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  1. My surgeon recommended starting with the sleeve, and then at a later date it can be revised (if needed). If you start bypass then the sleeve would do no good.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I am three years post sleeve contemplating revision surgery and I am trying not to do food funerals this time. I still don’t have a surgery date though so let’s see how I feel as I count down the days. . I am thinking I am going to have the SADI so I really May have stuff I can never tolerate Again. Now I’m thinking…maybe just one last meal, lol. But if you are like me and carbs make you crave carbs maybe stop these a few days before your scheduled to start the pre op. Otherwise the preop will seen that much harder. Just FYI also, With the sleeve I was able to tolerate anything post surgery and I’ve heard the same from a lot of people who have had bypass (although they can sometimes only have very small amounts of certain things).
  3. This sounds miserable. I haven't had bypass so I can't comment on that, but I did just have a hiatal hernia repair due to food getting caught in my esophagus and causing choking and chest pain. Best they can tell it was probably a sliding hernia, so sometimes most food could pass but pills would get stuck, and other days nothing could pass but water at a trickle. It was a really scary feeling and I'm thankful they got me in so quickly! You say you have this pain, but are you having any of the other symptoms of dumping like diarrhea, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, etc...? I would consult the revision specialist to see if they have run into something like this before. Right sided pain is so non-specific. I have a ovary that hides and when I ovulate on that side it hurt like HELL. I think it was pinned by my bladder and uterus, because after my hysterectomy the pain is much better (they left my ovaries). But that would only be for a few days every few months. Not as frequent as your pain sounds. I hope you find some answers. I'm sorry you are in such pain!
  4. Spinoza

    Progress 7 Weeks Out

    Do you mean you had sleeve to bypass revision surgery OP? Was it more for reflux than weight loss? Could you share some more info that would help others on their journey? Even if not - well done you on your loss and getting back on track.
  5. Hi there!!! I have been summoned, I see lol Ok, so a little about what I've been through, and then I'll give any advice I can. I had the sleeve in May 2022. Initially, I was doing awesome. Lost a lot of weight, got off several meds, health issues corrected, it was awesome. Right up until it wasn't. Around 6 months post op, I started noticing some reflux issues (which I had never had before). It steadily got worse and I had to have a barium swallow (NASTY!!!) to see what was happening. I had severe GERD, gastritis, and esophagitis. I also had a narrowing esophagus. So I was put on Nexium (40mg once per day). The GERD steadily got worse and worse until I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily as well as Pepcid for break through (which I took daily). It still didn't completely help. I was on such a high amount of PPI for such a long time that I ended up developing an OBSCENE amount of polyps all through my stomach and duodenum. This year, I had 7 surgeries to remove all of the polyps, stretch my esophagus, and have a revision to a bypass. I also had to have the part of the stomach that's bypassed removed because that's where so many of the polyps were forming. When I had the sleeve, I had so much pain, trouble tolerating anything cold, trouble taking pills, trouble getting in enough water. It was completely miserable. With my revision to bypass, it was like the heavens opened up and the angels started singing to me. No pain meds at all beyond Tylenol. Up and around within 4 days. Was able to take pills from day 1. No GERD at all. No constipation like with the sleeve. Able to get my fluids in from day 1 (drank a 20 oz of water in the hospital within 2 hours of getting back to my room from recovery), no issues with temps of liquids. My only regret is that I didn't just get the bypass to begin with. Because of all the surgeries, my abdominal wall weakened and I developed a ventral hernia that was repaired 3 weeks ago. Still recovering from that one. I was freaked out at first at the thought of getting a bypass. It's why I opted for the sleeve to begin with. I was afraid of dumping, I was afraid of malabsorption, I was afraid of getting a stricture. Well, I only dump if I have too many carbs, so I just avoid them for the most part (I never even get to my allotted amount, I'm always way under). I haven't had any stricture, but if I do, it's a super easy fix (and after everything I've already been through, I'm not even a tiny bit worried). And malabsorption is only an issue with extended release meds (I don't take those now) and vitamins (take bariatric ones or double up on the regular ones). There was nothing to be worried about, but I let the chatter from those that weren't in my position freak me out and cause me to choose the sleeve instead of the bypass. My advice to you is to not listen to anyone else. You and your doctor know what's best for you. The revision will give you your life back. Being pain and complication free is worth its weight in...well...everything. When you look at everything you've been through up until this point, the recovery from the revision will be a walk in the park. It's better for your health (physically and mentally) and it will allow you to get back to your life. This surgery is supposed to afford us the chance to have the life and health we've always been meant to, and complications can really do a number on us. The revision will be a godsend to you, mark my words. I don't have a single regret.
  6. And I have a couple of questions. Why are we not allowed to have any kind of anti-inflammatories? I was told never again. I can't even take turmeric. Also, were you ever able to take pills comfortably? I was told no pills for the first 8 weeks (except for 2 of my MS meds because they can't be opened or crushed and don't come in liquid form) and I absolutely struggle with those 2 pills. They're hard to swallow and they hurt. Will it always be this way? And finally, I know there's a lot of different answers for this, but I just want to get a general idea. How much weight did you lose if you had a revision to bypass? My surgeon said I could expect to lose about 60 pounds (but he also said I stay really strict with my diet and exercise so I could actually lose 70 or so, since I lost more with the sleeve than he initially thought I would) so I'm just trying to see if it's realistic to think that I could lose 60-70 pounds in a year if I stick to the diet and working out.
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Please help - Gastric Bypass vs SADI

    Your surgeon is right it is your decision, but, your surgeon also knows based on past patients experience and your health background, stats etc., what she feels based on her experience what would be the best for you. The surgery itself, the aftercare and long term outcome. I've never had to throw up, get the runs or any issues with my bypass. I feel most ppl don't have issues, but you hear about these that do, because why post everything is great I have no issues or questions? I chose the bypass because I have the worst luck known to mankind and I just knew I'd start getting acid refux/GERD if I didn't and I'd be back for a revision later. I've had no issues - none! I'm not sure why you think getting a SADI wouldn't have a chance to effect you the same way a standard bypass would. There is still the possibility of nausea/vomiting etc. I think if you only have 100 lbs to lose ....I agree with your surgeon, it might be a bit much unless you have diabetes or a BMI of 50% or higher. Just my two cents..although with todays economy..maybe its only worth a half cent! Finally, you won't spend your entire life only eating a spoonful of food at each meal, just smaller portions.
  8. RTL1234

    November 2023 buddies

    Hoping to hop on the train too! I had a revision to a bypass on 11/28 for severe GERD, as well as a hiatal hernia repair. Almost my entire stomach was up in the chest wall he said. I am feeling pretty decent 4 days post op. I did lose 85lbs with my sleeve, and had gained a little back 10lbs. They did a full bypass but didn’t not take out as much bowel so that I don’t lose too much more weight and be malnourished they said. Any way, glad to find others in similar situations just like last time. :) Hope everyone is doing well!!!
  9. On Monday, I had revision from sleeve to bypass. The pain at first was cruel! However, today, it got better. I am excited, relieved, and hopeful! I fought for this tool. Now, it's time to use the tool and self-control for a positive lifetime outcome! Here, I go! Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. ShoppGirl

    Sadi is so lonely

    Yea. He said it’s definitely a more aggressive option than the bypass for revision with a few more risks but better weight loss for most people. I read somewhere that when you eat the wrong foods that it causes gas pain and bathroom issues which if that’s true I think as much as it would not be fun it may be just what I need to remind me to keep making the right choices. Also If I understood correctly it does more to reduce the hunger hormone which was definitely my biggest issue. From day one with the sleeve I was able to eat more than expected at every given stage. I just chose not to and that was easy while the hunger was gone but when it came back it came roaring back so I lost most of my weight and then gained it all back like a yo yo. In the beginning I was still eating all the right foods but I was starving so I ate more than I should have. I am really hoping that this procedure the hunger hormone remains less intense for good.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    GERD before gastric sleeve?

    Absolutely DO NOT get the sleeve if you have GERD already. I didn't have it at all, yet when I originally had the sleeve, it gave me such severe GERD I also developed gastritis, esophagitis, and had to take 80mg of Nexium per day as well as Pepcid every day, and I still had break through GERD. I ended up needing 4 endoscopies to remove polyps all through my stomach and duodenum (caused by the high amount of PPI I had to take over a prolonged amount of time) and then had a revision to bypass, which solved the whole issue. It was a very miserable time. And again, I didn't even have any GERD or reflux to begin with. My doctor told me that if you do, the sleeve is not the surgery to get. Definitely go with a bypass. If your doctor refuses, find a new doctor.
  12. Hello - I had gastric sleeve in June of 2015 and lost over half my body weight initially, getting down to well below my initial goal in the first year. Started having issues with acid reflux pretty early on, and it's gotten steadily worse, especially in the past 3 years. I'm currently on omeprazole and famotidine, plus Tums in addition. A 24-hour PH study showed that I had over 100 episodes of reflux in that period. So I was approved to revise to a gastric bypass. I also have regained over half of what I lost, mostly since my reflux has gotten worse, and am about 50 pounds heavier than my ideal weight. The reflux makes me feel hungry all the time, and I'm eating way more carbs than I should because they seem to tame the acid somewhat. I understand that it's pretty much a pipe dream that I'll be able to lose anything close to that with revision, but I guess any weight loss would be better than where I am right now. My new surgeon said she expected that I'd get back down to 110-120 after revision (my preferred weight personally is around 125), but based on all the posts I've read here and on reddit, she is definitely exaggerating to make me more willing to go through with the surgery. The best it sounds like I could hope for is to lose maybe 15-20 pounds over the course of a year or more? I am scheduled for surgery on Jan. 18th, but I'm having second thoughts after reading so many horror stories of unpredictable dumping episodes and ever-changing food intolerances. I guess maybe my reflux isn't as bad as others, since the reality of daily life with RNY seems unbearably miserable to me in comparison to my life currently. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do my job anymore (or even leave the house at all) if I am unable to eat or drink anything without the risk of vomiting/foamies (I have pelvic floor issues, so I pretty much always lose bladder control when I vomit or dry heave) or having uncontrollable diarrhea. After revision, do you have to wear an adult diaper all the time? Has anyone developed an eating disorder based on fear of getting sick after consuming anything? Do you have any "safe" foods, or is it always a (literal) crapshoot? I know that continued GERD can cause esophageal cancer down the line, but wouldn't the same be true of daily vomiting? Has anyone who is several years out from revision developed cancer or precancerous damage to their esophagus due to the constant vomiting? Likewise, have your teeth been ruined from it? For those who revised from VSG to RNY and are past the initial healing stages, would you do it again or has it made your life even worse?
  13. Hello All! I had Surgery on 10/18/23 😊 I am usually in Facebook support groups, but lately they are too busy being negative and quick to tear others down. So, I am here for new scenery. I also noted most the talk and experiences are VSG, and less RNY Gastric Bypass. They are always talking bad about Bypasses until they need a revision to Bypass from VSG. So far I am doing really great! there's some hard moments, such as post op pain, gas, and one episode of dumping. (I think i ate too fast. Eating and talking). I am down -22 lbs. I will be one month post op on November 18th!
  14. RTL1234

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Hey all! Hope everyone is doing well. I have my revision from a sleeve to a bypass yesterday. I’m hoping my severe GERD will be done now. This recovering even just one day post op is way worse than my sleeve was. He also fixed my hernia which had almost my whole stomach in my chest wall. I’m just super sore and ready to go home to recover!
  15. Hey all! I had a revision from VSG (2020) to a bypass without bowel reduction on 11/28. It’s been going fine, recovering is good and I’m tolerating food fine. However, since we did my revision for severe GERD and a large hernia, the surgeon told me that my bypass was minimal in terms of removal of bowel. Since I’ve basically maintained my weight loss since my sleeve, he did not want to create a situation where I would be malnourished so he did not remove bowel like a typical bypass. All that to say, I’m super hungry which is surprising since they did mess with my pouch, and I’ve lost a little weight which is fine too, but it’s like I cannot tell when I’m full. I’m on soft foods, so not full solids yet but have been eating real meals basically (soft foods allows canned veggies and some fruits on my plan). With my sleeve I could easily tell when it’s time to stop. Now it’s like I could just keep going. I haven’t had any nausea or vomiting caused by over eating, and I’ve been measuring because I’m nervous but it’s like I’m still hungry. I was hopeful leaving the bowel would help me not experience dumping as much (which I have no idea if that’s legit or I’m just telling myself that), but I’m also so worried about eating too much. On a happy note - I have only ate tums once since my surgery, and I guess now won’t have to continue to keep tums in business anymore. LOL! That was the goal, so far so good, still on protonix but I’ll take it over misery any day!
  16. Jdymitc

    Trouble with malnutrition

    I had issues similar to yours where I started with a sleeve in 7/2020 my body started going through severe issues that I couldn’t even hold down a sip of water causing me to vomit uncontrollably in the end of 8/2020 I went to use my restroom and I collapsed. My surgical team had me enter a rehab to try and help me build up my strength and put in a PICC line. I was in the rehab for 6 weeks and the team started to work with my insurance and got permission for a revision to a bypass.(my brain started to have issues with retaining short term memories due to lack of nutrition) Had the revision to bypass done in 3/2021 My body took forever to start to regulate and start to work the way it is supposed to. I pushed myself to do as much work with my brain to get back to “normal “ as much as possible and I’d say I am about 90% recovered. Physically I’m back to “normal” most days occasionally I’ll still have a nauseous day or some dumping but I was just at my dr last week and I am down just shy of 200lbs stay strong you will get through this Family members ask me if I could rewind time if I’d still go through with the surgery and I say I may have opted for the bypass instead of the sleeve but absolutely because if I didn’t get that weight off I know without a doubt I’d be dead within a few years so even with all these issues the surgery was worth it.
  17. PS - I just did a quick google search on this. This is NOT a scholarly article, so there's that - but it does mention that bile reflux (as opposed to acid reflux) can occur in about 5% of mini-bypass patients. It goes on to say they see it more in sleeve to mini-bypass revision patients than they do with non-revisions. Again, I don't know what kind of research is behind this because this isn't a scholarly article - they may just be basing this on their specific patients. But again, let your clinic know what's going on. Hopefully it's just some kind of flare-up. https://mexicobariatriccenter.com/bile-reflux-after-mini-gastric-bypass-surgery/
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve Revision to Bypass

    I had it done, and honestly, the recovery was SO SO SO much easier with the bypass than the sleeve for me. I had a ton of complications and the revision was the best thing possible. My only regret is that I wish I had just done the bypass to begin with. Losing weight with a revision goes A LOT slower, and you don't lose nearly as much as you do with the initial surgery. But you'll feel so much better and be able to get back to living your life.
  19. I haven't had revisions, I just had DS surgery 6 weeks ago. But I have seen a fair number of multiple revisions around here and elsewhere... I'm sure if your doctor approved you for the surgery then you are good to go! But any surgery can be scary, so I understand the worries. Sleeve to Bypass revisions are pretty common. It is likely your surgeon has done a fair number of them. The weight loss is slower for revisions, but I have seen many end up reaching their goal weight, it just takes a bit longer the second time around. You don't say what your starting weight is or what you hope to lose... Advice is just like for any of the surgeries---take it easy. Trust your team. Drink your fluids in baby sips and get in as much as possible, this will keep you out of the ER hopefully. Stay ahead of your pain. Ease into food gently. Walk as much as you can. Rest when you feel tired and give yourself extra rest for the first few weeks because surgery can take it out of you! Remember that a lot of nerves have been cut and have to heal, so you may not feel any restriction for a while. Stick to the portions your dietician advises for the first few months until you are getting accurate communication from your healed tummy! And whatever you do, do NOT let yourself get constipated!! Take the stool softeners, take Miralax if you haven't gone in a few days and are concerned. The most common complications I see are nausea, dehydration, and constipation! Most of all, good luck! Have a really routine, easy surgery and an uncomplicated recovery! ❤️
  20. catwoman7

    Sleeve Revision to Bypass

    I haven't had that revision, but a lot of people have - mostly because of reflux. I had reflux before I had surgery, so I went with bypass the first time.
  21. Just talk to your doctor at the next appointment and let them know you would prefer to do a bypass, the doctor will let you know if they think you are a good candidate for it, and then it should be no problem, even for the insurance. I am getting the roux-en-Y bypass for those same reasons you stated and because I want to lessen my chance of revision, one and done with surgery is what I said to the doc and he said I get it.
  22. newbegining2024

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    May I ask if the reason for revision was for gerd or acid reflux? Just curious because after my sleeve o developed gerd, and I also need to loss some weight. One week post the RNY which is when I introduced soft food, I can feel the reflux at night when I lay down. It’s like something in the back of my throat and my chest feel tight. I don’t know if the reflux is a imidiate fix or not. I have to ask my doctor when I see him again. And how long was the bypass was never discussed. I didn’t know there is actually the length that I can discuss… I feel like there is a lot I could have ask and didn’t. At my one week post op visit, I had many questions, and maybe I was showing some anxiety, and of course the doctor and nutritionist sensed it. They just told me to keep clam? Let my body heal and don’t think about the weight loss right now.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023


    I never lost my hunger. Not with the sleeve and not with the revision to bypass. I just have more of a hard stop now that can't be ignored. My big thing has always been training my head. It's HARD, but very necessary. I always made sure I had 3 meals and 2 snack and a TON of fluids. And by a ton, I do mean A TON. My head told me I needed to eat, even when I knew I didn't. And that can manifest into physical hunger. I put myself on a schedule. Breakfast between this time and this time, snack here, lunch around this time, snack here, dinner between this time and this time. And then DRINK, DRINK, DRINK. Eventually my head and stomach learned when it's time to eat and when it's not. I only really run into trouble if I miss those times by a lot. THEN I'm in a minefield. Focus on protein as your #1 with food and snacks. That fills you up and keeps you full longer. Veggies are 2nd. Then carbs and HEALTHY fats. Sometimes at night, I'll have a sugar free popsicle if I really can't ignore the 3rd snack craving. I don't do it often, but the tropical ones are my favorite and they hit the spot. Make sure you're getting enough calories. Don't starve yourself, but also don't over eat. It's all about balance and training your brain. It takes a lot of time, patience, and effort. But I promise it's worth it.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    So so angry!!!!!

    So as you all know, I had my revision from sleeve to bypass on June 28th because of severe gerd, esophagitis, gastritis, and a ton of pre-cancerous polyps all through my stomach. I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily and still had a lot of pain and break through gerd issues. After the revision, the PPI was lowered to 40mg daily for 2 weeks and then on weeks 3 and 4, go to 40mg every other day and then completely stop at the beginning of week 5. Well here I am, doing the evry other day, and I had horrible gerd today!!! My throat was burning, my esophagus felt like I had acid in it, and I was MISERABLE. I had to take a Nexium (today was a day not to take it) and follow it up an hour later with a Pepcid before it went away. WTH????? I never ever had heartburn or gerd before the sleeve. Got the revision because it was supposed to fix it, and here I am, still dealing with it!!!!!!! I'm so over this. I'm not eating anything bad, following my diet to the letter, and I can't catch a break.
  25. RTL1234

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I’ll hop on the bandwagon! I am having a revision from a sleeve to a bypass on 11/28 for severe GERD. I also have a stupid hernia now too which will get repaired while they are in there. I can’t wait for some relief of pain. Hoping anyone who had surgery today or so far this month, is doing well so far! Even with my issues, I don’t regret having my sleeve! It truly changed everything for me.

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