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Found 1,401 results

  1. RJ'S/beginning

    Hungry After Exercise

    I always have a 1/2 lara bar before workout and 1/2 after. Complex carbs make a complete Protein and so therefore will bring sugars back up. Don't do this starving thing too often because we are susceptible to reactive hypoglycemia.
  2. catwoman7

    Late dumping syndrome?

    late dumping syndrome is reactive hypoglycemia (also known as postprandial hypoglycemia). It's not that uncommon in RNY patients - I don't know about sleeve patients. It seems to start when you're a couple years out.
  3. catwoman7

    Late dumping syndrome?

    I didn't think sleeve patients got it either, but who knows. Maybe some do but it's just not that common? Or it may not even have anything to do with your sleeve - I think even non-WLS people can get reactive hypoglycemia.
  4. PollyEster

    Liquid and Food - timing issues

    Food and liquid timing, pyloric sphincter function, and how it pertains to VSG function and GERD: The pyloric sphincter (PS) is located at the bottom of your stomach/sleeve, and connects the sleeve and duodenum. When open, this valve is roughly the diameter of a dime. When closed, it’s roughly the diameter of the tip of a ballpoint pen. In terms of VSG function, dense proteins and foods that take longer to digest (i.e. fibrous foods) cause the PS to close and hold food in the stomach for pre-digestion, allowing acids begin to break down these foods. This is why we’re instructed to eat protein first: to close the PS so that food stays in the sleeve longer, providing a sense of satiety. It takes ca. 30-60 minutes for food to clear the PS. This is also why we’re instructed not to drink liquids for 30-60 minutes after eating. Incidentally, "slider" foods do not close the PS: instead, these foods "slide" directly through the open PS into the duodenum. In terms of GERD, after you consume a protein-dense meal, the PS closes, holding the contents of the meal in the sleeve for pre-digestion. If you drink liquids within 30-60 minutes after a meal, the liquid has nowhere to go but up, where it hits the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and above that, a flapper valve. The function of both of these valves is to prevent food, bile, and acids in the stomach from backing up into the esophagus. This is an exceptionally high pressure system, and is the reason why it hurts when you eat to much or too fast, or drink too soon, after eating when the PS is still closed. Vomiting and/or foamies is the only available pressure release. Even in a full-size stomach, the addition of liquids to food speeds gastric emptying by roughly 15%-20%, and some studies indicate that the transit time is anywhere between 25%-35% after VSG. *It’s also interesting to note that after VSG, simple carbs passing through the PS are less liquified due to fewer digestive enzymes being available than with a complete stomach, which is also what causes dumping and reactive hypoglycemia. These unhealthy simple sugars pass directly through the pylorus, causing pancreatic enzymes to flood the bowels in order to be able to digest them. The pancreas then reacts by “dumping” large amounts of insulin into the common bile duct, causing a massive reduction in sugar absorption and feelings of weakness and other diabetic symptoms. It’s very similar to dumping syndrome in RNY patients.
  5. paula


    What is the difference between hypo and hyper glycemic and diabetes? I should probably just search the net... ?
  6. juliek


    I am also hypo and I haven't had a problem at all since banding, EXCEPT when I had an issue a couple of weeks ago with my band being too tight. I couldn't keep anything down, so I was constantly lightheaded, passed out twice. Once I had a small unfill, presto, no more problems. So the Protein definitely helps. leenerbups - I have actually passed out at work - how embarresing is that! They called an ambulance and made me go to the hospital - no fun at all.
  7. Catherine Davis


    I'm on day 3 of the pre-op diet and I just had a hypo ????. I'm using less insulin as directed, but obviously it is still too much. The only thing I had to hand was a nut/muesli bar. I had to eat it to stop myself passing out, but it feels like I cheated ????. What is worse though is that I am at work, an hour from home, and I am supposed to leave in an hour so I am there when my kids get home from school. But I'm not sure I will be able to drive by then ????. Tried ringing my husband, but his team went to a restaurant for lunch and he won't answer his phone. Feeling guilty I ate when I wasn't supposed to, and I don't know how to get home ????
  8. Arts137

    A Fib Drama

    From: http://www.stopafib.org/causes.cfm In addition, atrial fibrillation can also happen to otherwise healthy people, especially when they are stressed or fatigued, have had too much caffeine or alcohol, have smoked, or have exercised too much. Other causes that are frequently mentioned include heart and other medications, recreational drugs, air pollution, chemicals and pesticides, and H. Pylori, which is often associated with ulcers. Another known risk factor is having too much or too little of some minerals in your body, such as Calcium, magnesium, or potassium. It is becoming more and more common at younger ages, including young people in their teens and twenties. Being overweight is often mentioned as a risk factor for afib, but normal and underweight people have it, too. One woman's doctor attributed her atrial fibrillation to weight, and it went away briefly after her gastric bypass surgery, but it soon returned, triggered by a sinus infection. We are now learning from a number of studies about atrial fibrillation in families as recent research has found genetic clues about why afib runs in some families. To learn more, see Mayo Clinic Finds Gene Mutation Responsible for Atrial Fibrillation That Runs in Families and New Genetic Cause of Atrial Fibrillation Found. About half of afib patients have obstructive sleep apnea, a stronger correlation than between afib and any other risk factors. There is also a high correlation between sleep apnea and other heart diseases, as sleep apnea is correlated with high levels of C-reactive Protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation that indicates the possible presence of heart disease. It's also possible that afib may cause sleep apnea as well. Afib, obstructive sleep apnea, and obesity all appear to be related conditions, so as we see a surge in obesity, we can expect to see more afib and obstructive sleep apnea, too.4
  9. kebsa

    Lab and testings

    they are general health readings. if things go as planned, this is virtually bloodless surgery but it can be lenght surgery and put you at rsk for clots in the leg etc from lying in one spot. they need to know that sodium, potassium and other electrolytes are in a good range as all this can affect the amount of fluids and drugs they use in OT an post op. they may not do as many tests for smaller ops but this is classed as major surgery and we are slightly higher risk patients simply because we are bigger. the chest xray is saftey too. you will be ntubated ( tube into lungs to breath for you while you are under) and they simply want to make sure you lungs are in good nick before OT, no chest infections etc that they did no know about- not worth doing that too soon before surgery date though as it is like a snap shot only. the tests you have donein the assessment period are to make sure there are no major reasons why you are not a good candidate for this type of surgery. the next round of tests are just so they have enough information to hopefully avoid any problems but also so they have the information in the case that something did crop up. its all about being prepared rather than being reactive- a sign of good management. try not to get too anxious about t all. talk to you surgeon or his support staff if you have any specific worries too. they can get into a real routine about taking these tests and may not stop to realise how anxious you may be going through all this, particularly if you have not had much surgery in the past. good luck
  10. I was hypothyroid and have been taken off my synthroid now. Weird because I was told I would be on it for the rest of my life... Just to be clear though, my hypo was NEVER due to any disease or malfunction of the actual thyroid gland, it had to do with how my body USED the hormone. It was like no matter how much my thyroid made, my body would scream for MORE because it couldn't use it properly. Now that I'm off WHEAT, my body is no longer suffering inflammation and is better able to use the hormone that my body makes. Being able to get off of thyroid medication is really rare, I don't want to give people the impression that getting sleeved or giving up wheat will heal their thyroid.
  11. James Marusek

    Still Sick

    The three most important elements after weight loss surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. You are at least 10 weeks post-op. If you can't keep Water down, you may have a stricture. If you are unable to meet your daily protein, fluid and vitamin requirements, you need to seek medical attention and resolve the issue. Your problems may be caused by dehydration. They may be caused by a lack of Vitamins and minerals. It may be caused by reactive hypoglycemia. The fact that you were dizzy and took soda (sugar) rested and then felt better does point towards reactive hypoglycemia but you may have a whole slew of problems to deal with.
  12. GradyCat

    Eating too fast maybe?

    Sounds like everybody else recognizes it as reactive hypoglycemia. Be careful what you eat going forward.
  13. lizonaplane

    Eating too fast maybe?

    It could be reactive hypoglycemia, but you said you've checked your blood sugar. It could be a form of dumping (are you eating things that are higher in sugar or fat when this happens?), it could be that you are eating too fast. I would keep track of when this happens and see if you can identify what the common factors are. Also... definitely try to reach out to your doctor.
  14. Cathy_Anne


    Thanks for the great advice! I can already see I will have some people very close to me that just don't get it and most definitely don't understand nor support my decision. I got my surgery date on Friday - it's Nov 15! That's so crazy because its only 2 weeks away! I do have a few questions: The first, how long does it take to recover enough to carry on with life? I am a co-owner of a business and it will be very hard to be away for a long time. My surgery is on a Wednesday, and I'm hoping I can return the next week (just for short periods of time). My work isn't physical, so I don't need to worry about heavy lifting and all of that. The second question is about nutrients. I've read through my binder about 10 times and I've talked with our nutritionist and the surgeon, but I'm still concerned that I will have trouble getting enough calories and vitamins. Even at the weight I am right now (253), I have a pretty small capacity for food. I'm a grazer, not a binge-er. I'm one of those people that doesn't eat breakfast or lunch, then I have dinner and snack through the evening on high carb foods (or dairy, my fav). I take meds for a hypo-thyroid and my metabolism is totally shot. This is mainly how I've gained and stayed at this weight. My question - do any of you have a hard time getting in your calories and is it hard to be creative with your meal choices - making sure to get in your protein, etc.? And, did you lose hair? How much weight did you lose per month? I've heard many people say they lose most of their weight in the first 6 months? That's a lot of weight! Lastly, what about extra skin? Has that been an issue? Thanks so much for listening to my ramble! I'm so glad to have this platform and I'm especially excited about meeting and making new friends that 'get' this process Cathy
  15. sleevemeup

    Hypothyroidism and Gastric Bypass

    I am hypo and have pcos. I am going in tomorrow. I have been struggling for 15 years with all of this. Looking forward to the future!!!
  16. Thanks for this! My daughter has been diagnosed with adhd autism spectrum v. Severe reactive attachment disorder. Ocd anxiety to name a few. I stress eat, so in the last 8 years. Since she came to live with us, i have put on 75 pounds. I need the sleeve as a tool to help me remember to eat reasonable portions and think about what I put in my mouth. The moe stress the more i eat the worse i feel a out mself which stresses me out more. I need to stop the cycle, i need to feel better about myself, feel healthier so I can tackle this lifetime commitment befor me. I am just now sitting in the psychiTrists waiting room in an emergency visit as my daughter appears to be decompensating.
  17. To the OP: I think you've got your research straight and your head on straight about this. I would not have chosen the bypass route for myself. I started at 235 pounds and am 5'5". Didn't want or need lifelong malabsorption, anemia, potential reactive hypoglycemia, or more potential complications. Go for the sleeve. Only one little caveat -- is everyone but you in your neighborhood getting a bypass because the local surgeon has a lot more bypass surgery experience and not so much sleeve experience? If that's the case, I'd be a little nervous. What you want is a surgeon who has beaucoups experience and success doing the surgery YOU will have. Just a thought.
  18. Hey y'all! So I'm scheduled for vsg March 14th and went in for blood work on Monday to make sure all my levels were ok. The results came back saying my cholesterol was a little bit high and my thyroid levels were low. The nurse then called me back to say the Dr told her to tell me that I may have hyperthyroidism... which is od because I thought low levels meant your thyroid was under active and hyper meant it was over active, yes? I'm assuming she just got it backwards and meant to say I may have hypothyroidism. ANYWAY! The Doctor wants me to come back in 6 weeks for more blood work... why he wants to wait 6 weeks is beyond me, I guess to see if the levels change and maybe it was just a one time thing? I don't know. Either way, for those who have either hypo or hyperthyroidism... how has it affected [effected? lol] your journey? Did you find you lost slower than others? Thanks in advance! TLDR: How has hyper or hypothyroidism impacted your vsg journey?
  19. MelBanded

    Almost Depressed.....

    Fessie, I am hypo-thyroid also and I definitely feel your pain in how slow our weight loss can be. I have lost abt the same amount as you and am 8 weeks post op. I am just thankful to finally be losing weight. What was getting me was seeing people post 25-35 pds lost that were banded around the same time as myself. These same people were posting about eating oreo Cookies and pizza, while I was staying strictly to the band diet, portion sizes and excersing. Even in the early stages on a liquid diet I lost very little. I am over being bothered by that now and will just be thankful for my pound here and there. I started a post last week for hypothyroid bandsters you should read. Shirley54 had some very encouraging things to say and shared her slow weight loss as well.
  20. normally the moisture absorbing packet is a non-reactive (inert) substance when it is used in food type products, so I would not worry about it being toxic, but it could certainly make you sick. Always best to contact someone in your area just to be on the safe side though.
  21. I think some people might be confused on the thyroid stuff -- If your TSH level is HIGH, it means you are hypo-thyroid (not enough thyroid hormone). The doctor explained to me that your brain is sending out the message to pump out TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) because your body needs more but your thyroid is not producing enough. If your TSH level is LOW, it means you are hyper-thyroid (getting too much thyroid hormone). Normal levels are down between something like .5 to 5.5 -- when I was first diagnosed hypo-thyroid my level was over 25 (instrument didn't read higher than that) --- so it meant my brain was pumping out tons of TSH to try to get my thyroid to pump out what my body needed but the thyroid was just laying around doing nothing.
  22. Yes mere. I have high thyroid .. Whatever that is. I just haven't been scheduled for surgery yet. This is my last month for the journey and I meet w the surgeon June 4.. Super excited If you have high thyroid then you have HYPERthyroid. Do you think I'll be approved ? Yes, I don't see why not... SOme docs say that after your surgery maybe your thyroid can resolve itself. It's not a guarantee and I am no doctor but I do read like a mad woman and research everything. If you have hyperthyroid that means you have a super fast metabolism and maybe you will lose weight. Do research it, it's called graves disease, my husband was diagnosed with it (hyperthyroid) and I have the hypothyroid (slow thyroid) maybe opposites do attract. Ask your doc all the questions and then go home and look it up. Take good care of yourself as hyper or hypo affects all of your cells, your entire body and brain. Good luck. I am here for you if you need.
  23. Yes, that's correct. Same as what I read and Doc told me. It's another young lady last night that didn't know what exactly she was when she wrote I think (I think I'm hyper something) as a patient you must know and be specific with what you have or what you were told. So we all jumped and gave her advice from what we know. I for sure am hypo and my hubby is hyper, trust that I know how it feels but 25 wow, that's super high. Some people can't function not even past a 5... also, I was told different labs have different thresholds for what they think is high. What I love about my new doctor is that he also asked me about all my symptoms. Some doctors don't really sit and listen. That's why I hate doctors at the VA, it's like pulling teeth with them. Glad to know you are doing great!
  24. LiveLifeAgain

    April bandsters- roll call!

    SuzyB Banded April 23, 2008 Lost 25 lbs before surgery from liquid diet Nothing lost yet, just getting started Just got my 2nd fill today, which was a big one, now I think Ill have restriction. I have been rather depressed. I thought I would have lost quite a bit by now, but haven't. I also have Reactive Arthritis and have been having alot of foot pain. But my family doc changed a med for me which seems to be helping both with depression and pain. So....Im doing better and am optimistic. :biggrin2:
  25. ProjectMe

    Hypothyroid Meds

    I don't have a thyroid due to cancer so I'm definitely hypo. When I was at 286, I was on 200 mcg of synthroid. At 240 I was placed on 175mcg. Just last week at 208, I was placed on 150mcg. What I do is call my endocrinologist, leave a message with the nurse, stating my current weight and whether or not I need an adjustment. The Dr. Calls me to say go to the labs and get the bloodwork done, then based on the results decides whether to change my meds. It is not always immediate based on the weight loss alone. The Dr said it takes awhile for the body to adjust so they wait until lab results to determine if it's time to lower the dose.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
