to help get you started. The book is really cheap on Amazon, and there are no soecial products or supplements you have to buy. Just healthy, real food. Anyway, my advice would be to start there and see if it helps.
  15. As @SleeveToBypass2023 said, it is perfectly normal to be able to eat more as you progress. Your calories increase & your portion size increases. Your tummy is stretching more that it is getting a little looser, plus your more healed & your tummy is less fussy & sensitive to certain or random foods. The trick is not to exceed either of those. And, yes, it’s okay to have the odd days when you eat less on those days you don’t want to eat more or can’t eat more. Almost 5 years out & I still have days I’m not all that hungry (went through a few months of not being hungry earlier this year - it was great). I also have meals where I don’t want to or can’t finish my usual portion of that particular meal. Sometimes certain foods can sit more heavily at odd times than other times. I like to think it’s because I don’t need to eat more that day or simply because my tummy isn’t in the mood for that food/meal. Yes chips like Doritos are slider foods. Crackers, pop corn, pretzels, chocolate, sweets like cake biscuits, etc. all pass through your digestive system more quickly & therefore don’’t fill you up so you are able to eat way more than you should. If you do eat any of these types of foods portion out a small amount to eat & put the rest away in the cupboard. Or don’t keep them in your house to tempt you. There are healthier options to some of these like instead of chips (corn or potato) air fry some thin slices of other vegetables. Try baking/air frying some fava beans or chick peas & sprinkle your own flavours (sea salt, chilli, paprika, garlic, etc.). Or get some edamame (I got mine from the freezer section at the grocery store). Constantly weighing & recording food can mess with you sometimes but if you are someone who may be making less great choices or are worried about portion sizes you may have to keep it up if only for most meals.
  16. I would also recommend getting your gall bladder checked! Gall stones are very common post bariatric surgery, and can lead to nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. I would reach out to your doctor about it, for sure!
  17. hayleymarie2703


    I’m usually at about 1000 calories. 80-100g protein. My carbs are around 60-70g but that is from eating strawberries/red grapes. Am I eating too much as I’ve not lost for 4 weeks. Started at 249lbs I’m now 210lbs. Should I maybe eat less fruit and cut calories to 800?
  18. best way to avoid the comments is to tell no one. i thought i could avoid it by telling the 5 people i am closest to AND trusted not to tell anyone: Mr., The Kid, Sis, Mom and BFF. Surprisingly, it was Mom and BFF who were the commentators. Mom asked why can't i just diet, and that she was scared for me to go under the knife for an elective surgery and to pls reconsider. I told her yes, i'll think about it, and did it anyway. BFF said something along the lines of "people use cliff notes to cheat on writing essays, this is your cliff notes for weight loss!" I let slide her poor attempt of a joke as we go way back, and i love her. I answered back along the lines of, yep i'll need all the help i can get! ...and did it anyway. though i will say i got way more (unwanted) comments as i lost weight by the people who didn't know i had surgery. i just became a master of changing subjects. good luck! ❤️
  19. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    I had actually ordered an impossible breakfast plate with the multigrain toast. How I got a burger, not a clue but I really wasn’t about to complain.
  20. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The bariatric center I go to told me the same thing about stalls. But they also added that little things could prolong them. Like I mentioned in another post about the pre workout and post workout fueling (eating). The stalls still happen, but at least I feel a little better from having more energy. That's great you're staying with your brother. That's what brothers are supposed to do! Sounds like you have a good one. You have a very interesting job to be able to travel all over the world. I'm sure there's times the traveling is too much. But, wow. All the places and different people you get to meet and work with. I hope the stalls don't last too much longer for you. From my own experience with them, they are tough to get past, even when you do see other positives going on. I wish you good rest and safe travels!
  21. So I posted on Saturday about how I was having second thoughts, not about having weight loss surgery, but about whether I was in good hands with my current provider, after they have literally cancelled and rescheduled every single appointment, including my surgery date, which I've ever had with them. Several of you replied validating my concerns, which I so appreciate. Speaking up about my concerns caused my surgery to be cancelled! Can you even believe it?!?! I'm calming down now but I literally had a full blown panic attack at work. I was hysterically sobbing. I'm on a liquid diet, have been off my anti inflammatory meds for 6 days, cancelled my vacation I'd planned since last November after they rescheduled my surgery from July, and now this? I would never have seen this coming, even after all the prior chaos. After expressing concerns about things up to this point I was told, among other things, that I am "rehashing" the past and that because of this they do not feel I will comply with post op care, because these same scheduling issues will probably continue to occur post op to. So since I expressed these concerns, despite this being my entire point that I wanted to be sure I was in good hands post op so that I could get the proper post op care, they have determined that I won't comply with post op care? I am attaching my reply back to them from the patient portal. The nurse did say she MAY be able to meet with the team and get my surgery date reinstated however. What a day! What a joke!
  22. Shanna NYC


    Please just take a good look at all the info mentioned above to the original poster. Do not get down on yourself or think this is it. The "3 week stall" is a real thing. (and isn't just at week 3) You just lost 25lbs in one month essentially. That's already monumental! How many times in your life have you lost that in a month?? Your body will assess and adjust throughout your process. Also, you started at a much smaller weight than a lot of us around here do so your weightloss may not always fall off in large numbers. Remember we didn't gain the weight overnight and it will not go away overnight despite this great tool we have in our arsenal. Give yourself grace, trust the process, stick with the program, I promise the changes and losses will come in time.
  23. I am about to turn 57 and had my surgery almost 23 years ago. I have given birth to three children and stayed thin the whole time. I started at 250 and settled at 125 ( I’m 5’4.5” and that made me a size 0 or a 2) When I was done having my last child I settled back at 155, still wildly successful. When I entered into perimenopause, it became a fight to keep my weight off and I kept fighting. And then now through full-blown menopause two years since I’ve had menstruation, I’m almost as big as I was when I started. I’m wondering if there’s any help in this situation. Any doctors who will look at a revision I guess or make some practical suggestions. I have changed my eating, habits a dozen different ways to try and bring everything down but it’s like it was before, the weight loss is nearly impossible. I can get it down sometimes but then it comes back and it never goes down more than 30 or 40 pounds. I regularly get my hormones checked and I’m on progesterone and testosterone. My estrogen is always fine or even high. Looking for optimistic ideas. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
  24. I have taken two of my three classes and I think I have more questions than answers. My first thought sitting through these classes is "If I could comply with all of these nutrition requirements and restrictions, I don't think I would need surgery". I am scared that I am going to make my life miserable by altering my digestive tract and then not being able to stick to the diet and causing all sorts of problems. My other issue is that I do not have an office job. I am outdoors, mobile, and never know which direction I will need to go. The other day it occurred to me that I drove 4 different vehicles before lunch. I don't know how I would be able to keep up with vitamins and supplements short of a fanny pack. Also, I had to drive the other day for 8 hours in a remote area and there was no food option available (I was on a tractor). The last thing I need is to pass out behind the wheel. Am I over-thinking, or are these legitimate concerns? I have all but talked myself out of this procedure
  25. I'm confused, I am 4 months post op and stopped losing weight after I started "Bodypump". My starting weight was 230 and I'm down 41 pounds. The weight loss is a little slow but is this caused by too much exercise? I eat healthy of course. so that's not my problem and I am not on any medications. Some people say you shouldn't work out until six months but what do you all believe?

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