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Found 2,865 results

  1. Focus160

    July 2022 peeps!

    Hi I had my VSG on 7/19/22. I did not experience the hunger because I was not able to keep down water for 2 days. The worst! However, it got much better on the 3rd day. I weigh myself every Monday as a gauge to stay on track. I also measure myself for non-scale victories (NSV) as this helps me to not just focus on the scale. I did hit the 3 week stall but pushed through by walking/drinking more.
  2. MsGina

    July 2022 peeps!

    Hi there, My VSG was July 12. I have had hunger but not from the beginning. For me it seems to be associated with Carbs. Try to stay low on carbs. Drink lots of water (as much as you can). I am finally at my 3 week stall (Week 6) and it is frustrating. I'll try to be patient but this would be where I would normally decide screw it, I'm working hard and no progress. Luckily, I can't very well say that now cuz I can't eat much no matter what I feel like. I'll hang in there for the journey. I'm certain it gets better and I'm glad I can't say screw it this time.
  3. Missfreespeech

    July 2022 peeps!

    Hi everyone! My VSG was done on July 28. I would love to stay connected to people on a similar timeline as well. Is anyone else experiencing hunger? I felt it immediately in recovery in the hospital and it is real stomach growling hunger. I am taking my PPI. I think I’m weighing myself too much (daily) and am at the 3 week stall. Wish you all good luck.
  4. I know this isn’t a new topic but I’m in a lot of distress about this. I woke up from surgery on July 28, 2022 literally with my stomach growling. I started out weighing 203lbs, had taken the online classes a year prior and gotten a call from the surgeon on a Monday asking me if I’d like to have surgery that Thursday. He had an opening. I was not prepared at all but decided to do it. I wonder if not having done the liquid diet ahead of time contributed to my hunger? Regardless, I eat about 500 calories a day and small meals every 3 hours or so to kill the constant hunger I do take the PPi and even Prilosec as recommended on here. Does the hunger go away? I’m in the 3 week stall as well :/. I’ve only lost 16 pounds. My spirits are low right now. I don’t get that full feeling I just portion out 1/4-1/2 cup or small oz servings to know how much to eat. Food never feels trapped in my throat or anything. I hear that people have to force themselves to eat I read that the key to success with the gastric sleeve is loss of hunger and satiety and I have neither. Has my surgery been unsuccessful?
  5. Yes it happens all the time. Trust the process, do what your team says and stay off the scales. Easier said than done i know. Read the back pages on here of the 3 week stall
  6. summerseeker

    Surgery date set!!

    Take lots of pre op photo's and measurements. Don't be worried when the 3 week stall appears, you are not doing anything wrong.
  7. summerseeker

    Two weeks after GB surgery

    Hello and welcome in the forum. The first month is hard but passes quickly and you will soon be flying along. You may have a stall in your weight loss in a week, lots of us commented on the 3 week stall. Browsing the back pages will give you lots of ideas and inspiration, it kept me going. Good luck
  8. Happy Stylist


    I'm a slow loser. I've been told it's because my BMI is on the lower end. So after my 3 week stall I only lose 1lb a week. I have not lost anything for almost 3 weeks now. So I guess I'll go back to my liquid diet and see if that helps.
  9. kcuster83


    Just about everyone hit a 3 week stall, after that there is no rhyme or reason from what I can tell. Everyone just stalls when their body needs time to readjust. I am just about 5 months post op and the only stall I saw so far was at 3 weeks.
  10. A Curtis

    3 week stall

    Thank you for posting. I was just searching the forum for a post about the 3 week stall. I am currently 6 weeks post-op and have been stalled from week 3- the current. I know all the FB support groups etc warn you about the 3-week stall, but I have been so discouraged watching the scale not move for 2.5 weeks. I keep my net carbs at below 35 a day, my calorie intake is usually between 550-700 calories a day. My protein is always between 70-90 grams a day. And for the most part, I reach 64+ oz of water. i don't know what else to do to break the stall. I did lose 1.3lbs in the last 24 hours, so I'm hoping that's a sign I'm back in the game and will see the scale changing again.
  11. Starwarsandcupcakes

    No weight loss

    If you’re only 4 weeks out it sounds like the “3 week stall” most people go through one. Your body has been through a lot the last few weeks and is trying to recalibrate itself. Just stick with your plan and keep going.
  12. I finally hit 50 pounds lost today!!!! It's exactly 3 months since my surgery and I'm down 1 clothing size, 1 ring size, and 50 pounds!!!! It seems like my body likes to do a 2-3 week stall every month and a half or so, so it's been slow going. But it FINALLY happened today. WooHoo!!!!!
  13. I have been wanting to create a topic on my weight loss journey after having reached BMI of under 30 and not being obese anymore but thought to wait it out so I can cross off other aspects from the checklist. This morning I weighted - 133.2 Lbs. Height is 4' 10.2" (148cm). BMI 27.6. Heightest weight was 234 lbs, of which I lost 15lbs pre-Op and another 10 lbs during the pre-Op diet. I was at 210 lbs on the day of the surgery. So officially I have lost 100+ lbs of my highest weight ever 🥳 This is the lowest I have ever been ever since I remember. Last lowest I remember was 137lbs, more than a decade ago, post Dr. Bernstein's weight loss program. But that weight loss program kick started the vicious cycle of yo yo dieting and wrecked metabolism, which I hopefully isn't the case anymore with much more controlled healthy eating habits. I just wanted to thank so many of the folks out here who have been extremely supportive not only on the open forum but also in DMs. During the ever so confusing beginning months, this forum came to help time and again. If not for this one, I wouldn't have known about the 3 weeks stalls. Clinic never covered this aspect of the weight loss and I definitely would have freaked if not for the knowledge I consumed out here. So thank you everyone for making this community friendly, supportive and helpful. I still have a bit more to go to achieve my goal and get under 25 and hopefully maintain around 22 or 23ish of BMI, but I'll cross the bridge when and if happens. For now, just enjoying the joy of my current physical and mental state of mind. This surgery truly has blown a new life within after wanting to give up on it time and again in the past. Truly grateful for taking in the dive. 🥰
  14. ice75002

    ESG post diet

    Hi. I had my ESG on June 15th. I agree with you, it doesn’t make sense and mine was for 21 days. At day 15th, I was doing great and added sugar free pudding, Greek yogurt and hummus. No issues. I’m now a day past week 4. My weight loss has slowed tremendously, but everyone or majority slow down or have a 2 to 3 week stall. But it’s still about the calorie deficit. I’ve started with weights but I know I need more cardio. With the liquid diet I was too exhausted but now I’ve added other soft foods and energy is coming back. Unlike sleeve or bypass, my doctor has released me to do any workouts. We don’t have the staples or stomach cuts.
  15. MsGina

    June 2022 surgery buddies

    that actually sounds so good right now. Congratulations on your weight loss. Don't be surprised if you hit your 3 week stall now. It's very normal, Just stick with the plan and you will see it falling again.
  16. The Greater Fool

    Stop loosing WAY too early

    People talk about stalls, the famous week 3 stall, then the 3 week stall. I actually am one of the few people that never saw a stall. My secret was being too large to weigh on home scales. For about the first year I could only weigh at my surgeon's office at monthly follow-ups. So, when your weigh-ins are a month apart, you don't see stalls. I can't express what a joy this was. I was never tempted to change anything in response to a stall. I just stayed with my program. My surgeon was never overly concerned with my weight loss. He asked how I was doing on the plan, how I felt, did I have any concerns. Weight never came up unless I brought it up. He was a cool Doc. Once I was able to weigh at home, I did it for a couple weeks, several times a day. Then I abandoned the whole concept and went back to just weighing at follow-ups. Who needs the angst? Even now, all these years later, I don't weigh at home, but only at my annual physicals at the Doctor's. One does not need a scale for success at WLS. Just trust your plan. My plan was also pretty straightforward. I didn't count calories, nor much of anything else. I counted meals of which there were 3 per day. I counted protein of where there were 3-4 oz each meal. That was basically my plan. That is still basically my plan. Good luck, Tek
  17. Question??? How did you transition from mostly using shakes to getting your protein from food sources? I started really tracking what I am eating due to my 3 week stall. I'm noticing that due to my milk allergy that most of the shakes and yogurts I eat are a bit higher in carbs and calories than I would like and noticed I am more reliant on the shakes than food to get my protein in. How hard was the transition? Should I gradually start eliminating the shakes? Thanks for any info you could share.
  18. Victoria Wank

    May 2022 surgery?

    Are you constipated? How long has it been since you had a bowel movement? If it’s been enough that you can’t even remember, you probably are. Call your doctor, and tell them that you’re constipated. Some on this forum are saying that a 3 week stall is normal. I don’t think that’s correct. I don’t recall getting constipated with the original surgery.
  19. SasHappy

    May 2022 surgery?

    I've been taking miralax and within a couple of days I've been passing, it's a temporary solution but I think once we're on solids we'll be good. I heard of the 3 week stall, and Ive also heard that its normal and isn't something we should worry about. Stay strong!
  20. Lee anne

    May 2022 surgery?

    I have read a lot of stalls between weeks 2 and 4. I watched a video that talked about the three week stall. The doctor explained at first we are losing a lot of water weight. Then as we get fluids we gain fluid but is losing pounds. So it does not show we really are losing. If you do measurements you can see that you lost inches during this time. If you will google the 3 week stall with weight loss surgery or sleeve .... you can fine a lot of videos from different doctors. I am in a stall going on 10 days. I have heard people talking about long stalls but started losing faster. If your exercising you might gain muscle but losing fat. I belong to several gastic sleeve support groups ob face book and learned alot.
  21. xxaprilrose

    3 week stall

    hey everyone. i had gastric bypass on march 3rd. I noticed that ever since surgery, every 3rd week I would stop losing weight for an entire week and then it would start dropping again. I am down 40 lbs so far but the last 3 weeks I havent lost a thing. Is this normal? I am getting nervous that Im doing something wrong
  22. sprukop0924

    May 2022 surgery?

    So, did anyone else “stall” on week 2? I know about the 3 week stall, but I stalled when I switched to full liquid - even though I’m still under 500 cal per day. I actually gained a pound after the first day of full liquids. I am now day 13 post surgery and at same weight as day 7! I’m getting 60-70 G protein, struggling a little with water, but managing 50-64g and most days having around 420 - 450 cal/day. I am also doing 30 minutes on elliptical 4-5 days/week since Day 5 post-surgery.
  23. canadianpopcycle

    Blah...my first stall...

    Ah yes, the infamous 3 week stall. I started just thinking of my body 're calibrating' and moving a smidge of fat from here to here, and moving more energy over there. I found that helped a lot with the mental energy worrying about the stall, thinking I had done something wrong, being catastrophic about it etc lol. I am a just over a year out...and I spend most of the month stalled lol then I lose. So I just think of my body needing a minute to figure out what to do next and get organized and it halts ALL PRODUCTION until it sorts itself out again and starts losing. Hope that helps!
  24. Arabesque

    Blah...my first stall...

    We call it the 3 week stall but it can occur earlier or later. Think of it as your body needing to take a breath. It’s been going through a lot. It’s like your body shutting the door & pulling the covers over its head just like you might like to do when stressed or anxious. And yes, just stick to your plan, let your body do what it needs to do & you’ll start to lose again. Just remember it may take 1-3 weeks.
  25. That video is awesome. I knew about the 3 week stall but i had no clue on why.

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