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Found 1,237 results

  1. jencys

    Slow Weight Loss

    Be patient with your body and yourself. Everyone that I have talked to had a three week stall for 1-2 weeks. You are losing inches but not pounds during this time. So stay off the scale and just pay attention to how your clothes are fitting looser. Also make sure you are drinking water, your body tends to hold onto everything it can right now because its in starvation mode. It will keep coming off just hang in there
  2. TexasMommy80

    April 16th sleeve

    I had VSG on the 16th too! I am down 16 pounds since surgery day, 28 total from the start of the process. I hit the “three week stall” this week, but that is ok. I am supposed to start puréed on Monday but I am traveling for work. I will be living out of a hotel Monday through Thursday for the next two weeks, so I am going to experiment with tiny amounts of puréed foods this weekend. I am so excited to be off of full liquids. I don’t think I will be able to have soup again for months, lol. 🤮🤮🤮 Age: 37 Height: 5’6 Starting BMI: 37 VSG: 4/16/18 Starting Weight: 231 Surgery Weight: 229 Current Weight: 213 (17 days post op) GW: 160 MFP: Fit4LifeAR
  3. Babbs

    Frustrated and Discouraged

    The good news is you've done absolutely nothing wrong. It's very normal to stall at around 3 weeks out from surgery. 99% of us did it, and if you search "Three week stall" on this forum or even Google, you'll get a thousand results. Stay the course, keep getting in your liquids and Protein and it will pass. Promise.
  4. catwoman7


    almost everyone, sleeve or bypass, has their first stall within the first month after surgery. We call it "the three week stall" because it usually happens during week 3, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3. Lost nothing. Then during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Do a search on the three week stall and you'll find HUNDREDS of posts on it. Just stick to your program and the stall will break. I promise.
  5. I've been really lucky and only had a really hard emotional time for about two days about a week and a half post op. I believe I'm smack in the middle of the dreaded 3week stall. I'm so grateful that, although everyone gets sick of hearing about it, everyone still posts about it. I feel like it's just par for the course thanks to this app. I'm sure this has been posted before but can some of you share some stats? What I'd like to see is; how many calories consumed daily at about 3, 4, 6.. etc. weeks out... how many lbs lost per week at same intervals... how long did your three week stall last? ** also wondering ig October sleevers want to share MFP user names? Mine is Seela13. Thanks!
  6. Great responses so far - agree with all of them. 1. Only weigh yourself once a week - your weight will fluctuate daily and it will be discouraging when you see it temporarily go up. 2. You will have stalls - they are normal. At around 3-4 weeks is when your liver will return to its normal storing of glucose, plus when the liver dumped its stores pre-op it causes dehydration - temporarily looking like more fat loss than really occurred (the pre-op diet shrinks it to help the surgeon) so a stall here is usual. Search "stalls" or "three-week stall" for more posts on this. From what I've read here, stalls will happen occasionally throughout the weight loss process but often the inches will continue to come off. It's the bodies way of taking time to adjust. 3. You didn't mention which surgery you're having. If it's gastric sleeve then initially your sleeve will be swollen so when you start on solid foods it won't hold much at all. But once the swelling goes down it will hold a little more (ounces.) Everyone is different. But don't worry, you didn't stretch your sleeve! That takes "one extra bite at a time over about a year" according to surgeon Dr. Duc Vuong. 4. I started losing right away, and write down everything I eat in a food journal. Don't ever allow fattening, unhealthy foods in again and especially not high calorie drinks - you can override the surgery and regain the weight even eating smaller portions especially if eating every couple of hours. 5. If you haven't discovered him yet, on YouTube I highly recommend watching as many of Dr. Duc Vuong's videos as possible. His breakfast green smoothie is what I've been doing since surgery and plan to continue forever. 6. When your clothes start falling off you avoid spending on new clothes - visit the local Goodwill or thrift store. You'll turn them in for smaller ones the following month after month. It's fun! And costs little. I've found so many nice clothes in good condition available that frankly this will now be the first place I go to shop even when I reach my goal weight. 7. Take your vitamins and get enough protein (and don't forget some healthy fats.) It will help keep you healthy plus temporary hair loss at 3-6 months is frequently talked about here but getting enough protein and the proper vitamins may help either prevent it or make it less than otherwise. They say it grows back - I'm only at two months so haven't reached that point yet. 8. Immediately post-op know that pain meds cause constipation so will keep the gas in causing more pain. By all means if you're in pain and need to take them do so at your surgeon's direction! But be sure to drink enough water/liquids and walk as mentioned by others here. Good luck! Having weight loss surgery was the best thing I've ever done for myself especially for my health. And my knees are no longer aching as well. Whew! Who wants knee surgery?
  7. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-)
  8. Im currently in my three week stall. Weight has stayed at 273 for the past week. Im just sticking to the plan and hoping it will start to shift again soon
  9. I started blended this week yeah, but I honestly forget to eat most of the time - I'm too easily distracted! But everyone's been telling me about the three week stall and how the body is adjusting to all the changes, so I'm not so confused about it anymore and just grateful I still managed to lose some :-) Forgetting to eat "most of the time" is not a good habit to get into. If you need to, set a reminder on your phone. Right now, your primary focus should be getting in all of your Protein and fluids every day, I do actually have reminders set on my phone, but sometimes I'm busy when they go off - it's also hard to eat when you don't feel hungry, but I do it. I make sure I get all my protein though because when I do eat I'm managing protein rich foods and I bought special high protein puddings and milk to ensure this. Same for the liquids - I'm not having a problem with those, I just find things I like to drink and it's good.
  10. almost everyone has their first major stall within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's called the "three week stall", because it usually happens the third week, but not always But it's almost always within that 4-6 weeks post-op time period. Just stick to your program and will break. Mine lasted two weeks. Grrr. But then once my weight loss started up again, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days.
  11. N/A


    I am so glad I have your experiences to help me through this process. I'm close to five weeks post op and it really encourages me to know about the three week stall, etc. Im going on my third week of the three week stall but gradually lost six lbs. Hovering so close to reaching to onederland and you guys give me a lot of patience! Thanks!
  12. catwoman7

    10 days post surgery and in a stall

    sounds like you've entered the infamous "three-week stall" a little early. Almost all of us go through our first stall sometime within the first month after surgery. It's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3.
  13. FitatFifty

    3 Week Stall

    Mick...This too will pass. I'm not sure you can prevent stalls, you're body is adjusting. My three week stall came and went rather quickly, and truly was a non event. Enjoy the ride!! Fit.
  14. My scale comes with an app called FitIndex that I really like. It also has a fancy smart tape measure that I bought so I can measure myself for the times when weight loss stalls. I am about a month out and lost 9 lbs on my pre-op diet and 35 lbs. in the first month post-op. I'm currently in the dreaded three-week stall, just continuing what I need to do and I know it'll resume eventually.
  15. BiggiSmalls

    Lovely UTI 3 Weeks In

    That's rough, I'm sorry you're going through that. Have you tried those throat numbing lozenges? I've been really cautious with anything that goes into my stomach. I'm also at the three week stall. I'll be glad to get through this amd exercise again.
  16. catwoman7

    VSG Stall 1 week post-op

    both. Yes - people who lose a lot of weight pre-op don't usually see those huge drops the first month that others do, because most of those "big drops" is due to water weight. If you lost a lot before surgery, that water weight is long gone. secondly, almost everyone has their first stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's usually the third week (thus it's called "the three week stall", and there are hundreds of posts here on it), but it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Once my stall broke during week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. So anyway, you may just be having your "three week stall" early. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started out at over 300 lbs. Figured I'd drop like crazy, too - but no, I did not. But like you, I lost a ton of weight (57 lbs) prior to surgery, and then I had that two-week-long stall....
  17. first, do a search on the the "three-week stall". Almost everyone has their first stall within the first month of surgery. Mine lasted through week 2 and week 3. During week 4, the scale finally started moving again - and I dropped 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and the weight loss will start again. secondly, I only lost 16 lbs the entire first month post-surgery. I know you read about people losing 30 lbs the first month, but they're the extreme. I've been on these boards a long time, and I'd say 15-25 lbs the first month is average. You've already lost 10, so you'll get there by the end of the first month.
  18. catwoman7


    three week stall. if you to do a search on it on this site, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost all of us. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that your weight loss WILL start up again. It always does...
  19. Arabesque


    Aah, the three week stall. Though it can happen earlier or later than that. Yes, it is common - extremely common. I liked to think of it it as my body taking a breath to catch up with all the changes. You will start to lose again, maybe in a week, maybe two or three & you’ll experience it again. Some people will say to increase your calories or activity levels. Others will say just keep on your path. I kept on my path & the loss started again (the first time after a week, the second after almost three weeks). Congrats on your surgery & weight loss so far.
  20. Sleeved 10/31. w 257 SW 249 CW 215. Going good....working out with a trainer and doing lots of cardio. Can eat pretty much whatever I want. Eating all the protein is still impossible without the aid of 1-2 protein shakes per day. Carbs are my weakness.....eating is so much more comfortable with the carbs. Three week stall has made me lose them though and go back to protein only.
  21. I think my fear is largely based on experiences where I have lost weight in the past (before the sleeve). In 2006, I lost 30kg (66 pounds), in 2010, I lost 55kg (121lbs), in 2016, I lost 35kg (77lbs). And yes - you guessed it, I totally regained everything I lost and more every. single. time. Don't laugh, but I actually think I'm pretty good at losing weight, but I'm also excellent at regaining weight. I do weigh myself every single day. I've been in a three week stall, so at the moment, I'm very panicked about "failure". I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I'm no expert, but I think a lot of super morbidly obese people suffer anxiety and self-medicate with food. I take the point that we need to be vigilant but even after we reach goal, our lives won't be perfect (sorry guys!). Things happen in life, and that's when things slip. For example, the week I reached my goal weight in 2010, my father was diagnosed with cancer. In 2016, I was on a great weight loss run when I lost my job. I can't say that I regained weight just because things went wrong in my life, but it didn't make it easy. Weight loss/maintenance doesn't happen in a perfect environment where we can focus on it 100%, there's always going to be other stuff happening in our lives. The key reason I got my sleeve was not to lose weight (if motivated, I'm confident I could have lost weight without it), but to make maintenance easier. I hope things are different *this time*. Writing this post has made me reflect on a lot of things and analyze why I'm so afraid of failure. Lol, this forum is like free therapy!! I am going to try and be more positive. If I was brave enough to get the sleeve, then I'm brave enough to confront these fears and keep going! Feel the fear and do it anyway!
  22. ShoppGirl

    I'm struggling losing weight

    If you truly are logging and measuring everything precisely, and your intake is under 600 calories it is impossible for you not to lose weight. It has to be the three week stall. Sometimes it can last a little while. I know it’s hard but try to trust the process. The weight loss will start again soon.
  23. I had surgery Nov. 22nd. I feel great! I'm down 48 lbs and loving it. It's great to hear everyone else is doing well too. I did hit a three week stall not too long after surgery and that was frustrating. However, I do understand the weight WILL come off. I find so much support on this website so this is where I come for learning and understanding. Good job everybody! I look forward to the updates!
  24. kamjmm25

    Calling all august sleevers

    I had surgery on 8/24. I lost 17 pounds during my two week preop diet and then 13 pounds since surgery. I have been in a three week stall. I am not losing anymore weight even though I am following the diet and walking a mile a day. It has me a bit worried.
  25. cat17

    Stuck in a rut

    I am having the same problem. Surgery 11/7, SW 240 and I've been hovering at 215 for about two weeks. I think this is the "three week stall that has been written about a lot. There is even a sub-forum called "Don't sweat the stall stuff". Take a look at the threads there, it will help. Basically stick with your program--we're too early on to have had drinks, bread, or sugar. You're body will "adjust" to your very fast weight loss and begin losing again when it's ready.

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